Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1) (7 page)

BOOK: Foul Play (Whithall University Book 1)
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Chuckling, I push him towards the door and wave goodbye. Mia has already lost interest in them, too busy locking her money away and putting it back in her safe place.

While she’s distracted I take a look around the room, wondering what we can do before Cole gets back from practice. I want Mia to like me and for her to like me I need time with her away from Cole. For some reason I’m a bubbly mess around him and can hardly string two sentences together. I guess once I get used to being in his presence, his god made good looks won’t charm me as much as they do. Well, at least I hope they don’t.

My eyes flicker to her shelves and notice she has a shelf full of
My Little Ponies

“You like ponies, Mia?’’ I ask her bending down.

She grins. “Yes. I asked daddy to buy me one for my birthday but he said that they were too expensive. It’s why I take Liam and CJ for all the money they got. Mommy said I can’t bully it out of them so we made up a rule. If they say a naughty word they have to give me five whole pounds,’’ she explains, happy with herself.

“Want to take a pony ride?’’ Her eyes light up like the fourth of July and I take my coat off, throwing it across her bed. When I’m on all fours, I turn to Mia and grin. “Hop on Cowgirl,’’ I say, using my best country western voice.

She giggles, looking at me like I’ve said the silliest thing ever. “Silly billy. Cowgirls don’t ride ponies, they ride horses.’’

I sit up and I turn to her, my eyes wide with horror. “No! But a
princess cowgirl
does. How did you not know? You look just like a cowgirl princess to me,’’ I gasp in mock surprise.

Her eyes are just as wide as they were before, but this time twinkling with wonder and surprise. She’s looks like I’ve just told her she’ll be getting a real pony ride, and not a fake one from me.

“Really?’’ she breathes.

I grin, bending down to her level and tapping her nose once with my index finger. “Yes.’’ I bend back down on all fours and turn my head to face her, loving how much her face has lit up. “Hop on cowgirl Mia.’’

She giggles, jumping on my back with so much enthusiasm she nearly breaks my back.

“Giddy up, Pony,’’ she shouts, smacking the top of my arse with her tiny hand.


*** *** ***


Cole: On way.

I roll my eyes as I read his message. Short and sweet comes to mind, but then I doubt there’s anything sweet about Cole. It’s also nice to know he prefers to be called Cole, as that’s what he’s programmed his name under. I wasn’t sure since his mum and Mia have been calling him Liam. To say it’s been confusing is an understatement.

WILLOW: Come on... We’re literally besties now. You don’t need to be short.

I’m a giggling mess as I type the message, not hesitating before sending the message. Mia turns around at my outburst, a small smile playing on her lips.

“What’s so funny?’’

“Your brother,’’ I answer honestly.

“Yeahhh righhhttt,’’ she scoffs, like the thought of her brother being funny is outrageous. Her reaction just amuses me more.

My phone beeps with another message and a smile lights up my face so wide my jaw hurts.

Cole: I wanted to let you know I was on my way home. What else was I meant to say?

WILLOW: How are you? How’s Mia? Is she safe or have you let the boogieman take her?

Cole: I’m startin’ to worry about your sanity and if it was safe leaving Mia alone with you.

WILLOW: Aww. I think we could defo be besties. You’re already worrying about me and it’s so early in our friendship.

Cole: I’m on my way.

WILLOW: Tough crowd.

I don’t get a message back, but then, I didn’t really expect one. It is fun teasing him. I can picture him now, glaring down at his phone, all dark and broody. It makes me wonder if his lips twitched at all during our exchange.

Looking back at Mia I smile. She’s gone back to being distracted between colourings and watching the movie we put on. We spent the morning playing, getting to know each other and having fun. I’ve already come to adore the little girl. She’s so much fun to be around and is so easy to babysit. I’ve had no problems whatsoever. She’s also the politest child I know.

A key in the door startles me. Mia hears it to, looks to me and grins. She’s up on her feet in seconds, running towards the front door. Getting up I follow, but I don’t show the same enthusiasm as Mia, even if inside I am pretty excited to spend some time with Cole and get to know him.

