Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy (12 page)

Read Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy Online

Authors: Sky Corgan

Tags: #erotic romance, #romantic erotica, #bdsm erotica, #virginity, #bdsm romance, #billionaire romance, #first time erotica, #billionaire erotica, #sky corgan

BOOK: Fifty Shades of BDSM Trilogy
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When I got back to his parents' house, I
noticed that my phone had several more missed calls and text
messages from Liam. My coming home for those short few days when I
escaped from the BDSM school seemed to have affected him

“Why haven't you answered any of my calls?”
he asked. “I miss you,” said another. “Please, call me. We need to

I sighed, setting my phone down on the
bedside table. It upset me to know that I had hurt him by leaving,
but there was nothing I could do. Things were the way they needed
to be, and there was nothing left to talk about.

I knew it was cruel, but I went back to my
plan of not talking to Liam until after the wedding. Maybe if I
didn't respond, he'd get the hint that he needed to move on.

Friday had finally come, and I was looking
forward to spending my weekend with Jack. He had bought us tickets
to see the Blue Man Group, but what I was more excited about came

Naked and tied to the bed in the dungeon, I
felt more alive than I ever did during daylight hours. It was as if
my senses were heightened, receptive to whatever Jack was willing
to throw my way.

Tonight, he teased me with a thin plastic
vibrator. I wondered what the purpose of it was, considering that
he had such a magnificent cock to use in its place. Patiently, I
lay while Jack probed inside of me with the toy. It seemed like he
was getting more pleasure out of it than I was, watching as it
violated my opening. His gaze was ever on my pussy as he pulled the
vibrator out and then plunged it in again. Occasionally, Jack would
rotate it around inside of me, sending shivers of pleasure through
my body as it touched my inner walls. I wanted to tell him that I'd
rather it be his cock, but I knew better than to speak out of turn.
Jack had well established that rule already. When he was done
fucking me with the toy and pulled it out, I was embarrassed to see
a sheen of milky white juices covering it.

“Nice and wet,” he commented, licking the
vibrator clean. My cheeks flushed from just watching him, and I
felt almost guilty for spitting the night before.

After putting the toy away, Jack returned
with what appeared to be a regular back massager. It was a wand
with a thick round white massaging head and a long cord that
plugged into the electrical outlet. My body jolted as he turned it
on, the sound of strong vibrations filling the room.

“This is going to be intense,” he warned
before pressing it against my cunt.

Intense was an understatement. My eyes
widened as it quickly overstimulated my sensitive clit. I squirmed
under the pressure of it, but Jack refused to let up, pressing the
thick white head between my pussy lips so that it could massage my
most sensitive parts.

Within minutes, I was gasping for breath as
the device sent me over the edge, forcing my clit to contract with
almost unbearable pleasure. I was embarrassed to have come so soon,
but Jack didn't seem to mind. What it had taken me at least seven
minutes to accomplish the night before, the back massager had
accomplished in less than two.

“That's usually a favorite,” Jack said,
pulling the massager away to grin at it.

“I can see why,” I panted, trying to hide a
scowl at the thought that he probably used it on other girls before
me. How else would he know it was a favorite?

“No talking,” he warned. How could I have

To my surprise, Jack unfastened all of my
restraints, and for a moment, I thought that our session was over.
Then he pulled me up into a sitting position and urged me onto all

I waited expectantly with my butt in the air
as I felt Jack move in behind me. With more gentleness than he
showed with the toy, he pressed his glans inside, then bucked
forward until he was filling me completely. It felt different being
taken in such a way, almost animalistic. There was a strange
disconnection from not being able to see Jack's face, and I quickly
decided that it wasn't my favorite position. Still, I stayed in
place, enjoying the feel of him fucking me. His hands curled around
my hips as he slammed into me again and again, using me for his

After a few minutes of this, he pulled out,
and my breath hitched as I felt a droplet of spit land heavily on
my asshole. Holy crap, I thought in an instant of panic. He can't
possibly be thinking of . . .

Without waiting for my reaction, I felt
Jack's glans press against my vulnerable opening, then with a
grunt, he pushed inside. My whole body tensed at the unexpected
intruder, and Jack groaned as my ass clenched around his cock,
strangling it.

