Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (9 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“This is what I believe. I don’t expect everyone else to have the same beliefs. But I don’t think just because you have wealth and status that only your story should be told. I believe everyone deserves to be heard,’’ I tell him, finishing my point. I may have gone a little far, explained a little too much but it’s something I strongly believe in.

“That’s... That’s quite an argument,’’ he says, and I notice a hint of respect in his expression. “But what makes you think people will want to share their stories?’’

“That’s what is so rare about telling other people’s real life stories. While reporters are busy focusing on celebs or the government, no one is watching the ‘little people’. People will talk. You’d be surprised just how many. It will also help the people who have or are going through the same thing to cope.

“Take grieving for example. Everyone grieves differently; they pull through their pain
But who’s saying one of those methods won’t work for someone else? And they’ll never know unless it’s being told.’’

“Well, Miss Saunders, you’ve given us something to think about until our next session. Which reminds me, your first assignment,’’ he smiles, and a few students groan, not seeming pleased.

“As you’re aware, the university started up its own local paper a few years ago. This year it will be expanding and people other than students will be able to subscribe or buy a copy.

“As the new editor I’m willing to have four or five student’s intern this year. This assignment will determine whether or not you are qualified for the role or not.

“I was going to give you individual projects to write a piece on,’’ he says, waving a stack of papers. “But after listening to Miss Saunders’ inspiring argument it has given me a new perspective on this year’s paper. So instead of writing an article of a project you know nothing about I’m going to let you write an article on something that inspires you, something you want to be able to write about once you graduate.

“If your dream is to write an advice column, make sure you get students to submit questions. If it’s a diet plan or advice on losing weight, do the same. You need to make sure what you write is true to your full knowledge, so you will have to test your work on some subjects.

“I’ll be sending each of you an email later on this evening with your new assignment requirements. The project will still have to be handed in, so I can’t stress enough that if you need documentation of proof, I’d start straight away. See you all Friday,’’ he dismisses, moving back towards his desk.

“Want to write about my first sexual encounter? What to and not to do on your first time,’’ CJ smirks and I laugh, throwing my head back.

“As entertaining and amusing as I’m sure that experience was... for the girl, I’ll pass.’’

“Suit yourself, you’re passing on the opportunity of a life time though,’’ he grumbles, moving to grab his bag.

“See ya later,’’ I wave, and leave the room with a huge smile on my face. I just made it through my first lesson.


Turns out, not only do I share Introduction to Journalism with Cole and CJ, but English Literature too.

“I cannot believe you. Why didn’t you warn me?’’ Allie hisses as we make our way over to the food court.

“I didn’t know,’’ I stress. “They surprised me as much as they surprised you Allie. They were in my other class too,’’ I admit, still amused how red she still is.

“I bet he slept with the teacher and got a heads up on today’s lesson. No way has he read all those classics,’’ she bitches, which isn’t like her.

“Maybe he has,’’ I tell her, defending CJ. “He did quote every book she threw at him,’’ I giggle. I wouldn’t have believed it myself had I not witnessed it. It seems CJ is quite the genius. After the teacher called him out for teasing Allie, she made him quote certain classics. Honestly, I believe she was just trying to find a way to get him removed from her class, but it backfired on her big time.

“Whatever. Let’s just eat so I can go home and eat some more,’’ she huffs.

I laugh, linking my arms through hers. Poor girl just spent two hours arguing with CJ over Shakespeare. Their views on Romeo and Juliet had to be the most entertaining.

“Babe, over here,’’ is shouted from across the gardens outside the food court.

Instinctively, my head turns in the direction that the voice came from and I find Logan was the one shouting. He’s waving us over to his table that is full of his friends.

Allie snorts next to me. “

“I know,’’ I agree under my breath, pasting on a huge smile as I wave back at Logan. I hold my index finger up at him, gesturing for him to give me a minute.

“Will, over here,’’ another voice shouts, this time from Alec who is walking out of the cafeteria.

“Well, at least it wasn’t babe,’’ Allie sings, teasing me.

My smile widens when I see Alec walking towards us, but soon falters when I see the girl I saw this morning, Christie, with him. There’s also a few other people with him, but it’s the way she’s looking at him that has my back up. It’s also ignites an emotion I’m not used to. Jealousy. It’s not strong, but it’s there and it irritates me.

“Hey,’’ I greet, leaning up on my toes and kissing him.

“Hey. Want to meet some friends of mine?’’

“Yeah,’’ I smile; glad he’s having a good day too.

“This is Dave and Christie, we all went to school together. These goofs are Tom, Jack, and Leo,’’ he grins, his friends rolling their eyes at his introduction.

