Fifteen Going on Grown Up (28 page)

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Authors: Stephanie M. Turner

Tags: #teen fiction, #9781780888835, #Fifteen Going On Grown Up, #Stephanie M. Turner, #Matador, #young adult

BOOK: Fifteen Going on Grown Up
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Over the next week Hally and her friends tried to prise out of each of their boyfriends what plans had been made for Valentine’s day, but with absolutely no luck. They even tried being sneaky with no effect.

“You know we do actually spend the day together ‘cos we don’t usually have anyone else, and even though we have you guys this year we don’t think we should change tradition.”

Clia tried to goad the boys. It didn’t work.

“Not a problem.”

Rhys came back with giving nothing away.

“Ooh, you can be so…so…”

Clia couldn’t find the right words.

“Gorgeous, handsome, loving, romantic…”

Rhys got no further as Clia playfully tugged the back of his hair.


He said dramatically, making them all laugh. Wes then took the lead.

“All we will say is, the day starts early and you will need wellies and waterproof coats.”

Hally looked at him in astonishment.

“What do you mean? Valentine’s supposed to be romantic where are you taking us?”

Wes burst out laughing. It was his turn to get his hair tugged.

“Sorry babe, couldn’t resist that. No, but truthfully we have planned a full day, and before you ask you will need at least two outfits, one for the day and one for the evening.”

The girls looked at each other with curious expressions.

As Valentine’s Day got nearer Hally became more and more excited but with a mixture of nerves too. She had never spent Valentine’s Day with a boy before. It was true what Clia had said, they usually did spend the day together eating chocolates and watching movies. Well this year they would still be together but with their own boyfriends too.

“Hally, your dad and I have been given permission to tell you that we have given our permission to let you stay out on Valentine’s night.”

Mum told Hally Friday over dinner. Dad looked at her grinning.

“What do you mean?”

Hally asked shocked.

“Wes asked us and told us his plans…we can’t divulge… and we said it would be ok.”

Dad added. Hally looked from one parent to the other, both were smiling secretively.

“What about Corrinne and Clia?”

Hally asked randomly. Dad looked at mum and raised his eyebrows.

“The girl gets permission to stay out for the night with her boyfriend, and all she can say is what about her friends.”

He playfully shook his head whilst still smiling.

“It’s alright Tink, we have spoken to the girls’ parents and everything is organised.”

Just at that moment Hally’s phone chirped an incoming text message. Quickly she opened it and read.

mum and dad said i can stay out tomorrow night you and clia too

As she read her phoned sounded again. This time the message was from Clia.

mum said we are out for the whole night tomorrow do you know whats going on.

Hally rapidly typed messages back telling her friends she was as much in the dark as they were, and she only knew that they had all been given permission for a night out. Soon after sending the message she got a reply.

me and Corrinne on way round now.

Hally finished eating and waited for her friends to arrive. They had planned to spend the evening together anyway as the boys had told them they needed to put the finishing touches to the Valentine’s Day arrangements, it was just a little earlier than arranged.

The girls spent the entire evening discussing the next day. They were settled in Hally’s bedroom wrapping the boys’ gifts and writing out the cards they had chosen. Each of the girls had bought a serious gift and a cheeky one for their boyfriend. They also chatted about outfits, Hally had asked Wes a few questions and got enough answers to help her choose. So Hally showed her chosen ones and the other two described theirs. Hally held up her outfits, jeggins, jumper and pixie boots for the day and a deep red chiffon dress with red strappy platforms for the evening. Corrinne and Clia’s outfits were similarly casual for the day and sexy for the evening.

“What about night wear?”

Clia asked.

“Well I’m packing silk shorty pjs but with my big dressing gown.”

Corrinne told the other two.

“Mmm… I think I will just take my usual stuff, ‘cos Wes has seen me loads of times ready for bed.”

Hally replied.

“Well, I’m going for full on silk chemise and gown. Maybe Rhys will notice that.”

Clia told them a little sadly.

“Clia, is something wrong?”

Hally asked softly.

“Well…no…not really. It’s just he kisses and kisses really great, but that’s it, nothing. I wonder if he fancies me at all.”

To Hally’s dismay Clia’s eyes shone with unshed tears. She pulled her friend into a hug and Corrinne joined in.

“Clia, I’m sure he does, maybe he’s shy or just doesn’t want to be pushy. Have you asked him?”

Clia looked up shocked at the prospect.

“I don’t think I could.”

“Well you’re always telling me I should ask Wes about stuff that’s bothering me.”

Hally replied.

“I know I am, and you’re right, I’m probably over reacting. Let’s see what happens tomorrow.”

“Do you think it matters that we are not yet sixteen?”

Corrinne asked her friends. Hally answered.

“Actually yes I do.”

Corrinne and Clia looked startled at the seriousness in her voice, so she carried on with her explanation.

“Well, I know it all sounds sexy and romantic and grown up, but, well I don’t think I’m ready yet. I mean the thought of it is exciting, I get all sort of…(she blushed deeply and her friends nodded knowingly) warm inside. But then I think about Wes, how much it could cause him a problem, you know being over sixteen himself and that. Well it’s against the law isn’t it? and I know loads of kids that just don’t care about that but I couldn’t put him at risk like that.”

Clia and Corrinne stared at her for a moment, then Corrinne said.

“So what about, you know touching and stuff? Can we do that?”

Hally frowned.

“I don’t know. Oh it’s hard isn’t it…(Corrinne and Clia burst into giggles) oh you know what I mean, dirty girls.”