“Hey,’’ I greet with a wide smile when I walk around the corner. He’s freshly showered and now wearing jeans and a hoody. He’s look edible and smells just as good.

“Hey. Has she been good?’’ he rumbles, not taking his eyes off me.

“I’m always good, silly,’’ Mia giggles, looking up at her brother. “Can we go now? Can we?’’ she jumps up and down, her hands pressed together in a praying gesture.

“Yeah, snot face. Go and get your shoes and coat on,’’ he orders, his voice still soft.

“I’ll grab my coat,’’ I mutter, not knowing what to do with myself now she’s left us alone. I’m about to walk off when his hand reaches out, tagging my elbow. The skin on skin contact burns my skin alight and I can’t fight the shiver that runs up my neck. My eyes drift to where his hand is still touching me, before slowly looking up and finally meeting his penetrating gaze. Everything changes the second I do. His deep blue, crystal eyes stare down at me, the depths so deep I can’t pull myself to look away. Instead, I find myself staring at him with just as much intensity as he is me. It’s like there is just us two, nothing else around us mattering.

That pull between us grows stronger, the connection mind-blowing and all of my instincts are thrown out of the window. I don’t even blink when he takes a step forward, looking ready to pounce. It’s not like me. None of this is like me. It’s like my body has been taken over, no longer in my control.

Another step forward and my breathing escalates, my body completely frozen to the spot.

“Ready,’’ Mia squeals.

Shaking my head, I take a step back, putting some much needed distance between Cole and I. I try to disregard the thoughts running through my mind, thoughts I have no right thinking about. My cheeks heat and I don’t dare look back up at Cole, not wanting him to see how badly he’s affected me. Instead, I distract myself, bending down to Mia’s level, tying her shoe laces up properly.

“All done,’’ I grin, tapping her on the nose.

She grins back and I hear Cole open the front door. Mia runs straight out to the car and I’m about to follow when Cole opens his delicious mouth. I end up looking, breaking my promise to not look at him. It’s his eyes. Fuck, no, it’s his chiselled good looks that have me acting all kinds of stupid. I have a boyfriend for Christ sakes. I shouldn’t be drooling all over another lad, even if he is good looking, intriguing, and intense. Don’t even get me started on how my body lights up when he’s around either. I’ve never felt anything like it.

“Low,’’ he calls, his voice rough and full of sex. I have to bite my lip to focus on the pain instead of the wetness between my legs. It’s infuriating. And damn him for using the nickname my mother calls me.

“Come on, Mia is waiting for us and I’m starving,’’ I whine, a huge grin on my face. I’m hoping it covers how wild my heart is beating and how flushed my body is, inside and out.

“Yeah. Yeah,’’ he says, clearing his throat.


*** *** ***


“So are you two like, boyfriend and girlfriend?’’ Mia giggles later that evening.

We ate at McDonalds and after, we spent the rest of the afternoon at the park since the rain had dried up. We came back half an hour ago and Cole had just finished giving me the grand tour when Mia spoke up.

I laugh uncomfortably at her question while Cole gapes at his little sister.

“Because it would be so coooolll. I heard Uncle Pete ask daddy if Liam loved boys once,’’ she informs us, her nose scrunched up like she doesn’t understand why her uncle would say that.

I’ve never seen anyone move so quick in my life. Cole’s head whips to Mia, his eyes wide with disbelief.

“But I knew you’d love a princess like Willow. Callum Jacobs said I was his princess and he kissed me. It was so gross,’’ she exaggerates with an eye roll, making me chuckle. “My best friend Lou Baker lovessss Callum Jacobs too and I really like Adam Shoe. He’s my prince,’’ she declares.

“That’s... That’s a lot,’’ I giggle.

“Yeah. Adam Shoe doesn’t give me yucky kisses like Callum Jacobs. Does Liam give you yucky kisses?

“Um,’’ I respond, wondering what to say. Cole narrows his eyes down at Mia making me chuckle under my breath.

“Why don’t you tell us more about this Callum kid kissing you and the Shoe kid being your prince,’’ he demands and I bite my lip to stop myself from laughing loudly. His face. Oh Christ. He looks as if he’s about to find these two little boys and beat the crap out of them.

