Fifteen Going on Grown Up (33 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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Hally picked up the television remote control and flipped through the menu to try and find something that she would be able to concentrate on. She had completely given up on Shakespeare, it was too complicated for her tonight as thoughts of Corrinne and Clia jabbed at her mind. She found a police drama and watched for a few minutes, soon realising she had no idea what was going on. She flipped to a movie, a simple romantic story, but that made her feel miserable. She turned to a documentary about an endangered species of animal but even though the African landscape was captivating, the narration went over her head. Nothing could take away her thoughts and she felt irritable and tense, unable to settle. Just as she thought she might as well go to bed, there was a knock on the back door. She stood up and went into the kitchen. Looking through the glass from the outside in were Corrinne and Clia. For a weird moment Hally believed she was imagining them. Then she thought somehow she had conjured them there and stood staring in disbelief. The girls looked at her mouthing silently to open the door. Hally pulled herself together and yanked open the door.

“We couldn’t leave you by yourself.”

Clia announced as she came in.

“But what about the boys?”

Hally asked feeling very guilty.

“We spent a bit of time with them, so they can’t complain. But Hals, we never see them like, just us two and them two. It’s either us three together, or us six together, or well you know when we get them by ourselves. It just didn’t feel right. No we should be here. You be we be, we be you be”

Corrinne told her so sincerely, Hally felt tears bubbling up. Hally pulled her friends into a hug and though she still felt guilty was genuinely happy that her friends had come to see her.

“So were they annoyed?”

Hally asked tentatively.

“No actually. They just said it was ok. I thought Rhys was going to be mad, but he was his normal self and told us they should probably do some studying anyway, ‘cos they’ve got some building assignment to get on with for college.”

Clia told her. So feeling a lot happier, Hally and her friends moved into the lounge for their usual girlie chat.

Before Hally realised, February had ended and March had begun. Spring had really taken a hold now and flowers were peeking up everywhere. Bright yellow daffodils, colourful crocuses, pure white snow drops, a variety of pansies and tiny purple grape hyacinths all swayed in the March breeze. School mornings were less irksome as the sun was bright and the temperature mild. However school work was becoming much more difficult with various course work dates close. Wes was having to spend as much time as possible studying for his exams, working and spending time with Hally.

Because of this Hally insisted that he take two or three nights a week and just stay at home. He hadn’t liked the idea, but she was determined to make sure she wasn’t going to be the cause of him failing his exams again. She also hadn’t broached the subject of his previous exam failure or questioned him about the girl he had lost his virginity to and he hadn’t offered that information. However she resolved that those questions would one day be asked and she would get answers. Some of her reluctance to ask was down to not being sure she really wanted to know. She was worried that she would find out something that would change what she had with Wes and she wasn’t sure she could risk that. However, the questions still nagged at the back of her mind and she knew that sometime soon she would have to raise them.

One Friday evening late in March, Hally stood in front of her bedroom mirror checking her makeup and outfit. Wes was taking her out that evening for a meal as a special treat because he told her he had neglected her so much lately. She had protested that he had done nothing of the sort but he insisted. So, feeling very pleased and hopeful that the night out would be full of romance; Hally had consulted with Corrinne and Clia about what she should wear. She settled on one of Corrinne’s dresses which was new and which Corrinne had not worn. At first Hally refused saying Corrinne should at least wear it before she did, but her friend brushed that off with.

“No you wear it. I only bought it because mum had seen it in the shop and wanted me to have it. I mean I do like it, it’s lovely, but we both know it will look better on you than me. Actually that’s what went through my mind when I bought it.”

So without further argument, Hally accepted the loan of the dress and now looking in the mirror was very pleased that she had.

Wes was due to pick her up at seven thirty and so Hally went downstairs just after seven to wait. Mum and dad were in the kitchen watching Nathan play in the garden through the window. They stood side by side, each holding a cup of coffee smiling together as Nathan bounced around on a space hopper. They both turned as she came in.

“You look so lovely. So grown up.”

Mum said to her with a tiny catch in her voice.

“Yes you do Tink. It’s hard to believe that you are still so young.”

Dad said quite seriously. Hally beamed at her parents pulling a chair away from the table and sitting down.

“What’s Natty up to?”

Hally enquired as mum giggled.

“He’s just bounced himself off and landed on the grass.”

Mum replied. Dad laughed out loud.

“Now he’s stamping his foot because every time he tries to get back on, the thing springs out of his way.”

Hally stood and moved next to her parents, giggling at Nathan’s antics. Finally her little brother tossed aside the toy and plodded to the back door. He came in sulking and mumbling.

“Don’t want that nomore. It don’t like me.”

“Anymore and doesn’t like me.”

Mum corrected.

“Doesn’t like me then.”

He said screwing up his face.

“Oh well, bath time then.”

Dad said with a grin, knowing full well what the reaction would be.

“No…no… I’m still playing out.”

Nathan rapidly replied and whipped around and trotted back to the garden, grabbing the space hopper and jumping back on making them all laugh.

“What time is Wes coming?”

Mum asked through her giggles. Hally looked up at the kitchen clock.

“Should be here soon.”

She said.

“Do you want a drink while you wait?”

Dad offered.

“Mmmm…. A nice glass of red I think.”

Hally replied cheekily.

“Yeah in about two and a bit years.”

Dad replied just as cheekily. They laughed together and Hally said.

“Actually a cup of tea would be nice.”

