FinsFantasy (8 page)

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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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“I can port us both,” he suggested.

“Caffin—Fin. Seriously.” She stomped her foot. “I think we’re
beyond this now, don’t you?”

What could it hurt? And, it might make her like him even
more. He slid his finger around the bracelet in the specific pattern Baden had
shown him and it popped open. A fabulous smile made her face shine. She went up
on tip toes and kissed his cheek.

“Thank you for that.”

He returned her smile and took her hand. She didn’t pull
away and they quickly ported to the cabin.

They walked up the steps, not releasing hands until he
opened the door for her. Fin cleaned out the cooler and Navine took care of the
blanket and towels. They met in the living area, an awkward silence surrounding

“Well, I think I’ll shower,” she said.

“Okay. If you’re still hungry, I can make you a smoothie.”

“Sounds good. See you in a few.”

She disappeared into the bedroom and Fin couldn’t help but
feel disappointed that she hadn’t asked him to join her.

He quickly made her smoothie and set it in the fridge, then
jumped in the shower for a quick rinse. When he returned to the living area,
she was already kicked back on the couch, sipping her smoothie.

She held it up and said, “Thanks.”

“No problem.”

“So, I was thinking,” she said excitedly, “I feel like

He sat in the chair across from her and leaned forward. “Okay,
sounds great. What’s your plan?”

“I’m going to pop into Navie’s, surprise Baden and drink a
beer with him.”

“Oh,” his gut clenched.

“It’s a busy night for Baden so I won’t be gone long. I’ll
bring some beer back here and you can be my celebration partner tonight. I
mean, if you want.”

Holy shit, she’d just made his night. “I’d be honored.”

“Great. I’m gonna go now. I can’t wait to see the look on
his face.” She jumped off the couch energetically, her excitement palpable.

He loved seeing her like that. It was such a change and made
her all the more desirable. “Have fun.” They shared a smile, then she was gone.

Chapter Nine


Navine could barely contain herself as she walked in to the
pizza shop. She held her index finger up to her mouth when the waiter, Morriv,
saw her and his mouth dropped open. She seated herself and waited for Baden to
notice her.

Morriv brought her a cherry beer and gave her a grand smile.
Navine sat sipping it, her insides flip-flopping. Baden finally turned and did
a double take. He ran out from behind the counter and she jumped up to meet him
in a bone-crushing hug.

“What’re you doing here? You look great. Oh shit. It worked,

“I think so,” she said excitedly. “I feel great. Different.

He hugged her again, looked her up and down, a huge smile
plastered on his face.

“God Navie, I was sick with worry. I can’t lose you.”

They sat down next to each other, Baden holding her hands.

“I know,” she said.

“So, what happened?” Baden’s face practically turned purple.
“I mean…uh…”

Navine laughed off her own embarrassment. “Let’s just leave
it at, things happened, there was some pain involved—”

Baden’s expression darkened. “He hurt you?”

“No. No. It was… The best I can figure is that the addiction
was burned out of me. I can’t explain it without giving you waaay more details
than either of us can handle.”

Baden waved his hand at her. “Whatever. It doesn’t matter as
long as you’re okay.” He leaned in and hugged her again. “Where’s Fin?”

“He’s still at the cabin. I knew you’d be busy so I’m going
to celebrate with him tonight and I’m hoping you and I can spend tomorrow
evening together.”

His eyes widened. “You’re going to celebrate with Fin?”


“I mean, I think it’s great. He’s a good guy. I’m just
surprised. You were so—”

“I know. I was a royal bitch to him. It’s just what he is.
Even after… Well, I’m still not comfortable with it, but he ultimately did save
my life so the least I can do is bring him some beer and spend a couple hours
celebrating with him. It’s not like I want him to be my one and only.”

“Of course not, you’re a
. Although, I can’t
say I’d be unhappy if you would find one male to stick with. At least for a

She punched him in the shoulder. “Don’t be a prude. You know
I can’t help what I am.”

He gave her a pointed look that put her in her place. Fin couldn’t
help what he was any more than she could. He wasn’t a monster. She’d pretty
much decided he wasn’t tainted either. Although, technically, mutant still
stood. She just didn’t feel as disgusted by it as she had.

“I wanna take him something besides beer. I don’t feel a six
pack says thanks for saving my life.”

He coughed as if choking. “You want to take him a present
drink beer with him. Uh, sis, are you sure you don’t

She rolled her eyes. “Be real.”

He winked at her. “Oh hey, there’s a commercial restaurant
supply place a few blocks over. It’s probably closed but that’s not really a
problem for you.” His devious smirk made her laugh.

