Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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“You hurt her?’’ Cole grates out menacingly.

“He didn’t hurt me,’’ I cry out with wide eyes, hoping they don’t hurt him. Alec wouldn’t stand a chance with Cole blindfolded
his hands tied behind his back. CJ grabs me around the waist, stopping me from getting in between the two.

“I didn’t hurt her,’’ Alec growls, pushing Cole to no avail. Cole’s body doesn’t even flinch, let alone move which doesn’t surprise me. It would take a crane to move him.

Cole lets him go with a shove before turning his stormy eyes my way. Somehow his eyes have turned a shade darker with specs of grey and black flickering in them. Poor Alec looks between the three of us with a confused and fearful look upon his face.

“Are you okay?’’ he breathes out, his eyes scanning my body head to toe and I can’t stop my bodies reaction. I also can’t explain how much his apprehension for me means to me.

“Yes,’’ I croak out, having to cough to clear my throat. “Yes, I am. We’re just having a disagreement,’’ I tell him, eyeing Alec unhappily. I feel embarrassed that they’ve come over but incredibly lucky to have them look out for me at the same time.

I can tell Cole doesn’t believe me. His eyes and expression say it all. It also doesn’t help that he hasn’t calmed down and his hands are still clenched into fists.

“Where’s Allie?’’ CJ asks, his voice concerned as he ignores the tension between Cole and me.

“In her room,’’ I answer.

“Could me and my
have some fucking privacy now?’’ Alec asks sweetly, patronizing Cole and CJ.

Cole looks like he’s fighting the urge not to punch Alec in the face. Instead, he whips his head in his direction, sending him a warning look that would scare the grim reaper.

“Yeah. When I check on Allie,’’ CJ answers calmly, but I don’t miss the way he looks at Alec with disgust. He starts his way down to Allie’s room and I stand frozen letting him. Everything seems to be happening fast, not giving me enough time to process it all.

Looking back down the hall, CJ knocks again, louder this time. When she still doesn’t answer he lets himself in, opening the door. An amused smirk plays on his lips as he looks on in her room, looking ready to laugh as he takes a step inside.

Seconds pass when a high pitched scream from Allie echoes down the hall. I run down wondering what he’s done to scare her. I make it to her room, skidding to a halt to see Allie ripping her ear phones out, the music vibrating loudly out the speakers.

“What the hell are you doing walking into my room without knocking?’’ she squeaks, a horrified expression on her face. “I could have been getting changed,’’ she yells, looking towards CJ with a murderous expression.

“I did knock, more than once. You didn’t answer and I thought something had happened to you,’’ he smirks, eyeing her bare legs. “I’m not surprised you didn’t hear me over that music and the way you were dancing,’’ he chuckles and I have to hide my own amusement. I’ve seen Allie dance and it’s terrible. Honest to god, the girl could trip over her own feet more times than a pissed up guy trying to walk in a straight line.

“I was cleaning,’’ she pouts, self-consciously pulling at the hem of her shorts with pink cheeks. “What’s going on? Why is he here?’’ she asks, this time looking at me for answers.

As normal, I don’t get a word in because CJ steps forward blocking her view from me. “Are you okay?’’

“Yeah, why?’’ she vows confused. Looking round the big brute, Allie’s nose is scrunched up, eyeing CJ for answers.

“We heard arguing. Then it sounded like Rocky outside hit something,’’ he fills her in, briefly giving me a sceptical look.

“What?’’ she gasps, stepping around him to me with wide eyes. “Are you okay? I knew he was mad, but thought it would be okay. I didn’t want to be in the way and make things awkward. I always make things awkward,’’ she declares. “Did he hurt you?’’

“No! No! He punched the door, but he’s calm now. It will be fine,’’ I affirm, waving her concerns off. I’m just glad I’ve managed to stop shaking.

CJ scoffs, muttering obscenities under his breath. Allie on the other hand looks worried for my safety and ready to argue with me. She’s always got my back bless her.

“I’m fine, I promise Allie.’’

“Okay,’’ she concedes although she looks like she’d rather do anything but. “Just call my name if you need me.’’ Her tone is softer, her gaze still full of worry.

“Want some company?’’ CJ flirts, eyeing Allie’s bare legs again, not that I think his eyes have strayed that long away from them.

