Freeing Alex (16 page)

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Authors: Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

BOOK: Freeing Alex
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I’m aware of more shouting. Lewis is yelling, “She’s a
fucking bitch, she’s stolen all of my money, this hotel is mine, the old aunt
got it wrong, it’s mine, she couldn’t organise a fucking piss-up in a fucking
brewery, she’s mad. I couldn’t control her in twenty-two years, she’s barking
mad, mad cow, that’s what she is, it’s mine… Mine, she’s mine! Look at her
back… God damn you, she’s mine… she’s marked with my initials, she’s mine… I
own the bitch, she belongs to me.” The tirade trails off into the distance as,
presumably, he’s carted off into the back of a police car.

Oh my God, he’s lost it, he’ll end up being sectioned.
He’s completely and utterly lost it.

I try to look around but Roger holds me straight. “Look at
me, Alex, don’t look anywhere else, just keep looking at me. Breathe… that’s

I look directly at him, following his instructions. I did
what Lewis told me to do for twenty-two years, when he told me and how he told
me. If I didn’t, well, half the time the consequences weren’t worth thinking
about. Now things are different, my head is telling me so – I’m going to move
on, I’m going to start a new life!

I concentrate on Roger. He’s keeping one eye on me and one
on the trouble to the side of us. Suddenly, I hear Anna run through the foyer.

“Mum… Mum, are you okay? Dad?” She’s next to me, kneeling
down. “Mum, oh Mum…” She places her hand on my cheek. I look at her. I’ve still
got Roger’s arms but I look at Anna. “It’s okay, sweetheart, it’s going to be

James appears behind Anna, “The fucking bastard!” He hisses
as he kneels down, “Shit.” James kneels in front of Roger pulling me into a
hug, “Oh Alex, baby. I need to go and speak with the police, will you be okay
for a minute or two?”

I nod, “I’ll be fine, I think.” I shake my head, a little
bewildered I think.

“You’ll be fine with Rog. I’ll be back as soon as I can.
Okay?” He kisses my forehead lightly before slapping the top of Roger’s arm and
making his way back to the police officers.

Anna looks so shocked, “Look at you!”

“Sssh,” Roger says to Anna. “Your Mum can look later, let’s
keep it calm.” He looks at her from the corner of his eye, his eyebrow raised,
his look says it all:
Don’t say another word

“Has James gone to get Katie?” I whisper, slightly confused
with the commotion.

“No, he’s here, he’s talking to the police. I’ve phoned
Katie, asked her to wait, told her we’re running late. She’s okay.” Anna waves
her phone around.

“What’s James saying?” I start to panic again.

“Alex. Look at me, at me. Don’t worry about James, he can
look after himself. Look. At. Me,” Roger says, bringing my attention back to

“Anna, will you go and get your mum some water, please.” He
sends Anna off, out of the way. Bless her, she’s never witnessed her dad in a
rage, we’ve always managed to keep her sheltered from it.

I’m aware that the commotion has died down behind me,
although Roger insists that I continue to look at him.

“He’s gone,” Roger says, still focussing on me. “Do you want
to sit now? I don’t know about you but my knees are killing me.” He laughs.

“Mine too… Please, I’d love to sit.” I like Roger, he looks
like he could be dangerous but clearly behind that Action Man exterior there’s
a big softie, certainly one that can take control of a situation. He stands and
helps me up, not that I need any help. He continues to hold my arm and guides
me over to a vacant sofa. I sit and place my hand on my cheek.

“I’ll get some ice for that,” he says as Anna returns with a
glass of water, which she hands to me, and he leaves to get some ice.

As I sip the water I see James and Thomas speaking with two
police officers. There’s no sign of Lewis, hopefully he’s locked up! James is
pointing over towards me and the officers nod; from their body language I can
sense that they’ll be over in a moment or two.

“How’s my face?” I look at Anna and she winces at me, that

“A bit red, I’m sure it’ll be fine. The ice is here.” She
takes the ice, which Roger has wrapped in a napkin, and holds it to my cheek.
It stings and feels huge, although I don’t expect for one minute that it is.

“Will I have a black eye?” I ask them both.

