Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (6 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“Mom, I can only do an hour at the most,’’ Cole grumbles, his deep voice echoing down the hallway. “I’ll call and ask coach,’’ he asks, ending the call.

“He’s gonna be pissed,’’ CJ warns and I wonder why their coach would be pissed. They’re both dressed in gym gear and I have to admire how tight Cole’s muscles look in his top.

My eyes are staring at Cole’s full lips whilst licking at my own. Just when I think he’s about to reply to CJ, he doesn’t. My eyes flicker up to see what has made him pause and find his eyes on me.

“Hey,’’ I wave lamely, feeling embarrassed at being caught ogling him. I’m grateful the lift dings announcing its arrival because the silence was beginning to become awkward.

“Good morning. Where’s cupcake this morning?’’ CJ grins energetically and I hate him immediately. Apart from this morning, I usually take a few hours to wake up and always need silence. Something tells me a morning with CJ will be anything but silent.

“She’s FaceTiming her dad,’’ I grin back, loving how much he likes her. “What has you two up so early?’’

“Nosey aren’t we,’’ CJ chuckles and I don’t bother denying it. “We’ve got practice and shit.’’

I don’t ask what ‘shit’ means, I just smile, stepping inside the lift and pressing the ground floor button.

“What about you?’’ Cole asks, taking me by surprise.

“Job hunting. I applied for the library but got turned down,’’ I sulk playfully.

“You need to be quiet to work in a library,’’ CJ comments.

“I know,’’ I smirk, wondering where he’s going with that.

“You don’t seem like a person who can be quiet for long periods of time,’’ he laughs.

“And you don’t look like the type to even know you have to be
in the library,’’ I giggle.

The enclosed space inside the lift starts to become too much. With two large lads on either side of me, I feel a little on edge. Not because I’m alone in the lift, but because of how close I’m standing next to Cole. The sexual tension zapping between us is driving me wild, causing wetness to seep between my legs.

“You should apply to be Cole’s little sister’s babysitter. Maybe then Cole will get some practice in.’’

“Practice?’’ I question wondering what sport they play. I didn’t ask before, I had been fighting too hard not to jump Cole. I also don’t comment on his job offer. Not until it’s legit anyway.

“Rugby, darlin’,’’ CJ winks, flexing his biceps. I roll my eyes. I should have known from how big built they are that they were rugby players. They look like the type to play an aggressive sport. Although, in all fairness I did expect rugby players to have fat on them, but looking at how Cole’s t-shirt clings to his chest, encasing his tight abs, there’s not an inch of fat on him, so I guess not.

“Ahh, I see,’’ I smirk.

“So, about the babysitting job, do you want it?’’ he tries again, his voice pleading.

I chuckle, looking nervously to Cole for a split second. “I don’t think you’re in the position to be hiring childcare for someone else’s kid,’’ I tell him as we step out of the lift on the ground floor.

The rain is spitting as we step outside, so I put my umbrella up, nearly smacking Cole and CJ in the process.

“Shit, sorry,’’ I giggle.

“C’mon, Cole, man. Hire her arse so we can get to practice. She’s perfect for the job. She’s female, you know her, know where she lives. You can trust her.’’

Cole’s magnetic gaze turns to me, his eyes intent as he looks deep in thought.

“Do you want the job? She will pay ten pound an hour. Mom’s a nurse at the local hospital and my dad is a dentist, so they work a lot. They’re really good people,’’ he tells me sincerely.

I think about earning ten quid an hour. It does sound pretty fucking sweet. I eye Cole warily, wondering what the catch is.

“What days and hours are we talkin’?’’

“Mostly Saturday and Sundays, eight till six. Their other babysitter keeps letting them down,’’ he explains, his eyes boring into mine.

“Can I meet your mum first?’’ I ask quietly, really considering taking the job. For some reason though the thought of meeting his mum scares me. It seems too personal. I know it’s only for the job, but I can’t help but feel like my attraction towards Cole is another factor in why I want to meet her so badly. It might get me to understand Cole a little more. He does intrigue me. He’s just so serious, so broody all of the time.

“Sure. I can take you now if you want to. If you want, you can start today. But only if you want to,’’ he quickly amends.

“If it’s okay with your mum, and who I’m babysitting, then yes, I don’t mind,’’ I agree gently, knowing how hard it is to babysit a kid that doesn’t like you.

“My little sister, Mia, is who you’ll be babysitting and she’ll love you,’’ he chuckles, his eyes lighting up at the mention of his little sister. It’s clear he loves and adores her which makes him more intriguing. His smile and affection for his sister is infectious and I find myself looking forward to meeting the little girl who has captured his heart.