“No”’’ she shrills, a blush rising from her neck up. “I’ll be fine, but thanks for the offer,’’ she says politer and calmer this time.

“I’ll be next door if you change your mind, Cupcake,’’ he winks, stepping out of the room, but not before giving Allie one more once over.

When he leaves I turn to Allie with a reassuring smile, hoping everything that’s happened since we arrived hasn’t scared her off from University life. Walking over I give her a quick hug, kissing her cheek.

“See you in the morning.’’

“Okay,’’ she smiles and watches me shut the door behind me.

CJ is by the front door, leaning against the doorframe with an amused smirk. I follow his line of sight to find Cole staring Alec down with a murderous expression. 

“Thanks for looking out for me, but I promise you everything is fine.
fine. As you can see,’’ I smile, actually finding their chivalrous behaviour kind of sweet. Most neighbours would just ignore a domestic, not wanting to get involved or call the police. I had to write a piece on this at school and found out most domestics don’t get reported until after the crime has took place because people don’t want to get involved. It’s terrible. So I’m glad I lucked out on neighbours and got two that will go out of their way to check in on us. I can’t wait to tell my mum about them. She’ll fall head over heels for them.

“If you need us we’re only next door. No matter what time it is,’’ Cole rumbles, not seeming to believe my words. The way he’s looking at me causes my body to shiver. I’m afraid he’s going to throw me over his shoulder and take me back to his flat to keep me from harm’s way.

“Thank you, that’s really sweet, but I’m good.’’

“See you soon. Say goodnight to cupcake for me,’’ CJ smirks, looking back down the hall towards her room.

Saying goodbye and thanking them once more I shut the door behind them, leaning back against it for a few seconds to catch my breath. Alec is still standing in the doorway to the front room and I turn my angry gaze his way. “Finished with your tantrum?’’ I snap, moving into the front room so we don’t disturb Allie anymore than we already have.

“Look, I’m fucking sorry. I didn’t mean to get so worked up and turn crazy,’’ he sighs, scrubbing his face with the palms of his hands. “I believe you when you tell me you’re just friends, but there’s just something about him that grates on my nerves. The way he is around you,’’ he claims, shaking his head. With a defeated sigh he falls into the armchair looking sorry for himself.

“We are friends,’’ I promise him. “I don’t harbour any feelings for Logan, I never have and never will. I can strongly promise you that hand on heart. If you knew him better you’d know his actions are harmless.’’

“Just see it from my point of view, Will. How would you feel if I had a female best friend and when she was around me, she would be all over me, overly protective and saying I was hers?’’

Hearing him say it like that I can see where he’s coming from and why he’s so upset. I don’t think I could handle another girl being all over him. But then again, I don’t see Logan’s affection as all over me. His insecurities are dumbfounding, but I know I only think like that because I know
. I know I’d never cheat, not matter how unhappy I was in my relationship. I’d never lie to Alec and I certainly don’t have any reason to cheat on him, especially with Logan. But I guess Alec can never truly know how I feel towards Logan. He can’t read my thoughts or feel my feelings. He’s only got my word and actions to go by.’’

“No,’’ I breathe. “I’ll talk to Logan and ask him to tone it down. I don’t want to lose you. I also don’t want to be the cause of you two not getting along when you’re playing footy.’’

He smiles softly, surveying my expression for a few seconds. He must see the sincerity in my gaze because the next thing I know he reaches out, pulling me down on his lap and kissing me breathless. I fall happily into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck to pull him closer.

“We’ll be fine, Will, don’t worry about football. We’re lads, we’ll get over it soon enough, but he does need to learn you’re with me and not him.’’

“I promise to talk to him,’’ I affirm. “I’m so sorry for making you so mad,’’ I whisper, my lips hovering over his.

He looks at me with guilty eyes, looking ashamed over his actions. “I wasn’t mad at you. I’m mad at myself, but mostly mad at Logan. I’d come here to make it up to you, to find him looking cosy on the sofa with my girl. It looked like a double date with him bringing his friend along too,’’ he adds, his hands tightening at my waist.

