For a Hero (18 page)

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Authors: Jess Hunter,Sable Hunter

BOOK: For a Hero
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Her disposition changed a tiny bit. He noticed. “What is it?”

“Nothing. I just wasn’t expecting to answer that question.”

“I’m sorry. Do you not want to tell me about your family? You told me about Maggie and your boy-friends.”

“No, it’s fine. I just need to think for a second.”

Silence sailed by them slowly. He never stopped petting her. ‘Look at the way he touches me. What am I worried about? Hasn’t he given me enough at this point to prove he isn’t like the other guys? We did just have sex for Pete’s sake!’

“Ok, I’ll tell you.”


“My mom and dad are divorced. They were not very happy together. My dad tried to follow his dreams, and he may get there one day, but he hasn’t gotten there yet and that puts a lot of stress on him. My mom is very, umm, traditional. She forced me to do homework for four hours every night and she never let me date anybody. My dad was a good man, but he wasn’t right for her and she never let him, me or anybody forget it. After they broke up, she had a string of very bad boyfriends. One was abusive, one was lazy, one was stupid and they were all unemployed. She supported them. I wondered how she could deal with that, settling for things that didn’t make her happy. But I realized that she didn’t get attached to them. In many ways, she used them for affection just like they used her for money.”

“That’s terrible. Does she make good money? Do men run after her for her money?”

“She makes very good money, but she works very hard to get it. Her men never work. They live in her house and watch her T.V. and just coast by. I hadn’t realized until just recently, that I got a lot of my impressions about men and relationships from her. I was always worried about what a man might do to me if I let him get too close. So, I never did. And, the worst part is, every man I kinda got close to, proved me right. I had this friend. His name was Ben. He has a girlfriend that I went to college with; we were pretty close. But he kept trying to sleep with me.” David’s body flinched up in anger. “It’s ok, Honey. Nothing ever happened.”

“I know that. You are better than that. But why would he do that to his girlfriend and to you? Didn’t he have any sense of decency at all?”

“Haha, their relationship wasn’t great. And he didn’t bother me too much. There has NEVER been any attraction there. There never will be. He was just the only kind of guy that I knew. He was a man that used his relationship with his girlfriend for support, and used his friendship with me as a way to try and get more sex and affection. He was just like my mom’s boyfriends, except a bit smarter. Not a lot smarter, but a bit.”

“I don’t like him.”

“I didn’t figure you would.”

“I want to meet him.”

“What?” Jenna was surprised at the turn around.

“Yes. I want to meet him. After I meet him, he will never say anything like that to you ever again.”

Once Jenna understood what he was saying, she felt the love and protectiveness in the tension running up his body. She embraced his stomach with a big hug. “You’re sweet. But I’ll never let you meet him. He is little. You might break him in half.”

“Oh no. That would be SO bad.” David’s facetiousness made Jenna laugh.

“You are so cute. What else do you want to know?”

“Have you made any friends here?”

“Yes, one. Her name is Miranda. I introduced you to her at your best friend’s ball.”

“Oh, the drunk one that was trying to get into Blaine’s pants.”

“Yes, that’s the one.”

“Where did you meet her?”


“You work at Prudent. They do marketing for music, right? What exactly do you do?”

“You really want to know all about me, don’t you?”

“Well, we are meeting my mom soon. She is going to ask you all of these questions too. I was just hoping that I could learn this stuff before my mom does.”

“Well, what if I want to know more about you?”

David laughs. “There isn’t much to know about me. I don’t have any secrets. But you are welcome to ask.”

“Tell me about Blaine.”

“I can’t exactly go into detail about Blaine.”

“So you   do have secrets! Why can’t you tell me? I promise it won’t leave this room.”

“It’s more complicated than that. I can tell you about him as a person. I can tell you about him and I meeting. I can even tell you about his family and his girls and adventures. But there are things that I can’t tell you.”

“Like what?”

“It would be defeating the purpose if I told you what I can’t tell you.”

“Inquiring minds want to know. At least give me enough to make Miranda feel better about being blown off.”

