Forever & an Engine (38 page)

Read Forever & an Engine Online

Authors: C. J. Fallowfield

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Forever & an Engine
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As he moved
onto my nipple I started to moan into his mouth. I trailed my fingers back and
forth along the inside edge of his jeans until he was squirming below me. I
slowly started undoing the buttons then slipped off his lap onto the empty seat
and pushed my right hand into the gap in his boxers. I wrestled him out under
the blanket and took him in my palm, he was hot and rigid and I felt him
shudder and watched as he leaned back and stretched his arms out across the
back of the sofa as he gazed at me through hooded eyes. When I ran my thumb
over his foreskin and circled his tip he was really wet. He watched as I held
his gaze, very slowly licked the pad of my thumb before putting it in my mouth
and sucking it clean, knowing what it would do to him. He shook his head and
groaned and I saw the blanket move as he flexed below it.

I smiled
and slipped my hand back under and started to stroke him alternating between
fast and slow and enjoyed watching his face. His mouth parted and he tilted his
head back as he started to pump his hips up and down and moaned so softly even
I could barely hear him. He leaned his face down to me and I started to kiss
him again, but this time sucked and gently bit on his tongue as his thrusts got
quicker and quicker. I pulled away and after a quick glance to make sure Lexi
and Doug were absorbed in the film, I ripped the blanket off and lay down and
took him into my mouth. He was so shocked at my audacity that he jolted and
came in my mouth instantly, hard and fast and I heard him mumbling expletives
as a hand gently pressed down on the back of my head.

I swallowed
him down, licked him clean and pushed myself up tucking him back into his
boxers and looked to see he was leaning right back in the chair with his arm
over his eyes. I did up his jeans buttons and adjusted his shirt as his chest rose
and fell as he caught his breath. I took a large swig of beer and popped a
piece of chocolate in my mouth and lay down with my head in his lap. I could
feel him, still semi hard, against the back of my head. He started stroking my
hair and as I looked up him he mouthed ‘
Dirty girl’
at me with a huge
grin on his face so I gave him a wink. By the time the film ended I was
exhausted and stumbled as I stood up. He quickly caught me and swooped me up.

‘It’s past
someone’s bedtime. I’m taking her up, night guys.’

‘Night Mia,’
said Doug and Lexi together and I laughed.

‘Night both.’

I marvelled
at how easily Gabe carried me up the stairs and into his bathroom before
carefully setting me down at the sink. He pushed my hair away from my face and
kissed me.

‘You, Mia
Page, are the dirtiest girl I know. Doing that with Doug and Lexi sitting right
in front of us. I nearly passed out.’

‘You can
talk, you’ve had your fingers inside me while making me have conversations with
both of them.’

‘Yes, but
that was only second base. It’s not like I took you to third base and went down
on you in front of them, which is what you just did tonight. I thought you were
just going to grope me over my jeans.’

‘I couldn’t
wait,’ I shrugged. I brushed my teeth grinning at him through the foam as he
studied me, as if he still couldn’t believe it. I cleaned my mascara off and
headed back to the bedroom and stripped off. I was already under the duvet when
he strode in starkers. I happily watched him as he moved around the room taking
my clothes into the wardrobe. I tried rolling on my side and it felt ok, so
when he climbed into bed and lay on his back I draped myself over him, happy to
be back in our favourite position.

‘I’ve had a
really nice day today Gabe. Thank you so much for my gifts, I’m looking forward
to seeing them tomorrow.’

welcome baby. I’m forward to seeing mine too,’ he said kissing my head.

‘You know I
made it through a whole day without crying.’

‘I did notice,
but was too scared to mention it in case it set you off again. Sleep now, we
have a big night out tomorrow.’

‘I’m really
looking forward to it,’ I kissed his chest and he tightened his grip on me as I

‘Me too. Come
on baby you need to sleep.’

‘Hmmm. I
love you Gabe,’ I sighed happily.

‘You too
baby, sssshhhh.’


I rolled over to find another
note and wondered if I’d ever wake up to find him next to me again.

Gone down to the pool. You’re so cute when you’re sleeping and you make a
lovely noise when I kiss you. I’ll bring you breakfast in bed when I’m done. Looking
forward to date night G xx

I sat up in
bed carefully, it was getting easier, if only this damn tiredness would go. I
headed to the bathroom and washed my face and covered myself in moisturiser, put
on my yoga pants again and my black and grey jumper. I finally managed to pull
on some socks and piled up my hair and headed downstairs, deciding I was going
to make him breakfast. He usually swam for an hour, so I had time to prepare
while he showered and dressed.

I got
everything ready and sliced a large melon in half, filling it with some
raspberries and blueberries and popped the two dishes on the dining table and
lay out the cutlery and spotted him coming back across the grass. He’d got on a
pair of very sexy black combat trousers with a grey long sleeved t-shirt with a
Ferrari on the front which made me smile. His hair was still damp and he was
glowing. I felt my body warm from the inside out as I looked at him. He spotted
me through the glass and broke into a dazzling smile that made me tingle all
over. I went and started his coffee and heard him come in behind me.

baby. I was going to bring you breakfast in bed. What are you up to?’ His hands
went around my waist and his body pressed up behind mine making me feel all

‘I’m making
you breakfast for a change. Go and sit at the table and I’ll bring you your
coffee. I’m making you bacon and egg sandwiches and you’ve got melon and fresh
fruit too.’

