Freeing Alex (17 page)

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Authors: Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

BOOK: Freeing Alex
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“I really don’t want to do this.” I look at the officer, my
fingers on the zip pull of my dress, I really don’t. Inside I feel so
pressurized into doing this, almost as if I have no control over what’s
happening, like I’ve been railroaded into showing this bloody woman. Sighing deeply
I work the zip down and look at the officer, “Just for the record, I don’t want
to show you this, okay?” I’m firm, and so cross with James for bringing the
subject up.

The officer nods in acknowledgement. “Mrs Drake, just show
me quickly, you say yourself their too old to do much about, legally, but at
the very least I can include them in my report.”  I look at her as I slide out
my shoulder and pull the short sleeve down, exposing the mark left by the iron.
There’s silence, the police officer doesn’t say a word. I pull the dress down
further and pull my bra strap away. I turn so that she can see the small brand
that clearly says “LD”.

“Have you seen enough?” I ask bitterly. I didn’t want to
show anyone, but James has forced me to do this and I’m far from happy about
it. I’m fuming, upset and to be truthful I feel as though my privacy has been

“Thank you,” she says quietly. “You’re right, if they were
very new we’d ask you for photographs, you know, to support the case, but as
you say, they’re old. We’ll put it in our report anyway,” she tells me.

I pull my dress up and rearrange myself with my back to her.

As I turn around, the young woman smiles at me. She places a
hand on the top of my arm again and rubs gently. “We’ll be in touch, Mrs Drake…
Now, you look after yourself,” she says with a patronising tone, exactly the
reason I didn’t want anyone to see the scars. I don’t want sympathy, I
want to get on with my life. She lets herself out and as she does, James comes
barging past her and into his office. He waits until she’s gone and then he
grabs me and pulls me into the tightest hug, and kisses the top of my head.

“Alex, if I’d known the bastard was around I would never
have left you.” He pulls me close. “It’s my fault, I should never, ever have
left you here on your own – you said you weren’t happy being on your own… Shit,
I should have taken the smack, not you!”

I push him away. “You made me show my back to that woman.
That woman thinks… Well, I don’t know what she thinks!” I take a deep breath
and compose myself. “James, it’s private. You only know because… because I
crumbled!” My words spew out. “It’s my secret, James,
. It wasn’t yours
to share with anyone, especially that woman!” I hiss. I’m furious absolutely
furious with him for breaking the trust that I placed with him.

He just stands there, raking his fingers through his curls.
“It’s my fault, I should never have left you,” he repeats. He brings his hand
down and makes a fist. “My fault. I’ll never, ever forgive myself. You got hurt
because I wasn’t here!” he’s shouting. “My fault, all mine!” He smashes his
hand on his desk with such force that the office paraphernalia jumps around,
the pen pot crashing to the floor.

“For heaven’s sake, James… It’s NOT your fault!” I take a
step back. Have I swapped one monster for another, albeit a beautiful monster?

“But if I’d have been here it wouldn’t have happened, you’d
have been by my side, not sat downstairs on your own, and no-one came to help
until it was too late! What’s wrong with all those fucking people downstairs,
why did nobody help you until it was too late? Where was Roger, Thomas?” He’s
angry, very angry.

“I’m okay.” I try to calm him. I walk towards him, my hand
outstretched. “I’m okay.” I cup his face, his beautiful face with just the
trace of a day-old beard. He puts his hand around my waist and pulls me towards
him, holding on tightly, and looks into my eyes with that look again, looking
into me. “I’m never leaving you again, not until we know that bastard is behind
bars,” he spits.

“What if that never happens? Can you honestly see him going
to prison for this? He’s never been in trouble with the police before, although
I don’t know why.”

“Well then, I guess I’ll never, ever leave you alone.” He’s
holding me closer and whispers, “I’ll never let him hurt you again, I promise!”

He holds me so close. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so
protected, apart from when I was very young by my parents. He cocoons me, I
feel safe in his protection, but why me? Why me, why has he chosen me, the
older lady, when I’m sure he could have the pick of the crop?

“I want to go out,” I insist. “I don’t want to stay here,
not today… Please take me out. Can we do what we planned, go and look at some
cars, maybe have some lunch?”

He puts his hands on my shoulders and pushes me away ever so
slightly. “We can do whatever you want, but I don’t think you should be walking
around, not after you’ve been assaulted like that.”

I ignore the last part. “Good,” I sigh. “I’ll freshen up,
put some makeup on this—” I point to my face, “—then you can take me to look at
some cars.”

He huffs in response as I turn to walk out of his office and
he follows. “You’re coming too?” I ask.

“I am. I’m not leaving you, remember?” It’s that grin again.

“I didn’t think you meant literally.” I frown at him. Surely
he’s not going to stick to my side
of the time?

