Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy

Read Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic erotica, #bdsm erotica, #virginity, #bdsm romance, #billionaire romance, #first time erotica, #billionaire erotica, #sky corgan

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Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy



Sky Corgan

Copyright 2013



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Smashwords Edition





Part 1

Part 2

Part 3





It was one of the saddest yet happiest days
of my life. In a few short hours, I would be flying to meet the man
I had been promised to, young and wealthy multibillionaire Jack
Kemble. He was practically a movie star—a man of every woman's
dreams, with a chiseled physique and a smile that could stop you
dead in your tracks.

It wasn't all happy times though. As I sat in
my room, my gaze darted to all the memories on my bedroom walls,
avoiding the eyes of the man in front of me. Liam and I had been
best friends since kindergarten, and as the years turned us from
innocent children into young adults, it had been clear that he
wanted something more. Still, my arranged marriage had kept any
feelings that I had for him at bay, and he had suffered through it,
just content to be by my side.

Now I would have to say goodbye to him
forever, and I could almost feel his heart breaking as he stared at
me longingly, memorizing all of my features so that he could keep
me with him like one of the photographs on the wall.

“Please reconsider, Melita. You know you
don't want this,” his voice was strained, and I could hear the
crisp pain in his words.

“You know that I have to do this for my
family.” I let my eyes fall to my hands, and then they
instinctively crossed my lap to his. His thick fingers twitched,
and I couldn't help but remember all the times those same unsteady
hands had held me in my moments of darkness. How would I ever
survive without those strong hands to comfort me?

The tears began to flow, despite my resolve
not to cry. Crying would only weaken both of us, and I didn't want
to hurt him anymore than I already had.

“What if you don't love this man?” he

“People don't always marry for love,” I
reminded him, trying to recall the lessons my mother had taught

Coming from a wealthy family wasn't all that
it was cracked up to be. Often times, marriages were arranged so
that two families could join assets, making them both even
wealthier. My parents were deeply enriched in the oil business,
while Jack's family was into everything else. If our marriage went
through as planned, my family would give Jack a large sum of money
to expand his business to overseas markets, and my father would
become CFO of Jack's corporation. It was a win/win situation for
all involved.

If not for Liam, it would have been a win for
me as well. What girl didn't want to marry a handsome billionaire?
But the ties that bound me to Liam were strong, and there were
definite secret feelings there. Leaving him would break my heart as

“It's time to go,” my mother said through the
bedroom door.

“I'll miss you,” I told Liam, taking his hand
into mine.

“If he doesn't treat you well, you come back
to me. Do you understand?” his voice commanded my attention, and I
allowed myself to gaze into his silvery eyes a final time. So
beautiful and soothing. I would miss them too, the way they seemed
to look at me with all the gentleness and affection of the

We embraced, and I worried he might never let
me go. To be honest, I wasn't sure if I wanted him to let me go.
But then my mother was at the door, opening it up and giving us
both her best impatient glare.

Liam walked me out to the limo, and I watched
him through the back window as we drove out of sight, and I left
the life that I loved behind.

The flight to New York was grueling, despite
first class accommodations. I spent the most part of it nauseous,
though I couldn't tell if it was from altitude sickness or nerves.
I tried to distract myself by imagining what Jack would be like,
but I think that only made things worse.

He would be waiting to greet me at the
airport, and hopefully he'd be considerate enough to leave the
paparazzi at home. They tended to follow him around like stray
dogs, looking for any juicy tidbit that they could present to their
papers or news stations. From what I could tell, Jack didn't have a
personal life. Every woman he went out with, every good or bad
thing he did, was quickly aired across the nation like dirty
laundry. It was sickening to know that my life would soon be like
that simply because of my association with him.

When I stepped into the NYC airport terminal,
I didn't have to scan the crowd long to realize that Jack wasn't
waiting for me there. In his place, stood a large intimidating
looking African American man in a suit holding up a cardboard sign
with my name printed on it. Maybe it was for the best that he
wasn't there in person, I thought with a sigh, a bit relieved that
the butterflies in my stomach could have a rest. At least this way,
I didn't have to worry about the paparazzi.

The man greeted me and escorted me through
the airport. He seemed nice enough. Obviously, one of Jack's

After picking up my luggage, he led me
outside to a waiting limo. Courteously, he opened the door, and I
stepped inside, nearly tripping on myself as my eyes landed on Jack
Kemble, sitting coolly with his legs crossed.

He leaned forward and extended a hand to
guide me into my seat. “Miss Nguyen.”

“Mister Kemble. It's a pleasure to finally
meet you.” I put on my best smile, trying not to blush.

It felt like sitting across from a movie
star. Jack Kemble was wearing distressed jeans and a stylish
t-shirt with a black dress coat. His dark disheveled hair was
accented perfectly by a large pair of sunglasses, which were
completely unnecessary for the dimly lit limo. After a moment of
being intrigued by him, I began to realize that the whole get-up
was a bit silly, as if he had gone out of his way to try to impress
me. Perhaps he was just as nervous as I was.

