
Read FourfortheShow Online

Authors: Cristal Ryder

BOOK: FourfortheShow
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Four for the Show



Spectator Sex. Intriguing. Risqué.

The idea of watching other people have sex excites Tara to
distraction. She hopes Joe is as eager as she to slip into voyeur mode so they
can take another step in their sexual adventures. The last thing she expects is
to evolve from watching ménages to being part of the show. Or for the two hot
men who join her and Joe to not be able to keep their hands off each other.


Inside Scoop:
In addition to being with three men,
our lucky heroine gets a little foreplay of the female variety.


contemporary erotica
story from Ellora’s Cave


Four for the Show
Cristal Ryder


Chapter One


I chewed my lip and read the tweet. Dare I?

I widened my eyes and read it again then sucked in a deep
breath as I positioned the curser over the words. Before I could change my mind,
I highlighted, right-clicked, saved and pasted it into an email for Joe.

Get hot and wet @desireafterdark Friday night
w/#spectatorsex #sexclub #couples #singlewomen

My heart pounded and after just a nanosecond of hesitation I
hit Send then laced my fingers together, clutching tightly, and rested my chin
on them. How long would it take for a reply? Sure I had work to do, but right
now I was dying to know what he’d say.

We were fairly new, a fresh couple who wasn’t really a
couple. We’d met a few months ago and had jumped in the sack pretty much right
away. Our chemistry was almost uncontrollable and the sex was great. No it was
fucking unbelievable. We’d just clicked, both in and out of bed. But we were
not a forever couple and had made it clear to each other right off the top. It
wasn’t as if there were anything wrong with him. Joe was incredibly hot and
knew all my buttons. He’d be a perfect forever partner, but I just wasn’t ready
for that yet.

One thing we’d never discussed was going to a sex club. Hadn’t
even talked fantasies or desires, or secret wants. Yet. Now was the perfect
time to start. Holy shit. Well, this email would certainly separate the men
from the boys.

Spectator sex. Now that was intriguing. I hadn’t really
given it thought before, but a little twizzle of excitement made me catch my
breath. It meant we could go without any self-imposed pressure of having to
join into any groups. Sit in the back. Watch. Get hot, horny and wet. And fuck.

I sat up when a new message announced its arrival into my
inbox with a ping. That was quick. It hadn’t taken Joe long to reply and if
that were any indication, I knew exactly what his answer would be.

Clicking the message open, I smiled.
Guess who’s going
out to party tonight!

* * * * *

“Parking is a bitch here,” Joe said, without a hint of
frustration. One of the things I liked about him—how he just goes with the
flow. He wheeled the big truck through the cramped parking lot. I glanced
around and couldn’t agree more.

“I bet I can squeeze this beast into that spot there. Hop
out because the door will be up against that bush.”

I grabbed my purse and after a brief contemplation of
bringing in our gym bag with our swimsuits, decided to leave it behind. We
could always get it later. The chill of fall was in the air and struck me after
being in the warm truck cab. The gravel parking lot was hell on my stiletto
heels so I put my weight onto the toes and hurried out of Joe’s way. It was
frigging cold and goose bumps rippled along my flesh. I wrapped my arms around
my waist, trying to keep my body heat close.

I was definitely still in
summer mode
. The micro-mini
and slips of fabric covering my breasts could hardly be called suitable for
this brisk night. But I knew the unwritten dress code here, having been once a
long time ago with friends for a pole dance night. Less is more. Skimpy is in.
Exposure is key. So, with my pussy and ass almost hanging out of the mini, and
my boobs pushing the limits of the top, I was set to blend in with the rest of
the crowd.

Joe had the truck squeezed in and prowled to my side. The
intensity in his eyes, dark and sensual, was enough to fire off all my nerve
endings into a surge of awareness. I needed his arms around me, for both the
chill of the night but also for the heat that flared deep in my belly.

“You’re shivering,” he stated. Always the practical one.

“Suffering for the cause.”

“When the hell did you buy that getup anyway and where have
you hidden it?” He squeezed me and leaned down, taking the lobe of my ear
between his lips. Gawd, I loved it when he did that. Heat bloomed in my already
excited libido. “You’ll be the hottest bitch in the place.”

I moaned when his lips moved down my neck. “Hardly. Wait
’til, ahh shit…um, you see how they dress in there.” My legs wobbled when his hand
swept down my back and squeezed my ass in a tight grip. “Joe, stop.”

