For Her Honor (9 page)

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Authors: Elayne Disano

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance

BOOK: For Her Honor
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glanced down at those eyes of hers that were like liquid green fire. “Front or back, sweetheart?”

She didn’t look as if she could stand, let alone answer a question.

“You want me facin’
you or comin’ in from behind? Lady’s choice.”

She didn’t look as if she gave a shit, but he was
all about pleasing his partner. Most men only cared about getting their own shit off. Not Taz. Bringing a woman to the point that she almost split in two drove him insane. He loved it. He fucking loved it.

“I…..I don’t……”

“Yeah, you do. How do you want it, Karen? Tell me how you want me to fuck you?”

With both hands on his chest, she pushed him away.
After giving him an intense look, she spun her body around to face the rock wall, pulling up her dress in the process..

This little lady was going to get the fucking daylights fucked out of her.

“You little……” He never finished that sentence. He didn’t bother wasting time. Instead, he tore open his belt, lowered his jeans, pulled his wallet out and ripped open a condom as fast as he could before rolling it over his cock. He pressed himself against her ass, his face and chest pinned to her back. He turned her head to grab her mouth with his, wanting to feel, to taste that sound of pleasure when he plunged into her. And when he did, that sound echoed all the way to the back of his throat.

Taz! Oh my……God!”

“Shit, Karen.
Shit, shit. Fuck!”

he came. Again. Fast, which spun him into such a haze of animal fury that all it took was three more thrusts before his own release slammed him backwards. One arm came around her waist to hold her up while his other braced the rock wall on one side of her. His legs felt like he was sinking in quicksand. Holy shit.

“Kar?” H
e rasped her name against her ear, feeling the sheen of sweat against her cheek garnered by a hot fuck on a hot day. Her scent was intoxicating, a combination of that clean perfume and feminine lust. “You okay, sweetheart?”

Nodding her head, she pushed back.
He went along with her, peeling off the condom and zipping himself up. She pulled up her panties, yanked down her dress, then awkwardly turned to him, her eyes cast down. “Hey.” He lifted her chin. “Look at me.” She did, and those hypnotic eyes told him a million things at once. “You okay with this?”

She nodded.
“Yeah. I am.”

He kissed her gently on the forehead.
“C’mon. Let’s get you back to your car.”

Several minutes later, he stopped his bike by the driver’s side of her Focus, waiting for her to slide off and hand him back his helmet.
“I’ll um…..shit, I don’t know,” she said.



know.” He hesitated then touched her face. “You want this place then let Eva know. Her ol’ man’ll set it up with the landlord, a’ight?”

She nodded.
“Yeah, I’ll take it. The motel won’t do long term.”

Long term.
Which meant her stay in Tippitt was more than just to get over whatever shit she was escaping from. Which meant he wasn’t done with her.

Which meant he was getting way ahead of himself.

Chapter Nine


The whiskey/pussy hangover Sunday morning clung to Taz’s head like a vise.

After an early start
, followed by an afternoon of club business, booze and babes the day before, he woke up in one of the rooms the Hogs set aside for visiting members. He was sandwiched in bed between his overnight company. Not one, but two – how he usually liked it. He loved giving pleasure while receiving it, so threesomes were quite his favorite. But his sexual escapades weren’t so much about his routine needs, but rather to exorcise the photogenic image of Karen Hanson from his head.

Even with these two chicks on his lap all night, even after securing the best room, even after experimenting with just about every position, he still woke up with her on his brain.
As hot and rough as he’d had it last night, his mind wandered back to where he’d taken her up against those rocks by the reservoir. The way she looked, the way she felt, that telltale sound of pleasure when she came while surrounded by a sunshine-covered waterfall still invaded his brain. Damn, it was fucking sexy. Spontaneous fucks usually were, but Karen wasn’t some biker whore you used on occasion, which was why he’d wanted to know immediately if she was okay with what happened. Although she had said yes, he learned over the years that women never meant what they said.

And now here he was in the Lakeland Hogs clubhouse
, after preferring not to ride back to Tippitt around midnight. He lucked out getting dibs on a room with a shower. By way of seniority, Doug had first choice, but the doofus had never left the main area last night and was probably passed out on some sticky couch with his face in some chick’s tits.

Speaking of tits, he looked towards the girl to his left.
Mid-twenties, auburn hair and a pair of D-cups which owed nothing to Mother Nature. She lay on her back, those enhanced tits sticking straight up, with rings between both nipples like his. He had her in that position last night, riding her hard, careful not to lean too far down so that their rings interlocked. That would’ve been some painful shit. It made him think of Karen when she had asked if his tongue stud hurt. It was the first one he’d gotten, while a senior in high school. His ma had practically flipped, but he had just turned eighteen and knew it was just the beginning of his transformation. His nipple rings had come next – an old girlfriend when he first prospected had done those. Over time, his brows, nose and lip were done while he morphed his facial hair into a perfect devil cut. He preferred his jet-black hair short and his ears free of jewelry. An imbedded piercing after being punched in the eye was one thing, but having some pussy-ass fighter pull your ears or hair was quite another. He had weird criteria for things like that.