“The pleasure is all mine.” He bent forward
to kiss my hand before releasing it back to me. “I apologize for
not meeting you at the terminal. I figured you would probably be
exhausted coming off of your flight and wouldn't want to be
bothered with the media.”

“How considerate of you.” I nodded in

“We're going to my parents' house for dinner
right now. They're greatly looking forward to meeting you as

“It sounds lovely.”

“Would you like some champagne?” Jack leaned
towards the built in wine glass holder to take out a glass before I
had even responded.

“No, thank you. My stomach is still a bit
unsettled from the flight.”

He straightened himself, looking ever
collected. My nerves were on fire, and I only hoped I seemed half
as calm as him.

“So, tell me a bit about yourself. I'm to
marry you in six months, and I don't even know anything about you,”
he said.

“Well,” I searched for things to say. In all
honesty, there wasn't much to tell. “I just graduated from UTSA
with an Associates in Mathematics. After we're married, I plan on
going back to school to get my Bachelors and then my Masters and

“Very admirable. What do you hope to do with
your degree?”

“I'd like to be a Calculus professor at Yale
or Harvard.”

“Impressive ambition. I like a woman with
ambition. And hobbies? What do you like to do for fun?”

“Painting and playing the harp.”

“I would love to hear you play some time, and
see some of your art work.” He sounded genuine, but I was almost
certain it was only out of respect for our upcoming marriage. “Is
there anything you would like to ask me?”

I couldn't think of anything off the top of
my head. To be honest, I had researched him thoroughly before my
flight, spent every moment of the last few days that I hadn't been
packing or spending time with Liam to learn everything that I could
about the man whom I'd soon call husband.

Fresh out of high school, Jack Kemble had
become immersed in business, forgoing college for a hands-on
education. His father schooled him in all matters related to
running a multibillion dollar corporation, and whenever Jack had
gotten up to speed, his father had handed over the reigns, going
into early retirement. He still coached Jack on the more difficult
aspects of business, but for the most part, Jack was on his own,
handling things with the grace and professionalism that were rare
in someone his age.

“Your hobbies are fly fishing, hunting, and
golf. You have a dog named Brownie and a horse named Winnie. When
you were eighteen, you began learning your father's business and
had taken over shortly after turning twenty-four. Your birthday is
March sixth, and your favorite food is peanut butter sandwiches
with bananas,” I rattled off all that I could remember.

A wide grin spread across Jack's face. “Very
impressive. I see you did your homework.”

“I did,” I giggled, feeling like I had
somehow just embarrassed myself.

“Now I feel like I came completely

“I'm afraid you won't find out much about me
on Google.”

“Then I get a free pass for not knowing your
favorite food.”

I enjoyed his lighthearted humor, and he
seemed surprisingly easy to talk to. Maybe things would be alright
after all.

At dinner Jack's family was more than
courteous. They seemed genuinely interested in my life back in
Texas, and of course, they asked plenty of questions about my
father's oil business. I did my best to answer as accurately as
possible, never one for giving out misleading information.

When dinner was over, I was shown to my room.
It was generously large. Even bigger than my bedroom at home.
Before I unpacked, I took a few minutes to lay across the
California King bed, looking up at the cream-colored ceiling and
going over the night's events in my head. All was well so far. Jack
was incredibly polite and very handsome. It seemed like he would
make a good husband.

While I tried to imagine how our life would
be together, my mind somehow kept drifting back to Liam. He had
looked so upset when I left. It was strange to be without
him—without anyone that I knew from back home. Here in New York, I
was completely alone. Jack and his family were all that I had now.
It would be a hard thing to adjust to.

Tomorrow, Jack would return to his own
mansion, but I would be left at his parents' house. His parents
were old-fashioned Christian Catholic and felt it was inappropriate
for me to live with him before the wedding. I wasn't sure if I was
happy about that or sad. From what the media had told of Jack, he
had a ferocious sexual appetite. While I was sitting at home,
denying Liam's advances and remaining ever faithful to my one true
love, Jack had been out living it up, dating super models and movie

Maybe it was better for me to stay with his
parents. I was still a virgin and not sure if I was ready to be
pressured into sex. His parents had the right idea. I only ever
wanted to sleep with one man in my entire life, and that would be
my husband.

Yet at the same time, I couldn't help but
feel that being parted from Jack left him open to invite other
girls to his mansion without me knowing. While he seemed like a
good guy, I didn't trust him on that front. He had been raised to
live fast and carefree. Old habits wouldn't die easily; I was

The night was restless, and after trying and
failing to go to sleep for over two hours, I decided to get up and
step outside. A breath of fresh air would probably do me some

As quiet as a mouse, I wrapped a robe around
myself and tiptoed through the mansion to the top story living room
which opened onto a balcony that overlooked the estate. The
night-time breeze was fresh and crisp against my skin, cleansing me
of my worries as I looked out across the fields and hills behind
the Kemble estate. This would all be mine someday most likely. It
was a staggering thought.

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