Forever & an Engine (39 page)

Read Forever & an Engine Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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I decided
to do my makeup first and did jet black smoky eyes with thick black liner above
and below and put a dash of silver in the inner corners. I applied a sheer
gloss with crystal sparkles and put my spiral silver bicep cuff on my left arm,
along with my silver watch and kept my bangle from Gabe on the right wrist with
a large silver cocktail ring and some dangling silver drop earrings. I rummaged
in my new lingerie bag and picked out the black sparkly crotchless knickers and
quarter cup bra and put them on along with the black garter. I was determined
that we were going to have sex again tonight, I didn’t even care if it was
slow, gentle or over really quickly sex, I just needed him inside me, four days
had been too long, again. I sent Lexi a text.

Sorry to
interrupt your game, but I want to put some black polish on my toes and can’t
bend down that far for that long. You got ten minutes free?

I sat on
the bed leaning back on the pillows and made a start on my finger nails,
dripping the fast dry drops as I went and heard a knock on the door.

‘Come in.’

‘Holy shit
Mia you could’ve warned me,’ Lexi said as she came in and closed the door
covering her eyes.


‘Your bra,
if you can call it that, your nips are showing and put your thighs together
your knickers have a huge hole in them.’

‘Sorry,’ I
laughed. ‘Pass me the towel off the end of the bed and I’ll cover up the most offensive
bit for you.’ I rolled it up pressing it between my thighs and passed her the
base coat. She sat at the edge of the bed and started to do my toenails as I
did my second coat of black gloss. She looked at the dress on the bed footer
and the shoes on the floor.

‘Wow you’re
blowing your allowance with those,’ she said nodding at them.

‘They were
a gift, along with the bag and the underwear.’

‘You lucky
bugger, you need to ask for a refund on the underwear though, half of it’s
bloody missing.’

telling me you don’t have crotchless knickers for a night out?’ I laughed.
There was no point mentioning the bra, she was so flat chested she had a bit of
a complex about not being able to find one small enough and having to go

‘Well yeah,
but they’re just called no knickers, far cheaper and less laundry.’

‘You’re so
considerate Lex, but I shall have to remember where not to put my hands when I
rummage your stuff out of the laundry, which you have still not learned how to

unfair, every time I go to empty the laundry bin it’s already empty and I check
a lot

‘And it’s
empty because you wait until you hear the bloody washing machine rumbling
that’s why. That’s the only time you remember
were on laundry duties
and it’s too bloody late because I’ve got pissed off and done it for you.
Christ Lex what would you do if I wasn’t around?’

‘I’d have
to get the train and go and see Mrs P with a big bag full and you know how I
hate trains.’

rather get on train and have an 8 hour return journey, not including waiting
time for washing and drying than learn how to use the machine yourself? Christ
Lex, I’m going to do you a step by step guide and laminate it and put it up in
the utility room for you. It’s our first job together when we go home next

bloody nagger,’ she sighed with a quick grin at me. ‘Gabe seriously got you all
this stuff for your date tonight?’

‘He did, he’s
so sweet Lexi. Anyway tell me how this Doug thing happened?’

‘We’ve been
getting on really well and I don’t know … we were just in the kitchen, bumped
into each other and he held my hips to steady me. I just got the urge to kiss
him, so I did.’

‘You made
the first move, nice. So?’

‘Pretty damn
great kisser,’ she smiled with a hint of a blush. ‘I’ve had to put some
foundation on as I’ve got a bit of stubble rash.’

‘First base

second, a bit of over the clothes groping in bed, but that was as far as it

‘You didn’t
help him out by performing either kind of job for him?’

‘No,’ she
said quietly and looked down.

‘Are you
lying to me Lexi Clarke!’

‘No, I’m
just embarrassed to say I didn’t do either that’s all.’

‘You’re so
backwards,’ I giggled. ‘I’ve never heard anyone be embarrassed that they
tackle a guys todger on a first date.’

Christ if you’re fucking you really need to use an adult word Mia, it’s cock.
Say it for me, cock, cock, cock big

You’re making me shake while I try to put my last coat on.’

tell me you at least use the word dick or cock with Gabe during sex.’

getting there, I’m sure I’ll be able to say it to you soon without feeling

we’re going to make a deal. While you teach me laundry, I’ll teach you to get
your mouth around “cock” ok?’

there, done that, got the stretched lips and need an “I suck big cock” t-shirt.
There you are, happy now?’ I laughed.

coming out of your sexual shell Prudie Page,’ she laughed looking impressed.

‘You don’t
know the half of it Lex. I took Gabe to third base on the back row last night
while you were watching Iron Man.’ I handed her my polish and drying drops and
grabbed my top coat off the side.

‘You never?’
she exclaimed looking at me shocked.

‘You really
had no idea?’


‘We started
off smooching, then petting and I was giving him a hand job and figured why
ruin his jeans and the throw, so I bent down and did the deed.’

While we were sitting in front of you?’

‘Yes,’ I

‘God I’d no
idea you were so kinky.’

‘It’s not
the first time. He likes to play with me in public, while being careful that
it’s not too obvious. In the club last week he had his fingers in me at the bar
and in the booth that first night, both times you were talking to us.’

‘I thought
you looked flushed. You
bugger, I wish I could claim credit for
all this adventurousness but we’ve hardly ever talked about sex before you met
him as I figured you were embarrassed about it as you didn’t want to do it yet.’

‘I was
then, I’m more than fine us talking about it now.’

‘So where
else have you been at it? I thought to begin with as a virgin you’d have been
sticking to a nice safe bed, but you’ve already surprised me with your roof
terrace and in the car adventures.’