The big-titted chick moaned a bit in her sleep while the blonde on the other side was spread out on her st
omach, dead to the world. All three had enjoyed a sensual soap-down around four a.m. They had been prepared to leave afterwards, but he had pushed them back to the bed instead. He wasn’t done. Karen’s presence was still in the room, even though she was miles away, tucked into bed at the Super 8 all warm and soft and smelling like that damn perfume.
was he thinking about her when he had two bodacious babes surrounding him?

“Morning, you little devil.”

Taz grinned and turned to his left. This wasn’t normal, to have women linger in his bed until morning. It wasn’t that he didn’t like it, it was just…..awkward. One crossed signal and you had some club bunny waltzing around thinking she’s your old lady. He reached out to pull the ring attached to a very erect nipple. “What’s on your mind so early, cupcake?”

She closed her eyes and arched at his touch.
Damn, there wasn’t anything more fucking hot than the way a woman’s body responded sexually. Just like Karen’s had, with his fingers up inside her, seeking, flicking, plunging until her body bucked with an orgasm.

There he went
Shit! Stop it, man!

“Fuck.” He mumbled and rolled onto the girl, taking that nipple in his mouth, his tongue stud clinking ag
ainst her ring as he sucked until it was so hard it could cut glass. She reached up and thumbed his lower lip, revealing what was inside. “I want that elsewhere.”

Of course
she did. They always did. And he was more than happy to oblige, because he fucking loved eating pussy. “Do you, now?” Wiggling brows and a devilish glare made the girl quietly giggle, so not to wake the third party. It was clear she wanted him all to herself this morning and there was always enough of him to go around. Slowly, he made his way down her body, grinning wide at the triangular patch of shaved hair which mirrored the design of his beard. “Great minds think alike,” he mused, before dipping to lap the stud over her clit.

She sucked in her breath and jerked up.

They always did.


Karen pulled into Tippitt-Over-Two Plaza around one p.m. Monday afternoon. She was scheduled to begin her first day at the bank at two, but decided to arrive early to visit Eva’s card shop. She was starting there tomorrow and wanted to get a jumpstart and introduce herself to the manager and her daughter.

And maybe get a little insight.

The entire weekend had sped by after that Friday afternoon at the reservoir with Taz. She’d thought for sure he’d show up outside her motel door looking for round two, but he hadn’t. She neither saw nor heard from him and kept herself out of the vicinity of Tippitt Saturday and Sunday. Not that she expected anything. Hell, she didn’t know what to expect. He was a biker who probably had his pick of groupies and was not looking for anything permanent, as evidenced by his mother’s unsuccessful attempts to get him settled down.

A relationship of any sort was just bad timing right now
, and a late night booty call would make her no better than the women who hung around those clubs. Even though it had been hands-down the best sex she’d ever experienced, she felt as if she’d acted against her better judgment. Imagine how over-the-edge Betsy would go if she knew her daughter was fucking a biker who looked as if he were spit out of Hades?

The bell jingled and a young woman in her early twenties looked over from a display of assorted chocolates.
“Good afternoon.”

Karen looked around. It was her first time being in here, and it pretty much had all the standard Hallmark stuff. Cards, little statues, quilted handbags, a small jewelry case, sweets, balloons and wrapping paper. Everything was situated neatly and organized. “Would Eva Lawson be in?”

The girl nodded.
“She’s in back. Would you happen to be Karen?”

“Yes.” Karen smiled and nodded.
“I am.”

“Jen.” The girl pointed to herself.
“You’re starting tomorrow, right?”

“Yeah, I got here a little early be
fore starting my bank job. Wondering if I could have a word with Eva?”

“Here I am.”
Eva walked out from the back after hearing her name. She had on one of those long, yoga skirts which pooled above her ankles, exposing a pair of wedge, lace-up shoes. The skirt was topped with a pretty, pink halter. She wore her hair in that no-fuss messy bun with the same silver earrings and charm bracelet. Karen hoped she looked that good pregnant someday.

had she just said to herself?

“Eva, hi.
I just wanted to swing by before I start at the bank. Do you happen to have word on the rental?”

The pretty, pregnant woman got that, ‘
oh my God, I forgot’
look. “Shit, Karen I’m sorry. Yes. My husband squared it away with the landlord. Rent’s the same. He’s going to paint, clean the carpets and mow the lawn. It has a bed, couch, old T.V. and kitchen stools. Should be ready end of the week.”

