Read Forever & an Engine Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

Forever & an Engine (36 page)

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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‘Keep them.
They match your eyes.’

‘I liked
them because they matched yours.’

‘Hmmm. Is
it hot in here or is it just me?’ he asked running his finger around the inside
of his collar. He looked flustered, three days without sex was getting to him
and dragging him around a sexy underwear store wasn’t helping.

‘Why don’t
you go and do your shopping and met me outside? I can take my time in here.’

‘Thanks. I’m
on the verge of throwing you down on the floor. It’s bad enough you look so
good today without imagining you in all this stuff.’

‘Is half an
hour enough?’

‘Should be.
Tell me you’ve got your phone on you?’


‘So check
it if you’re waiting and I haven’t made it back. Go nowhere, with anyone.
Promise me baby.’ I shook my head in exasperation and rolled my eyes and he
smiled. ‘Right, I’m going to give the counter staff my card and make it clear
that they’re to serve you regardless of cost. My pin’s your birthdate ok?’

‘Thank you,’
I chose not to comment on the pin. He may have set it before he met me, because
of his mum.

‘You know
what I like on you. Maybe a couple of extra surprises might be nice, no budget
ok and remember no disappearing on me.’

‘Got it, go.’
I kissed him and he reciprocated holding me against his chest and we carried on
for a minute before breaking away.

I smirked
to myself as the sales girls looked at me enviously. I watched him at the till
as he handed over his card, pointing to me. He blew me a kiss as he strode out
grinning. I spent the next fifteen minutes browsing and picked a pair of black
lace crotchless knickers and matching quarter bra, both with tiny black diamante’s
sewn in. Also a red Basque with black ribbons, a suspender belt in white, pairs
of white and black lace top stockings and a new pair of black ruffled knickers.
As a surprise I added a black garter, black nipple pasties with tassels and one
last item that I thought I’d like more than him, but was desperate to have. I
walked to the counter and handed over the items slightly embarrassed.

boyfriend’s left his card with you?’

‘Yes, I’ll
put these through the till and wrap them all individually for you,’ said blondie.

I watched
the number on the till climbing higher and higher. Shit he’d better like it all
for that price
not rip them all off again. I punched in my birthdate
as two other girls wrapped my items in tissue paper and placed them all in a
large luxurious looking bag. I pocketed Gabe’s card and smiled before heading
out of the door. I checked my watch, it had been just under half an hour and he
was nowhere to be seen.

I spotted
an Ann Summers sex toy shop a few doors up and had a sudden idea and nipped in.
I found what I was looking for, along with a few extras and had them wrapped,
paid on my own debit card and headed outside. He was standing next to some
expensive looking bags, on his phone running his hand through his hair. I grabbed
my phone out of my bag and saw it was vibrating, so I answered as I walked
towards him.

‘Hello sexy

‘Where the hell
are you? The girls in the shop said you left over ten minutes ago.’

‘I went to
get a little extra surprise for you.’ I tapped his back and he spun around as I
handed over the bag to him. He took it frowning as he cut off the call and put
his phone back in his pocket.

‘I told you
not to go anywhere,’ he snapped.

‘I was four
shops down Gabe. No one’s going to kidnap me in broad daylight from a busy
shopping centre.’ I ran my hand through his hair and kissed him knowing it would
calm him down.

‘Mia please
don’t do that it’s distracting. If you say you’re going to be somewhere, be
there. I was worried.’

‘You were
late. Let’s not argue again, please,’ I pleaded and he sighed and nodded.

‘So what
did you get?’

‘A very
expensive bill for the underwear sorry. The receipts in the bag, but I don’t
want you looking yet as there are a few surprises in there.’

‘Ok. What’s
in the sex shop bag?’ he asked as he jangled it.

‘I think
you ought to wait until we’re home before you open that one, but I think you’ll
be pleased,’ I grinned. He pulled me in by the waist kissing me so I put my
arms around his neck and enjoyed it. ‘Hmmm what was that for?’ I asked hanging
onto him.

