Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (30 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“Hey, Low, what’s wrong?’’ Cole asks panicked. “Did I hurt you?’’ he asks, swallowing the words like they cause a bitter taste in his mouth.

“I... he didn’t break me,’’ I sob, overwhelmed with everything I’m feeling.

Cole loved me. He didn’t take advantage of me. We got through it, together. I didn’t have a panic attack or freak out on him.

Logan didn’t break me!

He didn’t ruin me.

He didn’t destroy me.

He didn’t win.

He doesn’t get to ruin my future or my love life. I dictate when, where and how I have sex, not him. He can’t take that away from me. He can never take anything away from me ever again.

I’m safe.

I’m free.

I’m living.

“No he didn’t, Low,’’ Cole whispers, understanding what I’m going through.

“I love you, so much,’’ I whisper, my voice full of pain as I hold him closer.

“Oh Low, you’ll never know how much you mean to me. You’ve had me under your spell since the first time I found you checking me out,’’ he says, his voice teasing towards the end.

“I wasn’t checking you out,’’ I lie, chuckling, wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

“It’s okay, I’m yours. You can check me out whenever you like,’’ he promises, kissing me before pulling me under his body causing me to laugh out, seconds before he turns it into a moan.

“Again?’’ I ask, surprised, my eyes lighting up.

“Again,’’ he chuckles, entering me in one fluid motion.

Yes, I could get used to this... To love... To Cole.



I swat Cole’s hands away from my naked arse, giggling. “Hey, everyone’s waiting at mine for us,’’ I laugh.

“We still have ten minutes,’’ he whines, pulling me back into his naked chest, kissing the back of my neck. Tingles shoot down my spine and I sigh. I’ll never get used to seeing his body, licking it or drooling over it. It’s a work of art. It’s like God decided that when it came to Cole, he should have extra in the body and looks department.

“No, we don’t. We’re twenty minutes late already and while you were in the bathroom getting showered, Allie text to tell me that the food was here,’’ I giggle, stepping away to put my leggings on.

“Okay, but we’re picking this up later,’’ he warns me, smacking my arse lightly. I laugh, watching him pull his shirt over his head before pulling his jeans up over his boxers.

God, he has a tight arse.

A gorgeous, round, plump arse.

I can’t get enough of him and I don’t think I ever will.
with him wouldn’t be long enough with him.

“Of course we are,’’ I promise, leaning up and kissing him on the cheek. I go to step away but he pulls me back against him, kissing me harder, leaving me gasping and wanting more.

“Nope, come on, Allie is going to be mad,’’ I tell him sternly, laughing when he starts pouting. “Don’t look at me in that tone of voice,’’ I giggle.

“Did it work?’’

“Nope,’’ I half lie, knowing if he kisses me one more time I’ll give in and let him take me back to bed for the third time today.

It’s only been a week since we officially became a couple. My mum came and went the weekend everything happened. She left after the police let us know Logan and Jamie were going to prison until their sentencing. They won’t be getting away with it since it won’t be going before a jury. There also won’t be any chance at an appeal. They’ll both be added onto the sex offender register since both Jamie and Logan abused three teenage girls when they were eighteen. Our solicitor had given my mum a list of charges against them. She didn’t repeat them all but some were revealed around the university. It seems everyone knows about what happened Halloween. The looks I get around school have doubled since the arrest. I’m just glad no other names were mentioned publicly. I don’t think Rosie would cope if everyone stared at her, although, I think some may suspect. I’m worried it will set her back in her recovery. She’s still a timid little mouse, scared of her own shadow but with each day I see her, the light in her eyes shines brighter. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I’m just glad we’re finally getting to see more and more of the real her. She laughs, jokes and even leaves her room at the Halls by herself more often.

Anyway, more girls came forward once word got around about Jamie and Logan. Jordan has set up a meeting place for girls who are willing to step forward and talk about their assault in front of a group. One of the teachers at the university has even volunteered to help run it, counselling the group of girls and helping them get through it, one step at a time.

I’ve already attended one, speaking up in front a group of girls, telling them everything that happened to me from the beginning to the very end. I also told them about Cole, how he helped me and how Logan didn’t break me. It felt good, freeing. Let’s hope my talk gave others the courage for other girls to talk about what happened to them.

That was on Wednesday, it’s now Saturday and to celebrate the arrest of Logan and Jamie we have organised a little get together tonight, inviting everyone around for takeout.

