Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“Why didn’t you call me?’’ she asks sounding hurt.

“I didn’t want anyone to see me. I was such a mess, Allie. Just thinking back on yesterday it all feels like a nightmare. Everything that happened is like a blur in my memory,’’ I admit, shaking my head.

“And your face, Alec did that?’’

I nod. “Yep. Seems Logan wasn’t the only one I was blinded by.’’

“You weren’t blinded, Willow. You just see the good in people, that’s all. He’s a good actor. He made me think for a year it was all me, that I asked for it and in his words, ‘
begged for it’
. That is how much of a good liar and a manipulator he is.’’

“He said the same thing to me. That I ‘
begged for it’
that is,’’ I say softly, feeling bile rise in my throat. “What if he’s done this to other girls?’’

“I don’t know,’’ she says but the wariness in her voice tells me she’s thinking the same thing I am. There could be other girls out there that are too scared to come forward. All because he had manipulated them into thinking no one would believe them.

“I need to report him. Jackie, Cole’s mum said that they hold the evidence until I’m ready to press charges. Yesterday I just wanted to be at home and in bed, but he can’t get away with this. He needs to pay for what he did to me.’’

“And he will,’’ Cole promises dangerously, standing in the doorway of his bedroom with his arms crossed over his chest.



The police took my statement, and after, they took Cole’s as he was a witness to mine and Logan’s altercation outside the flats yesterday morning. They left after explaining that they would be in touch after getting the results back from the rape kit. They also warned me to stay away from Logan. I promised them it wouldn’t be a problem. I inwardly scoffed and I had to bite my lip to stop myself from snapping a sarcastic remark at them for even implying something so ridiculous.

The only thing I’m worried about now is the picture floating around uni. CJ and Cole have already had it forwarded to their university email account, but the police said there’s nothing they can do once it’s out there. It didn’t make me feel any better or safer. That picture is out there for anyone in the world to see. Just thinking about it makes me want to go throw up the cup of coffee I managed to swallow down earlier.

CJ lets himself into the flat like he lives here. With a laptop in hand and looking deep in thought he makes his way inside. I hadn’t told Allie what Cole told me about CJ this morning, knowing it isn’t my place to tell anyone. His presence means a lot to her though, I can see it. Whatever he said to her this morning when he confronted her over what he heard must have made her see him in a different light. I’ve noticed the stolen glances she’s sent his way whenever she thinks no one is looking.

He left shortly after the police left saying he needed to check something out, so I’m surprised to see him back so soon. He sits down on the sofa, nearly sitting on my mum’s lap causing my lips to twitch a little. It’s the first sign of emotion other than anger and sadness that I’ve showed. I was beginning to think I’d never feel anything other than those two again.

The numbness is still there, however, with each passing moment of being surrounded by loved ones and friends, it’s getting easier to breathe. I’m just afraid of what will happen when that numbness wears off.

“So, the picture was sent via email, right?’’ he says out loud, not talking to anyone in particular.

“Hey,’’ Mum scolds, playfully, when he ignores her death glare.

“Soz misses M,’’ he apologises, but doesn’t look away from his laptop screen.

Cole takes that moment to walk in after taking a phone call from his mum. He sees CJ with his laptop and his eyes turn serious. It happened so quickly that I nearly missed it. It’s like one moment he was calm and collected and then the next he was on high alert.

“The picture was sent via email....’’ Allie repeats, getting him to snap out of his trance.

“Oh yeah. The email was sent via email. Two email accounts actually. One is Logan’s, and one belonging to an Alec Redman. That’s your ex, right?’’ he asks, looking up at me, his eyes softening like they’ve done every time they’ve landed on me.

I nod my head, swallowing. “Yeah.’’

“Well, anyone who opens the email now or reopens it will now get a nasty virus thanks to yours truly. I’ve also managed to put a block on both accounts. The only thing is, it was also sent via picture message so there’s nothing I can do about deleting those. I can erase the picture if it pops up anywhere on the internet; I’ve sent out a message alert so that I’ll be notified as soon as it does.’’

“But people will still have it on their phones?’’ I whisper. I knew this would happen, but it still hurts all the same. Once a picture is out there there is no stopping it. No matter what I do in life, from now on that picture will haunt me. It will always be there reminding me of what happened to me and who did it.

