For a Hero (14 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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With the room to himself, David stared at the dish. He could swear it stared back at him. It knew what he was planning. David took a bag of Doritos that had been opened and poured the chips into a bowl near the salsa. He raked half the – stuff – into the bag and rolled it shut. He stood and took the bag into the kitchen where Jenna was. “Where is the trash, Babe?”

“Right over here, you are so helpful!” Jenna motioned to a cupboard that could be pulled open.

“Nah, I’m not. I just thought the chips would be easier to reach in the bowl.” He put the bag in, pushed the can closed and relished in his victory.

David came into the living room and sat. He hungrily ate as many snacks as he could before Jenna came back. When she arrived, she saw a big portion of the casserole missing. “Oh, Honey! I can’t believe you ate all that! It’s still the first quarter. I can make you some more.”

Before she could take another step, David grabbed her arm and pulled her onto the couch with him. “Oh no, you’re not. I want you here with me.”

Jenna smiled and snuggled her cheek up to him. David noticed and relaxed. It was finally over. He won.

After a few minutes of silent enjoyment, he turned and gave her a smile. His eyes sparkled. “Thank you so much for this. I love it. I’m having a wonderful time.”

She glowed with joy. She took his gratitude and rubbed it all over her face and her heart. She cozied down next to him. Jenna enjoyed David’s warmth as he sat in her apartment. She opened her home to him and here he sat, nobly, and comfortably, as if he belonged. Then, memories of the morning came back to her.

“David, why did you leave me this morning without saying why?”

He hadn’t even realized that was what happened. “Oh my god, Jenna, I am so sorry. That wasn’t what I intended to happen at all.” He turned to her and put his hands on her shoulders. “I didn’t realize I did that to you.” He hugged her close.

“It’s ok. I just thought there was something wrong.”

“No, nothing like that. You were wonderful last night, just like you are tonight. I was really worried about my mom. With all the stuff that happened, the cars exploding and me meeting you, I realized I hadn’t thought about her as much as I should have and I wanted to see her. I left for her place early this morning. I guess I blew out the door so fast, I forgot my manners as well as my keys. I am sorry.” That was close enough to the truth for now.

Jenna relaxed. “You just wanted to see your mom?”

“That’s it. I promise. I had a wonderful time with you last night and I didn’t want it to end. I was disappointed that it turned out that way, me running out and all.”

Jenna snuggled in closer. “Don’t worry about it. Has anyone ever told you that you’re perfect?”

“My mom, but I don’t think that counts. Moms are supposed to say things like that. Anyway, I’m really not. Also, Mom said she wanted to meet you.” David said it without thinking; he continued to snack on bugles and watch the game. He didn’t realize what the words that came out of his mouth implied or how Jenna would take them.

“Meet your mom?” She sat up. “Are we there yet?” She asked with hope and fear.

“Are we where?”

“Are we meeting each other’s parents?”

“Well, I can’t think why not. I mean, you cooked me dinner and called me perfect. What else is left to do?”

Jenna was amazed. The world was simple to him, so black and white. There was a right and a wrong, and David woke up every morning and chose to be right. She bit her lip and thought. She couldn’t imagine staying with David forever. He deserved someone else, someone better. Perhaps, just saying ‘hello’ wouldn’t hurt, though. She must acquiesce, at least, to save the evening for David. He worked so hard and had been under so much stress; he needed some happiness.

“Yes, David. I would love to go meet your mom with you.”

David turned his head to her, and smiled. “She’s going to love you.” And he was back to the television.

They watched the game together. David didn’t jump when the teams were close to the end-zones; he didn’t cheer for touchdowns. Jenna wondered just how into football he really was. When it finished, Jenna rested her head on his shoulder. “Did you have a good time, Babe?”

“Did I? Check the score.”

Jenna remembered the bet, and his supposedly unnatural powers. Jenna gasped. “What the hell, David? How did you know?” The score read, as clear as day, Dallas 20 – Houston 17.

David lifted his brow. “I’m psychic. I can see the future. And you are about to give me a little dance.” He leaned back. His eyes told Jenna how pleased he was with his victory. His smile was sexy and confident and there was a hint of detachment and assertion in his features. It drove Jenna wild.