“C’mon, stop fucking like rabbits,’’ CJ shouts. “The pizza’s getting cold and Allie smacked my hand away when I tried to pinch a spicy wing.’’

I giggle, opening the bedroom door and stepping out. CJ winks, looking me up and down with a smirk.


“You may want to brush your hair or tame it somehow, or not...’’ he chuckles before looking over my shoulder to Cole. “Dude? Again?’’

“He’s got stamina,’’ I answer before Cole can, causing them both to laugh.

“What she said,’’ Cole agrees, nodding, his face dead serious.

CJ rolls his eyes. “C’mon, I really do need some food. I’m star-ving. I haven’t eaten allll day,’’ he whines.

“You ate a KFC earlier,’’ Cole reminds him.

“Apart from that,’’ CJ says, waving him away.

you had a full English breakfast with extra sausage and bacon,’’ I add.

“Oh yeah, that too,’’ he smirks, shrugging.

you had that pack of cookies...’’

“I get it, okay,’’ CJ shouts, throwing his hands up in the air. “I’m a growing boy for fucks sake.’’

I burst out laughing, following him across the hallway to my flat. We’re greeted with loud cheers and my face flames in embarrassment.

“Hi,’’ I wave, lamely.

,’’ Allie winks, grabbing some paper plates off the kitchen side.

“Yo, I asked once for chick pics,’’ CJ whines from the front room and I carry on walking into the front room, Cole right behind me. Jordan, Rosie, Becca, Alex, and Jane are all here, smiling when they see us.

“You asked me if I had any bi-sexual friends, willing to join you and Allie in bed,’’ Jordan snaps dryly.

“CJ,’’ Allie snaps, her face beet red, glaring at CJ.

“I didn’t mean... I was joking,’’ he says, flustered, holding his hands up, a small blush rising in his cheeks.

I laugh, loving our new group of friends. We’ve all become close over the past week, Rosie and Allie more than the rest of us. The two seem to know how to be around each other. It’s nice to know Rosie has someone to talk to, someone she can trust enough to confide in. I know from Becca that Rosie’s been doing a lot better since we all became friends and I’m glad. I’ve been better for it too.

Jordan and Rosie however is another matter. The two have been on a few ‘coffee’ dates together but it doesn’t seem like it’s moving past that just yet. I just hope with time that it will. Rosie deserves to be happy and Jordan makes her happy.

“You’re together?’’ Alex asks, looking at the surprised and a little concerned.

“Um...,’’ Allie stutters, blushing.

She hasn’t made their relationship public knowledge. She confessed that she’s worried he’ll hurt her or cheat on her. Not that I think she has to worry about that, the guy adores her. I guess she wanted to be sure before telling everyone.

“Yeah, we’re together. She couldn’t resist the charm,’’ CJ boasts, looking proud as he throws his arm around Allie’s shoulders, pulling her into him as he kisses her in front of everyone.

“And you tell us to get a room,’’ I tease, smiling.

They pull away from each other; Allie’s face now red with embarrassment. I laugh, loudly, along with everyone else. What they all don’t know is that Allie and CJ haven’t had sex yet. She admitted it to me the other day. When I questioned her why she changed the subject but I guess that’s a story for another day. It’s not like CJ is pushing her, he seems content to just be with her.

“Yeah, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I wanted to know what we were before, you know... Before I told anyone,’’ Allie explains, sitting down and opening the pizza box.

“It’s alright,’’ he tells her, waving her off and helping himself to his own slice of pizza, sitting down casually next to her.

“Help yourselves,’’ I tell everyone, grabbing my own plate. When my plate is full of food I walk over to the sofa, squealing when Cole pulls me down on his lap, pinching a slice of pizza off my plate.

“Hey, that’s mine,’’ I pout.

He ignores me, taking a huge bite out of the pizza, eating half in one bite. “Yum,’’ he mumbles, around a mouthful of food.

I shake my head smiling, leaning down to kiss him before taking a bite out of my own slice.

“Well, here’s to putting two dickheads away for a very long time, may their arses be sore for life and that they’re made to shower twice a day,’’ CJ toasts, raising his can of pop up in the air.

I choke on my bite of pizza, earning a pat on the back from Cole. Once it’s swallowed down, I stare at him in shock before bursting into a fit of laughter, along with everyone else, not believing he just said that out loud. In a room full of people.