‘Because I
love you and you’re spoiling me with gifts.’

‘It’s you
who’s spoiling me Gabe,’ I said as I nodded down at the extra bags on the floor.
I gasped when I saw where he’d been and he grinned at me.

‘See your
face is a picture. That’s why I do it. No peaking until date night,’ he
instructed. I kissed the side of his neck over and over until he laughed.

‘Milo,’ I
exclaimed and felt Gabe tense up in my arms. ‘He’s here,’ I clarified as I released
Gabe, who turned to see Milo coming towards us looking surprised.

‘Hi Mia, hi
Gabe,’ he said as he eyed the bags on the floor around us. I instinctively
pushed the Ann Summers one behind the others with my foot and saw a frown cross
over Gabe’s face.

‘Milo how
are you?’ I touched his shoulder and kissed him on the cheek. ‘I’m so sorry
about last Friday, I was a bit drunk. Gabe took me home.’

‘I was
worried about you, you were up there dancing one minute and gone the next.’

‘You don’t
need to worry. I always make sure she’s safe,’ sad Gabe with a hint of coldness
as he tightened his arm around my waist. I sighed, he was making sure Milo knew
where he stood and I noticed the fact wasn’t lost on Milo.

‘So how are
you feeling after your op Mia?’ he asked. I admired him for not being put off
by Gabe’s continual hostility towards him.

getting there. It’s my first day out today. We were just doing a bit of

‘So I see. I
have your English notes. I was just going home to collect them and call by and drop
them off at your place.’ Gabe’s fingers dug painfully into my side and I knew
he was wondering how Milo knew where I lived.

‘Thanks that’s
really kind Milo, but I’m not there. I’m living at Gabe’s.’

‘Wow you’ve
moved in together already?’ he looked taken aback.

‘No. It’s just
until I’m fully recovered. He’s taking such good care of me Milo, he really is
the best boyfriend,’ I reached up and pulled Gabe’s face around and pecked him
on the lips and felt his grip relax a little.

‘So how
about I drop them off at yours Gabe?’ he asked smiling. Milo had a pretty
amazing smile, any other time it might have done things to me, but Gabe already
had possession of my heart. I reached my hand down and slid it into his back
pocket and gently squeezed his bottom making him jump.

‘We’re out
for a while still Milo. I think it’s best I come to you.’

‘Ok I’m in
Glendale Hall, room 27. I’ll be back in about an hour. See you later.’ He
kissed me on the cheek and shook hands with Gabe before walking away.

‘So, you’ve
had no lunch and I’ve spotted a Krispy Kreme on the centre map and I know you
love donuts. How do you fancy it?’ Gabe asked kissing my temple.

offering me sugary treats? How can I refuse? It’s on me though and I don’t want
all of your crap about it ok?’

‘Didn’t I
say that to you earlier?’ he laughed.

‘Yes and I’m
batting it straight back at you. Come on let’s go, I’m drooling at the thought
of it.’

drooling at the thought of you in some of these items,’ he said with a wink and
a smile. I went to pick up the bags and he slapped my hand. ‘No lifting Mia.’ He
managed to put them all in one hand and took mine with the other and we went in
search of coffee and donuts. We each had a glazed and then he held his chocolate
custard crème one out for me to take a bite, brushing the coating off my lips
with his thumb and making me suck it.

‘Wow that’s
good. Here try some of mine.’ I let him take a bite of my cappuccino one.

‘Hmmm. Christ
I’m going to need to do an extra workout at the weekend.’

‘Trust me
Gabe, your body’s in simply perfect shape and when I’m fit, I’ll be all the
workout you need,’ I said as I sipped my coffee.

‘So, how
does Milo know where you live?’ he asked casually. Bugger, for a minute I
really thought he was going to let it slide. I looked at him and he sipped his
coffee avoiding eye contact.