Not wanting him to get riled up again, I lean in and kiss him, hopefully making him forget. “Is this really about the bro code?’’ I giggle teasingly, remembering how much he believes in ‘the code’. His mate had tried it on with me once when Alec and I first started seeing each other. Alec, bless his heart, got so mad at his friend, ranting and raving about ‘the bro code’ like it was the bible. It then turned into him telling me all about the bro code. It was an eventful night.

Remembering the same night I am, he tickles my ribs hard. Laughing and squirming, I try to get away from his hands, but he doesn’t let up.

“Stop! Stop!’’ I beg, laughing harder.

“Shush before your scary arse neighbours kick the door in,’’ he scolds playfully, making me laugh even harder. “Come on, we got a bed to christen,’’ he grins, waggling his eyebrows.

, I scoff.

“The sofa needs christening too,’’ I mention suggestively, running my finger up his arm.

“That will do,’’ he chuckles, capturing my mouth with his. He lifts me up, his hands palming my arse as he carries me over to the sofa, not breaking the kiss once.



The next morning I wake up in a cheerful mood despite my lack of sleep and the events of last night.

Alec didn’t leave until half two this morning. He begged and pleaded with me to let him stay over, but I denied him, not ready for a sleepover. Next he’ll want to leave a bag of things, then move a few bits in and before I would know it, he’d be living with me and I wouldn’t even know how it happened. I don’t want that. I’m too young for starters; the other is because we just moved in. I want my space to be
space, not

I care deeply for Alec, don’t get me wrong, but I’m not
in love
with him. Not yet anyway. I thought I would be by now, especially after six months of being together, but if I’m honest with myself, I don’t think that connection will ever be there between us. Not for me anyway. I love the comfort of being with him, the relationship, and feeling wanted.

Humming some tune I heard Allie listening to whilst she was getting ready this morning, I make my way into the kitchen, where she’s busy making egg on toast.

“Morning,’’ I sing cheerfully, kissing her on the cheek before moving past her and pulling myself up on the side. Once there, I notice Allie’s steaming cup of coffee and nab it, taking a sip and sighing with appreciation.

“Hey, that’s mine,’’ she snaps, prying the cup from out of my hands. Pouting, I reluctantly let go. She grunts moving the cup across the kitchen away from me. It isn’t until she moves to the coffee pot to pour me my own cup that I grin.

“What has you in such a good mood? After last night I would have thought you’d be on a crusade this morning,’’ she chuckles.

“Alec and I made up last night,’’ I smile, not giving her any details. Not that I think Allie would want to hear that we had sex last night. But that’s not what has me so bouncy this morning. It’s because for the first time I didn’t have to fake my orgasm during oral sex. I’ve never had one that wasn’t self-induced. I’m pretty sure orgasms during sex are a myth.

“Do I want to know?’’ she observes, her face flushed with embarrassment.

I laugh, throwing my head back, enjoying her adorable discomfort. “Probably not,’’ I confirm, taking the plate of food she hands me. With my food and coffee in hand I follow her into the front room, grinning when she heads for the sofa. “I wouldn’t sit there if I were you,’’ I tease.

She scrunches her nose up in disgust, her face now bright red. “Willow,’’ she yells. “Really?’’

She moves me out of the way with her hip, taking a seat in the armchair, eyes narrowed on me. “I have to sit on there, Willow. Did you really need to
do it

“Bit of a good job that I thought of that before things got too heated. I moved us to the floor on my blanket,’’ I wink, giggling at her expression.

For nineteen Allie is so naive and inexperienced. Not in a bad way. She just needs to live a little more and I’m hoping life at the university, out of her dad’s watchful eye she will come out of her shell. Even though she’s outgoing, funny, and loud when it’s just me and her, she’s the total opposite around other people. There are times, like now, where she closes up, showing how unworldly she really is, but then there are times where she’ll joke around not caring how silly she looks or sounds. I wish she’d be that girl all the time. Not that I think anything’s wrong with that side of her. I just think she’d have more confidence making friends if she were more herself.

“Thanks for thinking of me during sex,’’ she says dryly causing me to giggle. “Where are you going first about a job?’’ she asks, looking down at her plate, hiding her face with her hair.

“Since the library has already hired and declined my application I guess cafe’s and bars,’’ I shrug. “I’ll need something with flexible hours though. I’m worried that will stop managers from hiring me. They’re going to want someone who is free to work whenever.’’