“I cannot believe you just said that,’’ Allie says, trying hard not to chuckle.

“What? Everyone was thinking it, I just said it,’’ he says, eating his pizza with no shame.

“Well, cheers,’’ Rosie toasts, holding her can up to CJ. He grins, leaning over and smacking them together.

“Cheers,’’ he grins, giving her a wink.

“Not normal,’’ Cole chuckles.

“You can say that again,’’ Allie giggles, looking at CJ like she has no idea what she’s doing with him. It’s cute.

“Ahh, what the hell, cheers,’’ I toast, joining in, making Cole laugh into the back of my neck. It doesn’t stop him from holding his can up, toasting with us and everyone else.

“Put the tele on,’’ Jordan says, suddenly serious. “Now,’’ she barks and Allie jumps up from the floor, turning the TV on.

“ITV,’’ Jordan whispers, horror in her voice.

“What’s wrong? Is everything okay?’’ I ask, but she doesn’t answer, her eyes are transfixed on the television.

I turn my attention to the tele when the news reporter’s voice carries across the room, everyone now silent as we watch the screen in horror.

“Breaking news! A brutal stabbing took place earlier this morning around two am and seven am at Whithall universities residential halls. Christie West aged nineteen was found dead by her roommate. Sources confirm the roommate had stayed out at her boyfriends, not returning until this morning, where she found the young woman deceased.

“Her last known whereabouts were at club Sin located in Whithall town centre. We’re advising anyone who may have witnessed anything that can help with the investigation to get in touch with the police using the helpline at the bottom of the screen.

“Over to Henry, who is live at the university right now...’’

The sound of Henry’s voice trails off when Allie turns the volume down. All of us sit completely stunned, neither of us speaking as we watch the police swarming the university, yellow tape everywhere.

“She’s one of the girls that drugged me,’’ Alex whispers, his face pale when a picture of Christie pops up on the screen. She’s a little younger in the picture but not by much, maybe a year or two younger. My own face pales as I take a look around the room at everyone else’s stricken faces, Rosie’s more than anyone.

“Are we safe at the Halls?’’ Rosie whispers, looking horrified.

“I don’t know,’’ Becca admits, looking scared herself.

“Isn’t that your Hall?’’ Allie asks, as the reporter shows the front of their building block.

“Yeah,’’ Rosie whispers, looking shaken up. This must be hard for her; it just seems to be one thing after another. I’m beginning to wonder if this place is cursed.

“You can both stay here for a few nights if you like? I’ll stay over at Cole’s so you can share my bed,’’ I offer, smiling gratefully when Jordan sits next to her, comforting her.

Rosie looks to Becca, seeking that approval or advice thing again, breaking my heart. It reminds me of everything the poor girl has gone through.

“You don’t mind? We don’t want to put you out,’’ Becca asks, looking down at her phone when it beeps. “Ellie said we can grab our things, the police have closed our floor down for a few days pending investigation. We’ll have to be escorted by the police while we grab some things.’’

“Where will everyone else on your floor go?’’ Jordan asks, looking over her shoulder to Becca.

“The university is putting them up in a hotel nearby and paying for travel fares. They’ve only closed our floor off so I guess it’s what, forty people, give or take?’’

Rosie nods. “I can’t believe this is happening.’’

“It will be okay,’’ I assure her.

“Wonder what happened?’’ CJ mumbles, still looking at the mute screen.

“You don’t think it has anything to do with ‘the case’ do you? I know she had to give a statement against dick one and dick two to get out of her own charges...’’ Allie mentions, trailing off seeming lost in thought.

“Nah, the girl was a bitch, no doubt, but no one deserves to die like that,’’ CJ tells her.

“She probably bit off more than she can chew with some guy,’’ Alex shrugs, picking at his torn jeans.

“Yeah...’’ Allie agrees, staring at the screen like the answers are going to pop out spontaneously.

“I’ll see if I can find anything out after I leave here,’’ Jordan tells us.

“Me too,’’ Allie announces. “I want to catch who did this; it will be good for my real life story I have to write in my creative writing class. This would be perfect.’’

“How many times do I have to tell you, you’re not really Cat Woman? You’re not Veronica Mars ready to take down some evil motherfucker. You’re going to stay wrapped in cotton wool, safe where I can see you at all times,’’ CJ tells her, kissing her quickly before she can pull away.

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