“Yeah,’’ he sighs, looking defeated. “If I have to take everyone’s phone and reset the fuckers then I will,’’ he promises and I can see that he’s telling me the truth.

“Thank you,’’ I say through a watery smile.

“Right, anyone else up to eating Indian for dinner?’’

I hear everyone telling Mum yes but I’m staring into space, my mind on CJ and everyone else’s support.

“Low?’’ mum calls gently and I shake my head before turning my attention to her.

“Sorry,’’ I mutter, still lost in thought. “I’m really not hungry.’’

“You need to eat,’’ she says softly, walking over to me.

“I’m really not hungry, Mum. I just want to go lie down, it’s been a long day.’’

“Why not try something small, just to put something in your belly,’’ Cole tells me, his voice low.

Looking up at him I give him a small smile. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stomach it. If I’m hungry later I’ll just grab some toast. I’m going to go lie down.’’

“Do you want some company? I’ll put a movie on while you sleep,’’ Cole offers and CJ starts coughing into his hand.

“Sorry, tickly throat,’’ he wheezes, pointing to his throat.

I scrunch my eyes up at him but look back at Cole wishing more than anything for him to stay with me. But I’m being selfish, and leaning on him the way I have been won’t do me any favours in the long run. I’m surprised I’ve managed to stay calm around him and CJ. Sam is like the dad I never had, so he’s different. I guess there’s just something about CJ and Cole that makes me feel safe. I hate the fact Logan has me questioning everyone and everything.

“I’ll be fine,’’ I whisper. “Thank you for being here for me.’’

“It’s okay,’’ he rumbles, staring at me with a deep intensity.

“I’m going to grab a shower,’’ I mumble, walking off, and I can feel the heat from my mum’s stare on my back. It’s not the first intense stare someone has given me and I don’t think it will be the last.

“Okay. I’ll plate up some food and pop it in the microwave for you just in case,’’ she offers, her voice soft.

“Okay,’’ I shrug, walking in a daze to my room. The whispering starts as soon as I escape the room and my eyes fill with tears. I just want this feeling to disappear. I want to feel like me again.


“Hey,’’ Mum whispers, coming into my room. It’s dark outside, the moon shining bright through my bedroom window. I’ve literally been a wide awake the whole time. I’ve not been able to shut my eyes without having little flashes of memories or remembering the pain that I endured. It’s killing me.

“Where is everyone?’’ I ask quietly. Cole and CJ decided to stay for dinner. They tried to keep the noise down in the living room, but I still heard them all chatting away, getting to know each other. It was nice knowing they were all out there, though. Even still, I couldn’t get a wink of sleep, even with the amount of protection I had outside my bedroom door.

“Gone home,’’ she whispers, sitting down on the bed. “I wanted to come in and see if you’d eat something for me. I can heat up some soup.’’

“I’m really not hungry,’’ I state, just as loud banging erupts from the front door. “Mum,’’ I call out, panicked and she reaches for me in the dark, squeezing my shoulder.

“Shush, baby. It’s probably one of the boys coming back for something,’’ she starts to explain. Her explanation would explain why someone is knocking on the door this late, especially since we don’t know anyone here yet. But when loud voices echo down the hall all my hope for a drama free night fades.

“Who is that?’’ I ask, feeling slightly panicked.

Please don’t let it be Logan or Alec.

“I’ll go see if Sam is okay,’’ she says gently. I can tell by the tone in her voice that she’s just as puzzled and concerned as me.

“Oh no,’’ I gasp, my face paling when I hear their voices clearly. It’s Logan’s parents. We’ve always gotten on, don’t get me wrong, but they’ve never really been welcoming when it came to me. I thought it was because of the fall out all our parents had, although, now I know different.

“It’s fine. Everything is fine. We’ll get rid of them,’’ she assures me, already at the door.

When she closes the door too, I get up from bed and sneak my way over to the door. My mum begins shouting with Logan’s mum and I wince. I actually feel sorry for Logan’s mum for a second. When mum gets angry, she gets
. She’s like a lion protecting its cub and will bite anyone who tries to harm them.

“I should have known this would happen. I bet you two had this cooked up all along when my son rejected your daughter,’’ Mrs Williams snarls.

“Amanda, you cannot be serious?’’ Sam asks, astonished. “We both know what your son tried to do to my daughter. We told you then to get him help and you didn’t listen. Now look what has happened. Another girl has been assaulted and it’s probably not the first time he’s done this.’’