Dad moved across the kitchen and switched the kettle on dropping a teabag into a mug. Hally glanced up at the clock and saw it was just seven thirty and felt tiny bubbles of anticipation building inside her. She always got excited when she was seeing Wes and more so when they were going out, it made her feel grown up.

Dad placed a mug of steaming tea in front of her and turned back to the window with mum. Hally wrapped her hands around the mug feeling the warmth from the beverage. She let it cool slightly before sipping as the last thing she needed was a burnt tongue to go into a restaurant with.

“He’s late.”

She murmured to herself not realising she had spoken out loud.

“Only a little bit.”

Dad replied.

“Oh… did I say that out loud?”

She said blushing. Dad nodded.

“It’s just, well he’s never late actually, not even a tiny bit.”

Hally replied worriedly.

“Baby, don’t worry, Wes has never yet let you down.”

Dad told her, coming over and squeezing her shoulder. Hally leaned against her father’s hand and sighed.

“I know, just being daft.”

A half hour later Hally was worried. Again she took her phone out of her bag and checked it was switched on. Again she opened messages,
but there were no new ones. Again she typed in a quick message.

wes where are you

Again she pressed send and waited but there was still no reply. Something was wrong, she knew it and her parents knew it. They had finally coaxed Nathan in and dad was up supervising his bath. Mum was now sitting at the table with Hally trying to keep her calm. She placed the landline handset in front of her daughter and quietly said.

“Phone him Hally.”

Hally was twiddling her fingers.

“What if he’s just not coming? What if he’s broken up with me and can’t face telling me?”

She was close to tears and panic was evident in her voice. Mum took her hands, stilling them and gently told her.

“Baby, he wouldn’t do that. Now phone.”

Mum released her hands and shaking badly Hally tried to press the buttons on the handset. It took three attempts to put in the right number and seemed forever before it connected and began to ring. On and on it went with no answer. Hally hung up and pressed the number again to be sure she had got it right. Again ring, ring over and over with never an answer. Tears readily falling Hally hung up again and laid the phone down.

“No one is there.”

She sobbed dejectedly. Then it hit her with a suddenness that rocked her like an earthquake. Why wasn’t there someone there? Ellie would be in bed, so either Wes or one of his parents would be at home.

“Oh my God! What if he’s had an accident or something? I mean there’s always someone at home ‘cos of Ellie. If they’re all out, something’s happened.”

Her voice was rising to near a scream and mum quickly stood up and put her arms around her trying to comfort as much as was possible.

“Baby, baby, sh…don’t jump to conclusions. Do you know any of his parents’ mobile numbers?”

Hally shook her head. She had never ever thought she would need to know. Now she realised she should have asked for them. Dad came into the kitchen with Nathan trailing behind in his pyjamas and dressing gown.

“What’smatta Hally?”

Nathan asked seeing his sister’s tears. Mum didn’t have the heart to correct his speech this time. Dad took Nathan and sitting down lifted him onto his lap.

“Hally’s just a bit upset now Nathan ok? Do you want some milk and biscuits?”

Nathan glanced up at his dad nodding quickly. So dad stood and put his son on the chair and went to fetch a large colourful glass and filled it with milk. He came back with a plate of chocolate biscuits and placed both in front of the child, lifting him back onto his lap.

It was ten past eight and Hally and her family still sat waiting at the kitchen table. Nathan had partly grasped the gravity of the situation and sat on his father’s lap munching biscuits and gulping his milk but without fidgeting or asking questions. Mum had pulled her chair as close to Hally’s as she could and was quietly trying to comfort her daughter. Hally was repeatedly alternating between the landline and Wes’ mobile without getting an answer from either. Finally with mascara streaks down her cheeks she dejectedly laid down both phones and sat with her head down. She had worn herself out crying.

“The girls.”

She whispered. Mum looked at her.

“What about them baby?”

“I should have thought, Gregg or Rhys must have Michael’s number, they work for him.”

Hally grabbed her mobile and rang Clia first. It took a little while for her to answer and she was about to give up when she heard her friend’s voice.

“Hi Hals…”

She got no further. Quickly and with desperation in her voice Hally cut in.

“Is Rhys with you?”

“He’s on his way. Hally what’s wrong?”

Clia had obviously caught the note in Hally’s voice.

“I’ll call you later, for now I have to ring Corrinne.”

Before Clia could reply Hally hung up and pressed the speed dial for Corrinne. She answered immediately.


But also got no further.

“Is Gregg with you please?”

In her own mind Hally realised the word ’please’ was not just an act of politeness it was a plea.

“Yes, he’s here…”

Again Hally cut across.

“Could you put him on, it’s really important.”

Corrinne didn’t hesitate or ask any more questions. She knew Hally too well to know when she was serious. Gregg came on the phone and Hally verbally sighed.

“Oh Gregg, do you have Wes’ dad’s mobile number please?”

“Hold on, let me get my phone.”

He replied. The few seconds of waiting felt like hours to Hally but finally Gregg was back on reading out the number.

“Thanks Gregg, look tell Corrie I’m sorry I can’t talk I’ll call her later and explain.”

She didn’t wait for a reply but hurriedly hung up and rapidly punched in the number Gregg had given her for Wes’ dad. At first Hally thought he wasn’t going to answer either, but after several rings Michael spoke.


Just one word. Hally suddenly felt very afraid but managed to speak.

“Michael it’s Hally where’s Wes?”

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