
Read FrankenDom Online

Authors: Robin L. Rotham

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: FrankenDom
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Copyright 2012 Robin L Rotham

Published by Robin L Rotham

Cover Design by R.G. Alexander

Formatted by
IRONHORSE Formatting


Nook Edition


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owner and the above publisher of this book.

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents
are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. The author
acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced
in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use
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This book is dedicated to…



John Yossarian, for making me laugh.

This book wouldn’t be the same without you.



And to my fans, for being so patient and encouraging.

I promise, aliens are coming…











R.G. Alexander gave me the idea for this book and created an incredible cover. 


Anne Calhoun and Eden Bradley critiqued

and helped ensure FrankenDom was as good as I could get it.


Sher is my original crit partner. I wouldn’t dream of publishing

without her amazing insights.


Cookie handled the technical details. If it weren’t for him,

this book would still be languishing on my hard drive.


Dawn is a promo machine and I’m very lucky to have her.


The Smutkedettes’ enthusiasm makes me feel like I can really write.


The music of VAST continues to take my mind incredible places.



My heartfelt thanks to all of you.




Table Of Contents


A Note to Readers

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-one

FrankenDom Playlist

About Robin L. Rotham

Bonus Excerpt: Alien Overnight - Robin L Rotham

Bonus Excerpt: Enemy Overnight - Robin L Rotham

Bonus Excerpt: Seniorella - Robin L Rotham

Bonus Excerpt: Carnal Harvest - Robin L Rotham

Bonus Excerpt: Carnal Compromise - Robin L Rotham

Bonus Excerpt: Sanctuary - Eden Bradley

Bonus Excerpt: Wicked Release - RG Alexander





A Note to Readers


FrankenDom is a fast, intense ride through a fictional world in which the characters
engage in all sorts of kinky BDSM games. The characters observe the rules of safe,
sane and consensual play throughout. However, the heroine skips a few safety precautions
along the way because she already knows and trusts her Doms (most of them, anyway),
and she has a safe word, which she uses and her Doms respect.


If you decide to explore the lifestyle, please exercise considerably more caution
than my heroine does. Before you jump in with both feet, do your own research in real
life, not in fiction. Get involved in the community. Observe the players and get to
know them. Ask questions. Make sure someone knows where you are. And always, always,
use a safe word.





Chapter One


October 13


When someone pounded on my apartment door like they meant business, I fumbled one
of my mother’s second-best teacups and almost dropped it.

If I’d had any idea who was doing the pounding, I might have let it fall and bitten
my knuckle in suspense. Instead, I blew out an annoyed breath and finished wrapping
the delicate cup in newspaper before answering. I would have ignored the rude summons
altogether but I needed boxes too badly.

“I’m glad you’re here,” I said as I threw open the door. “I need some… Colin?”

He grinned. “I’m just in time then.” When I blinked at him in shock, the grin widened.
“Good morning, Rachel.”

“I thought you were the movers,” I said blankly. The last time I’d been this close
to Dr. Colin Carter, he was pulling his underwear up over his spectacular ass. Why
was he standing on my doorstep five years later, fully dressed in blue jeans and a
black leather jacket?

He looked into the living room. “May I come in?”

After a moment’s hesitation, I stood back, tugging self-consciously at the stretched-out
hem of my faded purple UW sweatshirt. Then I glanced at the living room, which was
a shambles and not just because I was moving. Organization had never been my strong
suit. Boxes and books and stacks of medical journals made an obstacle course of the
floor, and piles of paper covered every horizontal surface.

I flushed. “Sorry, I wasn’t really expecting company. It’s a bit of a wreck.”

“Not a problem.” He wrapped one arm around my shoulders in a loose embrace and brushed
a kiss over my cheek before walking past.

My lungs collapsed in a nostalgic paroxysm of pure lust, leaving me practically gasping
in his wake. Oh God, he still smelled like…
. Wind and leather and unrepentant sex—mind-bendingly dark sex that satisfied me on
some unfathomable level even as it left me craving more.

