FinsFantasy (3 page)

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Authors: Jocelyn Dex

BOOK: FinsFantasy
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Chapter Four


Fin put the food and cherry beer in the fridge, hiding the
beer behind some fruit so he could surprise her with it. He looked for Navine
in every room and worried when he couldn’t find her. Had she figured out how to
remove the bracelet? Had she decided to walk the forty miles to the nearest
town? Shit. He wasn’t losing her twice in one day.

He ran outside circling the cabin, looking for signs of her.
He ventured deeper into the woods, making wider circles each round. He was
about to call Baden when he caught the faint whiff of cherries. Ten feet in
front of him, her clothes hung off a bush.
What the hell?

He cautiously crept toward the bush. When he reached it, he
saw a wide, stone-lined creek in the clearing. He spotted Navine and his cock
jerked at the ravishing scene before him.

She floated on her back, sun shining on her rosebud nipples
that peeked above the water, her legs splayed open giving him a clear view of
her shaved pussy. Goddamn, how he’d love to shed his clothes, stride into that
water, bury his face between her legs and feast until he’d lapped up every last
drop of her pleasure.

Before he knew his intentions, he’d shed his shirt and
shucked out of his jeans and underwear. He strode to the water’s edge and dove
in. Navine shrieked as he surfaced next to her.


Startled, she lost her concentration, went under and came up
sputtering. “What are you doing out here? I was enjoying myself. Go away.”

His wicked grin and his muscled bare chest made her breath
catch in her throat. She tore her gaze from those broad, powerful shoulders.
Damn him for looking so fine.

“I’d like to help you enjoy yourself even more,” he said,
his voice rough with lust. She scented him too, his semen, even in the water.
She wondered if it would appeal to her if she wasn’t suffering addiction. No,
it wouldn’t, she told herself. He was an abomination, tainted, wrong.

“Not gonna happen, mutant. Besides, you wouldn’t know how to
please me. Considering what you are, males must be your thing.”

He was on her before she knew what was happening, kissing
her. A punishing kiss, rough and hungry but disturbingly pleasing.

His body crashed against hers. Feeling his hard cock press
against her abdomen brought her to her senses and she tried to shove him away.
His arms tightened around her, she couldn’t budge him and he was too close for
her to kick his balls. She panicked when her pussy tingled, flooding with
wetness. Visions of wrapping her legs around his waist and sinking onto that
thick cock swamped her mind.

No, she didn’t want him touching her. She
want that.
So why am I kissing him back?
She started struggling again
and this time he let her go so suddenly she stumbled backward. Her knees weak,
she’d have fallen down if not for the buoyancy of the water.

“My name is Fin. Caffin if you want to be formal. No more
insults or derogatory words. From now on, you’ll call me by my name. If not,
you’ll get a repeat performance of that kiss.”

She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as if
disgusted that his lips had touched hers. “Touch me again and I’ll gut you.”
She’d almost said “abomination”, but the look on his face told her he’d meant
what he said, and she didn’t trust herself to fight him again. She was horny
and needed release, not to mention a feed. Those were especially powerful draws
for a
and she couldn’t chance losing control with

She waded from the water, grabbed her clothes off the bush
and stomped back to the cabin without so much as another glance in his

* * * * *

Navine jumped in the shower, needing to wash off the
feelings Fin or Caffin—whatever—had elicited in her. She shouldn’t be turned-on
by him. It wasn’t natural. She scrubbed herself until her skin turned pink,
then dried off quickly and wrapped herself in a red satin robe and flopped down
on the bed.

Her stomach growled when she heard the whirring of the
blender. Even though she’d hoped he’d left, she wondered if he was making a
fruit smoothie. The mutant had skills in that area. She smirked, maybe she
couldn’t call him names to his face, but he couldn’t stop her from doing it in
her mind.

When her stomach growled again, she left the room to see if
he’d made anything for her. Disappointment and surprise set in when she saw he
was boiling pasta and peeling shrimp.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“Not for
. Why are you cooking that?
only eat fruit.”

His eyebrows raised.