Slowly, she rose from the couch. Her thighs trembled and she felt her pussy moisten. Without more than a moment’s hesitation, she began to sway her hips back and forth. Biting her lower lip, she concentrated on the movement of her body. Jenna bent one knee and then straightened the other, rocking her hips in a figure eight. With sensual little gyrations, and tightly bound fists she pulled her jersey up on one side, then down and up on the other, showing David the wiggle of her hips and a glimpse of her ass as she danced for him.

David’s eye lids lowered. He did not look like a man. He was something more, something powerful, feral, and other-worldly. She felt such presence and power within him, that danger and excitement rocked her body.

He spread his legs and bucked his hips forward, there was no way she could miss the huge ridge of his arousal. David was giving her a clear signal of what he wanted. The feminist in her disliked his gesture, but her body felt differently. She looked at the god-like alpha male before her and only wanted to give him pleasure. 

He growled at her seconds of inaction and that was it. She melted down onto his leg, straddling it, kneeling on either side of his thigh. With hungry sighs, she began to rub herself back and forth on his hard muscle. Her cream dampened his pant leg, making her slides slick and smooth.

“You’re not wearing any underwear.” He spoke candidly.

“No, I’m not. This is for you.” She moved and drew circles and hearts on his body with her hips. Pushing herself forward, she placed her hands on his shoulders, grinding her pussy right over the bulge of his cock.  David tilted his head back and enjoyed the feeling.

She bent forward so that the curve of her ass showed behind her and the tips of her nipples pressed against his chest. He groaned. She smiled. With a satisfaction and wonder Jenna didn’t know she had, she rubbed her body on his, working to please him, to make him want her. Her lips brushed his. She breathed on him.

David lifted one hand to her hip and pulled her body to him, locking their loins together. She could feel his expanding cock stretching through the material of his pants; its lines massaged her thighs as it reached down his leg.

She kissed him, softly, slowly. He opened his mouth for her but let her work for him. He allowed her to taste his lips and suck on them. Jenna licked his mouth and breathed him into herself. As she exhaled, she started to ride his cock with her pussy lips through his pants.

Without warning, David’s other hand grasped her waist, cradling her close. He took her upper lip into his mouth and sucked on it. At her gasp, he began to chew softly.

“Oh, David. Yes.” As if that opened the door, he lifted her quickly and easily off of him. She felt like she weighed nothing in his arms. He turned her around so that she faced away from him and he brought her back down, her pussy still on his cock, but her ass curving toward his stomach.

Jenna could not see David’s face, but she could feel his attention. With a groan of appreciation, he slid her jersey up, exposing her perfect round cheeks. “I can’t get enough of you, Jenna. Move for me, Baby.” Jenna was desperate to be touched, but she kept on, doing what she was told to do. Her body moved to inaudible music. She churned and waved and flowed over him.

The lump in his jeans soon became too much to ignore. Jenna turned slightly, stole a quick kiss and unzipped his fly. She pulled his throbbing cock from his pants and it was so hot in her hand that she felt her palm and fingers melding around it. Her pussy burned for it, but she kept moving. She held it against her ass, splitting her cheeks over it, and completing the glove with her hand. She danced on him, stroking his member with her body.

A pulse in his shaft was her only warning before he grabbed her wickedly and pushed her up to the tip, letting her slide down wetly to the base.

“Oh my, god.” Jenna felt so full, so complete, so whole. She realized she was not a quiet sex partner. “Damn, David. You are huge. You fill me so well. Oh, god.” She trembled on him, but soon found the strength to continue her dance. With rhythmic movements of her hips, she pushed down, causing the head of his dick to scrape the wall of her vagina, while rubbing her clit on his balls. Her hands grabbed his knees and she rode him, unmercifully.

David aided her; he rose when she pushed into him and fell when she ebbed. He could see the muscle in her back pinch and flex as she contracted her ass to pull herself forward. Her shape was flawless. Round, supple flesh danced on him, sucking his dick with its movement. He couldn’t help it. It was from a place within that he wasn’t familiar with, and had been afraid to let out, but this time he couldn’t help it. His gripped her hips, hard, and began to bounce her on his shaft.

“David. David. David! DAVID!!” Jenna’s screams grew more fierce, desperate and loud as he continued to fuck her from below.  A burning started in her pussy and grew, and grew, and grew. With it, colors and lights stole her vision for a few heavenly seconds. “I’m cumming!” The fire shot up her spine from her pussy and exploded around her head. A few blessed moments of oblivion swamped her. Jenna returned to consciousness with David’s cock still rocketing into her. “Please, David. Cum for me. Cum inside me now, please.”

