Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (19 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“You said you have a plan?’’ Becca reminds us, hope flickering in her eyes. We do a quick run through of our plan and neither girl argues or interrupts us. It’s only until we get to the end that I start to see doubt fill Rosie’s eyes.

“I tried to do the exact same thing and look what happened,’’ she reminds us and my stomach sinks, knowing she’s right.

“We aren’t alone anymore and we know what we’re getting ourselves into this time. All you need to do is let us take evidence and a statement from you both. They won’t even know that you talked to us until it’s too late, I promise.’’

“I’ve already had tests done and given the police my statement. But then Logan came around here threatening us,’’ Rosie tells us and I hear the fear in her voice, she’s utterly petrified. Out of all of us she’s had it worse. She wasn’t drugged or unconscious, instead, she was awake during the whole attack, feeling everything being done to her. I can’t even imagine what she must be feeling. It kills me to admit that I’m glad I was drugged. I don’t think I could have moved forward if I hadn’t been.

“I’ve done the same thing, though, I was stupid and showered. I just wanted him off me,’’ I admit with a shudder, and feeling like I somewhat let them all down.

“Do you have a pen and paper? I want to give you our numbers. We’ll also give you Liam Cole’s and CJ’s numbers, they’re our friends,’’ Allie tells them.

“When Rosie’s healed do you want to meet up? I know talking about what happened is hard and you won’t want to keep reliving it but it would be nice to just talk to someone. We don’t know anyone here, our family lives in Manchester,’’ Becca asks and she looks so worried that I’ll say no to her that it breaks my heart and I have trouble keeping it together. My throat is sore from the constant lump lodged in my throat.

“We’re friends now and it’s always good to have new ones, even under the circumstances. Just call us at anytime, day or night. We have our own place so feel free to come around anytime you want to. You’ll be safe, I promise.’’

“I’ll write our address down too,’’ Allie announces as she concentrates on writing our details down on the pad Becca handed her, her tongue hanging out the side of her mouth as she jots them down.

“Thank you. Thank you so much. You didn’t need to come here to help us, especially when it’s all my fault,’’ Becca tells us sadly, guilt written all over her face.

“No, it’s not,’’ Rosie tells her, looking sad for her friend.

“She’s right,’’ I tell Becca, needing her to know that none of this is her fault. None of us asked to be drugged and taken advantage of.

“It is, though. If I had just gone to the police or hell, even the hospital, Rosie wouldn’t have gone to that party and you would have known who he really was,’’ she sobs, guilt consuming her.

I shake my head disagreeing. We’re all blaming ourselves in one way or another instead of placing the blame where it actually belongs; with the two people who are guilty.

“Then it’s my fault,’’ Allie whispers brokenly, not looking at any of us, keeping her hands tucked in between her knees.

“What?’’ both girls ask, looking at Allie like she’s grown two heads.

“He tried to rape me when I was younger. He would have succeeded too had it not been for his mum walking in on him. Long story short, my mum’s a bitch. She made me sign a non-disclosure form without explaining what it was to me. It’s pretty much void now since there was a clause that my dad had put in after. If Logan hurt another girl or attempted to then the non-disclosure would be void.

“I’ve had to live with this secret every day since and now I’ll forever live with the guilt of what happened to you and countless other girls. I’m so very sorry for all your pain,’’ Allie breaks down, sobbing, her shoulders shaking.

“Allie,’’ I call softly, moving over to her. “This isn’t your fault. The only person to blame is that prick. None of us asked for this to happen. We can all play the ‘what if’ card, but in the end, nothing can change what’s happened,’’ I tell her and the others softly.

“You’re right. There’s no point blaming ourselves for something we had no control over.’’

My phone beeps from my pocket, alerting me of a text message. I pull it out, a small smile touching my lips when Cole’s name lights up my screen, my heart hammering against my chest.

Jesus, even my belly is fluttering like mad and it’s only a text.

COLE: Are you okay?

WILLOW: Yes. We’re at Becca’s. It’s bad, really bad. It’s a long story, but I’ll explain everything when we get back. We’ll be back soon. XOXO

COLE: We’re going to practice. We’ll be back in a few hours. Text me when you’re home.