Well isn’t that perfect. They went to school together.

“I know you. You were with Cole and CJ this morning, right?’’ Christie asks in a sickeningly sweet voice.

I grit my teeth, forcing a smile. “Yeah, we were in the same class,’’ I tell her before turning back to Alec. “So, anything good here to eat or shall we grab something in town?’’

“Shit,’’ he snaps, looking angry with himself. “I’ve already eaten. We finished class an hour ago.’’

“That’s okay,’’ I smile, trying hard not to let it bother me. Then I remember Logan sitting with his friends. They didn’t seem like they’d been there long, not long enough to eat. “Logan is over there, I’ll see if he wants to grab something if he hasn’t already eaten.’’

“Don’t be silly, Will. I can fit in a dessert while you grab something to eat. Its fine,’’ he grins, pulling me into his side.

I have to bite back a sarcastic remark, one that’s on the tip of my tongue. It doesn’t feel like it’s me he wants to spend time with, but more to do with the fact he doesn’t want me to spend time with Logan. I know how much he dislikes him, so this can’t be for my benefit, but for his.

“Okay,’’ I agree, taking his outstretched hand, letting him lead us into the cafeteria.

“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you. Do you want to go out on Thursday for a meal?’’

“Like a date?’’ I ask, almost giddily, forgetting about being annoyed with him. No one’s ever taken me out on a date before.

When I was at school I’d just hang out with boys at the park or at a local youth centre. The word date never even came up. Then I left school and the places I’d meet them at changed to clubs or bars. The boy I lost my virginity to was a boyfriend I had since school. We broke up a year after leaving school. So yeah, getting asked out for a proper date is a nice surprise.

“Yeah, like a date,’’ he grins, amused by my goofy behaviour.

“Then yes, I’d love to,’’ I grin back, wrapping my arms around his neck.

I can’t help but share my excitement, so pulling away from Alec I turn around to face Allie. She looks pleased for me and laughs at my expression.

“I’m going on a date,’’ I squeal, clapping my hands.

My mind is running through outfit choices but none seem special enough for this occasion.

“I heard,’’ Allie laughs, her eyes twinkling.

“You know what this means?’’ I ask, giving her a wink.

“Shopping,’’ she mutters dryly, rolling her eyes.

Alec wraps his arms around me from behind whilst chuckling. I lean my head back on his shoulder with a huge grin on my face, which will most likely be a permanent fixture for the rest of the day.



This week seems to be passing by far too quickly, not that I’m complaining. Thursday is finally here.

Every day I’ve sent my mum a selfie, whether I’m in the loos at uni, sitting in class or doing homework, I send her one via her request. Tonight is no different as I press send on my phone, sending her a picture of me in my first real date outfit.

Yes, it’s date night already and I’m beyond ready to go out with Alec. I haven’t really seen him since we got here, except through the brief moments when we’ve passed each other around the University. We’ve texted and called a few times during the week but it’s not the same. I’ve missed him, so I’m looking forward to spending some quality time with him.

MOM: Holy hotness chicka! Be safe. Make him work for it.

I laugh at my mum’s text, especially the winking emoji she put at the end, she’s obsessed with them.

WILLOW: NAH, I’m easy mum. If I’m lucky I’ll get pregnant.

MUM: Just make sure you name her after me.

WILLOW: I was thinking more along the lines of Kiki for a girl and Didi for a boy. *sigh*

MUM: At least you’re sensible enough to think about it beforehand. It’s all a mother can ask for in her daughter.

WILLOW: LOL Love you mum.

MUM: Love you 2, baby. Have fun. You look beautiful; Alec is a very lucky boy.

Noticing the time is close to half seven, the time Alec arranged on Tuesday after he booked a table at a restaurant that is meant to be one of the best around here. I looked it up and the reviews were outstanding. I also noticed how many people said they had been on the waiting list for months to get a table, so Alec pulling this off blew me away.

My phone beeps with another message and I grin, shaking my head. I love my mum but she can be nuts. I shouldn’t have told her about my date until after I had actually been on it because now she’ll text me all night for a play by play of what’s happening.

Only, it isn’t my mum. It’s a message from Logan. Unlike Alec, I’ve managed to have dinner with Logan this week. He came here on Tuesday and although he didn’t stay long, I still enjoyed that time with him.

LOGAN: You sure you don’t want to come out tonight? The drinks are 2-4-1.

WILLOW: I told you I’ve already got plans with Alec tonight, LOL x

LOGAN: You’re still coming to mine tomorrow for the party though, right?

WILLOW: Yes... wouldn’t miss it.

It’s like the tenth time he’s checked that I’m still going to his party since Tuesday when he invited me.