“Well you know what else we feed on.” She looked away when
her face heated.

“We?” He shook his head. “You, not me. I can eat just about

“How is that possible?” She eyed him. It was more proof of
him being a mutant.

Fin shrugged and went back to peeling the shrimp. “I made
you a spiced-cherry smoothie and a fruit platter. It’s in the fridge.”

She excitedly opened the fridge and snagged the smoothie and
fruit platter piled high with cherries, plums, pineapple, raspberries and carried
it to the coffee table in the living area. He’d even made a cherry dipping
She sat cross-legged on the floor and devoured the delicious

He came out of the kitchen and set his bowl of shrimp pasta
and a cherry beer on the coffee table and sat on the floor across from her.

“Mind if I eat here?”

“Well, you already sat down and I’m almost done anyway.” Her
eyes widened and she licked her lips when she spotted the beer. “Where’d you
get that?” She wanted to snatch it from him.

“Stopped by your brother’s place and grabbed it.”

“You only got one?”

He shrugged, opened the beer, took a swig and looked like he
was about to spit it out. He pushed the beer across the table toward her and
grimaced. “How can you drink that nasty shit?”

She snatched the bottle, wiped the top but then set it back
down, looking despondent.

One of his eyebrows rose. “Problem?”

“I can’t believe you wasted that,” she pouted. “It’s sooo

“Oh, I get it. Don’t want to drink after the


Her eyes widened and she leaned back from the table, looking
as if she was about to bolt. “I didn’t

She must be worried he’d make good on his threat of kissing
her again. Shit. How much could his ego take?

He shook his head, forced a smile on his face. “So rude,” he
mumbled around a forkful of pasta. “There are five more in the fridge. Help

She jumped up eagerly, grabbed a bottle, twisted off the cap
and took a long swig. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she made an “aahhh”
sound. To his surprise, she sat back down on the floor across from him to
finish her fruit. He assumed she’d run away.

After taking another swig, she asked, “You brought this for

“Well, I sure as hell don’t want it.”

Eyeing him suspiciously, she said, “Getting me drunk won’t

He scowled at that. Her low opinion of him just kept getting
lower. If she really thought he’d intentionally get her drunk so he could take
advantage of her…well, it didn’t get much worse than that and his stomach
churned. “Not trying to get you drunk, just make you happy.”

Some emotion crossed her face, but she looked away and
sipped her nasty beer.

After a moment, she turned back to him. “So, you can eat
whatever you want and you have green eyes instead of gold. What else is wrong with

with me?” He sighed and pointed to his eyes. “Contacts.”

So, he did have gold
eyes. She absently
wondered if they were sharp and piercing or soft and caring. “Why wear

“Well, as you so frequently point out, I’m considered an
abomination. Until a couple weeks ago, my mother and one of her guards were the
only ones who knew my true nature. My sisters didn’t even know they had a
brother. I figured it best to continue wearing the contacts around you, seeing
as how what I am freaks you out so much—one less reminder.”

He twirled more pasta around his fork and stabbed a shrimp
before taking a bite.

“They couldn’t sense what you were?” she asked, truly
curious. She couldn’t imagine being in his place, being a mutant and living
with siblings who had no idea who she truly was.

Shaking his head, he said, “My mother contracted a witch to
cloak my essence.”

“Wow. That must have been hard for you. Not being able to
share in your sisters’ lives as their brother.” Did she actually feel bad for
him? Well, so what. It didn’t change anything.

He shot her a surprised look and said, “Yes, it was but at
least we were close.”

“They weren’t disgusted and ashamed when they found out?”

His fork clattered into his half-empty bowl as he scowled at
her. “No. You seem to own the market on that.”

She didn’t know why he was getting pissed at her. She was
just asking questions and it wasn’t her fault he was a mutant. Geez. She might
as well go for broke on the questioning. “So, how many cocks have you sucked?”

He pushed off the floor, dumped his bowl in the kitchen sink
and strode to the bedroom next to Navine’s. He stopped and said, “Your scent is
thick in there,” he jerked his head in the direction of Navine’s room, “so I’ll
be taking this room. I’m suddenly weary.” He stepped inside and slammed the
door behind him.