“Surely they’re used to hiring students though. The university is huge and some parts are like twenty minutes down the road. I wouldn’t worry about it. We’re okay for money at the moment anyhow.’’

“Yeah, I know. It’s just someone mentioned at the open evening that the first year is like an introduction to your classes and is the best time to get a job because of the workload at uni being lighter. The second year is when you study non-stop, revising and have never ending coursework with deadlines. I’ll need to use any spare time doing coursework and not working. I’d rather make enough money this year so that I won’t have to worry about working next year,’’ I explain, hoping that it makes sense to her.

Allie doesn’t need to work since her dad is paying for everything. He wants her to concentrate on her school work and not on money. I don’t resent her for that, she deserves to have her life made easier with all the hard work she’s put in to get where she is now. Plus, I know if my mum could, she would pay my way too.

“Speaking of library jobs,’’ she swallows, playing with her food and not reaching my eyes.

“What?’’ I ask wondering if they’ve opened up new spaces. The library is a few streets away from the Rowland building on the university. It’s one of the biggest library’s in the country. If I could get a job there it would not only look good on my resume, but I’d also get first dibs on the books I’ll need for my course and time to study. I mean, a library job can’t be that busy, can it?

“I applied,’’ she blurts out, looking worried about my reaction.

“That’s great,’’ I gush, happy for her. “How come you didn’t say anything about applying? And what for anyway, you don’t need a job?’’ I note. Once I realise how rude that sounded I wince, looking at her apologetically. “Sorry. That didn’t come out right. I just meant I didn’t realise you were looking for a job.’’

“Its fine,’’ she smiles. “I knew what you meant. At first it was just a whim, but then the more I thought about it, the more I realised I applied so that I had something to do in my spare time,’’ she admits sheepishly, biting her lip.

“Am I not good enough to hang out with?’’ I tease playfully, wondering what has her so worked up.

“It’s not that,’’ she quickly assures me, a panicked expression. “I knew you were looking for a job and with Alec, Logan, and school work, I knew I’d be alone a lot. I’m not exactly the type to make new friends and I wanted to make some changes this year. I guess getting a job was the beginning.’’

“Hey,’’ I frown, hating she didn’t even add herself onto my list of people. I hate hearing her talk about herself like she doesn’t matter, it pains me. “You’ll make loads of new friends and they’ll be lucky to have you. You’ve already made two and classes haven’t even started,’’ I remind her happily, loving the cute confused look she gives me as she pushes her black rimmed glasses up her nose.

“Who?’’ she asks bewilder.

“Duh! CJ and Cole,
,’’ I giggle, waggling my eyebrows. She rolls her eyes, her lips twitching.

“They don’t count.’’

“They do. So... Did you get the job?’’ I ask excitedly, putting my plate down on the coffee table.

“Yes,’’ she smiles and I can tell she’s fighting back how excited and happy she really is over this job. The girl was born to work in a library. She’s organised, book smart, and loves to read all genres. No one knows libraries better than Allie. She also wants to publish her own book. I don’t think she cares what she writes as long as she writes. I watch her frown, looking deep in thought when she shakes herself out of it, looking up startled to find me watching her. I’m about to ask her what’s up when she speaks up.

“You aren’t mad?’’ she whispers so quietly that I barely hear her.

“What?’’ I ask, surprised she would even think I’d be mad at her for getting a job. “Why would you ask me that? I’m so happy for you, you’re my BFF,’’ I smile gently, jumping up from the sofa and falling into her lap.

She harrumphs, groaning in protest. “You’ve gotten heavier,’’ she grunts.

“Hey,’’ I scold, wiggling my butt to punish her. “Now, answer me before I do it again.’’

“Okay! Okay, I will if I don’t pass out from lack of oxygen,’’ she chuckles. Turning I give her a warning look to stop dodging the question and she finally sighs, giving in. “I applied before I even knew you had applied. I didn’t even think I’d get an interview let alone a job. Then you mentioned applying and I felt so bad. You seemed to really want the job. It felt like I was going behind your back. I hated it, so much. When you told me they called to tell you that you didn’t get the job, I couldn’t bring it up. You looked so upset. I didn’t want to make it worse.

“When I didn’t hear anything from them I just presumed that they didn’t even remember interviewing me and that’s why they didn’t give me a call back. They called me yesterday morning and the woman said I got the job and that I start Wednesday.’’

