Fuck Valentine's Day (8 page)

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Authors: C. M. Stunich

BOOK: Fuck Valentine's Day
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a boxer, too?” I asked, referring to E. who was now
disturbingly on my mind again. I wanted to examine Preston's cock,
compare it to my dick pic, which was weird, I know. Luckily, I
didn't get long to dwell on this eccentricity as my newfound lover
was all about getting down to business.

sat me in the black harness and instructed me to grab the two loops
that were hanging on either side of my head. He then leaned back and
hooked some stirrups around the arches of my feet, all the while
stretching each and every movement, every word out, so that it was
all a wicked stretch of foreplay.

there a learning curve or something?” I whispered breathlessly
as Preston teased me with the hard line of his cock, rubbing it
across my most sensitive parts as I tried to accustom myself to the
fact that I, Andrea Fisher, was sitting in a
sex swing
of all
things. “I mean, shouldn't I be tackling basic moves before I
move onto the complicated, kinky stuff?”

Preston asked as he slid a few inches into me and made my hands
clench around the straps. “You want to stop and lay on the bed
while I remove every bit of your clothing with my teeth, nice and
slow, agonizing? While I touch your clit with my fingertips, caress
your breasts with my mouth, make you scream for it? And only then
will I enter you in a nice, easy missionary position. How does that

pretty damn good,” I said. “But this is better.”
Preston grinned.

because it's this first and that later.”

then he thrust into me fully, found my core and manipulated me to
within an inch of my life with long, slow strokes. Preston fucked me
deep; he fucked me hard, and behind us, the door shook like it was
just seconds away from popping off its hinges.

woke up in Preston's bed.


shit!” I called out as I sat up and dragged the blankets around
my chest like a shield. They were white, perfectly crisp and had the
slightest scent of laundry detergent clinging to them with gentle,
floral fingers. I bit down on the corner of the comforter and tried
to slow the thumping of my heart.

have I done?

Well, you came over here to ask Preston to protect you from
the mysterious 'E.' who I still think is planning on turning you into
a lampshade and instead, got ravaged by said protector.

It was hot though, you have to admit.

True, it was pretty hot.

I whispered angrily as I tried to figure out what time it was. The
room was dark, but there was some faint light streaming in through
the curtains on either side of the bed, highlighting a dresser with
absolutely zero clutter on the top, a bookcase stuffed to the gills,
and a yellow sticky note taped to the back of the closed door.
very same door where Preston screwed the shit out of you.
I called tentatively, unsure of 'day after' etiquette. Was this a
one night stand or something else?

That would've been a good question to ask
let him put his dick in you.

stood up, blankets still clutched to my chest. They didn't stay
there long. Preston Ellis had perfect hospital corners, the kind
that grab onto your linens and refuse to let go. I hadn't seen
hospital corners like that since I stayed with my grandma the summer
before senior year. Jesus Christ. I gave up my shield with a huff,
and shuffled forward on naked feet.

I asked as I slid across the perfectly polished floor and paused with
my face just inches away from the sticky note. Obviously, I was
meant to find it since it had my name on it. I blinked the sex
hangover out of my eyes and squinted at the tiny, square print.

the boxing gym. Preston is with me. Come quick. Sincerely, E.

fuck,” I said, wondering what the hell was going on.

Yay, a three way!

ignored her and ripped the note off the door, found my clothes, and
hightailed it the fuck out of there.

stood outside the gym for a good fifteen minutes, examining the
comings and goings of the ripped, tight ass mother fuckers that
frequented the old brick building. I even saw Scar Face but decided
not to say hi to him when he tossed an evil glare my way.

shook out my hands and stopped pacing, facing down the burgundy doors
with the faded paint for the longest time.

can do this, Andi,” I said as I raised my chin, puffed out my
chest, and marched in there with a single-minded determination. I
had to meet this 'E.' and then I would deal with Preston. That is,
if there was anything to deal with. Maybe he'd just go back to
gently ignoring me? Force me to stare at his ass in calculus without
being able to touch? Too cruel.