Roger shakes his head. “More your cheek than your eye, but I
think you’ll have a nice bruise. Hold the ice on it. Have you got any arnica or
witch hazel?” He looks at Anna. What a thing to ask!

“Arnica?” Anna questions.

“Yeah, Arnica – excellent for bruises, used to use it all
the time. It’s a natural thing but it’s always worked for me!” He’s clearly
trying to distract me, make random conversation.

“No.” Anna looks at me. “Never heard of it. Have you, Mum?”

“Umm, sorry, Anna.” I am momentarily distracted as the two
police officers walk towards me.

“Arnica, Mum? Or Witch hazel, do we have any, have you ever
heard of it?” She’s impatient, I think she feels the effects her dad has had on
me. Not only is she witnessing his outbursts first hand, he’s also caused the
delay in the collecting of her friend.

“No, sweetheart, I don’t have any, but I have heard of it.
It’s good, we should keep some in. What about Katie, can someone else fetch
her? Roger, can you arrange it, please? Anna’s friend is waiting at Euston to
be collected. Whoever goes will
to take my Audi, that’s what
Katie’s been told to look for.” I’m rambling, my coping mechanism, organising

“I’ll go,” he says. “Thomas will have to stay, the police
will probably want to speak with him as he’s the one who restrained that
motherfucker.” He shakes his head. “You know, Mrs Drake, I would never have had
you as putting up with some arsehole like that!” Roger smiles.

I return his smile, but he doesn’t know the whole story, the
fact that I felt I couldn’t leave, the feeling of hopelessness and of being

“I’ll go and get your friend. What’s her name?” He looks at

“She’s Katie. She’s the same build as me but dark, her
hair’s almost black, she’ll probably be wearing a shabby denim jacket and
jeans.” Anna describes Katie perfectly: scruffy!

“You won’t miss her, Roger, I’m sure. She’ll probably find
you, knowing Katie. Bring her back here once you’ve got her, they’d planned on
going shopping – you are still going, Anna?” I ask.

“Will you be okay if we do?” Anna sounds concerned and

“Anna, I’ve got all of these people around me and your dad’s
been carted off by the police. I think I’ll be fine, don’t you?” I frown,
shaking my head.

She sighs. “Okay, if you’re sure.”

“I’ll get off, then. Does James have the keys?” Roger asks.

“Yes, and thank you.” I look at Action Man, who has brushed
himself down, straightened his suit and frankly looks like nothing has happened.

“You’re welcome.” I watch him walk over to James and the two
police officers. They exchange a few words and James backslaps Roger before he
disappears out of the building. I continue to watch James, Thomas and the
police officers. Anna is gently holding my hand.

“Will they want to speak to you?” she asks quietly.

“I’m sure they will.” I’m trying to stay calm, to pull
myself together.

“What will happen to Dad, will he go to prison?” she asks.

“I don’t know, sweetheart, and honestly, I really don’t care
as long as he leaves us alone.” And it’s true, I really and truly don’t care.
He’s hurt me again and this time publicly, I can’t hide it now, but more to the
point, neither can he. It truly is out in the open, for the whole wide world to
see what an absolute bastard he is.

Sure enough, James is heading towards us with the police
officers, one male and one female. The man looks friendly and approachable, she
looks the complete opposite, hard.

“Mrs Drake,” the female officer says.

“Yes.” I stand.

“No, stay seated, you’ve a nasty bruise developing. Do you
need to be checked out at the hospital?” Maybe she’s not so hard after all.

“No, I don’t think there’s anything broken, just a bit
sore.” I place my hand against my cheek.

“Maybe not, but it looks like you got a fair whack, I would
be happier if we ruled out any concussion,” she says.

I sigh. “I really don’t want to go to hospital.” New, strong
Alex emerges. “I’ve plans for today and I don’t want to change them, really,
I’m fine.” I’m firm. I will not have that bastard ruining any more of my plans
or my life.

“Plans?” James sounds surprised.“What plans?”

I shake my head again. What it is with all these people, do
none of them want me to get on with my life? “I need to sort a new car out!” I
snap at James. “You said you would come with me, help me!” I look at the

“Oh Alex! Be sensible, I don’t think you should be walking
around looking at cars today, not after what’s just happened.” He sounds cross
and probably thinks I’m a bit deranged too.