“That’s a great idea. I’ll see what I can find. You have any

He dug in his wallet and handed her five one-hundred dollar

“Thanks. I’ll leave cash for whatever I take. Hate to be a

One of the waiters brought her a six pack of cherry beer and
a six pack of Dos Equis XX in a handled Navie’s Pizza bag. She and Baden hugged
once more and she stepped into the night feeling better than she’d felt in six
months. She strolled down the walkway, looking for shadows so she could
disappear without being seen.

She froze as a familiar scent slammed into her nose. Before
she could react, she was shackled and ported away.

* * * * *

It’d been three hours since Navine had left to surprise
Baden, and Fin was getting antsy. He was thrilled for her and didn’t begrudge
her celebrating with her brother but from what she’d said, she’d be back long
before now.

Too restless to wait any longer, he left her a note with his
cell number asking her to call when she returned. At least at home, he could
lose himself in the enormous kitchen and keep his mind busy.

Fin found his mother, Talith, relaxing in the theatre room,
watching one of her latest productions. Kiberry and Xena were curled up
together in one of the oversized recliners.

“Fin!” his mother exclaimed. “How are you? How’s the female?”

Fin sat. “We’re both good. Fine.” He pulled his phone out of
his pocket and checked it even though he knew it hadn’t gone off.

“Good? Fine? Dear, that’s not much information.”

“She’s fine. It seems to have worked.”

Talith beamed. “I knew my handsome son could seduce her, but
why are you so glum?”

“I’m really happy she’s okay.”

“Pfft. Of course you are. Did she shun you after?”

“Surprisingly, no. She ported off to surprise her brother
and she was supposed to come back and celebrate with me but, well, I left her a
note with my number. Maybe she just got caught up with Baden.”

Talith eyed him knowingly. “Fin, if she refuses to see how
wonderful you are, it’s her loss. My son should pine for no female.”

“I’m not pining. I’m just… Shit, Mother, there’s something
about her. She’s rude, stubborn, beautiful, sexy, passionate.”

“You’re smitten. Gods, what is it with my children? My
children. Being with one male or female is not the
way.” She
sighed. “Well, all I want is for you all to be happy so,” she waved her hand in
the air, “whatever works.”

“What about you?” he asked. At her quizzical look, he
explained. “You and Darcon. Come on, I’ve been around longer than Araya and
Valia. I know there’s something there.”

Talith smoothed her long blonde hair. “I don’t know what you
mean. He’s my guard so of course we’re close.”

She obviously wasn’t going to give up the goods on their
relationship without a fight and he didn’t have the energy to press her right

He looked at his phone again. Nothing. He’d been avoiding
the realization but he was pretty sure Navine had ditched him. She’d finally
accepted that he could cure her addiction so had used him to complete the
process. He certainly didn’t begrudge her that, as it was the plan to begin
with. But it hurt that she hadn’t returned, especially after the passion they’d
shared but he wasn’t all that surprised. There had been no acting, no lies
while they touched each other. It was too raw, too electrifying to be faked.
But she’d never pulled any punches when telling him what she thought of him
outside of the sex and it wasn’t the first time she’d lied to him so she could
get away from him.

Feeling like a fool, he took Kiberry to the kitchen with Xena
following close on his heels. He’d whip them up a snack. Something to occupy
his mind. Kiberry had a thing for kiwi fruit and blueberries. Xena had a thing
for raw meat. He’d been trying to wean her off that at the request of Valia and
Araya who thought it was disgusting. She seemed to be coming around at least a
little. If he added fresh blueberries and passion fruit to her bloody fare, she’d
eat them.

Kiberry stood on his four-inch back legs and gave Fin a high
five after finishing his snack.

Fin checked his phone once more. Still nothing. It was late
and he’d had an exhausting day of reveling in Navine’s many charms. Pleasuring
her, her pleasuring him. Damn, he’d love to be exhausted like that every day,
but at the end of the night he’d prefer to tuck her close to him and fall
asleep with her rather than falling asleep alone.

He shucked out of his clothes and crawled beneath the covers,
sure he’d dream of Navine.

* * * * *

Fin stretched and immediately grabbed his phone from the
nightstand, getting excited when he saw four messages waiting for him.

Message one from Valia said,
Sup bro? Get lucky yet?

Message two from Araya said,
Hope all is well. Any good

Message three from Kean said,
Need some tips, Romeo?
Gimme a call.

Message four from Baden said,
You guys musta partied hard
last night. Tried to call but she didn’t answer. Thanks for saving my sister.
Tell her to gimme a call when she wakes up.

Huh? Baden thought Navine was with him last night? Shit, she
must have left Navie’s and gone out to celebrate by herself. More likely with
another male. Fuck. Fuck that. He didn’t wish her any harm. Never that. But the
hell if he’d let her make him feel shitty about himself anymore.