WILLOW: I prefer these messages. You’re actually getting your money’s worth sending a full text. Plus, I feel loved.

COLE: You’re a nut. Text me!!!

I shake my head in amusement. His personality will never cease to amaze me. Shaking all my thoughts of Cole out of my head, I turn back to the group, noticing how tired Rosie looks.

“We need to go, but promise me that you’ll get in touch with us soon,’’ I plead, wishing I could stay to watch over the both of them.

“We will. Thank you for coming to see us,’’ Rosie says and she looks seconds away from passing out.

Poor girl!

“It’s fine. I really hope you feel better soon,’’ I tell her.

“Thank you,’’ she replies sleepily.

“Can you keep us up to date with what is happening?’’ Becca whispers, looking back at a sleeping Rosie.

Standing near the door, I step forward and pull her into my arms, giving her a tight hug, knowing she needs it as much as I do.

“Text me your number as soon as you get a chance. A relative of Cole’s is a police officer and has agreed to help us build a case. We want to put as much together as we can before filing charges, that way his parents can’t bail him out.’’

“Will you be here when he comes to take our statements?’’

“If you want us to be here, then yes, we will,’’ I agree softly.

“Please. I don’t know how she’ll react to being around a male. When the hospital called me I went straight over there. They had to sedate her when she came around. She had lashed out at anyone who came near her but when a male doctor walked into the room she went batshit crazy, throwing equipment at him and screaming,’’ Becca explains, tears running down her cheeks.

“She’ll get through this and we’ll make sure they pay, I promise.’’

She nods her head, wiping away her tears before she can look at us.

“I’ll text,’’ she promises.

We wave goodbye and leave the room quietly, but as soon as the door shuts, I’m rushing out of the building as fast as my feet can take me, needing air. Once we’re outside and the rain hits my face, I burst into tears. Hard, loud sobs rumble out of me.

Allie pulls me into her arms and I cling to her, needing her support. She takes my weight with a struggle and she ends up guiding me slowly down to the step, not caring that we’re getting soaked.

“Look what they did,’’ I cry into her neck, my whole body shaking as I grip her coat tightly in my fists. “How could anyone do that to another person? He’s a monster, Allie. He’s a monster,’’ I scream.

“I knew you were putting on a brave face up there. You should have let me come alone,’’ Allie whispers, her voice breaking.

“I needed to. I needed to see. None of it seemed real and then hearing what happened to them, seeing their faces has made it all the more real. He’s evil. I want to kill him for what he’s done,’’ I admit. I want to wrap my hands around his neck and choke the life out of him. I want him to suffer the same way that I have suffered and like all the girls he’s hurt have suffered by his or Jamie’s hands.

“You’re not a murderer, plus, killing him would be too kind,’’ Allie comments.

“True,’’ I agree, wiping away my tears and the rain from my face.

“C’mon, let’s get out of the rain before we catch a cold,’’ Allie says gently, helping me to my feet.

Her phone rings and I grab the umbrella from under her arm and put it up so that she can answer her call without getting her phone wet.

“Hey, Alex. Um, no, I didn’t forget,’’ she laughs nervously. Whatever it is that she’s supposedly not forgotten is a lie. She has most definitely forgotten. Her nervous laugh and stutter give her away. She really can’t lie to save her life and Alex would know that right away if he were standing in front of her right now and not on the other end of the phone.

“I’ll cook. No! Honestly, I got it covered and she’ll like you. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Bye.’’

“What did you forget?’’ I chuckle, moving closer to her.

“Alex coming for dinner tonight. If you want me to cancel, though, I will. It’s fine,’’ she rushes out.

Not likely. She’s stayed by my side through all of this and has even cuddled me at night when I’ve woken up from a nightmare. Plus, I want to meet this famous Alex that has stolen a part of my best friend’s heart.

“No, I want to meet him,’’ I smile, reassuring her.

“Okay. Now, we need to go to the store and pick up something for dinner because I totally forgot that too.’’

“Okay,” I giggle. “Want me to invite the lads over?’’

She squirms whilst trying to dry her glasses with the sleeve of her jumper. “Can we not? Just this once,’’ she rushes out to explain. “Alex isn’t really a lad’s lad and I want him to feel comfortable meeting you for the first time. We can introduce them to each other another time. Is that okay?’’ she asks, biting her bottom lip worriedly.