‘The night
you were away when we went to the gym, we got a taxi to go to Peppers and stopped
outside the apartment while I ran up and got Lexi.’

‘So he’s
not been inside?’

apartment or me?’ That got his attention. His eyes flashed as he looked up at
me. He put his coffee down and folded his arms over his chest.


he growled, annoyed.

‘Well that’s
what you’re asking isn’t it Gabe? The answer’s no he’s not been in either. Seriously
what’s your problem with him?’

‘He wants
to fuck you Mia. I’m not comfortable him being around you so much.’

‘I told you
he’s in a relationship and is very content, as am I. We’re just friends. I’ve
no need for anyone else when I’ve got you.’

‘Why did
you hide the bag?’ he asked, easing up a little.

‘Do you
miss nothing?’ I took another bite of my donut, slowly and deliberately licking
my lips and tucking my hair behind my ears.

‘Not when
it comes to you no. Licking your lips like that and playing with your hair may
be turning me on Mia, but it won’t distract me from the fact that you haven’t
answered my question. The bag?’

‘I was

‘Of what? Letting
him know we’re fucking?’

‘No, but I
don’t go around announcing it to everyone you know.’

‘So what? You’re
embarrassed that we have an adventurous sex life?’


started it all with your handcuffs and vibrators.’ He picked up his coffee and
drank, his eyes not leaving mine.

‘It’s not
the fact we do that Gabe, it’s other people knowing, it’s private. I don’t want
Milo or anyone else looking at me and imagining the things we do together.’

‘Baby trust
me, Milo’s already imagining you doing those things,
with him

‘You don’t
know that,’ I tutted and drank some coffee.

‘I do
because I was imagining doing them within seconds of seeing you Mia. I imagined
sucking your breasts and slipping my cock in those pouting parted lips of yours,
before pounding you until you screamed. I recognise the look of lust on another
guys face.’

‘Do you
have to be so crude?’ I scowled as he smiled at me. ‘Anyway he can lust away
Gabe, I’m taken and
satisfied thank you. So as long he keeps
his hands off me there’s no reason to get all jealous. Why did you wait so

‘For what?’

question me? I thought you’d be straight down my throat. You seem relatively calm.’

‘You made
some gestures to show him you were with me,’ he shrugged. ‘I liked that.’ I
made a mental note to remember that tactic. We finished our coffees and walked
hand in hand around some more of the shops and I got some cards and wrapping
paper. I spotted a passport photo booth and dragged him in with me and sat on
his lap as we had some photos taken of us kissing and laughing. As we waited
for them to come out I started yawning. ‘Ok, time to get you home and to bed
for a rest.’

‘I’m fine,
I’m enjoying being out with you.’

‘Mia you
need to take it gently. We have been out for a few hours, it’s enough. We can
go out again next week when I have a free and you’re feeling a bit more
yourself.’ He grabbed the photos, smiling as he looked at them and led me back
to the car, bundled me in protesting and put the bags in the boot and headed
back to campus.

As we drove
past the main grounds entrance, there were police vans everywhere. I spotted a
white tent and police tape and it made me feel sick looking at it. Lexi and I
walked through there nearly every day and it made me shiver violently.

‘Now you
see why I don’t want you out alone?’ he whispered as he grabbed my hand and
kissed my knuckles. I looked at him with a half-smile and squeezed his fingers.
He drove around the outskirts of campus and headed over to the halls of
residence and started looking for Glendale Hall. I was about to point out which
one it was and decided it would be best not to remind him that I’d been to
Milo’s room. He made me wait in the car, physically locking me in it, while he
ran in and reappeared about five minutes later with a pile of papers in his

It was just
after six when we got home and put our heads through the games room door. I
made him leave the bags outside, so as not to draw any more attention. They
were engrossed in their game, which they froze when they spotted us.

‘Hey having
fun? Who’s winning?’ I asked.

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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