Freeing Alex (18 page)

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Authors: Sarah Elizabeth Ashley

BOOK: Freeing Alex
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“Jamie,” I gasp, “you’re being naughty and very rude, and
look at the mess.” I look around the island; it’s littered with half-filled
plastic tubs of various curries and rice, not to mention the crumbs of poppadum
and naan bread, it looks like we’ve been entertaining toddlers!

His face turns serious. “Please don’t call me Jamie!” His
face stays hard for a moment before flashing that amazing smile. “Sod the mess,
blossom, come here and give James a cuddle or I may just have to go to work
with the raita,” he says, waving the little polystyrene tub around.

I take a slug of wine and sidle around the island to him.
He’s sitting on a stool with a tub of raita in one hand. He grabs me around the
waist with his free hand and pulls me between his legs. Bending towards me, his
lips brush mine so gently. I moan. I feel so turned on and so very wet, ready.
He puts the pot of raita down as he holds me in both arms; he moves his hands
down so that he’s holding onto my arse. He squeezes my buttocks and moves his
palms around my hips. His tongue pushes between my lips, we’re locked in an
embrace that I hope will never end when my mobile starts to chime. I pull away.

“Oh blossom!” he whinges.

“I need to check it. I need to call Anna as well, before she
goes out.” I root through my bag and find my phone. “Withheld number.” I flash
the screen to James before accepting the call.


 “Mrs Drake?” the caller asks.

“Yes, who is this, please?”

“Police. I’m just calling to let you know that Mr Drake has
been released from custody. He’s been told to return home to Staffordshire and
not to have any contact whatsoever with you. We’ve told him that if he needs to
contact or speak to you he needs to do this via his solicitor – you’re
divorcing, I understand?” the officer says.

“Oh,” I say quietly, totally horrified that they let him

“Well, if he tries to contact you in any way we’d appreciate
it if you’d let us know. A bit of a wild one is Mr Drake.” the officer tells

“Umm, I know. Thank you for letting me know anyway.”

“It’s our pleasure, and please do let us know if he tries to
contact you,” he reiterates.

I hang up. “Lewis is out!” I blurt at James.

“What!” He raises his voice.

“He’s been told to go back home and to have no contact with
me at all, I’ve to call them if he tries to contact me.” I recount the

“Shit, the fucking bastard. Good job I’m here, blossom!” he
says. “Now where were we?”

“Can I just ring Anna first? I’ll be two minutes, tops.”

“I’m timing you.” He laughs.

I dial Anna’s number, she picks up straight away.

“Mum, we’re having a fab time!” she shouts above the music.

I raise my eyebrows at James and mouth “
loud music”.
have you eaten this evening?”

“Yes, we had the most delicious steak. They’re treating us
like royalty,” she giggles.

“Good. Now, remember what I said, don’t leave your drinks
unattended and please, be careful. You haven’t got your cards with you, have

“We’re fine, Mum, it’s great.” She laughs, and I can hear
Katie giggling in the background too.

“Have a super time and call if you need anything, anything
at all! And say hello to Katie for me.”

“Will do, love you, Mum.”

She rings off.

“Well done, blossom, that was super quick. Now, where were

He pulls me close again. “Come on, let’s go upstairs, I want
you upstairs!”

I smile and follow him. He holds my hand and guides me up
the wide staircase, we walk around the gallery landing to my room and I follow
him in. He leans towards me and kisses my ear, I press my lips against his
neck, we’re a tangle of arms, of necks and of mouths. 

“Wait here,” he orders and disappears into my en-suite. I
hear him turn on the taps of my large bath tub. He drops something and I hear
him curse, then he’s back with me. He reaches for the zipper of my dress and
pulls it down at the front, then he eases it off my shoulders. I am wearing my
new underwear, black silk trimmed with lace. 

“You’re a vision,” he says as my dress drops to the floor.
He moves me slightly and I step away. He stands back and looks at me, I think
it’s the first time he’s seen me in matching underwear. “Truly beautiful,” he

  He runs his hands down my sides and squeezes my bum again,
just like he did downstairs. His thumbs slip into the elastic of my knickers
and he eases them down, bending at the knees as he pushes them down my legs,
and I step out of them. His eyes are level with the tangled triangle of hair.
He kisses my stomach – tender, gentle little kisses – and then he runs his
thumbs over my labia, pulling my lips apart gently. “Fucking hell, Alex.” He
feels my wetness. I moan and throw my head back at his touch. “This needs to
come off,” he says as he runs his fingers through my pubic hair. He stands and
kisses me again.