“Well, I’m not letting you out of my sight today, that’s for
sure,” he mutters.

“Oh! Well you can’t stay by my side forever James, I do have
my own life you know!” I look at him, this stunning man so desperate to keep me
safe but at what cost to me, my freedom yet again. “James, I want move on, I
to move on and I like having you by my side, I really, really do as a very good
friend. But I don’t want to be swamped, or pressured”

He looks at me with those bloody gorgeous eyes of his, “I
just want to protect you Alex, that’s all.” He says it as if I’ve hurt his
feelings, well he’s going to have to learn to live with it, because I’m not
going back to a relationship where I have no say of what goes on.

We use the staff staircase and walk the single flight up to
the room that I’ve been using. “I think I’d like to go home this evening,
James. Anna and Katie will be okay here by themselves, won’t they?”

“They’ll be fine,” he reassures me. “I’ll make sure that
reception know that they’re not to be charged for anything and I’ll ask Sam to
let tonight’s Concierge know that they’re here, they can keep an eye out for

“Thank you. They’re going to Henry’s so they should be
okay.” I use the bathroom mirror to make up my face, applying a good thick
layer of makeup pinched from Anna’s room to cover the bruise as best I can. I
fix it with an extra layer of translucent powder, that’ll do.

We leave the hotel and on the way to the car I drop by at
reception, leaving an envelope for Anna and Katie. James has a word with Sam
before walking back to me. He takes my arm and leads me to the car which he
left in the car park. Once we’re in and settled, we head off and I send Anna a
quick text:

Won’t be at hotel 2night, going home. Ask for Clive at
Henry’s, covered VIP entrance. £500 at reception for u and Katie, 2 nights on
me. Have a good time. Watch ur drinks. Hve a meal b4 u go out. Love you. Mum xx

She texts back very quickly:

Mum, u r a star. Hope ur ok. Love Anna XX

Chapter 10

I really love this car, it breaks my
heart not to drive it any longer but I just truly hate driving around London,
and honestly I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. Well, maybe one day. I’m
just so used to pootling around country lanes at a snail’s pace.

“Mercedes – I want to go to Mercedes!” I say.

James looks at me. “Yes, Ma’am.”

“Come on then, Bossman, get a jog on!” I laugh.

He smiles, I can hear him as he curses me under his breath.
“Bossman,” he says. “She could have called me many things… but

I giggle. “It suits you. Anyway, I could have called you
you’ve a great arse.
Really hot!

He just raises an eyebrow at me and curls his beautiful
mouth into a smile, the killer smile that makes me melt every time.

We slip through the London streets with ease. James knows
his way around and cuts through the traffic, the side-roads that are used as
rat-runs by commuters and locals alike. My day so far has been crap, but with
this beautiful man by my side it pales into insignificance, although my bloody
face stings like mad.

“You are okay, aren’t you?” I place my hand on his knee and
squeeze. He smiles.

“I’m fine, just a full-on day, Alex. Not what my normal
Saturdays are like. Not so… so relaxed!” He grips the steering wheel with both
hands and visible relaxes. Sitting back into the plush leather of “his” new
car, he focuses on the road ahead.

“I love this car,” he says. “She’s so responsive – a bit
like her owner.” He grins.

“It’s your car, James, you can give her what she needs, what
she wants.” I smirk.

“Oh, yes I think I can… give her what she wants – most

We both know that what we’re saying is innuendo, and yes, it
appears that he can give me what I want and what I need – more, in fact, than I
ever expected from any kind of relationship with anyone. It’s such a pity that
my last few days have been blighted by that bloody bastard.

James turns and looks at me, I see him do it out of the
corner of my eye.

“Keep your eyes on the road!” I say firmly.

“You’re beautiful, Alex.”

I look at him again and down at my lap. “James. Why don’t
you move in with me, just until you find a place?” I ask him. I like having him

“I don’t know, maybe I could, just until I find somewhere.”
He pauses. “Okay then, as long as Anna doesn’t mind?” he agrees.

“She won’t, and anyway, she moves out soon. The moment she
gets her results and decides where she’s going to I’ll be sorting an apartment
out for her,” I tell him.

He takes his eyes off the road, turning to me for a moment.
“Okay, as long as she doesn’t object, though – and it’s on the understanding
that this is until I find somewhere.”

“Agreed!” I say firmly, although at this precise moment in
time I have
intention of letting him go anywhere!

He continues to weave his way through the streets until we
pull up at a Mercedes dealership. He slips into a customer parking space and
turns the engine off. Leaning over, he places a gentle kiss on my cheek, “Come
on, blossom, let’s get you another car.” He walks around to my side and helps
me out, holding my hand as we walk across the forecourt.

