Fuck Valentine's Day (7 page)

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Authors: C. M. Stunich

BOOK: Fuck Valentine's Day
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you,” I told him as we stood several feet apart in awkward
silence. “Um, so, apartment thirty-six?” Preston
flushed a pink color like he was embarrassed and nodded,
turning without a word and leading me to the elevator. The
atmosphere was tense and uncomfortable, nothing at all like it had
been the moment he kissed me. I wanted to ask about that, but had no
clue how to go about broaching the subject, especially when Preston
was squished into the corner of the elevator hugging of all things, a
copy of
Gone with the Wind
. Definitely
What the fuck?
moment. Ear fuckers do not read period romance novels. I declined
to mention it.

long have you known E.?” Preston asked me as the elevator
dinged and we stepped into a beige hallway with a horrible burgundy
runner and framed oil paintings of fluffy dogs. I shrugged

you know,” I said vaguely as I waved my hand and tried to
pretend like I knew where I was going. Preston paused and pushed his
glasses up his nose with two fingers, his middle and his index. Very
sexy. Very provocative. I had to swallow my lust down, and it hit
me in the gut heavy and hard.

thirty-six is the other way,” he said, and I blushed.

yeah, that's right.” I smiled tightly and spun on my
heel. The silence and the anticipation were freaking killing me.
I'm about to meet Mr. Seven Inch. What will I say? What
will I do?
“So, how long
known E.?”
I asked back and Preston shrugged.

you know,” he said and we both chuckled at that.
I like this man,
I thought as we
paused at a white door and my heart skipped a beat, making my whole
chest hurt. I was about to meet my Mystery Man, but right now, all I
wanted to do was get to know Preston.
Just meet the guy
and get it over with. That way, you can get him off your mind and
make some decisions.
I sighed
and raised my hand to knock.

Bang. Bang.

gave Preston a tight-lipped smile and bounced up and down on my
heels. Seconds ticked past, long as hours, and nothing happened. I
rang the doorbell. Nothing.

was expecting you?” Preston asked, and I shrugged, again very
vague and nonchalant. “Maybe he's running late?” he
added as I continued to stare at the gold numbers on the door with a
sinking feeling in my gut. Was Preston scaring him away? Maybe he
really was a rapist or a
murderer or something? But then, Preston seemed to know him pretty
well … “Want to come over to my place and have a cup of
tea or something?”
Aw, tea. Cute. What a nice boy.

I said as I tried to push back my feelings of disappointment. E.
would show. He had to. Had to. For my sake and his. I mean, why
play this game with me and then just disappear? Anyhow, I knew where
he lived now and could do some stalking of my own, maybe tape a pic
of my swollen clit to his door and see how he liked that.

turned away, stepped about ten feet and unlocked the very next door.
Apartment thirty-seven. Huh.

so you're like next door-next door neighbors?” Preston nodded
and stepped back, holding out an arm for me to enter. I moved over
to his door and stepped inside to the sweet scent of dragon's blood
incense and freshly mopped floors that gleamed.
Neat and tidy and sexy and toned and
wow … Preston was a one of a kind guy for sure.

to my life,” he said which I thought was kind of strange until
I entered the living room, turned and saw a … a thing hanging
from the doorway to his bedroom. “Darjeeling?” he asked
me as I tilted my head to the side and tried to figure out what the
black straps attached to the door frame were. “Green? Black?

is that?” I asked as I pointed at the thing with my finger.
Preston stepped up next to me and adjusted his glasses.

he began softly as he set his novel down on the glass coffee table to
my right, the one without visible streaks of any kind. “Is a
sex swing.” And then his voice was all sex again, ear fucking
the shit out of me.

spun quickly and took a step back, certain that Preston was about to
go psycho on me. He just stood there and watched me move back.

in the mood for some green tea if that's okay with you?”

think I should leave,” I said and then tripped on the edge of
his couch, went sprawling back and landed in artfully arranged
decorative pillows. Preston moved towards me and put his knee
between my legs, leaning in close enough that we could kiss, but
somehow maintaining this perfect distance that made my breath catch
in my throat and my pulse thunder.

would you want to do that?” he asked me as he lifted his hand
and ran his nail down the side of my face. “Then I wouldn't be
able to fuck you.”

I said and then all words were knocked right out of my brain by this
horribly delicious kiss that Preston gave me, tangling his tongue
with mine and drawing me forward without using a single, other part
of his body.

threw my arms around his neck and wrapped my legs around his
midsection, completely and utterly forgetting about Quinn and even –
get this – Mystery Man. Two years of watching Preston prance
his tight ass around campus had gotten to me, and I was not in the
mood to hold it back.
Fuck Valentine's Day,
I thought as I
once again pushed my lack of self-control onto the holiday's

… ” I tried to speak, but Preston was having none of
it, kissing my mouth, my forehead, nibbling my ears and throat,
caressing my breasts through my sweater. “We, um … ”

up, Andi,” he said as he sat back, grabbed my hips and flipped
me over, taking my ass in his hands and positioning me for …
well, for easier access you might say. “The safety word is
kitten, but I don't think you'll need it. We'll start slow.”