I felt too full, like Jack's manhood had
spread me to my breaking point. Everything burned as he began
thrusting, and I couldn't help but wonder if I was bleeding. Red,
my mind screamed out, but my lips remained silent, hoping that the
pain would melt away into pleasure as it had when he'd taken me
from the front for the first time.

While the discomfort never left, the pain did
subside once the juices from Jack's cock worked to lubricate my
hole better. With each thrust, Jack groaned, and I couldn't help
but wonder if he liked fucking me in the ass more than he did in my
cunt. He was certainly being much more vocal than usual.

It felt strange knowing that in less than a
week I had allowed for Jack to violate every part of me. Now, there
wasn't a hole in my body that hadn't been claimed by him. It was a
nastily pleasurable thought.

Jack took his time fucking me into
submission, changing pace and varying his thrusts. After a few
minutes inside my ass, he'd switch to fucking my pussy again,
sending torrents of pleasure through my body. At one point, he
pulled me back against him, squeezing my breasts while he teased my
nipples between his fingertips. I thought I was going to lose it,
but before I had a chance to come, he pushed me back down onto the
bed, pulling my ass up against him with so much force that he
practically impaled me on his cock. I cried out in pain, and in
seconds, I was drooling against the pillow below helplessly as he
fucked me like a carnal beast.

It quickly became apparent that tonight was
about his pleasure. My ass was Jack's reward, and he took it with
all the vigor of the world, fucking me until I was practically
crying from the bliss of it.

He picked up the pace, and I did my best to
stand my ground as he pounded into me until I thought he would die
from panting so hard. With a guttural moan, Jack drove his cock
deep into my ass, filling me to the brim with come. I gasped from
the shock of it, the fact that he had come inside of me.

“Oh yeah,” he sighed, thrusting until his
cock was drained completely. “Don't move,” Jack said as he pulled
out, and I somehow knew that he was watching his juices leak out of
me. My cheeks flushed from the thought of how inappropriate I must

When he was well satisfied, Jack slid off of
the bed to go get a towel. I stayed in position, with my ass up in
the air, until he returned. Very carefully, he wiped the come off
of my ass and cunt.

It felt strange standing up. I could still
feel Jack's semen inside of me, and some even dribbled out, running
down my leg. Definitely shower time.

“How was it?” Jack asked.

“Different,” I admitted.

“Did you like it?”

“I'm not very fond of anal, if that's what
you're wondering.”

“Hm,” he replied thoughtfully. I expected him
to follow it up with a 'you'll get used to it', but he didn't
mention it further.

Jack wrapped his arms around me, placing a
gentle kiss on the back of my head. “I love you,” he whispered into
my ear, and I swooned from his words, anxiously awaiting the day
that I wouldn't have to leave him after our passionate love making.
The back and forth was starting to wear on me, but I knew Jack
would be worth the wait in the end. He had proven that to me.

The next day, Jack and I went for a walk in
Central Park. We strolled along hand in hand, watching squirrels
scurry up trees and ducks splashing in one of the ponds. It was
perfectly romantic, and I couldn't be happier.

In the afternoon, we returned to Jack's
parents' mansion for dinner. There was an extra car in the
driveway, but we didn't think much of it. Jack's mother was rather
fond of entertaining guests, though rarely did she invite them over
for dinner.

When we walked into the living room, my
breath hitched as my eyes landed on a very familiar face. Liam was
sitting with Jack's parents, laughing over some witty joke that he
no doubt had just told.

“Melita.” Liam stood to greet me.

Jack looked absolutely puzzled as Liam
embraced me, and I instantly tensed up. Everything in me wanted to
grab Liam by the arm, pull him aside, and ask what in the hell he
was doing there.

“Your friend was just telling us about life
in Texas,” Mrs. Kemble told me with an excited smile. I couldn't
help but wonder what he had said that they found so amusing.
Probably, something embarrassing about me.

“I just came into town on business and
thought I would drop by,” Liam said innocently.

