FinsFantasy (5 page)

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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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“I want you, Navine.”

His whispered plea, warm breath against her ear, made her
clit pulse. She desired him so intensely and knew she’d regret it but nothing
could stop the storm brewing inside her.

Without warning, she stiffened, her desire fleeing as
quickly as it had appeared. Oh her body was still on fire but her mind cleared.
His scent mutated, no longer luring her in, tempting her, calling out to her
Mutated… Mutant…

She struggled, shoving at his chest. His lust heavy eyes
searched hers, questioning at first, then glinting with anger, disappointment.

“What happened?” he asked through clenched jaw.

“I don’t—” she closed her eyes and inhaled deeply, trying to
calm the lust-storm brewing between them. “I don’t want you.”

“Liar,” he said, a wicked grin curving his lips. “Your body
betrays your mind. It craves my touch. Give in to me, Navine and I’ll lick your
luscious cunt before sliding inside you, filling you, feeding you my seed.”

She didn’t know what had happened. One minute she’d been
overwhelmed with the delicious scent of him, the next, it’d disappeared. Had
that not happened, she’d probably have let him fuck her, right there on the porch.
Part of her was repulsed at what she’d almost allowed to happen, the other
hated her for stopping, wanting him to finish what he’d started.

She’d already allowed him to bring her to climax once, why
not again? But that’s when he’d begun affecting her more, differently. It had
to be because his semen had touched her skin. It was infecting her, drawing her
in. Shit, maybe he could cure her addiction but what if his mutant semen
somehow tainted her, addicted her or worse. No one knew the outcome. She could
end up worse off, a slave to him, if she gave in.

Ducking under his arm, she left him standing there alone and
hurried into the cabin. She ran into her room, locking the door behind her.
Another cold shower was in order to gain control over her wanton desires. She
believed him about males not being his thing. The way he kissed her, touched
her just right, left her no doubt he had experience with females. And plenty of
them. Why did that thought annoy her?

Chapter Six


Fin considered running after her. Instead, he grabbed his
clothes off the ground, stormed into his room and took a shower, relieving his
sexual frustration in the process. He wished he knew what drove her, what
pushed her to lose herself to him if only for a few minutes.

The first time, he attributed to pure horniness. She’d been
halfway there when he walked in naked. He hadn’t thought it at first but she
did appreciate his appearance. The way her eyes had raked over his body when he’d
appeared in front of the porch, the way her gaze lingered on his cock and her
pupils had dilated. Finally, an ego boost instead of ego buster from the

He stepped out of the shower and toweled himself dry, then
grabbed black cargo shorts and a black tee from his bag. If only he wasn’t a
mutant, he was sure she’d take everything he offered and give just as much in
return. Her passionate kiss, the way her body had arched into his… Damn, if he
didn’t stop thinking about it, he’d have to take another shower.

Fin stepped into the living area and debated on what to do
next. He wished he’d have brought himself some decent beer because he surely
wasn’t opposed to a buzz at this moment. Baden said he’d bring beer but he didn’t
want to wait. He knocked lightly on Navine’s door.

“Go away,” she answered, not surprising him in the least.

“I’m gonna grab some beer. You want anything?”

When she didn’t answer, he said, “Fuck it,” and ported home.

* * * * *

He headed directly to the well-stocked kitchen, grabbed a
six pack of Dos Equis XX and wasted no time porting back to the cabin. He sat
on one of the rocking chairs on the porch, popped the top off a beer and
guzzled half of it in one gulp.

It was nice out there, secluded in the woods, no neighbors
around to bug you, just the sound of the light breeze rustling the leaves and
pleasant bird calls every so often. He loved the mansion but it was always
bustling with demons and he rarely got to experience this type of peace. No
wonder Navine enjoyed the cabin so much.

He popped another beer, closed his eyes and relaxed as the
liquid began to dull his senses. He might get a place like this for himself one
day soon. Take breaks from the mansion. Maybe find a female to settle down
with. Maybe.

“What’s happenin’, man?”

Baden’s voice broke through the fog in his brain. He must
have fallen asleep in the rocking chair. He stretched his arms over his head
and yawned before answering. “Guess I was tired.”

“Hope you don’t mind, I brought a friend,” Baden said.

Fin recognized her. Raimee, the
demon who’d
helped Valia unbind the auras of Rydin and two of Debol’s guards. Since when
were Baden and Raimee friends? He didn’t even know they’d ever met.

“No problem,” he answered, keeping his suspicions to
himself. “How’s it going, Raimee?”

She shot him a dazzling smile and answered cheerfully. “Fantastic
as always.”

Baden held up three boxes, the aroma of the contents making
Fin drool. “You ready to eat some pizza?”

Fin rubbed his stomach. “Definitely.”