“Blossom! That’s what you call a bloody cow!” I quip.

deserves a blossom!” he counters.

I huff. At least my name for him isn’t farmyard related.

“I think I might get a house keeper as well,” I announce.

“Really.” He puts his arm around my waist. “And what will
this house keeper do?”

I shrug. “Oh, you know, a bit of cooking, a bit of cleaning
and a bit of ironing.”

“So you can do even less than you do now.” He smirks at me.

“So?” I snap, slapping his arm as we stroll across the

“No reason, I just thought you liked to be busy, that’s
all,” he says as we continue our walk.

“You keep me busy!” I laugh.

“No, Alex,
keep me
busy!” He winks.

He stops and turns me towards him. Placing his hands on my
shoulders, he looks directly at me, giving me that look, into my soul. “And I
really love that you keep me busy.” His voice is husky.

“This is real, isn’t it?” I ask as we stand there, looking
at each other.

“It is.” He sighs. “You feel it too?” he says, so quietly,
his tone gentle.

“I do.” I flush, I feel myself getting redder and hotter as
he stands there just looking at me. I look at the floor, my feet, anywhere to
avoid the gaze. “Come on,” I say eventually. “Let’s buy a car!”

There are several cars to look at but all with reasonably
long lead times. I need one now, well, by next week really. We discuss
availability with the salesman. Because delivery time is what this all hinges
on, it’s pointless me choosing a car in a colour I like only to find that the
colour I choose isn’t available for the next six months.

By five I’ve been relieved of just a little over £70,000 and
have purchased a silver Mercedes S Class, one of their demonstrator vehicles.
They didn’t want to sell it but after a lengthy discussion with the dealer
principal it was agreed, and I have secured my new mode of transport.

We drive back to my home in relative quiet.

I open my shiny front door, pick up my mail and heading
straight through to the kitchen and the kettle, I throw two tea bags into mugs
and set about making drinks for us both.

“Shall we send out for a takeaway?” I’m aware that lunch
came and went without anything being eaten.

“Sure, Chinese or Indian?” he says, fiddling with his
mobile. “Which room shall I use, now I’ve moved in?” There’s a devilish grin on
his face as he asks.

“Oh, I think you know
room you can move into!”
I purr. “Where are all your clothes?” I know he’s got the small holdall, but
surely there are more.

“I’ve only the one bag, my suit’s hanging in the back of my
Vauxhall,” he says.

I turn towards him. “We need to go shopping, James.

 “No, I’m fine, I’ve got all I need. I’m hungry,” he

“I’ll order, any preference?” I have two menus which I flash
his way.

“Indian, make sure there’s plenty. I’m a growing boy,
blossom.” He winks.

“You are!” I look at the front of his trousers.

I walk barefoot back to the kitchen and make the calls,
ordering a selection of things. I open the fridge to get milk for the tea but
decide on wine instead. I think I need it. As I’m pouring two large glasses
James appears from behind me. He puts his arms around my waist and hugs me
closely. “Thank you so much for letting me use the Audi.” I turn around so that
I’m facing him. I place my hands on his chest and trail gently towards his

a growing boy,” I whisper as I feel his cock
harden. He stops and moves my arms to his waist, then he grabs me and pulls me
into the most intense kiss. His mouth slams against mine, I feel like my legs
have turned to jelly as the longing courses through my very core, and my sex
tingles in anticipation. Then he pulls back and picks up a glass of wine. He
drinks deeply. “Not bad stuff this, for a supermarket.”

“What the hell was that all about?” I ask.

“Nothing.” He winks at me.

“You’re a tease, James Aconi,” I hiss at him. “It’s not
funny, getting me all worked up like that and then abandoning me for a bloody
glass of plonk!”

I turn away to the sink and start to tidy around quickly.
I think to myself,
I really do need a lady who will come in and do this for
I’m deep in thought when I hear James’s mobile chime. I turn and he
glances at the screen.

“Just going through to the living room to take this,” he
says, indicating towards the door with his glass.

I hear him as he leaves the kitchen. “Benito, thanks for
calling… Yeah, Roberto said he was going to speak to you.” He wanders into the
living room where he pushes the door to; it’s not closed but pushed right to
the doorframe.

I wonder who Benito is?
It’s not a name I’ve heard
mentioned before. I can’t help my nosy nature, I want to know what he’s saying.
I step towards the kitchen door and out into the hallway where I can just hear
James’s side of the conversation, if I listen hard.  

“I’m good, thanks, and the boys…? Cool. I’m pleased that
Roberto let you know.” There’s a silence. Presumably whoever Benito is, he’s
talking, and then I hear the other half of the conversation again. “She’s
great, a real treat, nothing like Maggie… Nah, I’m still running the place.”
He’s definitely talking about me.