“Of course it is. Now, let’s go. You can cook spag bol for dinner,’’ I wink, feeling lighter. She giggles and links her arm through mine, smiling wide at me.

“Whatever you want, bestie,’’ she grins.



“Will you just bloody relax?’’ I chuckle, watching a dishevelled Allie rush around the kitchen trying to clean up after herself. She’s already cleaned the flat up three times today, once this morning, another earlier when we got back from food shopping and again before she started dinner. She grabbed the hoover out and the polish and was on her merry way.

“I just want the two of you to get on,’’ she panics, throwing the dish cloth on the side.

“We will,’’ I laugh. “Are you sure that this is what you’re really worried about?’’

“Yeah, why else would I be worried about him coming here?’’

“Do you like him, like him?’’ I ask softly, not wanting to overstep my boundaries. Last time I mentioned this she kind of bit my head off and it made me wonder if she was too embarrassed to tell me. She had mentioned he wasn’t all that good looking.

“Of course not,’’ she yells at me, wrinkling her nose. “I... Look, he’s really nice, yet, nerdy, he’s nothing like Cole or CJ. I like him as a friend and I understand what it’s like to have no one and from what I’ve seen, he doesn’t have many friends or any at all really. I just want you two to hit it off so that we can all hang out together without it being awkward.’’

“Oh, Allie, if you like him then I’m positive that I will,’’ I tell her, giving her a small smile.

The door knocks and my smile widens. Jumping down from the kitchen side, I rush towards the front door in excitement. Allie’s quicker, getting to the door first and opening it, making me giggle and out of breath.

“Alex, hey,’’ she greets, opening the door wider to let him in.

She was right about one thing; he does look like Harry Potter. He’s got on a pair of silver rimmed glasses, far too big for his face. His brown hair is messy, the front falling into his eyes haphazardly and instead of a Hogwarts outfit, he’s wearing jeans that reach his ankles and an old ratty Adidas hoody. He’s much taller than I expected him to be and a lot skinnier, but I have to admit the resemblance between him and Harry Potter is uncanny.

I can also see why Allie was worried about me meeting him. I feel like a snob saying this, but he’s not like the other people we’d normally talk to, not that we had loads of friends back home. I can also see why Allie wants to be friends with him. He seems like a genuine nice guy and not someone that will stab Allie in the back. His eyes, although covered by his glasses are kind and gentle.

“Hey, I’m Willow,’’ I greet, giving him a wide smile.

“I’m Alex. Allie has told me a lot about you,’’ he tells me, smiling kindly. He looks to Allie with a soft expression and I try to see if he harbours any feelings for Allie, but I can’t tell. He’s a hard person to read, he seems closed off, like something happened in his life that has made him learn to shut people out. It makes me feel for him already, knowing what it feels like to want to shut everyone and everything else out.

“Hopefully nothing too boring,’’ I laugh.

“Nah, all fun,’’ he chuckles, waving me off.

“Good. So, you work at the library, huh? What’s that like?’’ I ask as we take a seat in the living room.

“It was boring as shit until Allie started working there. She’s the reason I carried on working there this term actually. Unlike the others that work there, she actually works which is a bonus. Most of the others use the job as a way to pick up a girl for the night, thinking book nerds are easy and the rest that work there do nothing but stand around and gossip with each other.’’

“It’s true,’’ Allie agrees dryly. “I’m gonna go serve dinner. Do you want a drink? We’ve got tea, coffee, or pop.’’

“I’d love a brew,’’ he smiles at her.

“Great,’’ Allie says cheerfully, her body finally relaxed. I watch amused as she turns to leave but not before looking to me and mouthing ‘thank you.’

The dinner goes off without a hitch. Allie was right about Alex, he’s such a great guy, and boy does he love to talk when he’s comfortable. He’s chewed our ears off for hours and honestly, he’s actually really funny. I like him. I can see why Allie befriended him.

“He was showing off, making out he knew his shit when Allie asked him where milk came from. The lad only answered; the fridge. I nearly pissed myself from laughing.’’