He turned me and pushed me up against the cab of the truck.
I yelped when the cold metal shocked my heated flesh.

“Do you really want me to stop?” His gaze promised all sorts
of delights and I drowned in the dark liquid of his eyes. He was my dream man.
Tall, dark, gorgeous with solid male features that made me feel petite and
feminine, even though I was close to six feet in heels. The stubble on his chin
rubbed the sensitive flesh of my shoulder as he nibbled along the pulsing vein
in my neck.

“No, not really, but we should get inside.” My voice wavered
as if I couldn’t make up my mind.

Joe lifted his head. And not for the first time was I
breathless by his likeness to the hot wolf shifter character on that vampire
show. They even had the same name. That Joe was hot, but my Joe was even
hotter, more intense, stronger, and his growl during sex could make me howl for
sure. Yeah, I’d be his bitch any day.

“I have an idea.” He gave me a lopsided smile, his teeth
white in the dark night and his eyes glittered as if touched by the

“W-what? I hesitate to ask.” No question, I was excited by
the prospect of what lay ahead in Desire After Dark as well as what Joe had up
his sleeve. I splayed my fingers over his muscled ass and moaned. He felt so
damn delicious.

He pulled me close with a tug, my hand slid lower just as he
gripped my butt, then slid sensuously over my hip and down to my thigh. His
fingers brushed my skin, walking as they bunched up my mini until the frosty
air reached my heated and yes, bare pussy. Without thinking I widened my legs
and his fingers found my clit.

“Ohh! This is your idea?”

“Well, when in Rome…”

I wound my arms around his neck and sagged against the truck
as his fingers worked magic on my already supercharged clit. I’d been in a high
state of arousal since sending the email to him and a little relief would be
most welcome.

“I’m gonna make you come for me, right here in the parking
lot. Downtown with all the buildings and cars around us.”

“I dare ya.” The words were out before I had even thought to
say them. Oh what the hell, I could feel the deep pulsing beginning in my belly
and his swirls on my flesh wouldn’t take long to make me come. Hooking my heel
around his calf, I tipped my hips, hoping to give him better access.

“You’re wet.” He moved his hand faster and plunged his
fingers deep inside me while pressing the heel of his hand on my mound. The
friction was heavenly and my mind blanked. Sound drowned out and it was as if I
were looking down on us from above. The vision escalated my desire. Joe’s
vigorous attention had me barreling along until it all went into suspension.

“Don’t stop.” I whimpered, he did as I asked and kept pace.
I held my breath, totally absorbed in sensation before it swelled and burst
with lightning speed through my body.

I sagged on him in a shuddering orgasm that had me
breathless and boneless. All I could do was groan with each pulsing wave and
grip his arms with twitching fingers.

His mouth found mine and the kiss was so gentle it made my
heart swell. I kissed him back, and finding his tongue with mine, I sucked on
it. Our mouths fused and it kept the afterglow of my quick orgasm humming
through my body.

“There you go.” He lifted his head. “That ought to hold you
for a while.” He smiled and fixed my skirt then looked around. “These trees
were handy, don’t you think?”

I cleared my throat and tried not to let my voice tremble.
“Uh-huh. Now can we go inside?”

“Anything for you, my lovely.”

Holy god, I thanked the day this hunk of man dropped into my

The little brass plaque etched with the words
After Dark
was the only signage. Nothing bold or ostentatious. Rather
classy and not-in-your-face. Joe pulled the door open and ushered me through,
his hand on my hip guiding me into the dimly lit interior.

Greeted by a very unique scent, I tried to decipher what it
was as we stepped carefully down the stone steps to the reception. Glancing
around, I sniffed again. It was clean and invigorating, citrusy but not
blatantly lemon or orange. Tropical, yes that was it. And leather. My heart
flipped over. Leather could only mean one thing. A dungeon.

“Welcome to Desire.” A very pretty and quite petite girl
greeted us. Surely she had to be of age to work in here but she didn’t look a
day over eighteen. I was mesmerized by her and tried hard not to let my eyes
widen in surprise at her near nakedness. She only wore a thong.

“Thank you.” I stepped forward, not wanting to appear
intimidated by her lack of clothes or apparent young age. “We have passes

She smiled and I wondered what Joe was thinking. Was he as
agog over her as I was? “Your name?” she inquired in a breathy, soft voice.