was already pissed by the time I entered the dark, sweaty building
and found Preston in the ring, covered in sweat, muscles contracting
as he dodged his opponent with skillful grace and carefully
restrained power.

his ass, E.!” one of the dudes on the other side of the ring
called out, and although it was very, very difficult to tear my eyes
from Preston's nearly perfect form, I did. I let them slide over to
his opponent and just froze there.


the dick pic had come from, it had not come from this guy who had to
be E. (if the shouting dude was any indication). Or if it had, then
it had been taken years back when he was in his prime. Many, many
years back. He was older, probably in his early fifties, with a
hairy back and a pale, almost pasty, belly that while toned, was in
no way related to the chiseled beauty that was in my picture. I
tried to imagine that gorgeous cock coming out of the old dude's
shorts and nearly vomited in my mouth.

gonna happen,
I thought as Rational Andi guffawed maniacally in
the background of my mind. Seriously, this whole hearts and kitty
cats Valentine's week was screwing up my game. I was better than
this, less desperate than this, surely.

At least now you can go after Preston full time.

ignored her, too, and watched as the older man put up his arms in
surrender. Sweat was pouring down his skin and while Preston looked
hot all slicked up and moist, this guy just looked like he needed to
shower. I watched as the two men did one of those weird ass half-hug
things that guys do where they punch each other in the back and
waited for his eyes to fall on me, for his thin lips to smile, for
him to approach me and say,
Andi, right? Can I call you Andi?
And then I was going to have to tell him no thank you and hope to
God that he didn't try to follow me home and kill me. Nice.

fight, E.,” said the pasty man as he lifted off his red, padded
helmet and nodded at Preston. As he turned away, his eyes caught on
my tits which annoyed the shit out of me, but they didn't linger. In
fact, he barely registered me. I gawped at his pube covered back and
tried not to look as shocked as I felt. Finally,
signals and the clues and the not-so-subtle hints of the past few
days were hitting me, and the truth of the matter was very
slowly dawning upon my ridiculous person.

job, E.!” the dude from across the ring called as Preston made
his way over to me and leaned down over the ropes. He wasn't wearing
his glasses, but he was looking right into and through me like he
could see just fine, smiling a nasty smile that promised horribly
delicious things, and dripping tiny droplets of sweat onto the cement

for coming,” he said as I stared back at him, at his hard pecs
and sculpted belly, his massive biceps and his mussy hair.

I said slowly, feeling rather stupid. I mean, the guy had put his
damn dick in me and I hadn't bothered to even
at the
fucking thing. If I had, I would've known much, much sooner.
“You're the stalker.”



sent me a picture of your dick.”

removed his gloves and hopped over the edge of the ring, landing
rather gracefully next to me as he rubbed at his white wrapped

thought you'd like that.”

was creepy.”

Liar, liar, pants on fire. You whacked it to that thing
more than once.

been staring at me for years, eye raping me every chance you get.”

gasped and touched a hand to my chest.

dare you, you fucking prick,” I said as I tried to control my
temper. What he said was true, kind of, so how could I stand here
and get all pissy over it?

thought you knew it was me all along. Isn't that why you came over
to my apartment and played stupid about the whole 'E.' thing?”
Preston made quotes with his fingers. When I didn't respond, his
eyes got big and round. “Oh my god, you didn't know, you
really didn't know.” I crossed my arms over my chest and tried
to play it cool.




E. stand for?” he asked with a smirk as he stepped in closer to
me and made my nostrils flare at the warm, heady masculine scent of
sweat and sex.
Holy shit.

I said proudly.

guess,” Preston said as he slid his warm, wet hand across my
jaw and tangled his fingers in my hair.

such thing as luck,” I said as he pressed his mouth to mine and
kissed me with a hot, slick tongue and a gentle scrape of his teeth
over my lower lip. “All skill.”

of skill … ”

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