“Well I think a bit of touching should be ok. On top of the clothes.”

Clia announced. Hally looked at her friend knowing she was hoping Rhys would give her more attention, and knowing that despite her external show of maturity Clia was just like her.

“Well there won’t be much clothing in between you if you go for the silk chemise.”

Corrinne said with a laugh.

“Well maybe I will rethink that then and just go for pjs and dressing gown like Hally.”

“Yeah, maybe that is best. We don’t want to make the lads think they have to do something.”

Corrinne replied. So, that decided the girls continued chatting about other things and more about the next day. Corrinne and Clia left for home at ten and after seeing them out went to say goodnight to her parents. Mum and dad were snuggled on the sofa watching a drama on television.

“I’m off to bed now.”

She told them leaning down and giving each a kiss.

“Ok baby, sleep tight.”

Mum said.

“Yes, sleep tight Tink, big day tomorrow.”

Dad said with a grin. Hally gave him the kind of look only girls can give to men.

“Ooh the evil look.”

He said laughing, which in turn made Hally laugh too.

“Oh you.”

She said as she made her way back to her room.

With just her lamp on, Hally undressed and looked at the angels on her wall. She remembered what her Gran had told her and thought Wes was so much like Granddad, he wanted her to wait too, to be sure and ready. She moved over to the window and looked out across the garden. It was a beautiful clear night with stars twinkling brightly. There was a banana moon shining down and just the tiniest of wispy clouds floating in slow motion across the night sky. Everything outside seemed quiet and peaceful unlike her inner feelings. Hally sighed deeply, the conversation with her friends circling her mind. She knew she loved Wes, and she hoped he loved her back. But at fifteen and a half, she knew she was so very young to feel so much and it frightened her, how to cope with such intense emotion. She reached into her jewellery box and lifted the charm bracelet turning back to the window. She took hold of the little compass charm and whispered to the night.

“Show me the way Gran.”

Hoping she could summon the answer from the night.

Turning away from the peace of the night outside, Hally climbed into bed and pulled the duvet right up to her chin. She wasn’t cold, she just needed the comfort, how could happiness and sadness happen at the same time? She lay with her eyes open questioning herself silently. What was she sad about? The answer came easily. She was sad because she was afraid this wonderful time she was having with Wes would come to an end. What was she happy about? Well simply that he was with her. It was all so confusing and she knew no matter who she talked to about it, her mum, her friends or anyone, they would not be able to take the confusion away. She turned over and whispered to the angels on the wall.

“Goodnight Gran, Clia’s right, let’s see what happens tomorrow.”

She then closed her eyes and drifted into a sleep full of dreams she wouldn’t remember much about.

Hally arose early on Valentine’s Day full of excitement and happiness. She looked out of the window and the sun was shining brightly, not a cloud in the sky. Down in the garden she could see a bed of pure white snowdrops and a few purple crocuses just peaking through the centre of the lawn. Her night fears had disappeared and to her it seemed this early show of spring was nature’s way of telling her everything was perfect. Dad was in the kitchen when she came down filling two mugs with hot water.

“Just taking your mum a cup of tea.”

He told her. Hally noticed a tray on the side laden with a red doily, a small vase with a single red rose, a small box and a plateful of croissants. Hally nodded towards the tray.

“Not just tea.”

She stated and dad grinned. Hally had a sudden realisation.

“Dad, you usually take mum out on Valentine’s night and I babysit. What are you going to do this year?”

Dad smiled at her.

“Sweetheart, first you have only been old enough to babysit for two Valentine’s and second, your mum and I can have just as a romantic evening at home, perhaps even more so…especially with you out of the way.”

He said the last part quickly and with a grin ducked out of her way as she flicked a hand at him in a mock slap.

“What’s in the box?”

Hally asked him more seriously. Dad lifted the little box from the tray and held it to her. It was velvet with a hinged lid. Gently she raised the lid and nestled on a silky cushion was a gold and diamond eternity ring.

“Dad she’ll love it.”

Hally whispered. Dad smiled and closed the lid placing the box back on the tray.

“Do you want me to keep Natty out of the way for a bit this morning?”

She asked. Dad shook his head.

“No it’s ok baby I’ve got it all in hand. Besides you need to get ready I’m told your day starts early.”

At nine o’clock there was a knock on the back door. Hally was waiting with an overnight bag ready having been up and said her goodbyes to her parents. Mum had tears glistening in her eyes as she showed Hally the ring and both parents told her to go and have a great day. There were no words of warning or be careful, or be sensible, just smiles. Wes stood outside looking at the garden with his hands behind his back as she opened the door.

“Morning my sweet Valentine.”

He greeted her. Then he brought one hand from behind him and said.


She did as she was told and he popped a chocolate covered strawberry into her mouth which he followed with a kiss on the lips.

“The first chocolate of the day. Now are you ready?”

Hally nodded and stepped back for her bag which Wes took straight from her.

“Wow, are you packed for a week?”

He mocked, pretending the bag was over heavy. Hally giggled. He turned towards the gate and Hally followed.

The pathway at the back of her house led to the road and when they reached it Hally saw a large people carrier with Corrinne, Clia and Gregg sitting in passenger seats and Rhys in the driver’s seat. Wes took her bag and stowed it in the luggage area and helped her climb into the car, settling in beside her.

“Ok Rhys, off we go.”

Wes said. Without a hint of their destination, Rhys pulled away from the kerb and drove away from Hally’s house.

“So where are we going?”

Clia asked from the front of the car.

“I’ve told you for the hundredth time it’s a surprise.”

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