“Tara Delaney.” Was I supposed to give her my last name?

She sorted through a neat file of cards and retrieved what
must have been ours. Sweet young thing glanced at Joe and her eyes widened.
“You look just like—”

“I know. But I’m not,” he answered her with a smile and
stepped forward, taking keys from her.

“Too bad,” I could have sworn I heard her say under her
breath. I looked at Joe and he at me. We smiled. It wasn’t the first time he’d
been asked.

“Have you been to Desire before?” This time her voice was

I answered her, effectively drawing her gaze from Joe. “No
we haven’t.” No need for her to know I’d been here with the girls a while ago.

A moment later a soft, sultry voice greeted us from the
right. “Thank you, Tina. Please attend to the next arriving guests.” The woman
turned to us and took my hand, leading us into the bar right behind reception.
“I must apologize for her gaucheness. She is very new, young and still learning
the ways of being discreet. I will have a talk with her later. But first,
welcome to Desire! I overheard you haven’t been before?”

“No, this is our first visit as a couple.”

She gave me a knowing look. Now in the brighter light by the
bar, I did recognize her.

“I’m delighted you’ve decided to visit us. And on such an
exciting evening too.”

“Yes, that’s why we decided to come tonight.”

“Please, let me take you on a tour so you can become
familiar with us. But first, what cocktail would you like to start your evening
off? My treat for your unacceptable welcome.”

I was stunned at her offer. She was pulling out all the
stops to ensure we enjoyed our time here. Of course, she wanted clientele and
for patrons to come back. Great way to smooth over a bit of awkwardness.

“I’ll have a bourbon old fashioned, please.”

She nodded to the bartender, a gorgeous blond with
dreadlocks. Again, scantily dressed and showing off an amazingly muscled chest.
“What can Seth get for you?”

“Beer is fine, thanks.”

I leaned over to Joe and whispered, “Do you mind doing a

“It’s fine.”

With drinks in hand we followed her along as she explained
the old building with obvious pride. The dance floor was small with a pole in
the center. Couples were clustered in groups at the end of the bar, guys clad
only in white towels and girls in scraps of material that barely covered their
assets. Some ample, some not.

I glanced at Joe and said softly, “There’s a towel waiting
for you, I’m sure.”

He waggled his eyebrows and smiled. “I’m game, if you are.”

There he went again, simple words that set me on fire for
him. I sure hoped this powerful attraction would last well past our honeymoon

“This way please.” Wendy brought our attention away from
each other and the nearly naked bodies. I glanced up a stairway before going
through a glass door she held open. “In here is our steam room, sauna,
restrooms and one of our hot tubs.”

The scent of eucalyptus rushed at us and I inhaled the
pleasurable fragrance. The glass door whooshed shut behind us, closing off the
noise of the bar and music on the other side. There was no one in the steam
room, but the sauna had company. A woman sat on the top cedar planked shelf
with her legs spread. She fondled her breasts while a man kneeled between her
thighs, his cock hard, jutting and purple. He stroked her pussy with his
fingers, concentrating as if it held all of life’s mysteries.

“Shh,” Joe said quietly in my ear.

What, had I moaned or something? Because the sight of him
intently inspecting her pussy was strangely erotic. Even more so that it was a
wild bush. Not neatly trimmed or waxed clean like a Brazilian, but like a
freaking Amazon. Dark, thick, and her pussy lips swollen and red with her
desire dripped with her cream. If Wendy hadn’t urged us along I would have
stood there and watched him eat her until they were done.

Joe grabbed my arm as I nearly stumbled on the wooden slatted
floor, my heel catching in a tiny square. “Whoa, that was something. Wasn’t
it?” I looked up at him and he pressed a kiss to the corner of my mouth.

“And why we came. Relax and take it all in.”

He was right of course and we followed Wendy down a little steamy
hall with doors to the restrooms on one side until we emerged into a wider area
with a hot tub tucked into the corner. Twinkle lights were all that lit the
spot and the happy gurgle of bubbling water greeted us.

Through the rising mist I caught glimpses of its occupants.
Three girls and two guys. Naked of course. It was a boobfest. Would I feel
comfortable showing mine? Wait a minute, I didn’t have to. This was spectator
night and no need for us to get undressed. I tucked that thought away, not ready
to commit myself to removing my own bit of scraps passing for clothing.

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