He’d done his part, played his role. He’d fed her, comforted
her, saved her life. That’s all it was ever meant to be anyway. Just because
he’d allowed himself to become emotionally involved didn’t mean she had to do
the same. Whatever, if one day she decided to give him a call, great, but if
not, well he wasn’t going out of his way to put himself out there anymore.

He tossed the phone onto the nightstand, ripped the covers
back and jumped out of bed. Today was a new day and he’d do his best to forget
the raven-haired angel who’d sunk her claws into his heart.
And fangs into
his balls.

He made quick work of showering and threw on a white button-down
shirt and khaki shorts. He sent off a quick group text to Araya and Valia
asking if they wanted to pop in for breakfast. His sisters always made him feel

Araya caught him in the kitchen. “Hey!” she said, hugging
him. “Good to have you back. All is well, right? It actually worked?”

“It worked.”

She frowned as she studied him. “You don’t look happy.”

“I agree. What’s up with that?” Valia asked as she popped
in. “She being a twat again?”

He filled them in as he sliced and diced fruit and made
smoothies for their breakfast. Kean and Rydin would be along in a few minutes
so he also made steak and eggs for them.

Kiberry could always sense when Araya and Valia were close
and he wandered into the kitchen, rubbing around their legs and garnering pets
and belly rubs from them. Most of the time, Kiberry stayed with Araya and Kean
in Dallas, but they weren’t ready to take Kiberry’s girlfriend into the human
realm yet for fear she’d wreak havoc and go on a human killing spree.

As they carried the fare to the dining hall, Kean and Rydin
popped in. They filled their plates and took seats around the table.

“I don’t get it,” Araya said. “You’re such a good male and
even though things got off to a rocky start, it sounds like you both hit it off

Valia snorted. “Fuck her. Glad you saved her and all but… Ya
know what? Let’s all hit a club tonight. We’ll find Fin a female to make him
forget the twat.”

Fin stuffed a forkful of eggs in his mouth, swallowed and
said, “Not necessary. It’s not that big a deal. I’m good.”

“Besides, you have the awesome seed that negates a
Incubus addiction. You’ll be in high demand. Can’t be locked down,” Kean said.

Araya shoved him, “Hey. Is that how you feel? Locked down?”

He kissed her hard and quick. “Never. I’m the luckiest male

“Second luckiest,” Rydin said. Valia beamed at him.

Fin’s heart lurched at the love in the room, just none of it
for him. Gods, he’d never been this sappy until meeting Navine. “It’s not like
I can broadcast that anyway. I’m still incognito to the rest of the world. Just
you all, Mother, Darcon, Raimee, Baden and Navine know the truth. Besides, I
never said I wanted to be her one and only forever. I just wanted to get to
know her better.”

He hoped Valia couldn’t read his aura right now because she’d
know he was lying. Navine’s dismissal of him hurt and he’d like nothing more
than to get a text from her saying she’d got caught up in something last night
but would love to make it up to him tonight.

Touching her again, kissing her, just holding her hand would
make his day. He didn’t know when he’d become so enamored with her or why but
it didn’t matter. It was what it was and he was just going to have to get over
it and fast before he turned into a total wuss.

His thoughts were interrupted by Baden’s astral appearance.

“What the hell, man?” Baden asked, clearly annoyed.

“What’s the problem, Baden?” Fin asked.

“Neither you or Navine have answered my texts. Where is she?”

Fin shrugged, trying to act casual. “I have no idea.”

“What? When she left the pizza shop last night, she said you
two were going to celebrate. Where’d she go after that?”

Fin rubbed his temples. “Baden, I waited at the cabin for
hours and she never showed. I assumed she blew me off and I came home.”

“Fuck! Dude, when she left Navie’s, she was going to get you
a thank-you gift.” Baden glared at him. “If you’d answered my text you’d know

“Uh, she isn’t exactly a fan of mine. Maybe she just told
you that because it sounded better than “I’m going out to party and find a

Baden’s glared intensified. “I know she was rough on you so
I can understand your doubt but she’s my sister and she was
lying to
me. I guarantee it.”

Fin’s stomach did a little flip-flop at that and he felt
like crap for so easily dismissing that Navine might be in trouble. She really
had planned to come back but then where the hell had she gone? Where was she?
God, if she was hurt, he didn’t know if he’d forgive himself.

“Can’t you astral project to her?” Araya asked.

“I can. I didn’t do it last night or this morning because I
was afraid I’d see her and Fin…”

Fin coughed. Rydin and Kean smirked. Valia snorted. Araya

“I’ll be back,” Baden said and disappeared.

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