There was no question in my mind that it was
a lie. First off, I knew damn well that Liam had no business in New
York. And second, I hadn't told him where I was staying. He must
have weaseled the information out of my mother, or abused his power
as a lawyer to look up Jack's parents' address.

“So nice to see you,” I replied between
clenched teeth.

“And you must be Jack.” Liam pulled away from
me to shake Jack's hand. His tone had changed, and I could see the
look of hatred in his eyes, though I was almost certain it was
undetectable to anyone but me.

“You are?” Jack asked suspiciously.

“I'm Liam, Melita's best friend. Did she not
mention me?”

Oh God Liam, keep your damn mouth shut, I
begged silently. Things were getting tense fast as Jack began
putting the pieces together. Soon, he would realize that this
wasn't just a friendly visit. If Liam had come all the way from
Texas, it could only mean one thing. He came to take me back.

“I apologize, but Melita didn't tell me that
her best friend was a man,” Jack said with more grace than I would
have been able to muster in such a situation. His blue eyes
softened, and he placed a protective hand around my waist, showing
Liam that there was no chance he could win me back.

“Funny, she told me everything about you,”
Liam's words had a bitter finish, slicing through Jack's false
pretense. He turned to me before things escalated any further. “I
thought we could go have lunch tomorrow. My treat.”

I felt absolutely stuck. It didn't matter if
I said yes or no, someone was going to end up ticked off. Although
I was loyal to Jack, I knew that it wasn't fair for Liam to travel
over eighteen hundred miles and not get the answers he came

“Lunch would be fine,” I replied finally.

Jack turned to me. “We have plans tomorrow,

He was lying. The only thing on our agenda
was attending a social gathering at one of their associate's
houses, but that wasn't until five o'clock. It was a warning for me
not to go.

“We don't have plans until five o'clock.” I
stood my ground.

Jack surrendered with a sigh. “Make sure
you're back on time.”

Liam smiled, pleased with himself. “Well, I
won't keep you kind folks any longer.”

“Won't you stay for dinner?” I heard Mrs.
Kemble ask, and I didn't have to look at Jack to know that he was
silently cursing her.

For a moment, Liam pondered the idea, but
after seeing the desperate look on my face, he respectfully
declined. I couldn't have been happier to usher him out of the
house. Just when things were going so well for Jack and I, Liam had
to show up, threatening all the progress we had made.

Dinner felt tense, but I knew that the
tension was only between Jack and I. He hardly looked at me the
entire meal, as if it was my fault for Liam showing up.

After dinner, I walked out onto the balcony,
hoping he would follow me so that we could talk about it. Luckily,
he didn't disappoint, strolling up beside me and jamming his hands
in his pockets. I glanced up at him, and he refused to look at me,
his eyes ever on the scenic view before us.

“That's the man you're in love with, isn't
it?” he asked.

“I don't know if I'm in love with him or
not.” I sighed.

“Do you love me?”

I thought about it for a few moments. Jack
and I had only known each other for a couple of weeks, but I had
grown a lot closer to him. There were moments when I thought that I
was in love with him, when his words and actions made me swoon, the
same that Liam had on many occasions.

The two of them were so different, I
realized. Jack was confident on the outside, but somehow vulnerable
behind closed doors. He tried to be everything that everyone wanted
him to be. Only when we were away from the paparazzi did Jack feel
free to be himself. I still wasn't really sure who he was behind it
all. Since coming to New York, I felt like I had seen so many
different sides of Jack.

Liam was steady and stable, a kind romantic
with a passion for life. Did I love him? Yes, definitely. But I
wasn't sure if I was in love with him. We had so much history
together, and I knew him from the inside out, the same way he knew
me. There was no mystery behind the things that Liam said or

“I don't know,” I admitted finally. Jack had
told me that he loved me on several occasions, but I never said it
back to him. It had always been such a sacred word to me, only to
be said if I truly meant it.

He sighed. “I suppose you wouldn't. You've
only known me for such a short time. How long have you known

“Since I was four years old.” My mind drifted
through all the memories of our happy childhood together, and my
eyes involuntarily began to water at the thought that I would have
to choose between them.

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