“But I’d planned…” I say through gritted teeth. I feel like
I’m behaving like a spoilt child, but I wanted to go out today, with James, I
wanted to sort a new car out. For once in my life I feel like I’m not having to
answer to anyone, yet Lewis is still ruining everything. I feel the tears well,
I can’t stop them, I don’t want to stop them.

“My day’s been ruined again,” I splutter through the tears.
“When will he understand that we’re no longer together, he
to leave
me alone!” I wipe the tears away with the back of my hand, I must look a mess.

“Your colleague’s told us who it was and a brief outline of
what’s been happening, but we will need a written statement from you. Can you
do that for us now?” The male officer sits opposite me.

“I suppose so,” I grump. It’s not their fault, I know.

I spend the next hour and a half giving my statement to the
male police officer with the kind face. He’s patient and asks relevant
questions as he goes along, his note-taking appears meticulous. Once he’s
finished with me he thanks me and spends the next half an hour with Thomas,
taking what I assume will be a similar statement of the events surrounding
Lewis’s outburst.

There are several witnesses, particularly from the point
where Lewis hit me. Prior to that it appears that we blended in with the crowd
and little attention was paid, which is a great shame as if anyone had seen us
before that point they would have seen that Lewis had hold of me before he hit
me. James assures me that the CCTV recording has been checked and the whole
incident, from the moment that Lewis walked into the hotel, is recorded and
will be handed to the police.

Once Thomas has given his account, the police officers seek
me out again. I’ve relocated myself to James’s office. Katie has arrived and her
and Anna have gone off for the day, or what’s left of it. James and I are
chatting about what’s happened over a cup of tea, and I’m very slowly pulling
myself back together. If there’s one good thing that I’ve learned from my years
with Lewis, it’s that I can get back up again, carry on, hide the bruises and
act like nothing has happened – outwardly, anyway! There’s a knock at James’s
door and he calls for whoever is knocking to come in.

Both police officers walk in. The man does the talking.
“We’re off now, but wanted to say thank you for your co-operation, we’ll be in

“Will he be charged?” I ask.

“Most definitely. What happens after that is up to the
courts, but he’ll certainly spend most of the day with us,” he says.

“What will he be charged with?” If I had my way he’d be
charged with some heinous crime and punished accordingly, but that’s just
wishful thinking!

“Initially Common Assault or maybe ABH, but it’s not up to
us. The guys at the station will make the decision over that, but certainly
charges will be brought against him.” The male officer smiles.

“Can I stop him contacting me or coming anywhere near me?” I
ask, because I am genuinely scared and I don’t mind admitting it to anyone,
anyone at all. I’ve seen Lewis in a rage, in a temper, many times – but never
anything as wild as today. When he was held down and then led away, I’ve never
seen him like that, like a madman.

“You could consider a restraining order, but let’s see what
happens at the station first,” the officer with the kindly face says.

James looks at me and then at the police officers. “Have you
told the officers about your other injuries, Alex?” 

“Other injuries?” the female officer says sharply. “You mean
it’s not just your face?”

“No, no more today, he just hit me today, although I suspect
I’ll have bruises where he gripped my arm.” I pull my sleeve up. “Yes, just
starting, look.” I show the officers the top of my arm and the finger-shaped
bruises are clear.

“And the rest, Alex,” James pressures.

I look at him. I’m not happy that he’s raised this. “No,” I
say flatly.

The female officer walks over to me. She bends down in front
of me, the hard face now softened ever so slightly.

“If you’ve other injuries it would make our case stronger. Mrs
Drake, please show me. I’ll ask these to leave.” She nods towards her colleague
and James.

I look at James and mouth “

 “Because you have to, Alex.”

“They’re very old, too old to do anything about now,” I say,
trying to get away without showing my back to this woman.

“Yes, maybe they are, but if we can let the courts know,
include them in our notes, say that this isn’t a one-off incident… Well, it all
goes to helping your case,” she says calmly. She looks around to James and her
colleague. “Boys, can you leave us?”

James and her buddy leave the room. They close the door
carefully and I hear the latch click shut.

“Are you sure you want to see this?” I ask.

“Come on, please show me.” She places her hand on my arm.
“Come on,” she says again reassuringly, quietly.

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