“How old is she?’’ I ask when we reach his car, which is much nicer than mine.

“She’s six,’’ he grins. Why can’t he grin like that all the time? Then again, I guess if he did there would be riots with the female population fighting over him.

CJ scoffs over the hood of the car. “Don’t let her age fool you. That girl is all brains. She’s too fucking clever.’’

Cole’s lip turns up as he opens the car door for me. To say I’m shocked would be an understatement. I’ve only ever seen such chivalrous gestures in the movies.

Giving him a wide smile, I jump into the front seat. The first thing I do is grab my phone and send a text to Allie, informing her of what’s happening. A girl can never be too careful.

WILLOW: I may have found a job. I’ll fill you in later on details but just wanted to let you know.

ALLIE: Jeeze, you work quickly.

I laugh. I can’t wait to see her expression when I tell her who I’ll be working for. She’s going to throw a fit. In a good way of course.

A soon as Cole jumps into the front seat, starting the engine, CJ starts firing questions at me about Allie. It’s how we spend the twenty minute drive over to Cole’s parent’s house.



Cole let’s himself in to his parents’ house using his own key. Their home is located in a quiet area in a cul-de-sac. The houses look freshly painted, all with perfect manicured lawns. Even the mini roundabout they have at the end of the cul-de-sac has rose bushes planted that I’d expect would look beautiful in the spring, adding to the streets natural look. The trees lining up the pavements give it another kind of feel. The air smells fresh despite the rain still lightly falling. It’s a place I’d love to bring my kids up one day. One day in the far, far, future.

The door shuts behind CJ and the second it clicks a high pitched scream echoes down the hall from a room deep inside the house. It brings a wide smile to my face as I take in my surroundings. Pictures of Cole and a little girl, who I presume is Mia, frame the walls; along with an older couple who I’m sure are his parents. The little girl looks just like her mother with a little of her father’s looks, but trying to find the resemblance of Cole in his parents is tough.

My eyes look back down the hall when light feet stomp their way down at an alarming speed. The first thing I notice is a head full of thick brown hair whipping around a little girls face as she charges towards Cole.

“Liam,’’ she squeals, her voice full of excitement at seeing her big brother. Not the reaction I was expecting. He doesn’t seem the type to interact with kids, but then again, his earlier reaction when he mentioned her should have given me a clue. “I haven’t seen you in foreverrrrrr,’’ she whines drastically.

“I saw you two days ago, snot-face,’’ he rumbles, a gorgeous smile lifting on his handsome face. My mouth gapes wide open and when CJ lifts my chin back up I slap his hand away. This can’t be real. I scrub my eyes and blink, but nope, he’s still smiling and fuck it’s a sight to see. I’m almost sad he’ll turn broody once again when he realises he has witnesses, but I can’t lie and say his normal attitude and mysterious personality isn’t sexy as all hell too because it is.

“I don’t have snot on my face anymore, Liam. I’m alllll grown up,’’ she huffs, folding her arms across her chest with what I’m sure is supposed to be a mean look. She just looks more adorable if you ask me.

Cole puts her down, scuffing her hair with his large hands.

“No.... Stop. Liam, my hair,’’ she screams, then suddenly the tone changes to one I’ve not heard from her. It’s like wonder mixed with eagerness. “Oh my God,’’ I hear her breathe, before she’s screaming it. My eyes glance away from Cole’s handsome face long enough to see her eyeing me.

“Hey, kid,’’ CJ grins, pushing me to the side like I’m in the way. A small amused smile reaches my lips as I watch the two bulky lads be so smitten with the tiny girl. It’s a sight to behold.

“You brought a girl,’’ she squeals back at Cole, before turning back to me to make sure I’m real. From the corner of my eye I notice CJ looking at me with disbelief. “Do you want to see my room?’’ she squeaks out, looking up at me in awe before she starts clapping her hands with a joyful expression upon her face.

My face lights up. “I’d love to but,’’ I stop midsentence when a beautiful woman walks out from another doorway, in the middle of a call. She has raven black hair, big, hazel eyes, just like Mia and one of the kindest faces I’ve ever seen. You can tell immediately she has a heart of gold and would give the shirt off her back to another. I like her already.

It’s not until I see her wearing scrubs, a coat hanging off her arm that I remember Cole mentioning she’s a nurse. I can’t exactly remember where he said she worked, but wherever it is must be short staffed because she seems to be in a rush.

