Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy (6 page)

Read Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic erotica, #bdsm erotica, #virginity, #bdsm romance, #billionaire romance, #first time erotica, #billionaire erotica, #sky corgan

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“Will I be taking the needle play class,
master?” I asked. If Jack had signed me up for that one, I might as
well leave now. There was no way that I was going to allow
strangers to stick dozens of needles in my back or breasts.

“Do not speak unless spoken to,” Master Neil
raised his voice slightly, and I instantly cowered from it, fearing
the sting of the paddle. “This will be your only warning, Miss
Nguyen. Next time you speak out of turn, I will pull down your
underwear in front of everyone in this room and spank you until
your ass is blazing red.”

My cheeks flushed at the very thought of it,
to be bent over his desk, my pale butt exposed to all the other
ladies. The very idea of it instantly made me want to swallow my
own tongue. Thank God I had remembered to say master instead of

“Now, where was I before I was so rudely
interrupted.” He glared at me a final time before continuing, “Ah
yes, it is of the utmost importance to us here at the Napa Valley
Body Awareness Resort to provide a fun and safe learning
environment for our students. There will be some classes where
group participation is required. For those classes, we enlist the
help of local volunteers. All of our staff and volunteers are
regularly tested for sexually transmitted diseases and general
overall health. However, we also employ the use of condoms for
classes that are more physical in nature, to protect against the
possibility of unwanted pregnancy.”

This struck a chord with me. What did he mean
they used condoms? As far as I was aware, most BDSM schools had a
strict no penetration policy.

“Due to the nature of these classes, you will
not be able to choose your partners when paired together. We
request that you treat our volunteers with the utmost respect, and
they will do the same to you. Now, do we have any questions?”

Mary and I were the only two to raise our
hands, and I felt a bit unsettled that the other girls didn't find
some of the things that Master Neil had said confusing. Didn't
Wilma care that he was talking about condoms? She had a husband.
Surely, her husband would care if she was unfaithful to him, school
or no school.

“Mary,” Master Neil addressed Miss
Firecracker first, and I lowered my hand as I waited for her to ask
her question.

“Am I going to be having sex with a whole lot
of men?” she asked with a devious smile. “Cause I'd really like to
have sex with as many men as possible while I'm here.”

“I'm sure you'll get your fill while you're
here, Miss Flanders,” he chuckled at his optimism.

“Good. Cause I'm recently divorced, and it's
time to start living again.” Mary slapped her palm against the top
of her desk as if it was a declaration. She made the place sound
more like a brothel than a school, quickly devaluing it in my

“Miss Nguyen, you had a question?” Master
Neil turned his attention to me.

“I think that answered it.” I glared up at
him, and then instantly tried to soften my gaze, remembering that
he could kick me out any time he liked.

“We've made special arrangements for you, if
that's what you're worried about.” He took note of my sour

Special arrangements? Did that mean I would
get to leave this place with my virginity intact? I certainly hoped
so, but was too embarrassed to ask. Apparently, all of these other
girls were more than eager to make sluts of themselves.

“Anyone else?” Master Neil asked, and when no
one responded, he continued on with his lecture. “Not only do the
practices of BDSM allow you to explore your body, but they also
allow you to expand your mind. Many people like to embody different
personas during their role play. For instance, someone who is
usually very assertive during their regular life, might enjoy
taking on a more submissive role during their play sessions,
enjoying the ability to let someone else take charge for once. It's
important to let yourself go and remember that this is all just for
pleasure and enjoyment. Free your mind and take a fresh perspective
on new experiences. Embrace your chosen role.”

I tried to do my best to absorb everything
Master Neil was saying. As it was, I felt like I had little control
over my life. My resistance to that fact was what had made me so
miserable as of late. Perhaps it would be better to let myself go
for once, to allow for someone else to take the reigns.

