Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy (4 page)

Read Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic erotica, #bdsm erotica, #virginity, #bdsm romance, #billionaire romance, #first time erotica, #billionaire erotica, #sky corgan

BOOK: Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy
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“You are the absolute worst liar in the
world, do you know that?”

“I don't want to talk about what's wrong
right now. I just want to . . . listen to you breathe, and hear
your voice. I have nothing here that reminds me of home. No one to
turn to for comfort. I just . . . need you right now.”

“I can be on my way in an hour.”

, I reminded myself.
doing this for your family. You have to stay strong for your
family. Everything will work out in the end. It always

“I'm sorry to have called you so late.
Everything's fine. I just . . . wanted to hear your voice. We
should both get to bed. I have another big day tomorrow,” I said

“Are you sure you don't need for me to come
get you?”

“No. I'll be fine.” I wanted to tell him that
I loved him, but even though it was true, it would feel like a
betrayal to Jack, so I ended the conversation on a simple goodbye
before hanging up and letting my tears carry me away to

At eight in the morning, my phone alarm woke
me with a start. My flight was set to leave at ten forty-five in
the morning, and Jack didn't arrive any earlier than needed to load
my baggage in the trunk of the limo and be on our way.

The drive was nice and quiet, partly because
I was still half asleep and partly because there didn't seem to be
anything left to say. It was far too late for me to back out.
Whatever lay before me in the coming week, I would have to face
with as much strength as I had used to endure everything up to this

“I can't go with you into the airport,” Jack
told me as we pulled up to the drop-off area. It was best that the
paparazzi didn't know that Jack Kemble was sending his bride to be
off to some kinky fetish school. The tabloids would have a field
day with that information. “I promise that things will be different
when you get back. Better. You'll see,” he tried to reassure

Before I left the limo, I was given one of
Jack's trademark kisses on the side of the mouth, and I could feel
a strange sense of intimacy radiating from him, as if in that
moment, he considered trying for more. The thought made my heart
beat faster, even though I wasn't sure if I wanted him to kiss me
full on the lips or not. Part of me felt like he hadn't earned it

The flight to Sacramento was long and
exhausting. Thankfully, I was able to sleep through most of it. By
the time I arrived at the Sacramento airport, gathered my bags, and
was in the limo headed toward Napa Valley, it was already eight
o'clock at night. The only thing I had been looking forward to
about the entire trip was seeing the Napa Valley wine country, and
it was the one thing I was denied. I scowled into the darkness. Oh
well, there was always the drive back.

After what felt like forever, the limo
finally turned off of the main road and began snaking up a private
driveway. Light shown through the tinted windows as we pulled up to
a building that appeared to be a small resort. There were no signs
on the outside to indicate the type of business, and for a moment,
I wondered if I had been driven to the wrong place by mistake.
Secretly, I wouldn't have minded. This place certainly looked a lot
more inviting than the dingy building I had pictured inside my

“Here we are, ma'am,” the driver said as he
opened the door for me.

“Where's here?” I asked curiously, looking
towards the doors to the resort.

“The Napa Valley Body Awareness Resort.”

Just then, an elderly gentleman in a suit and
tie came out to greet me. “You must be Miss Ngyuen,”

“Yes.” I shook his withered hand

It was just as I feared. This man was old
enough to be my grandfather. The thought of him teaching me
anything about my body was absolutely repulsive. I knew I shouldn't
have come.

“I'm Master Neil. I'll be your instructor for
tomorrow, but for now, allow me to show you to your room. You've
had a long trip, and I'm sure you're tired. Have you eaten

“No, sir.”

I allowed Master Neil to take my suit case,
and I followed him into the building and to the front desk where I
was required to fill out paperwork.

The sound of the limousine driving away left
a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Now I was stuck here, for
better or worse, for an entire week, with no way to escape.