“Shoe? It’s Adam Shoe,’’ she tarts back, her fists clenched on her hips. She looks freaking adorable standing there giving him all that sass. “He’s my boyfriend,’’ she admits and I want to tell her that wasn’t a wise thing to say. Cole already looks like he’s hanging on by a thread. His eyes have bugged out now and he looks awfully pale.

“You’re not old enough to have a boyfriend. Does dad know?’’

“Of course not,’’ she answers, looking at him like he just asked the dumbest question. “Mommy said he wouldn’t like it, so we kept it our little secret.’’

“Did she now?’’ he hums in annoyance. “Maybe I need to have a word with these two boys. Tell them to stay away,’’ he grunts.

“Stop it! Otherwise I’m going to tell mommy you loveeee, Willow,’’ she grins.

“We’re um, we’re not boyfriend and girlfriend,’’ I giggle, ignoring the stare Cole is burning into the side of my head. My cheeks blush at his scrutiny.

“Yeah right,’’ she giggles, but it’s cut short when a key being put in the lock is heard.

Mia gets up, about to run off to meet whoever has arrived, but Cole tags her around the waist, pulling her back.

“Not so fast, snot-face,’’ he warns looking troubled. He gets up, his body tense only to relax once his mum walks into the front room, looking haggard and tired.

“Sorry I scared you. They let me leave work early,’’ she greets, walking up to Cole and kissing his cheek before picking Mia up and raining kisses all over her face. Mia giggles pulling away, but soon hugs her mum tightly when she stops. It brings a smile to my face.

“Liam is going to have a word with Adam Shoe and I don’t want him to,’’ Mia blurts out, pouting. I burst out laughing. It’s so cute how every time she’s mentioned someone in her class she calls them by their full names.

“Liam Cole,’’ his mother scolds, shaking her head at him disapprovingly. Cole grunts, narrowing he eyes playfully at Mia. “Hi Willow. I’m sorry about rushing off this morning. I didn’t even get chance to introduce myself. I’m Jackie. I hope you’ve had a good day with Mia.’’

I smile wide, thinking about the day with Mia and Cole. It’s been the best day ever. I’ve enjoyed spending time with them.

“It’s been great. Cole was here from around midday so it was amusing to watch Mia wrap him around her little finger,’’ I wink.

Jackie laughs, looking at her daughter and son lovingly. “I bet it was. I spoke to Liam earlier and I trust his judgement. He doesn’t trust easily so if he says we can trust you, we can trust you,’’ she admits.

I’m surprised. I knew Cole was a closed off person, but he doesn’t seem the type to have trust issues. I look over to him, surprised he even talked to his mum about me taking the job. And if I’m a little honest, I kind of feel honoured the big brute trusts me.

“I...’’ I start, my mouth agape, struggling on what to say.

His mum smiles, reaching out for my hand and squeezing it, seeming to understand.

“Mia’s at her grandparents tomorrow until next weekend since we planned to fire the babysitter today anyhow. The weekend after we’re going away before school starts back. If that’s okay you can start the weekend after,’’ she says looking hopeful. I didn’t expect to find a job straight away anyway. I knew it would most likely take me some time, so the starting date is fine with me.

“Sure. It’s actually perfect. It will give me time to settle in more,’’ I tell her. I don’t mention it will also give me time to go check out the nightlife and get drunk before I have to start getting up early on weekends.

“There may be times when I’ll need you in the evenings for an hour or two, will that be okay?’’

“I’ll have to check my schedule, but it should be fine as long as it’s in the evening,’’ I tell her, not sure whether it was me or Allie that had a night class. Plus, for ten pound an hour I’d do anything. Luckily all I have to do is babysit Mia. Which doesn’t feel like a job at all and I’ll be able to bring school work with me on the evenings.

“Good. Thank you so much again for stepping in today. It means a lot. I hate dragging Liam away from uni and practice,’’ she grimaces. “Let me just go grab my purse.’’

What? She’s paying me for today? But? But I didn’t do much. “No! No, I don’t want paying for today. I liked being able to help out and Cole was here most of the day with Mia anyway. I wouldn’t feel right taking it,’’ I plead.

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