“I’m so sorry Liam. Maggie hasn’t answered her phone and I’m running late. I’ve fired her now. We’re okay for a while so you won’t need to come in,’’ she sighs, not seeming happy about calling her son to babysit. “Your father has too many procedures booked in right now to cancel,’’ she rushes out. She leans up, kissing him on the cheek in greeting before turning towards CJ. “CJ,’’ she smiles warmly, and then her kind, gentle eyes find mine and her smile brightens. “Who do we have here?’’

“Hi, I’m Willow,’’ I greet before Cole can introduce us. I reach out to shake her hand but she waves it away with an amused smirk and brings me in for a hug. Her arms embrace me and it’s hard not to hug her back. She has this presence that makes you instantly trust her.

“Willow wants to see my room,’’ Mia tells her mum, taking my hand in hers.

“Mom,’’ Cole calls, before she has chance to grab her bag. “Willow was looking for a job to fit around her courses,’’ he starts and I begin to wonder if he’s being spying on me or if he just took a well educated guess. My guess is the latter. “CJ suggested Willow babysit Mia.’’

His mum gives him a warm kind smile, her hand reaching out to cup his cheek. His eyes soften at her touch, and I see the little boy behind his hard, dangerous exterior.

She nods her head before turning to me. “Do you have any experience?’’ she asks, turning into mum mode.

“I used to babysit for my mum’s friends kids,’’ I admit. Being an only child I wasn’t needed to babysit for my mum so most parents would ask me to babysit for them.

She nods her head smiling. “I’ll see how you get on for today. I’ll talk to my husband and Mia when I’m back and if everything’s okay, I guess I can’t see why not.’’

“Sounds good,’’ I grin, and then look down at Mia who is currently trying to pull my arm out of its socket.

“C’mon, I want to show you the new bear Liam bought me,’’ she begs impatiently.

“Hold on a second. Let’s say goodbye to your mum first,’’ I giggle, ignoring the intense stare Cole is sending my way, causing goosebumps to breakout all over my skin and I shiver.

“Bye mummy,’’ Mia waves, full of energy.

Her mum chuckles, shaking her head down at her little girl like she’s used to her antics. “Give me some love first,’’ she teases tapping her cheek. When Mia lets go of my hand and takes a step forward, her mum grabs her, pulling her in for a hug, raining kisses all over her face.

Mia giggles trying to fight away from her mum, but she doesn’t let go. “Mercy! Stop! I’m going to pee,’’ she squeals. When she’s finally free she runs behind Cole’s large muscled leg, peeping around him to stick her tongue out at her mum.

“Can you be here after practice to show Willow where everything is? I don’t have time right now and I’ll not get a break until at least four,’’ she sighs.

“Yes,’’ he agrees, his eyes softening. “She’ll be fine. Willow lives on our floor so we’ll know where she lives if she takes the kid,’’ he teases, and my eyes widen in shock.

He joked.

He just made a freaking joke.

A laugh bubbles out before I can stop it and I cover my mouth with my hand, snickering. “Sorry,’’ I choke out, not wanting to come across as rude. After all, I haven’t gotten the job for sure yet.

She laughs at my expense. “It’s fine. He’s not one to joke or crack a smile so when he does it can be quite the shock,’’ she teases me.

I nod, laughing, loving how easy she is to talk to. She’s the complete opposite to Cole, it’s uncanny. It makes me wonder if he gets his bright personality from his dad.

“Mum,’’ he growls, giving her a warning look that has me biting my lip.

“I’m going,’’ she smiles, rolling her eyes. “Emergency numbers are on the fridge if you need me for anything,’’ she calls, grabbing her keys from the hook by the front door.

The door doesn’t even shut before Mia starts pulling at my arm again, moaning at me. “C’mon. C’mon.’’

“Okay, okay,’’ I giggle, letting her pull me further into the house and up the narrow flight of stairs ahead of us.

The stairs creak behind me under the lads weight and I hear CJ mutter, “I take it we’re skipping breakfast.’’

Mia’s room is the first door I see when we reach the top of the stairs. Her door is painted pink, a wooden name plaque reading ‘Mia’s bedroom’.

“Wow!’’ I say amazed when I step inside. Her room is so bright, so colourful and filled with so many dolls and teddy bears. “This is amazing.’’

“You can sit here,’’ she tells me, patting the floor next to her. Ignoring the two brutes blocking the doorway I take a seat where instructed, smiling at how happy she looks at me being here. “Liam sits here when we have tea parties, but he’s not invited today,’’ she tells me, leaning in closer to whisper, “No boys allowed.’’