“I need you to run a few checks for me. I’ll text you the
details, keep it quiet if you can… Yeah, that’s right… Cool… If you can do it
ASAP that would be great. Cheers, Benito, nice one, mate.”

I scurry back to the kitchen and mess with the abandoned
cups and plates when James walks back as if nothing had happened.

“Who was that?” I ask.

“Benito,” he says flatly.

Well, he’s not hiding anything from me on that score.

“Who’s Benito?” I ask.

“A friend of the family.” His tone’s unchanged.


“Yep.” He’s so very vague about this guy.

“What does Benito do?” I ask.

“Oh, you know, a bit of this and a bit of that…”

I’m not going to get anywhere, am I?
I may as well
quit, he’s clearly not going to tell me.

“What time will the food be here? I’m starving,” he asks,
rubbing his stomach.

“Shouldn’t be too long, they said about thirty minutes.”

He moves closer to me. I’m still by the sink, tidying up
Anna’s mess. James pulls me away and looks at me and runs his thumb over my
bottom lip. He’s so gentle. He moves his hand away and kisses me. He uses his
tongue to prise my lips apart and then explores my mouth. I respond, the kiss
is so intense, I want more, much more… But alas we are interrupted by the

“Shit,” he says. He pulls away. “Shall we eat now?”

I look at him longingly. “That was beautiful, James.”

He gives me that look again, full of lust and hunger. “We’ll
finish later,” he says as he wanders towards the front door.

I hear him pay the delivery guy and then the front door
closes. By the time he’s back in the kitchen I’ve set two places at the island.

I pull all of the plastic tubs from the brown paper bag.

“God, Alex, how much did you order?”

“You said you were hungry!” 

“I know, but there’s only two of us, there’s enough here to
feed a small army!” He nods towards the numerous plastic tubs that I’m laying

“Well, you have a choice then, don’t you! Look, there’s
Prawn Puri, Lamb Tikka Masala, Chicken Biryani, and a Chicken Balti. We also
have pilau rice for two, two Peshwari naan, and look!” I toss a paper bag in
his direction. “There’s even some poppadoms and pickles, I didn’t order those!”

I fetch some spoons from the cutlery drawer and stick one in
each tub.

“Bon appetito,” I say.

“That’s Italian.” He’s being cocky now.

“So what – Bossman!” I snap.

“Do not call me
– blossom.” He looks at me, a
stern look. I flick a crisp of poppadum at him.

We eat in quiet. I can’t remember how long it’s been since I
had an Indian takeaway, probably years. Lewis never cared for Indian food but I
used to love it, occasionally anyway.

“I never asked you where Maggie lived. I know she used to
rent this place out, so where did she live?” It’s a question I’ve been meaning
to ask and one that hasn’t yet been answered.

“She split her time between Tuscany and here. When she was
here she used to stay in the hotel, but it was only ever for a couple of months
at the most and then she was back to Tuscany,” he tells me as he piles yet more
Tikka Masala onto his plate.

“So how come she wasn’t aware of your salary issue if she
was at the hotel every few months? She must have noticed at some point that she
was paying you a pittance. Surely you must have said something?” I quiz him.

“I know you didn’t know Maggie well, but if you had you
would have understood. Most of us didn’t work for Reid’s, we worked for Maggie.
She was delightful, a real treasure. I’d have worked for minimum wage for her
if I had to. She looked after us in other ways as well, you know, slipped us
cash from time to time, paid for holidays.” He talks fondly of my aunt – my
mother – as he recounts how she treated the staff.

“Oh, I see. But still, surely you need regular income and
salary for your rental or mortgage, whatever you do?” I ask.

“I’ve always managed, yes. I’ve never had excessive free
income but I managed. I’ve got some savings, like I said to you the other day.
I’ve got some money, nowhere near as much as you, but I sold my Dad’s house
when he died and the money was put into the bank. I’ve never touched it, it’s
from my Dad’s house and it’ll stay there until I…” He stops as he munches his
way through another plateful of curry.

“You’re going to stink tomorrow!” I curl my nose up at him.

“You don’t mind, do you, blossom?”

I pull a face at him and flick more cast-off poppadums. He
laughs, picks the piece of poppadum up and flicks it back at me. We’re
laughing, our behaviour is quite childish but what the hell. I break off more
poppadum and fling it at him; we continue to toss the large crumbs around until
he picks up the little tub of raita. 

“Come here, Alex,” he say. “Come to James.”

“No way, you’re not flicking that at me!” I scowl at him and
then the polystyrene tub.

“Who said anything about flicking? I’ve got something far
more interesting in mind… Umm, what can I do with this yoghurt and mint sauce?
Ooh, just think, where can I put this?”

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