Good, that was enough time.
She didn’t have a lot of stuff to move and all she needed was a bed, couch and television for now. She had her laptop to watch anything online, so she didn’t care about cable. “Perfect. I can move in next Saturday if that’s okay.”

“I’ll give you the landlord’s number and you can work it out with him.
I’m sure it’ll be fine. So, all set for your first day?”

Karen felt like it was her first day in elementary school.
“Yeah. Think I’ll get a coffee next door and hang until two.” Karen noticed Eva had her tote bag in hand. “Are you leaving?”

Eva nodded. “Marie should be here any minute.
She takes over at one so I can go home.”

“Can you
join me for a bit? I, uh…..have something to ask you, if it’s okay.”

Eva looked a bit suspicious.
“Sure. Come on.”

Both ladies said goodbye to Jen
, then headed next door to Tippitt n’ Sip-It. They were greeted by a big, cherubic man behind the counter. “Hi Eva. And…” he looked at Karen, “you’ve been in here before, right?”

“Couple of times,” Karen replied.

“Merrill, this is Karen. Karen, Merrill.” Eva introduced them. “He owns the place, and Karen will be working at the store two days a week.”

“Nice to meet you.”
Merrill leaned his beefy hands on the counter. “What’s your pleasure on this hot day, ladies?”

Karen raised her hand. “Medium iced coffee.”

Merrill nodded, then looked at Eva. “Decaf, mama?”

Eva made a twisted face.
“Yes.” She turned to Karen. “I hate decaf, but I need my coffee fix. Come on, let’s sit down.” They found a wooden bistro table in the corner. Eva pulled her phone out to send a text as Merrill brought their coffees over. “Just letting Ben know where I am. I swear that man has me timed from when I leave the store until I get home.” Karen would’ve thought that a bit obsessive, but being Eva was pregnant, she thought it sweet in some alpha-possessive way. “So, what’s on your mind?”

Karen going to say? How would she bring this up without looking as if she was crossing some invisible line? But if she was going to work and live in this town, she needed to be sure how things went. And these Mountain Skulls were pretty visible. Oh, there were bikers in Cincinnati, but hiding in a big city was easier than in a town with less than twenty thousand people. Regardless of what happened between her and Taz, she didn’t want to ruffle feathers or get in anyone’s way. She’d come here to lay low while the Preston mess died down, and that was exactly what she wanted to do. “What can you tell me about the Mountain Skulls?”

That suspicious look of Eva’s returned.
“Exactly what do you want to know?”

Karen held her hands up.
“Eva, really. I’m not looking to pry or ask questions I shouldn’t. I get that they reside here. It’s a small town and I’m sure I’ll see them every now and then. I guess……I just want to be sure that I don’t overstep any bounds, I suppose. I mean……”

“Did something happen between you and Taz?”

Either it was written all over Karen’s face or Eva was a sharp cookie. Playing dumb wasn’t an option, as Karen didn’t want to get off on the wrong foot with her new employer by lying to her. “It’s not what you think.”

. I’ll take your word for it.” Eva sipped her decaf and winced. “As for your question, yes, the Skulls reside here. They have three other charters elsewhere in the state. They’re very ingrained in Tippitt and the president’s wife’s involved with town hall. If you see them, be respectful, polite, give them space and don’t ask questions.” Eva paused to take another sip. “That’s pretty much all I can say.”

Karen wasn’t an idiot
, either. She didn’t need that business college diploma to hear what Eva was
saying. She’d read the news. She’d seen bios on television. Whatever these Mountain Skulls were into which wasn’t fit for public knowledge was meant to stay that way. Karen didn’t want any trouble. “I understand. That’s all I need to know.”

Eva reached forwa
rd and took her hand. “You sure?”

Again, lying to a future paycheck wouldn’t fly.
She shook her head. “No, but I’ll deal with it on my own.”

“Taz didn’t hurt you, did he?”

Karen sat back wide-eyed. “Oh, no. I met him at the gas station. He helped me with my car. He was kind of a gentleman. Chatty. Outgoing. Then I saw him at your house and then……”

Eva leaned in.
“And then, what?”

Elbows on the table, Karen plopped her forehead into her hands.
“I think I made a move I shouldn’t.”

“Been there, done that.”

Karen looked up. “You mean you and Ben?”

Eva nodded.
“They’re different on the outside, Taz and Ben. My husband’s quiet, thoughtful. Thinks before he acts. Well,” Eva paused to sigh, “most of the time. But these guys? They’re part of something different. Club comes first – always. I knew that going in. But I also knew that Ben would love and protect me until his dying breath. Something he told me still sticks in my head. They bond deep, they live hard, they love strong.” Again, Eva paused, and her vivid blue eyes darkened, “and they trust little. As different as their personalities are, when it comes to living for the club, Ben and Taz are exactly the same. Yeah, Taz is a little overboard and talkative. But he’s also club, Karen. Again, that’s all I can say.”

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