“Lie down.” He points towards the bed. “I won’t be a

He disappears into my bathroom. I hear him swill the water
and mutter something to himself and then he returns with a razor, mug of water,
towel and a can of lady shaving cream.

“Bend your knees over the edge of the bed,” he says, “and
move your legs apart slightly.”

He sprinkles a tiny amount of water over the triangle of
curls and then squirts shaving foam onto his fingers. He gently smoothes this
over my hair. The sensation is electric and I moan out loud again. “Keep very
still!” Using the razor, he slowly shaves away the hair that he has decided
needs to go. “Relax this leg a bit.” He moves my left leg so that he can catch
every hair. “And this one.” He moves my right leg. “Now for the tricky part,
keep very still.” I can see his concentration as he kneels by the bed; he
focuses on my so private area, his tongue sticking out slightly, held between
his teeth.

He rinses the razor in the mug of water and uses more
shaving cream underneath me. The feeling is so sensual, I’m becoming wetter by
the minute. I want to move, to writhe about. “Keep fucking still!” he says
firmly. “I really don’t want to nick you, one little bit left.”

Using the towel he brought with him, he wipes the residual
shaving cream away. “That’s looking good, blossom.”

He holds my hand and pulls me up. He guides me to my
bathroom and once we’re inside he strips, his jeans, t-shirt and black boxers
cast into a pile. He pulls me close, we’re both naked, wrapped around each
other. He moves away and swirls the water, turning the taps off. “Climb in,
blossom,” he growls into my ear.

I place one hand on the tiled wall for balance and climb
into the bath as elegantly as I can manage. “Wow, you look so fucking
fuckable,” he rumbles as he holds my other hand and trails light little kisses
up my arm and towards my shoulder. “Sit,” he commands as I splosh down into the
deep water.

Once I’m in, he kneels by the side of the bath. “Lie back,”
he says as his hand swirls the water around me before pushing my legs apart
with his big hand. Slowly he moves his fingers towards my sex, using his
fingers he parts my lips and tenderly rubs my little nub. He bends forward, his
mouth descending onto mine. His tongue pushes my lips apart, no-one has ever
done this to me before, treated me like this, the sensation is exquisite. He
kisses me deeply whilst his thumb and fingers make quick work of bringing me to
the edge of my climax, and I think he knows this.

“I think I’m going to come,” I whimper.

“No, not yet,” he says as he moves away. I lie back in the
warm water, watching my lover, his erect cock pointing directly at me. He
climbs into the bath facing me, then he lifts me slightly and slides my legs
around his waist. “Did you ever bathe with Lewis?” he whispers.

“No, never,” I gasp.

He lifts me again slightly and I feel that hard, engorged
thing at the entrance of my core. “Lower yourself,” he says, and I let myself
go down. I feel the fullness as I’m impaled upon him. Nature takes over and I
pull myself up and down on him, the water sloshing around us both. He holds me
around the waist, helping me move. “That’s it. Jesus, Alex!”

I work myself into a frenzy, throwing my head back. “James!”
I shout. “Oh God!”

I let go. I shudder around him. Falling forward, I throw my
arms around his neck and hold on tightly. He pulls me close and we stay wrapped
around each other until the water starts to cool, no words spoken.

Removing myself from him and the bath, not as elegantly as I
got in, I wrap myself in a towel and dry off. James follows shortly after.

We’re both very quiet and I walk through to my bedroom, pull
the duvet back and climb into my huge bed. I hear James pull the plug in the
bath. He joins me a moment or two later, cuddling up beside me.

“What was sex like with you and Lewis?” he asks.

He takes me off guard slightly. I never expected to have to
talk about my sex life.

“Non-existent!” I snap.

“So, you weren’t joking when you said you hadn’t had a
relationship with him in that way, for years?”

“No, not joking,” I mutter, not really wanting to discuss

“So you never went down on him, then?” he questions.

I have no idea what he’s talking about. “What do you mean?” 

“Go down, give head, blow job?”