I turn on her lap, a lump forming in my throat at the thought of her not having me to talk to about this. She’s always been more considerate of others feelings than her own, and it’s frustrating at times. “Allie, for such a brainiac, you can be so dumb. I’m so happy for you. You’ll be a brilliant librarian. I was only upset because I was worrying over money, not because I didn’t get the job. They could probably tell from the interview that the job meant nothing to me and that’s why I didn’t get it. Whereas you, Allie Davis, are perfect for it. You’re a hard worker, and you’re dedicated. You deserve to be there. You’ll take the job seriously,’’ I smile, pulling her into a tight hug.

“I’ve been so worried,’’ she laughs, her eyes watering. Her body seems to relax and I want to scold her for thinking the worst as always.

“Well you had no reason to be. I’ll always be your number one supporter, no matter what,’’ I confide. I love Allie like a sister. She’s my best friend, my soul sister.

“Love you Willow,’’ she smiles.

“Love you too, cupcake,’’ I chuckle, using CJ’s nickname again, loving the reaction I get from her when I do.

“Stop calling me that,’’ she demands, pushing me off her lap. She’s too much of a sweet person. She doesn’t have a bitchy bone in her body.

I laugh when I see her trying to hide her blush and her amused expression. Once I’ve gained my balance I hold my hands up. “Touché.’’

“Don’t you have a job to go and find?’’ she bitches and failing.

“Yes, I do. I’ll be back later on. Will you still be here?’’

“Yeah. I promised dad I’d FaceTime him,’’ she tells me, rolling her eyes. “I swear, since he and mum got divorced he’s been acting more clingy. I get that he’s lonely and I feel bad for him being alone in that big house, but I need a break. He needs to go out, date or do something.’’

Her mum and dad’s breakup was messy, her mum not agreeing to any of the terms in the divorce. They hadn’t gotten along for a long time, but it wasn’t until last year that they finally got divorced. When they finally signed the papers her mum left without a backwards glance. I don’t think he’s being protective because of her mum leaving, but because she left for university. She’s growing up and he doesn’t like it. I don’t voice that though, it will only make her feel guiltier.

“Have you spoken to her?’’ I ask, referring to her mum. I hate bringing the bitch up, but Allie never talks about her. She was a controlling parent, beyond extreme. She always had been, but that isn’t why Allie and her mum don’t get along. Something big happened between the two when we were still at high school and they’re relationship has been intense ever since.

“Nope! Nothing. The last time I heard from her was in an email announcing that she was re-marrying,’’ Allie admits, not sounding impressed. I had already heard about Ellen’s engagement. She’s marrying someone twice her age. He’s so old, but I’m sure it’s his bank account that attracted Ellen to him, that and the fact he’s most likely to die in the next couple of years. He’s wealthier than Sam, Allie’s dad, and that’s saying something.

“Her loss,’’ I smile. “I’ll speak to mum about Sam. She did mention yesterday about taking him a cooked meal round for dinner.’’

Allie chuckles at that. “Glad he’ll be getting the right nutrients and won’t be stuck ordering takeout every day. His cooking is almost worse than yours.’’

“That’s not true. I’m not that bad,’’ I scoff, but even as I say it, I have to laugh. Because she’s right, I am worse than Sam. I can’t even make toast without burning it. “Okay, I am that bad.’’

“Just go,’’ she giggles, reminding me that I have to be somewhere.

“I’m going,’’ I laugh, grabbing my coat and umbrella. Shouting goodbye, I shut the door behind me, turning to check if the elevators is working. When I notice it’s working I jump up with glee. Allie is going to be so pleased when she finds out it’s working. I think that’s the main reason for her plans to stay inside the flat, instead of walking around to see where everything is.

After pressing the button to call the lift, I step back waiting patiently for it to arrive when the door opens behind me.

What did I leave now,
I think, turning to see what Allie wants. Looking over my shoulder I’m surprised to see it’s CJ and Cole locking up.

Why the hell are they up this early?
I ask myself. They’re not normal teenage lads I swear. To be honest, I’d still be in bed sleeping if it wasn’t for the fact I wasn’t job hunting. I want to show that I’m dependable, and not some lazy student who will roll in late.

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