I giggle at Alex, loving how close he and Allie have become. I’ve noticed during my time with them that they are just friends. They don’t have a secret crush on each other and I like how he respects her a lot. He’s not using her, he genuinely likes her as a friend and nothing more. Allie didn’t act all flustered like she does every time she’s around CJ either, it’s how I knew for certain she didn’t fancy him, she would have been tripping over her own feet.

“That is so funny,’’ I laugh, clutching my stomach. He’s been filling me in on all the other workers at the library and some of the athletes that pop in thinking they can find some nerd to do their work for them.

“It was. You should come and keep us company one night. You’ll be surprised how slow some of the nights can be so it will be good to have company,’’ he offers.

I smile. “I will. There’s a project I’m working on actually and I was going to pop into the library and see if they had any old news paper articles. I want to do some research on past headlines.’’

“We do, although, the collection is really shit. If you want to read some juicy headlines then you should read Whithall’s scandals. It’s a blog that our manager reads. She prints them off and keeps them all in a folder. Every single post that this blog has ever written, she keeps. I’d think she was weird for doing it but I’ve read a few of the headline stories and they are pretty interesting. Last year we found out one of the IT techs was sleeping with his students,’’ Alex informs me.

‘A blog that post’s gossip.’
Whereas I should be thinking of my assignment that I haven’t even started, I’m now thinking about what kind of stories have been written on that blog. It makes me wonder if the blogger has reported what happened to me on there or any other incidents that relates to mine.

“You okay?’’ Allie asks and I’d been so lost in thought that I didn’t answer Alex back. I look to Allie, giving her a small smile, but can’t help running over scenarios over in my head about this blog and what it could for us.

“Yeah, I spaced out. I’m sorry,’’ I tell her, trying to laugh it off, more for Alex’s benefit than Allie’s. “Do you have the link to that blog, Alex? I’d like to check it out, it sounds interesting and sounds like it could be some help,’’ I half lie.

Allie straightens in her seat, obviously clicking on to why I want the link.

“Yeah, I’ll text it to Allie, hold on. She can forward it to you,’’ he smiles, oblivious to the sudden tension in the room. He presses a few buttons on his phone before Allie’s phone beeps with an incoming text message.

“Thank you,’’ I smile.

“Any time,’’ he grins, seeming pleased that he can help. “I hate to love ya and leave ya, but I need to get going. My Nan will lock me out if I’m too late.’’

“You live with your Nan?” I ask, finding it all kinds of sweet.

“Yeah,’’ he blushes, seeming a little embarrassed. “She needs help getting around and I’m the only family she has left.’’

“I’m sorry to hear that. It’s lucky she has you, though,’’ I say gently.

“She’s pretty cool,’’ he shrugs.

“I’ll see you out. Maybe next time I can meet your Nan,’’ Allie offers, seeming excited to meet her.

“Yeah, she’d love that. She’s always up to seeing a friendly face,’’ he tells her whilst slipping his trainers on.

I walk with them to the door, not wanting to be rude by sitting on my arse. Allie pulls open the door and a startled squeal escapes her. Cole is standing on the other side, his fist raised ready to knock.

“Cole,’’ she gasps, holding a hand to her heart. “You scared me.’’

“Sorry,’’ he grumbles. When I turn my gaze to him I notice him staring at Alex, his gaze narrowed and his stature menacing.

“Cole, this is Alex. He’s Allie’s new friend from the library, remember, I told you about him?’’ I rush out before a fight breaks out. All I need is for him to scare Alex off; Allie would never forgive me or him.

He nods his head in confirmation, not speaking; he also doesn’t move his gaze away from Alex either.

Well, crap, that went well.

Shuffling uncomfortably on his feet, Alex shifts his eyes nervously between Cole and Allie, looking unsure whether it’s safe to leave her with such a large beast. It’s not nice to think it but Alex really doesn’t stand a chance against Cole, though, it’s really freaking sweet that he wants to protect her.

Clearing his throat, Alex takes a step towards Allie before stopping himself, looking to Cole warily, then back to Allie, saying, “I’ll speak to you later then.’’

Allie smiles. “Yeah, and thanks for coming over.’’

“Nice meeting you,’’ I tell him, waving goodbye to him.