“Oh! No, never.” Urgh! I don’t even know if I like the

“Want to try?” It’s the husky voice again.

“I don’t know. What if I don’t like it? What do I do?” I
really am very inexperienced.

“Put your mouth over my dick, then, well… lavish it. Move
your lips backwards and forwards, up and down my length,” he growls.

The very description of what he wants me to do turns me on.
I shuffle around the bed and kneel towards him. I hold his cock and tentatively
take the head into my mouth; it tastes salty. Oh God, I don’t know if I like
this. Slowly I move my head, backwards and forwards.

“Oh baby, that’s so good,” he groans. “Oh Alex, oh yes,
you’ve got it. Hold my balls, squeeze them.”

I oblige, taking his heavy sack in my palm. He fills my
hand, they’re big and heavy. I continue to slide my mouth up and down his
manhood, closing my eyes. He places his hand on my back gently. Oh, this is so

“Stop!” he commands. I pull away, looking at him.

“What’s wrong?” I ask.

He smiles. “Nothing, just don’t want to come, not yet.”

He shifts himself and eases me onto my back. Moving between
my legs, leaning over me, supporting his weight on his elbows, he leans forward
and kisses me deeply. With his tongue caressing mine, I feel the head of his
cock nudging towards my entrance and in one thrust he pounds into me. I cry
out. “James!”

He finds his rhythm, driving deeper and deeper. He’s quiet,
I look at the concentration on his face, his eyes focussing on nothing but me.
“Oh baby,” he says.

“I’m coming, James. I…” I gasp.

“No, not yet, you’re not coming yet.” He pulls away from me.
“Turn over.”

I look at him, confused.

“Turn over, on your stomach.”

“I don’t want to do anything like that…” I whimper. The
thought of that makes me cringe.

“Like what?” His voice is husky.

“Like, kinky, you know… anal.” I blush.

“Don’t plan to, not today anyway.” He smiles and winks. “On
your hands and knees!”

I breathe a sigh of relief. I really don’t know how I feel
about some of the things I’ve heard about.

He kneels behind me and holds onto my hips with his big
hands. I look down back between my legs and I see his balls and hard cock come
towards me. Oh, he is
impressive. I feel the tip of his manhood enter
me again slowly. He withdraws and then rams ahead again, deep and hard. I move
forward with the momentum, it feels so good. I cry out. “Oh God, James!”

“Good, Alex?”

“Oh! Oh!” I cry out loudly.

We explode together, and with one final thrust I crash onto
my front, he tumbles on top of me. 

We stay like that for a moment or two, but he’s heavy and I
shuffle, trying to get comfortable. He moves off me, slides out of me and moves
me onto my side. He faces me and we lie together, his semi-erect cock still
looking glorious. I glance at the clock at the side of my bed – it’s ten, still
early but I’m shattered.

He pulls me into his arms and holds me. My head is on his
shoulder and I think we must have fallen asleep like this as we are woken at 2
a.m. by my mobile ringing away downstairs.

“What is it?” I ask sleepily.

“Your mobile, I think.” He moves, disturbing my so
comfortable position. We’re both naked but he doesn’t seem to care. I wouldn’t
either, I don’t think, with a body like that. He gets out of bed and walks down
to the kitchen, but by the time he’s got there it’s rung off. James returns to
bed with the phone. I’ve turned my bedside lamp on. “Who was it?”

“Don’t know – they’d rung off by the time I got there.” He
hands me my phone, and as I check the call log the phone pings again,
signalling a voicemail.

I press the green square with the red dot on my iPhone and
listen to the only message I have.

“Hello, this is Clive, one of the doormen at Henry’s. We’ve
your daughter here, and her friend, a little worse for wear. I’ve put them in a
cab, they said they were staying at Reid’s, so that’s where I’ve sent the cab
to. They seem like lovely girls, I wouldn’t normally do this, but Nial said
they were to be looked after so I just wanted to let you know. Thanks.”

“Shit, it’s Anna,” I say to James. “Pissed, I think, and
Katie. They’ve been put in a cab and sent back to Reid’s. I’d better go, can
you take me?” I say as I drag myself out from my bed. I look down and remember
what we got up to.

I look at James and down at myself again. He laughs at me.
“Hello baldy!”

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