I still can’t believe he’s throwing a party in his flat. How can he allow a bunch of drunken people to trash his home? From what he said his place is big enough for the party. It has four bedrooms and is meant to be one of the biggest flats in their complex.

When he doesn’t text back I drop my phone on the sofa and look out the window. Knowing Logan, he’s probably tongue deep in some chick and likely to drink until he passes out. I probably won’t hear from him until tomorrow when he texts me to complain he’s hungover and dying.

“WOW! Look at you,’’ Allie whistles as she steps into the front room.

“You like?’’ I grin, doing a little twirl for her. She’s already seen the dress on me since she was with me when I bought it.

It’s a little black dress that stops a few inches above my knees. It dips low between my chest; giving my C-cup boobs some boost. What had drawn me to the dress was the strip of sheer lace rimmed below my breast, the same strip also an inch from the bottom of the dress, showing some skin.

My hair is down in thick curls, falling past my shoulders. I’ve gripped the one side so it’s pulled back out of my face. My makeup is heavy, opting for smoky eye shadow and red lipstick, putting some colour into my look.

“Love,’’ she gushes. “Shouldn’t you be gone by now though?’’

I look up at the clock on the wall and frown when I see it reads seven forty-five.

“Yeah,’’ I say distractedly, grabbing my phone off the sofa.

WILLOW: Where are you?

I press send before looking back up at Allie. She’s now wrapped up warm in her coat, looking snug as a bug.

It’s usually still warm in September, but the past couple of weeks the temperature has dropped considerably. There’s no saying though that next week it won’t be warm again. After all, it is England we’re talking about. The weather has a mind of its own.

“You off to work?’’ I ask.

She smiles wide and I can’t help but return it. Since she started working at the library, she seems chirpier than normal. I think it’s more to do with the new friend she made, Alex. First I presumed ‘Alex’ was a girl, but it turns out, Alex is in fact a boy, one who has already been working at the library for a year.

“Yeah. I’m doing a close tonight as a favour for some other lad. He has a family engagement he needs to attend, so I offered to switch.’’

I frown, realising she’ll be there past midnight. “Make sure you get a taxi then. Doesn’t it shut at like, midnight?’’

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah, and Alex said he’d give me a lift, so I’ll be fine.’’ I grin, waggling my eyebrows and she glares at me, making me chuckle. “It’s not like that,’’ she warns.

“But you like him?’’ I tease.

“Well, yeah, duh,’’ she tells me, shaking her head. “We’re friends. He’s a little chatty and a bigger nerd than me, but I like talking to him. Well, mostly I listen.’’

“So you’re not goin’ to date him?’’ I pout. I was looking forward to being able to go out on a double date.

Her eyes widen in horror. “Lord no. I may like him as a friend, but he reminds me too much of Harry Potter,’’ she shudders and I laugh.

“You could be his Hermione,’’ I tease.

“She dates Ron, not Harry,’’ Allie scoffs, giving me a dry look. “Don’t make this into a big deal please. He’s the first friend I’ve ever made apart from you. If you keep teasing me about him I’ll never be able to look at him the same,’’ she pleads.

As soon as she finishes her explanation I feel like crap. She must think I’m making fun of her and that is not what I’m doing. I just want her to be happy.

“I’m sorry. I’m happy for you, I am. Maybe you can invite him round here and I’ll do dinner.’’

“Did you not just hear me when I said he’s the only friend apart from you that I’ve ever made? Why would you think I’d let you kill him off?’’

Gah! I’m never going to live down the fact I can’t cook. “I didn’t mean
cook,’’ I mutter dryly, rolling my eyes at her.

She laughs and it’s good to hear. “Good. And yes, that sounds like a plan. Then you can see for yourself why I’m not interested in him romantically.’’

“We’ll have to plan for a night soon. I can’t wait to meet him, Allie. Anyway, you should get going before you’re late,’’ I smile.

“Crap,’’ she says, looking at her watch. “Love you and have a good night,’’ she rushes out, grabbing her bag.

“I plan to,’’ I tell her suggestively.

When she’s gone I check my phone once again. There’s no messages from Alec which has me worried. It’s not like him. Granted, we’ve never gone out on a proper date, but the times we did meet up he had always been on time.

Calling his number, I listen to it ring and ring. I’m just about to give up and end the call when he answers, the music in the background making me jump.

“Willowwww, how are you?’’ he shouts down the phone, his voice slurred. The music fades a little in the background, but it’s still loud enough that he has to shout over the phone.

“Where are you? We’re meant to be going out on a date,’’ I remind him, gritting my teeth. If he’s forgotten I’m going to be seriously fucking pissed.