I was wet and ready to go in an instant, something that hadn’t happened in a depressingly
long time.

Feeling exposed, I demanded, “What are you doing here?”

He turned, wearing an ironic smile, his hands in his pants pockets. “Never were much
for small talk, were you? Just…” His blue eyes skimmed down the front of my body.
“…get right down to business.”

“Please do,” I said acidly as heat gushed into my cheeks. “As you can see, I’ve got
a lot going on.”

“You certainly do,” he murmured, his gaze fixed on my breasts as if he’d never seen
a pair before.

I crossed my arms. “Colin!”

When he dragged his eyes up to mine, the feral hunger radiating from them took my
breath away.

Then he blinked and all I saw was the gleam of a challenge. Had I imagined it?

“All right,” he said portentous tone, “I’m here to offer you a fellowship.”

My eyes just about popped out of my head. “Really? You leave town without a word,
show up unannounced five years later to leer at me and then offer me a fellowship?
Gee, how can I resist?
Oh wait
, I’ve already got a fellowship, so fuck off, Colin.”

“Not like this one. Trust me, Rachel, you want this one.”

Reluctantly intrigued, I scowled. “What’s so special about this fellowship?”

“You’ll be working with Julian Kilmartin.”

Everything in me stilled.
. I hadn’t seen him since before Colin left, and yet even now, his name alone had
the power to make me…pliable, somehow. Boneless.

Obviously I still had a weakness for arrogant young doctors.

Swallowing, I said, “I didn’t realize you were still associated with him.”

Actually, I had no idea what had happened to Colin after my second year of residency.
He’d just…disappeared. My occasional internet searches never turned up anything current,
and the few times I’d swallowed my pride and asked after him, no one had heard a word
about him.

“I leave the limelight to Julian,” Colin said with a dismissive wave. “We’ve spent
the last few years working on some cutting-edge research—I’m talking
edge, Rachel—and we’re on the verge of accomplishing something truly miraculous.
We need a good vascular surgeon on the team and your name was—is—right at the top
of Julian’s list.”

“Why?” I asked baldly. I may have been a damn good surgeon, but I was hardly God’s
gift to modern medicine. Julian Kilmartin could afford his own dream-team of world-class

Colin gave a little half-shrug. “He trusts you.”

“Oh, well that explains everything.” I rolled my eyes. “You know, we doctors are,
by and large, very trustworthy. That’s why they give us licenses to play Operation
with real people.”

“But you’re the only one who’s you.”

I stared at him. “This is crazy. I can’t believe he even remembers me. It’s been more
than five years since he left UW and went into private research, and we were in different
departments so it’s not like we even had much contact.”

“You’re a memorable woman, and Julian knows a good thing when he sees one.” At my
snort, he added, “He’s kept tabs on you over the years, Rachel. You have plenty of
credits in some impressive vascular journals, and that paper you did on endovascular
repair of complex abdominal aortic aneurisms was particularly well received. He’s
even got a podcast of you on the vascular panel at the Women’s Comprehensive Health
conference in Atlanta last spring.”

Slack-jawed with amazement, I continued to stare.

“We’ll double EVI’s financial incentive,” he tossed out.

?” My jaw dropped even further. The offer from Early Vascular Institute was already
what most people would consider exorbitant. I could afford to pay off my student loans
right away. Buy a nice house. Maybe even buy into one of the better surgical practices.

But this…

“What in the hell are you guys working on that’s worth that kind of money?” I asked

“Ah-ah-aaah.” He shook his head with a secretive smile. “Not until you’ve signed the
contracts. And if you need a little more incentive, this project is based in Montaneva.
You always wanted to travel, didn’t you, Rachel? Have you made it to Europe yet?”

I could tell from his tone that he knew I hadn’t, damn him. And he knew enough about
EVI’s offer to double it. Good Lord, as if they needed more incentive than the opportunity
to work with the illustrious Dr. Julian Kilmartin.

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