‘I told you
I still feel a bit inadequate given his experience, so I’m trying to be extra adventurous.
Where else … O on his car, on the pool table, lounge floor, in the swimming pool,
the sauna, on the kitchen island, in the bath …’

‘I’m so
jealous right now,’ she interrupted. ‘You’ve gone wild Mia Page. He must have
some serious stamina and mad skills in the sack.’ I grinned happily at her as I
passed her the top coat and took my dry drops back.

‘Well I’ve
nothing to compare it too do I? But we can’t keep our hands off each other,
it’s like this constant need for each other. I’m so happy Lex, he’s amazing in
the way he makes sure I’m satisfied before he is. God, I never thought I’d say
this, but I’m so in love with him, it even hurts when we’re apart.’

‘Mia I’m so
happy for you. You make a really good couple, I think he’d go to the ends of
the earth for you and you’re obviously very sexually compatible. So why be
apart? Spend every night together.’

crazy Lexi, it’s on a par with living together.’

‘So? You’re
virtually doing it anyway and if you’re both happy that’s all that matters. You
don’t have to tell anyone and if you become unhappy I’ll nag you.’

‘What are
you saying? You think he should move in with me?’

‘Well he
already virtually lives there anyway, or you move here with him or split your
time between the two places.’

‘It is a
bit unfair the way I expect him to stay at ours every night. This is his home,
but it does seem mad us going day by day asking what our plans are for the
night when we both don’t want to be apart … but
moving in?
Christ that’s
a big step Lex.’

‘It’s just merging
of clothes and toiletries Mia, you get pissed off one of you packs a case and you
both go back to day by day. What’s the big dealio?’

‘It’s a
massive step from three weeks ago I was a single virgin with a heart of ice and
now we’re talking about me living with a guy Lex.’ I put a hand to my chest and
took a deep breath as I felt my pulse racing. What was wrong with me? Was it
the Gabe effect, or was it me having these crazy irrational thoughts so soon

‘You never
had a heart of ice Mia, you’d just left the fridge temp on too high and it
needed to be adjusted a bit and he’s the one that did it for you. You’re
starting to panic, your chest has gone all red so end of discussion. I’m going
to bore you with what a great tongue Doug has in my mouth.’

‘Right now
you can tell me anything to distract me, carte blanche.’

‘Right well
first your toes are done. Happy?’

‘Yes they
look great, thanks Lex.’

‘What are
you doing with your hair?’

‘I was
going to curl it and pin sections up.’

‘Do you
want me to do it for you?’

‘I don’t
want to keep you from your game. Or Doug and his tantalising tongue,’ I smiled.

worry I’ll take full advantage of it later, with a layer of protective Vaseline
on my face if he hasn’t shaved again. I think the boys need time to talk and
chill. Gabe’s spent so much time with you this week it’ll do them good.’

‘Is Gabe
down there now?’


‘What’s he

‘I’m not
telling you, but he looks good Mia.

‘He looks
good to me in anything Lex,’ I sighed, hoping he’d be wearing his grey suit and
white shirt like our last date, he’d looked so edible in it.

‘Trust me,
you’ll be ecstatic. I would say you’ll cream your knickers, but you’re not
exactly wearing them are you? Right where are your straighteners so I can curl
for you?’

‘In the
bathroom, avert your eyes while I get off the bed.’

We headed
into the bathroom and Lexi stood behind me, updating me on Doug and the wonders
of his tongue and groping hands, as she did sections of my hair until I ended
up with beautiful curls. I didn’t really watch what she was doing as I was too
busy looking at her happy animated face in the mirror. I’d never seen her like
this over a guy before, what were the odds of both of us starting a
relationship with another set of best friends.

‘So what do
you think?’ she finally asked. I blinked and focussed on the mirror to see that
she’d pinned up some hair at the sides and left the rest cascading down my

‘Lexi it
looks beautiful, thank you so much. Shit I’ve gone all teary.’ I fluttered my
eyes at the ceiling, I looked just like a princess, I definitely looked the
part to meet my own Prince Charming waiting downstairs.

‘You soft
git,’ she laughed and slapped my arm. She helped me put my shoes on, wrapping
the crystals up around my calves with her eyes shut, which made me laugh and
then helped wriggle the dress over my head and smoothed it down. ‘God Mia you
look stunning,’ she sighed with a shake of her head.

I walked to
look in the floor standing mirror and took a gasp to see the full effect of
everything together. You could just see a hint of my garter through the slit in
the dress and the shoes looked really sexy, as did the low neckline. Gabe was
right, he did know my body, it fitted perfectly skimming my curves instead of
clinging or being too loose.

‘Wow,’ I gulped.
This wasn’t Mia who went on dates in her jeans and converses before she came to
Westhampton, I hardly recognised myself.

‘I’ll go
down and tell him you’re ready, it’s nearly 7.30.’

‘Thanks Lex,
it’s been so nice just spending time hanging out and chatting.’

‘It has
hasn’t it? Ok have a great time and see you in the morning.’

I packed my
gloss, phone and purse into my new clutch bag and folded the pashmina over my
arm as I heard Gabe calling me from downstairs. I did a quick double check in
the mirror and opened the bedroom door and carefully worked my way down the
stairs. When I got to the bottom I lifted my head and was nearly knocked out at
the sight of him.

He stood
there in a perfectly tailored jet black three piece suit which accentuated his
muscular body to the max. He was wearing a crisp white shirt and had on a pale
silver tie, which matched my pashmina. He was standing, legs slightly apart,
with his hands in his trousers and I could see a familiar bulge. His face was
slightly flushed and he’d a huge smile on his face, but his eyes were a stormy
blue and bore into me. It was his
I want to fuck you right now
face and
I felt the same way about him and he knew it. The air between us was scorching
and I could feel my skin vibrating as my arm hairs stood to attention.

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