Cole doesn’t move to let Alex past so the poor guy has to squeeze past Cole looking completely petrified. He doesn’t take his eyes off Cole, probably worried he’s going to touch him and not in a friendly gesture.

“Cole?’’ I hiss, once Alex is safely in the lift and out of hearing range.

“What?’’ he asks, having the nerve to act all innocent.

Rolling my eyes I gesture for him to come in, shutting the door once he’s inside.

“You miss me already?’’ I tease.

“I wanted to see if you fancied watching the rest,’’ he asks, while waving around the box set of Chicago PD.

“Does a fat kid like cake?’’ I scoff, snatching it out of his hand.

He looks to Allie with his eyes scrunched together before turning back to me. “Um, should I answer that?’’

I playfully smack his shoulder, laughing. “Of course I want to,’’ I smile, however, when I remember Whithall’s scandals blog my smile falls from my lips. “I need to look up a site first,’’ I pout, wanting to do both, I just don’t know how long I’ll be on there.

“What site?’’

I explain what Alex had said earlier and my theory about finding out if there are other story’s like mine posted on there. By the time I’m finished explaining he looks at me with a sheepish expression, rubbing the back of his neck. I’ve noticed he does this when he’s nervous, unsure of what to say or how to approach something.

“What?’’ I ask, raising my eyebrow.

“I just don’t think it’s a wise idea you going through that blog. What if there are more story’s out there?’’ he suggests. “I don’t think it’s a good idea.’’

“He’s right,’’ Allie says softly, stepping forward. “You’ve had a long day as it is, you don’t need this added to your plate. I was planning on looking myself so if I find anything that could help us I’ll print it off.’’

“Are you sure?’’ I ask, feeling bad but I can’t deny a large part of me that knows I won’t be able to stomach anymore today. Seeing Becca and Rosie earlier near enough broke me. They’re all I’ve thought about all day.

I don’t think I’ll ever be able to erase the image of their faces from my mind or Rosie’s beaten body. God, just thinking about her is turning my stomach. Her attack was brutal, no remorse, nothing. It’s sickening to know someone can do that to another human being.

“Yeah, I’m positive. I’m nearly done with my project anyway.’’

“Thank you,’’ I tell her, pulling her in for a hug. “C’mon then, Batman,’’ I call to Cole, dragging him down the hall by his hand.

“Night, Allie,’’ he calls over his shoulder and she giggles at the sight of us.

“Night, Cole.’’

“Night, Allie,’’ I shout back.

“Night, Willow,’’ she giggles, shutting the door to her room behind her.

I slam the door behind us and move over to the DVD player, making sure it’s set up. Mum was messing with it Monday morning after I woke up from a nightmare. When I find it’s all set up, I smile wide, turning back to Cole.

“How are you feelin’ after meeting Becca and Rosie?’’ Cole asks as we settle down on the bed together. We work around each other so easily it’s almost scary. It’s like we’ve known each other for years. Not even Allie and I are this in sync with each other and we’ve known each other our whole lives.

“Okay, I guess. I just wish there was something more I could do for them both. I feel so helpless. All those years I stood by his side not having the slightest clue of what he was really like. People probably saw us together and wondered what kind of person I was to hang around with such a monster. You should have seen what they did to her,’’ I whisper, my stomach turning at the image flashing behind my eyes of Becca.

“I don’t think people will see it like that, Low. How could you have known? He was so good at hiding who he really is, he had everyone fooled. Look how many women fell for his act. It wasn’t because they were weak minded, it’s because he’s really fuckin’ good at manipulating those around him. The amount of times he’s been let off proves that. He’s a compulsive liar and knows exactly what to do and what to say to make things go his way,’’ Cole explains and I ease back onto the pillow, absorbing everything he’s said.

My mind wanders back to all the times Logan and I would hang out and I can’t help but over analyse every little detail of our time spent together. Everything he ever said, every move he made I question; it doesn’t matter how many times I run it all through my mind, nothing incriminates him. Sometimes I wonder if my mind is just trying to find something, anything, so I can justify why I didn’t pick up on his behaviour sooner. I can’t help but wonder why I never pushed Allie more on why she didn’t like him. It’s like somewhere deep down inside me I knew it was bad and I chose to not want to know, to ignore it.

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