They went inside and Baden placed the boxes of pizza on the
kitchen counter and Fin took the six pack of Dos Equis XX and six-pack of
cherry beer from Raimee, pulling three beers out and distributing them, then
put the rest in the fridge with the rest of Navine’s cherry beer and the rest
of his six pack he’d brought in from the porch.

“I guess I should whip up a smoothie for Navine, real quick,”
Fin said.

“Nah, I mean I know she loves ‘em but she likes this too.” Baden
opened the top box and Fin saw the regular pizza crust with tomato sauce but it
was covered in different types of fruit. Cherries, plums, pineapple, grapes.

“She eats that?” he asked.

“Well, ya know she doesn’t eat the crust but she loves to
pick the fruit out of the tomato sauce.”

Fin winced. “Cherry beer and

Baden laughed. “Yeah, she has some strange tastes.”

“Pineapple on pizza is great but all those others… I don’t
know about that.”

“Well, where is she anyway? Pouting in her room?”

“Fuming, more like. I’ll go get her. I assume she’ll come
out if she knows you’re here.”

Baden winced. “Uh, yeah, but probably only because she wants
to kick me in the ass.”

Fin shrugged. “Whatever works.”

Baden and Raimee put plates and napkins on the table while
Fin knocked on Navine’s door. No answer. He said, “You’re brother’s here with
the pizza.” Still no answer. He tried the doorknob—locked. Baden walked around
the corner when Fin banged on the door.

“So, she

“I don’t know. She usually at least tells me to go away.”

“Just go in.”

“Door’s locked.”

“I’m sure you can— No, I’ll do it. Let her get pissed at me
instead of you.”

Baden strode over, gave the knob a yank, effectively
breaking the lock and walked in the room. “Navie, quit being a baby,” he
scolded her but instantly his face fell when he saw her.

Fin stepped into the room, wondering what had changed Baden’s
mood. Navine was sleeping, her breathing labored and her face flushed.

“What the hell?” he asked Fin.

“Shit, she was fine a couple hours ago.”

Baden sat on the bed beside her and laid the back of his
hand across her forehead. “She’s burning up.” He shook her gently. “Navie, wake

Her lids lifted halfway and a small smile formed on her
lips. “Hey Bade. Time to eat?”

She sat up, with some effort, and when she noticed Fin, her
eyes dilated like they had earlier. He’d have popped a hard-on if her brother
wasn’t in the room.

Navine shook her head, her silky black locks flipping around
her face and she squeezed her eyes shut.

“Is the addiction getting the better of you?” Baden asked,
his voice rough with emotion.

She opened her eyes, slammed her hand into the blanket and
hissed. “It’s him.” She pointed at Fin.


“Just give me a minute alone. Be out in a sec.”

Baden didn’t look convinced but he followed Fin out of the
room, closing the door behind him. Raimee sat at the table, one hand holding
her chin, the other tapping the table top.

“Everything okay?” she asked. When Fin and Baden just looked
at each other, she said, “Well, I’m starving,” and grabbed a slice of pizza.

Baden and Fin each grabbed a slice too. A minute later, Navine
came out smiling, which surprised him. He figured she’d be wearing her Fin-is-a-fucking-mutant-and-I-want-him-dead
look. Her face was still flushed and he realized the smile was a show for her

“Navie, this is Raimee.”

“Hey,” Raimee said cheerfully.

“Hey yourself,” Navine returned. She turned to Baden and
asked, “Girlfriend?”

Fin didn’t miss the blush on Baden’s face. “No, just a new

Navine found her pizza, picked out two slices and grabbed a
cherry beer from the fridge. She used her fingers to pick off chunks of fruit
and pop them into her mouth. “Ah, yeah. That’s good stuff, Bade.”

He grinned at his sister, obviously happy she wasn’t
berating him. “So, you doing okay? Need anything?”

She shrugged. “I’m okay.” The
for now
hung in the
air. “Some alone time would be nice. Can you get me that?” She cut Baden off
before he could answer. “Never mind.”

Raimee broke in, “So, how long have you and Fin been dating?”

Fin choked on his beer. Baden choked on his pizza. Navine’s
mouth dropped open, then she snapped it shut and gave Raimee one helluva glare.
“He is
. Can’t you sense what he is,

Raimee wasn’t fazed by the outburst. “No, he’s cloaked, but
I know what he is. So what? Look at him. He’s gorgeous. Fine specimen of male
right there.”

Navine’s eyes bugged. “But he’s,” she glanced at Fin and
back to Raimee, “you know.”

Fin knew she wanted to say
but probably feared
he’d kiss her in front of her brother. Probably mostly feared her body would
respond to him again.

Raimee raised her shoulders to her ears and let them fall
quickly. “Not an issue for me. Was a little shocked when I heard but hey, I say
at him.” She waggled her brows.