David felt wanted; he felt powerful; he felt natural and dangerous. He let his head fall back and flexed his hips, impaling her over and over again. “God, you’re tight. You feel so good.” The heat and friction lit his fuse and it burned within him. “Jenna, do you want it all?”

“Lord, yes,” she pleased. “Please give it to me.”

David growled as pressure built and built in his pelvis. It shattered. He sprayed cum into her each time he thrust. Six or seven times, his cock throbbed with his heartbeat shooting his seed into her pussy. Finally, he slowed and stopped, breathing heavily. His hands never left her hips.

“Oh wow, Baby. That was amazing.” Jenna loved her orgasms. They kept getting stronger with him and of course they were all better than what her hand could do. But nothing compared to the feeling of pleasing David. When he came, and she could tell how much he enjoyed it, she felt fulfilled and satiated. With a contented sigh, she rested back into his body, his cock still within her, and relaxed in his arms. She thought to herself, ‘this is what my body was created for.’

David spoke to her, and his voice was not the husky growl that only moments ago had made her wet, it was a tender, caressing tone that made her heart skip a beat. He was her sweetheart again. “Thank you, Jenna. I’ve never felt anything like that before.”

“No, my pleasure. How did you know, by the way? The score.”

“Well, I already got my dance so I guess there’s no harm in telling you now. Honey, you had the channel on ESPN classic. It plays important games from history. The game you played was from 1994, I watched it when I was younger. I remember it well because it was the very last time the Houston Oilers ever played Dallas.”

Jenna was both put out and amused. “DAMMIT! I can’t believe that. This isn’t fair. Why don’t they play anymore?”

“Because there are no Houston Oilers. They moved to Tennessee and became the Titans.”

“You cheater! I can’t believe you told me that cockamamie story about you being psychic just to get me to dance!”  Jenna play-slapped his shoulder. “I’m going to get you back for that. Just you wait.”

“Oh yeah? What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know, but it’s going to be good, god-dangit!” She squirmed and pulled while she lay nuzzled against his chest, not questioning if he’d expel her. She knew the connection they felt and she trusted it. There was no feeling like this before David. She didn’t understand how a girl could be so wrapped up in a man that she would follow him anywhere, do anything he said, or change her way of life, until now. He would probably never ask her to do those things, but she could.

Jenna knew her body belonged to David; there was no doubt about that. Eventually, she would have to remedy that, but it wouldn’t be anytime soon. What she needed to worry about, was her heart.

Her thoughts meandered back to their sex as she lay wrapped in his arms. His aggression grew each time they were intimate. Were his walls breaking? Was he letting her in? She hoped not, and she hoped so. How wonderful would it be to free this angel from his bondage of insecurity? But how dreadful would it be to break his heart by making him settle for a woman whose first love was her work?

“David, what was that, that happened just now?” She wasn’t sure what answer she wanted the most.

“I kind of lost control, didn’t I? I’m sorry.”

“Oh no, don’t be. I loved it. I think you are loosening up for me a little bit. I’m so happy to see that.” Jenna answered before she realized what she said. She allowed herself to continue. “Looks like we are making progress.” And then she thought to herself, ‘looks like we BOTH are making progress.’



Chapter Six


Blaine launched a left cross, right at David’s eye line. David absent-mindedly intercepted it with his own hand and parried before jabbing, again. Blaine bemoaned the jab, as if he thought David could do better. “Come on, Boyscout. Your head isn’t in the game.”

David shook his head, focusing his mind. “Sorry. I’m back. Come on. Hit me.” He recalibrated his stance and flawlessly deflected three more technical punches from his friend. It wasn’t but another minute before David’s eyes glazed over again and his movements became a repetition of parry, jab, parry, jab, step. Blaine noticed and intended to punish his friend for not focusing. Blaine swung a right cross at David’s face. David’s arms instinctively went up to block it, and Blaine’s left arm jabbed below David’s elbows. His fist caught David right in the kidney, but instead of stepping back and reeling from the shot, Blaine’s fist hit the metal of David’s oblique and bounced back. His own pain radiated through the thick, red practice glove. “Shit, David. Are you wearing a vest?”

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