‘I could
get used to being looked after,’ he murmured as he kissed my neck.

Austin go and sit down, or you know we’ll never eat,’ I scolded. He laughed and
slapped my bottom and went to sit down. I took him his coffee and gave him a
quick peck on the lips. As I waited for the bacon to grill I leaned back on the
counter drinking my latte as I watched him eating his fruit, wondering how I
could possibly love him more than I already did and how would I ever know when
I’d reached my capacity for loving him? Each day my love seemed to get stronger.
I plated up when it was all ready and took it over to him before sitting down
and having my fruit.

‘Are you
not having a sandwich?’

‘No I’m
good. I may have some peanut butter on toast in a while.’

‘Lexi not

‘No, she
rarely surfaces before mid-day unless she has to.’

‘So how are
you feeling this morning?’

‘I slept
really well and I feel like I can move about much easier. You?’

‘I’m doing
just great,’ he beamed, planting a kiss on my cheek. ‘I need to go and stock up
on some food. You want to come?’

‘I’d love
to, but I’m so behind. I better crack on with some work.’

‘Do you
want me to swing by and collect your mail?’

‘That would
be lovely thanks, do you still have my keys?’

‘Yes, do
you still have my credit card?’

‘Sorry yes,
I forgot to give it back to you. I promise I haven’t spent anything on it other
than the lingerie shop. The other stuff was on my own card.’

‘I’m not
worried, I trust you, but I need it for something this morning.’

I went to
find it and handed it back to him and started to clear away our cups and
plates. When I walked back over to get my books out he grabbed my hand and
pulled me onto his lap.

‘Kiss me,’
he ordered. I was only too happy to oblige and sagged against him, enjoying the
feel of his thumb stroking my cheek as I let him take me over. ‘Hmmm,’ he
sighed breaking away. ‘Ok baby I’d better go. I’ll join you for some studying

‘Gabe I’d
like to hog a bathroom for a while tonight. Can I use one of the rooms on the
top floor?’

‘Don’t be
stupid, use mine. As long as I can have a shower and shave first, you can have
it all to yourself while I get dressed and out of your way.’

‘Are you


‘What if the
outfit you got me won’t fit?’

‘It’ll fit
Mia, I know your body better than you do.’ He gave me another kiss and helped
me up. ‘See you a bit later, study hard as I’m hoping we can spend all of
tomorrow in bed making up for lost time.’

‘O god, you
better not be making idle threats,’ I said as he grinned and walked out. I made
myself some toast and sat down at the table and got loads done by the time he
returned with some groceries at nearly 1 p.m. He had a few bits of mail for me
and a letter for Lexi and announced that the apartment next to mine was up for
sale. I opened my mail, mainly bills, but one was from the hospital asking me
to go and see Dr Wells next Friday at 11 a.m.

‘Gabe, what
time do you normally get home on a Friday?’

‘About 1.30
p.m. Why?’

‘I’ve had
my appointment through with Dr Wells and I’d like you to come with me.’

‘You want
to come?’ he asked surprised.

‘Yes, but
don’t go getting all excited. I had a long chat with Lexi and she’s convinced
me that I need to understand what my fertility options are,
in case
change my mind in the future about having children.’

‘O Mia.’ He
came and sat next to me and picked up my hand and kissed it.

‘Gabe it’s
information only. I’ve been clear from the start that children were never in my
future. I’m just leaving the door open in case I change my mind, but I don’t
expect any pressure from you at any time or we’ll have a problem. Am I clear?’

clear Mia. Thank you, that’s all I wanted, for you to listen to your options.
It’s your choice if you follow any of them.’

‘Well first
I need to see if I can rearrange it to the afternoon when you’re free, but
letting you come makes me feel like we’re facing it together, instead of it
just being all about me and my needs.’

‘Does this
mean you’re thinking about us being together long term?’ he asked, the hope
evident in his voice.

‘Yes, I
don’t think I’ll ever find anyone I can love as easily as I love you, so I’m
not planning on letting you go. You’re stuck with me.’ I felt my cheeks flush.

‘There’s no
one else I’d rather be stuck with Mia Page, you’re my forever and I’m never
letting you go.’ I looked at his face, he was so adorable when he was all
excited. He reached over and ran his fingers down my hairline and along my jaw
tilting my face up to his and the hairs stood up on the back of my neck. I
heard the kitchen door swing open and sighed, interrupted again.

dude, morning Mia.’

Doug was still here? I looked around with my mouth

Doug,’ corrected Gabe as he ran a frustrated hand through his hair. ‘Didn’t
know you were stopping over.’

‘Yes sorry,
kind of a last minute thing. Just grabbing a coffee and will be out of your way,’
Doug replied.