Well, now she knew how to get rid of him, for a while at
least. Although, she had to admit, he piqued her curiosity and she wanted to
ask more questions. Too bad he was being a baby. She hadn’t been trying to be
an ass with the cock comment. Well, maybe a little, but excuse her.
were sexual beings who needed semen. It was logical to assume sucking cock was
in his repertoire.

She shrugged to herself and downed the rest of the beer. Navine
finished her fruit, put the dishes in the dishwasher and grabbed another beer.
She loved the taste, not to mention loved the way it warmed her insides and
made her giggly.

Unfortunately, she was too tired to enjoy it, so she decided
to lie down for a while. Not only was she was tired, she was frustrated and
even though she’d been trying to ignore it, she was damn scared. She didn’t
want to die and damn sure didn’t want to spend her last two days being held
captive by a mutant. Caffin, the gorgeous mutant.

She flopped down on her bed and buried her face in the
pillow. Fucking Debol, the Incubus piece of shit. He’d been a cruel, violent
captor. She shuddered, thinking of the things he’d done to her, made her do.
She’d suffered endlessly that six months he’d kept her imprisoned. She’d
learned quickly to play his games and do as she was instructed because the
consequences of not doing so were beyond horrible.

He’d beaten her, sexually assaulted her and starved her.
Once, he’d denied her his semen for five days. She shuddered at the memory. The
pain that had racked her body had been insane. On the fifth day, she was
minutes away from death—maybe seconds. She’d been so weak and miserable, she
welcomed it. She couldn’t move a single muscle, couldn’t open her eyes, was
barely able to pull the slightest bit of air into her lungs.

He’d come to her, told her what a useless creature she was,
then fed her his vile semen. She’d strengthened quickly but cried, knowing that
was the sort of life she had to look forward to until one day, he did let her

When Valia’s male had killed him, Navine had freaked out,
knowing that action had doomed her to death. But she’d also been ecstatic,
elated, watching the bastard die.

Wiping the tears she just realized were coating her face, she
flipped over and flicked on the TV, wanting a distraction from those thoughts.
If she only had a couple days to live, she didn’t want to waste them dwelling
on such ugliness.

Crap. Every channel she flipped to showed images of people
having sex or about to have sex. Another thing she didn’t want to think about
right now but her mind drifted to earlier in the creek. Caffin’s hard body
pressed against hers. How her body had responded to his thick cock melded to
her abdomen. She shouldn’t be thinking about him like that but fantasizing was
okay, right? In her fantasies, he could be anything she wanted him to be.

Her fingers slid between her wet lips and she stroked


Fuck. Navine’s arousal slammed into Fin’s nose, instantly
hardening his dick. He jumped off the bed immediately and stood outside her
door, debating on knocking, debating on barging in. In either scenario, he
expected the outcome to involve yelling and possibly punching, but he could
hope for the best, couldn’t he?

He finally decided to take full advantage of the situation.
She might think him disgusting, a mutant, but her body had craved his in the
creek. He’d known the moment she went wet between those gorgeous legs.

Deciding to go in bold, he stripped out of his clothes and
opened the door. Her eyes were squeezed shut, legs spread, one knee bent,
fingers sliding between her glistening pussy lips. His dick jerked at the
incredible sight. She was a fantasy female, he’d never witnessed such an
intriguing, rapturous sight. He yearned for her and couldn’t stop himself from
wrapping his fingers around his shaft, stroking slowly as he moved toward her. When
he sat on the bed beside her, her eyes flew open as she shrieked.


“What the fuck are you doing? Get out!” Jesus, Caffin was a
fine specimen of male, cock standing thick and proud. She couldn’t tear her
gaze from the hand stroking it and her already burning desire, burned hotter. Why’d
he have to be a mutant?

“Let me pleasure you, Navine. I’m not pressing the semen
issue. Just let me show you, I won’t taint you. I won’t do anything you don’t
want me to do.”

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