“I’m on my way, Will. Some of the lads wanted to go out to a bar for a few to welcome all us newcomers. You understand don’t you?’’

“Yeah, but you’re half an hour late, Alec. You could have at least had the decency to let me know.’’

“I’m sorry. I just wanted to get to know everyone, spend time with them. I didn’t want to be the only one who didn’t go.’’

“Okay, but can you hurry up now though. I want to show you my new outfit,’’ I flirt. I also want to show him my new underwear set, but I’ll keep that a surprise until we’re back here and alone.

“I’ll just finish my drink and I’ll be on my way,’’ he shouts, ignoring my obvious sexual invitation.

“You just said you were on your way,’’ I whine, starting to become pissed.

“See you soon,’’ he shouts, like he didn’t hear me. He probably didn’t if the music blaring through the phone is anything to go by. I don’t even get chance to ask him again if he’s coming because he ends the call.

With gritted teeth I look down at my phone in shock, a bad feeling churning in the pit of my stomach.


*** *** ***


“Hey! Hey! Wake up,’’ Allie calls softly, shaking me gently awake.

Groggily, I sit up rubbing sleep from my eyes and at the same time smudging my makeup. I groan, not really caring, I’m that tired.

I’m still in a fog daze when I realise I’m still on the sofa at home. My head snaps up to the clock and I gasp when I see its half one in the morning.

“Did you just get in?’’ I ask shocked, my voice filled with sleep.

“Yeah. Alex and I ended up staying later than normal to do inventory. But enough about that,
are you here?’’

Picking up my phone, I scoff, feeling pissed. I’ve not had one missed call from Alec or a message. The last message between Alec and I was sent from me at five past ten. I also text and called a few more times before that too. I must have fallen asleep waiting for him to turn up or to just answer my messages.

Sighing, I look sadly to Allie. “He didn’t fucking show.’’

She gasps, a look of surprise crossing her face. She’s not the only one who’s surprised. I’m so shocked that he’d stand me up like this. I’m also pissed as fuck.

“Why? Did something happen? Is he okay?’’ she rambles and only Allie could try to think of other reasons he didn’t turn up.

“Yeah, I called him after you left and he was at some bar. He said he was on his way. Guess he didn’t make it,’’ I scoff, holding up my phone for her to see. I just checked Alec’s facebook page, making sure nothing bad did happen only to find some chick has tagged him in a picture. He’s with a group of people, all of them piled on a sofa. The title reads ‘we took the party home’.

“Doesn’t seem like something he’d do. Want me to hack his Facebook page and announce to everyone he feels more comfortable wearing his mother’s knickers than his boxers?’’

I giggle, loving my best friend for making me feel a little better. I also wouldn’t put it past her to still hack his Facebook even without my approval.

“No, but thank you. You’re the best,’’ I yawn.

Her yawn is louder making me chuckle. “Sorry. I’m just so tired and my back is killing me. So glad I don’t have class until half eleven,’’ she admits, stretching the kinks out of her back.

“I actually don’t have classes tomorrow so I’m going to spend the day cabbaged on the sofa watching movies.’’

“I’m so jealous of you right now,’’ she groans. “Goodnight,’’ she yawns, stepping into her room.

“Goodnight,’’ I wave, moving sluggishly to my room.


*** *** ***


The next day I do exactly what I told Allie I’d be doing. She’s due back soon and we’ve planned to order in again and watch a movie before I have to get ready to go out tonight.

Allie can’t join me, so it’s the least I can do. She played my invitation off, saying she has to go into work early, but I know Allie. I know that even if she didn’t have work early in the morning she’d still find some way to decline. It breaks my heart not able to spend time with my two best friends at the same time. But I know Allie enough to know that she has a good reason for disliking him. I just wish I knew what it was.

Speaking of Logan, he’s checked, double checked and then triple checked to make sure I’m still attending his party tonight. It’s actually amusing.

The only person I haven’t answered back is Alec. He’s tried calling and texting me since this afternoon. The fact it had taken him that long to contact me just tells me everything. He didn’t get home until this morning, or he stayed out all night.

The only good thing about knowing that is the fact he’ll be suffering today. Allie confirmed he was when she text me an hour ago informing me he looked like death.

The door knocks and I grunt. It’s the second time this week that Allie has forgotten her key.

“Coming,’’ I shout out to her, running towards the door in my joggers and tank. I open my mouth as I open the door, ready to tease the hell out of Allie, but it’s not her, its Alec.

Allie held back when she said he looked like death. He looks worse. His eyes are blood shot, his skin pale white and his body is slumped over a little as he looks at me with an apologetic expression.

“What?’’ I snap, feeling angrier now that he’s standing in front of me.

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