“Blaine is, oh lord, how can I put this? Eccentric. That’s it. Blaine is eccentric. He is brilliant, athletic, educated, well-read, wildly wealthy and I cannot tell you what he does for a living nor what he does in his free time.”

“Bro code? You two must be tight, huh?”

“We are. He is my best friend. But I’m afraid the reason why I can’t tell you is because I’d have to kill you. Well, more specifically, HE would have to kill you. And that would spoil our date. Besides, I’d be breaking a law. I only know what he does because our jobs are kind of related.” David immediately held up his hand. “Stop. I have said too much. We must immediately change subjects.”

“That is so mysterious. I didn’t realize Fire Chiefs worked with super-secret organizations and stuff. You get sexier every time I see you. Tell me something else about you that you don’t want me to know.”

“That’s not fair. I can’t do that.”

“Why not?” She started walking her fingers down his stomach toward his cock.

“Because if I don’t want you to know it, I have a reason.”

“But what if telling me would make me REALLY happy and therefore REALLY grateful.” She swirled her fingers around his dick.

He moved her fingers away. “But what if my telling you means you might leave and not see me anymore?” David seemed abruptly somber.

“David, I have never met a man like you. You are caring, loving, strong, masculine, compassionate, big, sexy, domineering, powerful and adorable. I had to redefine my definition of the word ‘man’ when I saw you for the first time. I am one hundred percent sure that if you tell me the worst things about you, I will think you have been overreacting by not telling me. Open up, David. Show me who you are. Let me see you.”

David thought. The words of his friend returned to him. “This is it. If things are going to go any farther, I suppose I just have to tell you.” He straightened on the couch, preparing for the horrible thing he was about to say. “My real name is not David. It’s Gabriel. My real mom named me that. She said I was her angel from heaven. She said that I saved her and my dad from a normal life. She would tell me that everything was better and more beautiful because I was there. I always thought about that. I never forgot it. When the house caught fire, and I was outside with the puppy, I heard my parents say they were going back into the house. I heard them condemn themselves to death because I was not there. They ran inside the house. I couldn’t make it. I dragged myself across the concrete beneath the car, but the pain was too much. The fear was too great. I didn’t scream. I didn’t push through the pain. I took my time. When I finally got out from under the car, it was too late. I killed them. I was responsible for their deaths. I stole my family from me. Jenna, I am a murderer. I am a terrible son. I am the reason that the two most amazing people in the world were taken. It was my inaction. It was my negligence. It was me. She said I was the angel who saved her, but really, I was the curse that killed her.” Tears fell from David’s eyes. His cheeks glimmered with sadness. He didn’t sob. He just wept. “Fire warned me it would take my family. It burned the house for ten whole minutes before it blew up. There was enough time. I just didn’t do it. Every time I see Fire and what it does, I remember what I did to my family.”

“David. That is so much to bear. It’s not your fault. You were just a little boy. We talked about this already. At Mount Bonnel, do you remember? You shouldn’t carry this with you. You can’t survive living with something like that on your shoulders.”

“I have to. What else am I supposed to do? The only thing I could think of is to keep Fire from taking anyone else’s family. Every person I pull from the flames thanks me and tells me I saved their life. It never makes me feel better, but I can’t stop. I can’t let my own inaction let someone else grow up in the same hell I did.”

“So you became a firefighter because you feel responsible for everyone now, huh? You want to save everybody.”

“I guess so. I just want this feeling to go away.”

“I know what it is, David.” Jenna hugged him and wiped his tears away. “You are afraid of losing more people. That is why you were scared of letting me in. You think you have hurt people. You think you have pushed them away and even killed them. But you didn’t, David. You didn’t. You have given so many people their family back when they should have lost it. You have given homes back to children and shelter back to animals and babies back to mothers. You are a hero, David.”

“If I were, my parents would still be alive.” She embraced him. “I know you lost them. But you aren’t going to lose anybody else. I won’t let you. And look at me.” David looked up at her, and his tear-sparkled eyes shone in the light. “Don’t worry. You won’t lose me either. I’m not going anywhere. I promise.”