“During the next several days, I want you all
to forget who you are. Pretend that you're all virgins.” He glanced
at me, and I felt my cheeks grow warm at the fact that I was likely
the only real virgin in the room. “Imagine that you've never
experienced sex or the pleasures of your body before, and open your
mind to every new sensation. Really take the time to enjoy what
you're doing and what is being done to you. That is how you'll get
the most from this course.”

Master Neil went on for a few more hours
about the history of BDSM and what it encompassed. To be honest, it
wasn't anything that I hadn't already learned from the internet,
and so I let my mind drift. I had to embrace this experience if I
wanted to get the most out of it, open my mind and leave everything
I had ever thought about sex and morals behind at the door. It was
much easier said than done, but I knew I had to give it a chance.
Maybe I would take on one of those personas he was talking

At six o'clock, the class ended, and we were
free to return to our rooms. While Mary and the other girls invited
me to dinner with them, I just wanted to be alone.

It wasn't until late at night that I sneaked
down to the kitchen for another turkey sandwich. If I kept eating
like this, I would lose five pounds before I left the resort. My
stomach didn't seem to have much of a craving for anything else
though. The ball of knots that seemed to occupy it at all times
kept it well full.

The next morning, I arrived downstairs
promptly at ten o'clock, seeking to avoid conversation with the
other girls. Apparently, I accomplished my goal, because the only
person sitting in the lobby was a plump bald man with big brown
eyes. He gave me a strange look as he stood to shake my hand.

“Miss Nguyen, I'm Master Benjamin. I'll be
your body awareness instructor for today. Follow me now, dear,”
Master Benjamin's voice was so high-pitched that it set off my
gaydar, and the thought that he might be homosexual helped to put
my mind at ease. At least if he touched me, I knew that he probably
wouldn't enjoy it any more than I did.

Master Benjamin led me to my least favorite
room in the facility, the one that only had three chairs and a
restraining table in it. My eyes glanced around at the somber
windowless plain gray walls. It reminded me of an interrogation
room, somewhere that they could wear people down and make them
expose their darkest secrets.

Master Benjamin closed the door behind us and
then took a seat, making a gesture to indicate that I should do the
same. When we were both seated, he simply stared at me for a moment
before steepling his hands and leaning back, much like Master Neil
had done during our private meeting the day before.

“So, Miss Nguyen, I hear that you're a
virgin. Is that true?” he asked.

“Yes, sir.”

“Yes, master,” he quickly corrected me.

I felt my breath hitch at my mistake, fearing
the paddle that Master Neil had shown us. “Yes, master.”

“Oh, calm down child, I know it was an honest
mistake. Unlike Master Neil, I'm not very taken with the idea of
beating delicate flowers like yourself.”

I found his southern drawl and soothing tone
amusing, and I instantly felt comfortable in his care, despite

“Now I know that Master Neil covered a lot of
this with you yesterday, but I want to take the time to go over my
own rules. First and foremost, you will always refer to me as
master. The next time you slip up, I will punish you, though you
won't know what your punishment will be until I bestow it upon you.
I like to keep things a surprise.” He smiled sardonically. “The
next thing that you need to know is that when I give an order, you
are to follow it without hesitation. Raise your right hand.”

I did as I was told. He had ordered it so
quickly that I knew it was a test.

“Good girl. I understand that your fiance is
Jack Kemble. When I talked to him on the phone last week, he said
he wanted us all to really concentrate on obedience with you.
Having said that, you will also be punished when you're reluctant
to do what you're told. Do you understand?”

“Yes, master.”

The mention of Jack's name sent a shudder
through my body. It was the first time I had thought about him all
day, and I didn't like the direction in which my mind went. There
was definitely bitterness and resentment from him sending me to the
BDSM school. He had talked about us potentially starting on the
wrong foot if I didn't agree to come. Well, now here I was, and I
couldn't help but think that him forcing me to come had also
started us off on the wrong foot. No matter which way the pendulum
swung, one of us would end up unhappy.

“I'm not going to do anything to you today
that should cause you to need to use safety words, but it's still
my responsibility to go over them with you, since Master Neil
informed me that he forgot to cover it yesterday. Do you know what
safety words are?”