Lexi came
in and avoided eye contact with either of us. The kitchen remained silent as
Doug made his coffee and kissed Lexi on the lips and walked out. Lexi started
fiddling with the coffee machine, so I went and hip bumped her out of the way
and started to make her one.

‘So, Doug
stayed over eh?’



‘Mine, but
it was a sleep over only. First time I’ve ever slept with a guy without, you
with a guy.’

‘O my god
Lexi you’re actually dating. I’m so proud.’

‘Sod off
and give me my coffee,’ she smiled blushing.

‘You’ve got
some mail.’ I went and got it and grinned at Gabe, who sat pretending to be
buried in my notes.

‘Shit, it’s
my abortion appointment for next week. I better ring them. Can I borrow the
phone Gabe?’

‘Sure it’s
in the hall, if you can bring it back here when you’re done, Mia has a call to
make as well.’

disappeared and I made Gabe and I another coffee and sat back at the table.

about us getting interrupted again,’ he sighed.

‘It’s ok, we’ll
be alone together tonight.’

‘Do you
mind if I go and get my notes and work down here with you?’

‘Of course
not, see you in a minute.’

He stood up
and kissed the top of my head and walked out as Lexi came back in with the
phone and handed it to me.

‘We’re in
the games room carrying on with our game if you want to join us?’

‘No we’re
good, we have catch up to do. When are you going to do yours Lex? You don’t
want to get behind again.’

‘Sorry mom.
I’ll do my homework tomorrow like a good little girl. Doug’s going out to do a
McDonalds run if you two fancy anything?’

‘I’ll ask
Gabe when he gets down and he can let you know.’

‘See you
later, SWOT,’ she grinned and padded out.

I dialled
the hospital and was able to rearrange my appointment for 2 p.m. I updated Gabe
when he came down and he programmed it into his phone and went to give Lexi our
lunch order before returning and sitting opposite me to work. Doug came in and
dropped off a big mac and fries for Gabe and a cheeseburger, fries and an apple
pie for me and a small package that had come in the mail.

that all about you getting mail here? You moved in permanently?’ Gabe asked as
he took a bite from his burger.

‘No it’s
another present for you. I need to wrap it and you can have it with your other
ones later,’ I said as I picked at my fries.

‘Why do I
have another present?’

looking after me and just because,’ I shrugged.


‘Because I
love you and I like getting you things.’


We smiled
at each other and ate as we carried on with our work.

At five I stretched
out and groaned. ‘Ok I’m done for the day. You better go and have your shave
and shower as I need to get ready, I plan on a nice long relaxation bath that’s
well overdue.’

‘Ok, come
up with me,’ he stood and held out his hand and ordered me to leave the mess on
the table until tomorrow. We went up and he disappeared into the bathroom smiling
as he shut the door. I quickly opened the parcel and sat on the bed and wrapped
it, along with some of the other items I’d got him and put them all by his side
of the bed. He opened the door to the bedroom and I stared at my second favourite
view of him, damp and muscular with that tiny towel around his waist. The only
thing better was seeing him damp without the towel.

‘Nice view
baby?’ he asked with a chuckle when he saw me drooling over him.

‘The best, you’re
so hot. How did I get so lucky?’

‘I think
the same about you every day.’ He leaned in and kissed me. ‘Bathroom’s all
yours.’ I stood up and found I couldn’t take my eyes of his stomach muscles rippling
as he breathed. ‘Mia go. We’ve all night and all day tomorrow for you to look
at me like that and I fully intend on making the most of it, so don’t worry you’re
not going to miss out.’

I pouted
making him laugh and headed into the bathroom. I put on a peel off face masque
as I ran the bath and decided not to wash my hair, but curl it tighter later and
put it up. It always worked better when it wasn’t too soft. I climbed in and
enjoyed relaxing, it was my first bath in days. It was an effort to be bent
over for so long to shave my legs, so I took my time to make sure I got no

When I
finally got up and out and dried myself I realised I’d accidentally soaked off
most of my stitches and the ones left were hanging off. I gently peeled them
off and examined the scabs on the three incisions. I was still bruised, but they
seemed to be holding together fine. Gabe knocked on the door to let me know he
was heading downstairs.  I peeled off my masque and washed my face, moisturised
and wrapped a towel around my chest and headed into the bedroom.

I gasped as
I looked at the items he’d put on the bed for me. I went to take a closer look
and held the slinky sleeveless jet black maxi dress up against me. It had a
plunging neckline and the most exquisite crystal embellished straps and waist
band that glittered like real diamonds. It had a slit up the right hand side
nearly to the top of my thigh and the back plunged down to the waist with another
crystal band where my bra would show, I couldn’t wait to try it on. I opened
one of the two boxes on the bed and found a black satin clutch bag with a
matching crystal buckle. When I opened the other box I had to sit down, I was
in love with this pair of shoes. They were silver sandals, about 5 inches high
with a crystal band across the toe and upper foot which then spiralled up on
its own. I put them next to my leg, they’d come up to nearly my knee, I made a
little squeal of happiness, they were absolutely gorgeous, but he was so
naughty spending all this money on me, this outfit must have set him back a

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