Navine couldn’t believe this bitch was flirting with Caffin.
She’d come here with her brother, for fuck’s sake and she could tell Baden
liked her. Oh he might not know it yet, but a sister could always tell.

“Well then please take him with you when you leave,” she
said sarcastically.

Raimee turned to Fin and winked. “I might just do that.”

Fin and Baden made a few attempts at lighter conversation
but it mostly fell flat. Navine didn’t like that female.
Fucking Sensus
Not many species of demon cared for
demons or
demons. They were too damn dangerous. Screwing with emotions and auras was
considered much more egregious than beating the crap out of someone or slitting
their throat.

Wait a second. Is that why Baden brought her here?
jumped out of her chair. “Oh hell no. Hell no, Bade! You’ve already made me a
captive to
. You’re not having your
work her fucked up
magic on me. I will hate you
,” she directed at
Raimee, “I will kill you if you try any of that shit on me!”

With that, she stormed out of the cabin, slamming the door
behind her. The hell if she would stick around for that. She’d stroll around the
woods for a while and hopefully they’d all leave soon so she could die in

* * * * *

“What the hell was that, Raimee?” Baden demanded.

“Just doing what you asked. Auras always shine brighter and
truer when emotions are high. But what I did didn’t require me to read her
aura. When she thought I was hitting on Fin, she got jealous.”

“Jealous?” Fin asked, dumbfounded.

Baden scoffed, “Yeah, I think you shoulda read her aura
because you’re not very perceptive.”

She huffed. “I
but I went with my female
intuition first. Trust me. She was jealous. Wanted to punch my face, pretty

“So, you’re saying she likes me?” Fin asked, doubtful.

“Oh, she wants you, enough that she didn’t want me to have
that pleasure but don’t let it go to your head because, at the same time, she
truly is disgusted by your presence. It’s causing her a lot of confusion.
Stressing her out.”

“Well, if she wants him, then you can give her a little push
in the right direction, and that makes it not so bad, right?” Baden asked

Fin pushed away from the table. “I need some air.”

When they followed him outside, he rounded on Baden. He hadn’t
intended to but he felt inclined. “Did you talk to Valia or did you come up
with this on your own? That’s pretty fucked up.”

“Hey, man. Your sister gave me the idea and hooked me up
with Raimee, but I think it’s a good idea.”

“No,” Fin shouted. “You can’t take her free will away from
her. Not like that.”

“If it saves her life—”

“She’ll hate you, hate Raimee, hate me and she’ll feel
disgusted with herself. It’s like giving her a roofie. I won’t be a part of
that. She already thinks I’m a mutated, tainted monster. If I’m a party to
that, I’ll actually feel like one. Her free will is her own. Debol took that
away from her for six long months. I’ll do my best to tempt her, to be nice to
her, to seduce her, but it’s because I truly want her. I want to save her. I
care about her.”

Raimee grinned and Fin would have tried to backtrack on that
last statement but Raimee would see right through it anyway. Baden blinked at
him a couple times, then slapped him on the shoulder.

“Then be more tempting.” He turned to Raimee and nodded and
they both ported away.

Fin shocked himself when he’d declared he cared about Navine.
Yeah, he was hot for her—like scorching, skin melting hot—and he cared whether
she lived or died in a general sense. But that wasn’t what he meant when he’d
said it and he knew it no matter how much he told himself it wasn’t true. He
just couldn’t figure out why.

Maybe because she was strong, funny—in a bitchy way—ridiculously
adorable when she stomped her foot, passionate, determined… Okay, so there were
reasons but damn, why’d he get so attached to someone he repulsed? Thanks to
Raimee, he knew she wasn’t totally repulsed but still…

He blew out a breath and went back inside instead of searching
for Navine. He figured she could use some space.

* * * * *

Navine eavesdropped. Yep, that’s right. She’d jogged back to
the cabin, intending to break her brother’s nose for even thinking about doing
that to her but when she was five feet from breaking into the clearing, she’d
heard raised voices. Curious, she ducked behind a tree as close as she dared to
get and listened.

She wasn’t surprised to find she’d been right about her
brother’s intentions but fury about it almost made her leave her cover. Then
Caffin yelled at Bade, stuck up for her, defended her right to free will. She’d
been…touched, grateful, surprised. He seemed to understand what that Incubus
Debol had taken from her.

Why did he have to be an abomination? That skank Raimee was
right, Fin was one fine specimen and he stood up for her. She’d been nothing
but shitty to him—well, besides the impromptu hand job—and he’d stood up for
her and refused to participate in any schemes that basically
to do something.

Really, she didn’t understand why he stuck around. She’d
heard him say he cared for her but figured that was an exaggeration for Baden’s
sake. He had no reason to care for her. She certainly hadn’t given him one.

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