“It's the word that I use to tell you to

“Well, there's more than one word. That's why
it's called safety words and not just safety word,” he explained.
“We use three safety words here at the school. Think of it like a
traffic light. Green means go. Yellow means slow down. And red
means stop. Now, the two most important ones are yellow and red.
Yellow means that the intensity of the activity is getting a bit
too much for you to handle. Perhaps you're being spanked too hard.
Saying 'yellow' will tell the person that they need to back off a
bit. Red means that you absolutely can't handle anymore, and the
session needs to come to a screeching halt. All activity ceases
until you're ready to continue. And green is the word you use when
you're ready to proceed or to let your dom know that everything is
alright. For instance, if I ask you how something feels, you can
say green instead of alright. That way, I'll know that it feels
good, and it's alright to continue. Do you know why we don't just
say 'no' or 'stop' when something is uncomfortable?”

“Because some people enjoy the play rape
fantasy?” I replied with a quizzical look.

“Close. Some people like to use those words
in their fantasies. It's very common for someone to say no when
they really mean yes. Having safe words is a way to guarantee that
things don't get out of hand. When your mouth is gagged, and you
can't say your safe words, you'll gesture with your hands instead.
In place of green, you'll make a thumbs up gesture. For yellow,
you'll do a thumbs down. And for red, you'll tap out with your
index finger.” Master Benjamin made the last gesture, so I could
see what he was talking about. It looked more like pointing than
tapping, but who was I to argue. “That's basically it. Are you
ready to begin?”

I wanted to say no, but forced myself to nod

“Alright. Stand up for me and push your chair
away, From this point forward, you will not speak unless spoken to.
I realize that this is your first time with any of this, so I'm
going to explain what I'm doing as I'm doing it. For now, I'm going
to start by undressing you.”

My heart pounded against my chest as I stood
on command and pushed the chair away. Did he really mean to take
off all of my clothing? I had never been completely naked in front
of a man before, and while I was fairly certain that Master
Benjamin was gay, the thought was still unnerving.

He started by gently pushing my long black
hair away from my shoulders. I watched his eyes as he looked down
on me, and was relieved to see that they weren't full of lust. This
seemed to be more of a routine thing for Master Benjamin, not
something he derived pleasure from.

“Lift your arms,” he told me, and as I did he
grasped the bottom hem of my blue t-shirt and lifted it over my
head, exposing my white lace and silk bra. “You can put your arms
back down for now.” Master Benjamin moved on to unbuckling my belt.
I did my best to try not to think about what he was doing. Slowly,
the modesty I had clung to so desperately throughout my youth was
being unraveled, one item of clothing at a time.

Soon, I was stripped down to my bra and
panties, and I felt an overwhelming need to shield myself from his
eyes. My entire body tensed up, my arms pressed close to my sides.
At any moment, I thought I might freak out, grab my clothing, and
run from the room.

“Melita, relax,” Master Benjamin said. “I
promise that I'm not going to hurt you. You're a beautiful woman,
and you shouldn't be ashamed of your body.”

“I'm not ashamed of my body,” I replied,
fearing that I was speaking out of turn but no longer caring. “I'm
ashamed that I'm having to share it with someone other than my

“You do understand that you're sharing it
with me because of your fiance,” his words were gentle, yet somehow
impatient sounding. “You're here because that is what Jack Kemble
wants from you. He wants you to be a sexually confident girl. I
can't help you unless you open up to me.” Master Benjamin sighed.
“Have you ever role played before, Miss Nguyen?”

“No,” I admitted.

“Did you ever take drama in high school?”


“Did you ever act in any of the school plays
or were you more of a props girl?”

“I had a few parts in some of the plays.”

“Well, role playing is a lot like acting. You
put yourself in character and act like you think the person you're
portraying would act.”

I could see where he was going with this. It
was the same thing that Master Neil talked about the previous day,
about assuming different personas.

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