“Sam,’’ Logan’s father warns. “He was assaulted for the false allegations Willow accused him of. He’s in the hospital. Now, your daughter will drop charges before this gets out of hand. No one needs this dragged out in court.’’

“Drop the charges?’’ my mum asks dangerously low.

“Yes. It’s to our understanding that Willow made these false allegations because Logan threatened to tell her boyfriend that they had intercourse together. She could face charges for lying
slander,’’ Mick states, his voice firm and in charge.

“He raped my daughter,’’ Mum screams, making me jump. I’ve not seen her react like this, ever. I look back through the gap in the door to find Sam holding my mum. She’s clinging to him, her sobs echoing down the hall.

“So she tells you,’’ Amanda states, snottily.

“It happened,’’ Cole’s deep voice rumbles, and my heart picks up. He’s out there. He’s sticking up for me once again.

“And you are?’’ Mick asks.

“The person who put your son in the hospital,’’ Cole answers and I gasp in horror. What the hell is going on? I step out of my room and into the hallway. Allie steps out when she sees me, her hand reaching for mine.

“You’re the thug who assaulted my son?’’ Mick questions, a bite in his tone.

“Yes, sir. I was here when he was physically forcing Willow to keep her mouth shut about what happened. I was also with her when she went through all the medical shit at the hospital and when she got her results back. I was the shoulder she leaned on when the nurses told her she had in fact been raped and had severe tearing.’’

The blood rushes from my face as he reveals in detail about the results from the hospital and when I see how deadly he looks. His face is pinched tight and his hands are clenched into fists. It’s then I notice the cuts on his knuckles that I hadn’t seen earlier. My body sways a little and Allie has to reach out to support me, anchoring me to her body.

His eyes land on me and for a moment it’s just us, no other drama and I see the remorse he feels about revealing such personal details about me in his eyes. I know straight away that I forgive him. There’s no way that I can stay mad at him, not after everything he’s done for me.

What I don’t understand is why he attacked Logan. Okay, I know
I just don’t understand what made him go. It’s not like we know each that well, not enough for him to get revenge anyway. Well, we know each other better than anyone can know another person with everything we’ve been through the past couple of days.

“It’s lies. She’s always had a crush on my boy,’’ Amanda states, sticking her nose up at Cole. Her words cause me to my ball my hands together, dropping my head to my chest.

“No I haven’t,’’ I bite out, my gaze on the floor as I try to remain calm. It’s all boiling inside me, like I’m ready to burst at any given moment.

“Oh, look, she decides to show her face,’’ she greets snidely. “My son is in the hospital because of you.’’

CJ grunts from behind Cole and everyone turns to him. “I wasn’t there, though, from what everyone is saying, it was a fair fight. It’s not Cole’s fault your son can only hit drugged and defensive women,’’ he bites out, stepping around Cole so he can look at the William’s in the eye.

“You, you...’’ Amanda stutters.

“Charming bastard? Lovable arsehole? Am I getting close?’’ CJ answers.

Allie snorts, the sound echoing down the hallway and CJ chuckles, giving Allie a wink.

“Son, stay out of it. It’s none of your business,’’ Mick snaps.

“You’re wrong,’’ Cole rumbles, his voice deep as he takes a step forward. Mick takes a hesitant step back and I have to bite back a smile.


“About your son. He’s not only a rapist but a drug dealer. He’s been selling on campus for over a year. Last year he sold drugs to some high school kids and they OD. A friend of mine is brain damaged because of your son,’’ Cole grits out.

“Do you even check in on him? He’s also been arrested on more than one occasion for assaulting other girls,’’ CJ adds.

“All of which were not proved,’’ Mick states coldly.

“No. But you just proved you’ve known about your sons exploits and did nothing about it. Everyone he has hurt, including that girl right there,’’ Cole states, pointing to me, “is on you. You could have done something about it, got him help, yet, you sat back and paid everyone he hurt off. You would have saved yourselves a lot of time and money spending it on a psychiatrist.’’

“This has nothing to do with you. They’re false allegations and after they’re done questioning him they’ll drop charges once again. You might want to think about getting your own lawyer. We’re pressing charges.’’

Cole shrugs, seeming unbothered whereas my heart picks up and fear he’ll get into trouble because of me makes me feel sick.

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