I asked. “Safety word?”

it's not likely something you'll say by accident during sex,”
Preston said as he did something behind me which was, presumably, to
free his cock from his pants. “I tend to get rough, so I like
to have a safety word, just in case.”

can't do this,” I said suddenly. “I'm a virgin.”
I tried to stand up, but Preston pushed me down so that my face was
buried in fluffy pillows with tassels galore.

that means what?” he asked as my skirt came up and my panties
came down. “Are you not ready?”

Jesus Christ, girl, get it on already. I'm not saying you
should give it up to the first prick that comes along, but seriously,
it's just your virginity, it's not like you're selling your soul to
the devil. Loosen up. You've been stalking Preston for years,

Didn't you write 'Mrs. Fisher-Ellis' on the back of your
binder like some grade school twit?

Fuck you both.

going to take your silence as an invitation. If you change your
mind, you know what to say.”

I asked as my lady bits pulsed and throbbed with need. The sudden
exposure to air and Preston's warm bulge pressing against them didn't
help me think any clearer. It wasn't until he let go of me and
stepped back that I could finally breathe and remember the alphabet.

sorry,” Preston said, and although it was undeniably weird to
know he was staring at and talking to my vaginal opening, I didn't
stand up. God help me, but I wanted him to plow me hard and fast.
There was just one thing that I would not compromise on.

I said, and I swear, I could hear a dirty, sexy grin spread across
his handsome face.


Preston fished out a condom from somewhere on his person and opened
the package, I put my hands on the back of the couch and held on for
dear life.

fucking Jesus!” was the first thing I said when Preston grabbed
my hips, cock slick with lube, and thrust all the way into me. He
didn't test the waters or ease himself in, he just entered me in one
fell swoop and made me wish I had walked right up to him when I'd
first seen him and stuck my tongue down his throat.

up,” he told me and although I could barely breathe through the
intense pleasure radiating out from my pussy and swirling around in
my belly, I followed his instruction and found myself face to face
with my reflection. Not five feet away was a square mirror propped
up on a side table and in it, I could see my hair mussy and
disheveled and my eyes cloudy with euphoria and the sweet thrill of
sex. Sex. Sex.

shit,” I said – well, drooled. I kind of drooled that.

shit is right,” Preston said as I watched the shimmer of light
on the edge of his glasses, the way he tilted his chin up and bit his
lip as I pulsed and squeezed around his cock. “You are so
fucking tight.”

you're a wolf in sheep's clothing,” I groaned before he screwed
the words right out of me and left me absolutely breathless and
wanting more, so, so much more. I squeezed my eyes shut, and only
opened them because Preston grabbed me by the hair and jerked my head

me fuck you,” he told me as he rode me into oblivion. “Watch
me take your virginity.”

don't want to,” I whispered as he jerked on my scalp just
enough that it was all painful pleasure, hot and stinging, reminding
me that my body was a bundle of nerve endings just waiting for the
perfect touch.

say what you need to say, Kitty Cat,” he told me and I swear,
that was what sent me spiraling over the edge, arching my back like,
well, like a cat in heat. The super ripped, nerdy guy I'd been
crushing on for far too long was pounding me with a cock that rivaled
even the
in thickness and far surpassed it in length.
In that moment, Quinn and Mystery Man were so far off my radar that
it wasn't even funny.

that's why I almost murdered Preston when he pulled out of me without

bitch!” I screamed as I collapsed into the couch and spun
around to glare at Preston's well formed jaw, sculpted cheekbones and
sensually curved lips (yes, I was ogling, so sue me). “What
the – ” I tried to cuss him out, but he took advantage
of my open mouth by leaning down and inserting his tongue into the
space between
fuck you.
I groaned into him,
leaning forward and tearing at his white T-shirt like some sort of
crazed animal.

down,” Preston said as he pulled back and slid his hands under
my ass, lifting me right off the couch with barely a grunt. I slid
my arms around his neck and held on for dear life as we moved across
the living room as graceful as a pair of dancers. I had to blink
several times to stop Rational Andi and Horny Andi from overwhelming
me with shouts and cheers of encouragement.

just lost my friggin' virginity. Shit, well that was easy.

I began and didn't know how to finish that sentence when Preston
slammed my back into the bedroom door with a quirky little snarl
playing about this kissable lips. They didn't look so sweet now.
More like deadly. Yes, deadly was the word. “Strong.”

been a boxer for almost ten years now,” he said and I swear to
you, I wet myself in the best of ways at that one word.

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