He collapsed around her. He held her so tight.

She hated herself for saying that. Why did she do it? She held him and watched him soak up her comfort, let out the pain, and replace it with joy and love. What had she done? He loved this woman. He really did. He knew it in his heart. Now wasn’t the best time to tell her. It was too soon. There were other things going on. He needed her to know it wasn’t the emotion talking. But he loved her, with all his heart. Blaine was right, he thought as he made her his home. He was right. David opened up to someone and now he could feel whole and happy.

Damn Why had she done it? Why did she forget everything else when he was around her? Was she crazy? Was this love?  Jenna held him. She looked down at him, and even though she was tortured by the lie she gave him in a moment of weakness, she felt warmth and joy in her heart.

Maybe, she could try to be with him. Maybe, he wouldn’t be settling for her. Maybe, this was bigger than just a crush for him. Maybe, if someone, if anyone could perform a miracle, she could keep her promise to him.



Chapter Seven


“In closing, I believe that Jay-Z’s audience will not only appreciate the humor and irony of the campaign, but new fans all over the world will discover his music, and this campaign will be the billboard that invites them to purchase this album, as well as his entire catalogue. Like I was saying, Mr. Z, (can I call you that?) this campaign promises to market you, not just your album.”

The rapper smiled and spoke a few words to his manager that was present. Jenna’s boss gave her a secretive thumbs-up, trying to be discrete.

The manager rose and shook Jenna’s hand. “We enjoyed the presentation. Jay loved it. He really wants to sign right away, but I advised him to look over all of his options first. I hope you don’t mind he and I speaking about this for a day or so and getting back to you. It’s just a formality, I promise. The campaign has wit and social awareness, and just the right amount of ego. You really nailed him. We will be giving you a call tomorrow, Miss Johnson. Thank you for your time.”

Jay-Z shook her hand and smiled.  The two left. Jenna breathed out and relaxed, letting herself decompress. She had been holding her posture and poise flawlessly in front of one of the most successful and prolific musicians of her century. She smiled to her boss, and oddly, to Miranda, whom she could see watching through a window in the back. She ran around to join them in the conference room.

“What did y’all think? Was it ok?”

“Miss Johnson, I have no idea why the Dallas office has denied your promotion and sent you to us, not that I’m complaining. Your work is indicative of someone with more expertise than you should have at your level. You really need to be in my spot. I was very impressed.”

“Girl, it was incredible. You made Jay-Z smile. That is big. I haven’t seen him smile much. And he was so handsome and rich. I really should go talk to him before he leaves. I bet I could help him around town.”

“Thank you, Miranda. But I think Jay-Z knows Austin well, besides Beyoncé won’t be thrilled if she finds out you were trying to give her man a ‘tour.’”

Her boss stood up. “If they don’t take the campaign, I will be very surprised. I have a few more things I need to do before the work day ends, but I want you to know something. You haven’t been here long enough for a promotion, but I will see what I can do about getting you a raise. Work of your caliber needs to be rewarded. Congratulations, Miss Johnson. Miranda.” He began to leave.

Before he had a chance to get out of the door, Miranda scowled at Jenna. “Is that a bite-mark on your neck?” Jenna was horrified.

The boss turned around. “I believe it is. Next time you give a presentation to an artist that could be worth a million dollar deal to Prudent, please cover your indiscretions.” He was serious, but he was also a sweet man. His desire for professionalism did not cause him to judge Jenna at all, but his kindness and understanding did nothing to save her from the embarrassment.

“You two must be having a great time together, biting and everything.” Miranda spoke loudly to her friend as they walked the hallways back to the office room where their desks sat beside one another. “Did you do the cowboy thing? Is that when he bit you?”

“Yes! Now could you please talk more quietly?” They sat down and Jenna put her work away. She was going to rest now that her presentation had finished, if she could ever escape this humiliation.

“Why would I do that? Everyone in the office is talking about the beautiful man they saw you with when he brought you flowers. Most of them know who he is; he was on the news and everything. Did you hear they were going to throw him a parade?”

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