I chuckle looking up to Cole who is narrowing his eyes down at his sister and if I’m not mistaken a blush has risen in his cheeks.

“Dude,’’ CJ laughs, looking at Cole like he’s about to say more, but Mia opens her mouth first.

“CJ sits there,’’ she smiles pointing to the left of me. “He likes being nearer the barbies,’’ she admits and CJ’s laugh is cut off, wiping the smile from his face when she throws him under the bus.

“Cole’s her brother, what’s your excuse?’’ I tease, not sure why I’m sticking up for Cole.

“What?’’ he asks, looking at me with a blank expression. “I can’t say no to her. Little shit,’’ he mumbles, whispering the last part under his breath, but still loud enough that we all hear.

“Crap,’’ Cole hisses, looking ready to hit CJ. At first I think it’s because CJ swore in front of his little sister, but then I see Mia crawling under her bed, reaching for something which has me questioning what is going on.

“Knew I should have stayed in the car,’’ CJ mutters, looking like he wants to kick himself.

“Hand it over,’’ Mia demands, holding her tiny fists up, ready to take them out. “You too,’’ she warns Cole, taking a warning step towards him.

He takes a step back, holding his hands up before slowly reaching into his back pocket. I snort, laughing when I realise what’s going on. They both look scared of the little girl which makes me snort, embarrassingly loud. Both of them turn their narrowed gazes my way, not looking happy at all.

“Kid, I’m skint. You’re breaking the bank,’’ CJ moans, handing over a five pound note. Cole does the same and my eyes widen, laughter bursting free when I see the stash of cash she has in her money tin. I don’t even think
have that much money.

“Sorry, sorry,’’ I snort again, fighting hard to try and control my laughter.

CJ rolls his eyes at me before looking back down to Mia. “Any chance you could give me a loan, kid? I mean, most that dosh in there is mine anyhow,’’ he asks, his eyes twinkling as he grins down at her, rubbing his hands together.

“I’ll give you one shiny coin,’’ she offers, holding a pound coin up. “For some paper money.’’

I giggle. CJ was right. She is too clever and it’s freaking ace to see her wrap the two biggest, muscled men I know around her little finger. She’s a genius. Something also tells me CJ would happily take the offer just to appease the little girl if he had the money, just wanting to see her smile. It melts my heart.

“Pretty sure I’d be losing
money,’’ he smirks.

“Need to make my money somehow,’’ she answers, like it’s a rehearsed speech that’s she said once before.

“You tell him snot face,’’ Cole smirks, fisting bumping Mia. I don’t think I’ll ever get used to seeing him smirk, smile or laugh. It’s like seeing a rare species.

When he sees me staring a blank look replaces his smirk, like he’s afraid I’ll take a picture or something.

Too late buddy, I’ve got a photographic memory.

“Turn that frown upside down,’’ Mia sings, getting up to give her brother a hug. He bends down taking her between his knees and hugs her back. My heart just went whoosh. It’s gone. Melted. I’m beginning to feel choked up; my eyes threatening to water if he keeps surprising me like this.

“Okay snot-face. We need to head to practice now, but I’ll be back mid-day. I’ll take you to McDonalds if you keep Willow out of trouble, think you can do that?’’ he asks. Mia squeals, jumping up and down with glee.

“You’re the best big brother in the whole wide world,’’ she shouts and to emphasise how much, she holds her hands as wide apart as she can, a massive grin on her face.

He chuckles, ruffling her hair with a soft expression. He looks to me then, a deep meaningful look upon his face when he speaks.

“I’ll be back later. Do you have a phone I can put my number in?’’

“Aww, we’re becoming fast friends, exchanging numbers and everything,’’ I tease grinning.

CJ snorts while Cole looks unamused, but I can tell inside he’s smiling, I can see it in his eyes. I grab my phone from my back pocket and hand it to him. Our fingers brush against each other, his touch leaving sharp tingles behind. I look up to see if he felt it too and when my eyes reach his, I find heat behind them, his eyes blazing with lust.

Clearing his throat, he shakes his head, looking down at my phone before programming in his number in. He presses a few more buttons and seconds later his phone rings, a simple iPhone ring tone buzzing.

“I’ve got yours now too,’’ he rumbles, his voice deep and scratchy. “If we run over at practice I’ll text you to let you know.’’

“Okay. We’ll be fine,’’ I smile, wanting him to know he can trust me with his sister.

“Be good,’’ he warns Mia, who just purses her lips at him stubbornly.

“Hope you left your purse at home,’’ CJ whispers, his tone warning and dead serious.

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