When I was done with the paperwork, Master
Neil showed me to my room, a surprisingly lavish suite on the
second floor of the resort. I sighed in relief at the normalcy of

“Class will begin promptly at ten o'clock in
the morning. I will expect you to be downstairs and ready to
participate. You said you have not yet eaten. Please, let me know
what I can have our chefs prepare for you.”

“I'll just take a turkey sandwich on wheat,”
I replied, still admiring the décor of the room. To be honest, I
was too nervous to look Master Neil in the eyes—too afraid that I
might see impure intentions behind a courteous facade.

Despite the seemingly normal ambiance of the
place, my mind could not forget where I was. Somewhere in this
resort, I knew there was a dungeon, just as there was inside Jack
Kemble's mansion. It amazed me how innocent things could look on
the outside, while harboring such dark secrets within.

Master Neil left, and I sighed in relief,
walking into the bedroom and throwing myself down on the plush
queen-size bed. Everything in the room was draped in gold, from the
comforter, to the curtains, to the sofa in the small living room.
Even the picture frames that held the landscape paintings were
painted gold. The only things that weren't gold were the carpet,
which was a honey cream color, the walls, which were more of a
honeysuckle yellow, and the furniture, which was all mahogany.

I felt strangely at peace in the room,
despite knowing where I was at. It would be my safe haven from all
the craziness I would experience in the coming week—the only place
I would be able to hide from everything.

It only took twenty minutes for the sandwich
to be delivered. I ate it at the small dining room table while
looking over a pamphlet for the resort. The Napa Valley Body
Awareness Resort, it said on the front, with a picture of the
resort in the daytime. It appeared even more beautiful in the light
than it had in the darkness, with soft tones of red clay set
against the backdrop of rolling hills and grape vines, just as Jack
had said it would be. Inside, the pamphlet discussed finding
awareness of oneself through sexual experimentation and power play.
The resort promised to broaden my horizons.

I couldn't help but smirk at the
professionalism of it all. Perhaps Jack had been right. Maybe I had
nothing to fear from my stay here. One thing was for certain, I
would find out tomorrow.

After lazily consuming my sandwich, I changed
into my pajamas and crawled into bed. Nervous anticipation helped
to keep me awake until two o'clock in the morning, and I was
beginning to wonder if I'd ever get a decent nights sleep.

It took everything in me to drag myself out
of bed the next morning and get ready. The closer it got to the
time I was supposed to go downstairs, the more I wished the school
had been in an urban area. At least that way, I could have made a
last minute escape. My stomach was all nerves and nausea, twisted
too tightly for hunger. I knew I'd probably regret it later, but I
decided to skip breakfast and wait until the very last minute to go
downstairs to the lobby.

I was surprised to find three other women
waiting in the lobby when I went downstairs. Two of them were
around my age, while the third was slightly older than my mother.
They smiled brightly as I sat next to the older woman on the sofa.
One of them, a petite blonde, began to speak, but almost as soon as
she opened her mouth, Master Neil rounded the corner to greet

“Good morning, ladies,” he said with

“Good morning,” came the small chorus of
polite responses.

“Today we'll begin with a tour. After that, I
have a questionnaire that I need you all to fill out. Then I have a
video for you to watch before we break for lunch. After lunch,
we'll go over the rules of the school and an overview of the
classes. At that time, you may ask any questions you have. After
the overview, we'll have a lecture until the end of the day,” he

It didn't sound bad at all, and I sighed in
relief, thankful that today's curriculum didn't appear to be too

“Shall we?” Master Neil gestured towards a
hallway that I hadn't noticed the night before.

Without further delay, everyone stood up to
follow. The first room Master Neil took us to was a small
classroom, barely large enough to fit the sixteen desks that were
in it. He explained that we would spend our lecture portion of the
course in there. The next room he showed us was the dining room,
which looked like a typical resort restaurant. Master Neil informed
us that the master chef was available at all times to prepare
whatever our hearts desired within healthy limitations. “A healthy
body produces a healthy mind,” he added before moving on to show us
the fitness center and indoor pool that we were allowed to use
during our off time. There was also a laundry facility and day spa
on the premises.

The next room he showed us was the one I had
been anticipating since arriving, the dreaded dungeon. Inside, the
set up was far more impressive than what Jack had in his mansion. I
was certain that if there was a device created for restraining
someone or inflicting pain on them, it could be found in this room.
From a spanking bench to a St. Andrew's Cross, the room was
jam-packed with furniture. Manacles hung from the ceiling with
chains that ran to the walls where wenches could be used to raise
or lower the victim. It was a bit extravagant, but I would have
expected nothing less from a BDSM school.

“This is our dungeon,” Master Neil explained,
as if it wasn't obvious. “We'll be doing most of our hands-on
training in here.”

The familiar knot twisted itself in my
stomach. Hands-on training. That meant they would eventually end up
getting physical with me. Perhaps even Master Neil. It was a
sickening thought.

The final room he showed us was a small
windowless room that only had three chairs and a restraining table
in it. For some reason, it made me feel claustrophobic, and I
instantly disliked the room.

“Some of you will also get hands-on training
in here as well,” Master Neil told us before leading us back to the
classroom. “Sit wherever you like and begin filling out the
questionnaire that's been provided,” he indicated to the stacks of
papers that were placed on every desk, despite there only being
four of us. “I'll return in about an hour to collect them from you
and start the video.”

Everyone seemed eager to learn, filling up
the front row. I took the seat closest to the door, in case I had
thoughts of making my grand escape, not that I actually would.
Where could I possibly escape to in the middle of nowhere? Liam. I
could always call Liam, I told myself as I stared off into

“I'm Mary,” the older lady sitting next to me
introduced herself, breaking me from my thoughts.

“Oh, hello. I'm Melita.” I smiled at her,
though I knew I had probably failed to make it look genuine. It
wasn't that I wasn't happy to meet her; it was just my overwhelming
nerves hampering my social skills.

“This is exciting, isn't it?” Her large brown
eyes had a sparkle in them.

“I suppose.” I looked back down to my
questionnaire, grasping the provided pencil in hand to begin
filling it out.

The packet was thick, and as I skimmed
through it, I realized that it would, in fact, take an hour to
complete. I did my best to stifle an annoyed sigh before jotting my
name, age, and the date on the top line. After I had filled out the
basics, I scanned down to question number one.

The first page appeared to be all medical
related questions. It asked about medical conditions, psychological
conditions, any medications that I was taking, and if I was a drug

The next page got into the grittier stuff,
such as my level of sexual experience and experience with BDSM. I
answered “none” to both questions. Then it asked about my level of
interest in various activities. The list itself went on for seven
pages, and I was certain it encompassed every sexual thing any
person on the face of the entire planet had ever come up with. Some
were absolutely repulsive, like forced bed wetting and being used
as someone's toilet. I was supposed to put a number between zero
and five next to each act to indicate how willing I was to try it.
Most of the stuff seemed absolutely horrible. Things like
asphyxiation and needle play, I knew I would never want to do. It
didn't seem normal to me that anyone would.

The more I sat there and read the list, the
more repulsed I felt.
I swear, the first time someone tries to
pee on me, I'm calling Liam to come get me and calling off this
whole stupid marriage, I told myself.
In a fit of frustration,
I zeroed the entire list, not even bothering to go over each item
individually. For the rest of the packet, I wrote none, no, or zero
wherever the most negative and unwilling responses would go. I did
not want to be here, and I planned to make it known.

Having hurriedly completed the questionnaire
before the other girls, I simply sat and watched them in my
peripheral vision as they finished theirs. They all seemed very
attentive to the questions, going over each one carefully. One of
the girls, a modelesque brunette, had a smile on her face through
the entire thing, and Mary seemed to be writing a paragraph for
each question that required a short written response. It took her
all the way up until Master Neil returned to finish, and even then
I wasn't sure if she had fully completed it.

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