Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (24 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Rissa gasped her surprise but didn’t have time to respond before Mitch spoke quietly. “Baby, you are the answer to a million prayers I’d sent out to the Universe—knowing you were out there somewhere—and praying we’d find you. Marrying us won’t be the easiest thing you’ve ever done, but we’ll be loyal to you forever, we’ll spend our entire lives working together to make sure you know you are loved beyond measure and cherished as the treasure we know you are. Since I am older than Bry, you’ll be married to me on paper, but we’ll both be your husbands in every possible way. We want to build a life and family around you. We’ll love any and all children we’re blessed with regardless of which of one us is the biological parent, but it’s important that you know
will always be the center of our world. We’ll be difficult at times, but we’ll always love you…We’ll be separated by work at times, but we’ll always count each and every second until we’re together again…You’ll want to strangle us a lot of the time, but you’ll remember the depth of our love and respect for you, and you’ll find the strength and patience to wait for us to regain our footing.” Mitch’s gaze hadn’t left hers the entire time he’d been speaking, but he finally reached into his lap and lifted a small velvet box and opened it.

Rissa was still trying to process that they were proposing to her. She’d barely had time to take in all of their sweet words when she was suddenly looking at the most amazing ring she had ever seen, and she gasped her surprise then covered her mouth with her left hand. Mitch pulled on her wrist, saying, “Oh, baby, that hand looks awfully naked, let me hold it for you while your other fiancé decorates it for you.” Bryant took the ring from the box and slid it on to her finger.

Bryant looked up at her, his expression unsure as he asked, “Love? Are you going to make us the happiest men in the world by accepting our proposal?” Then smiling a nervous grin, he added, “You haven’t exactly answered the question yet, you know, pet.”

Rissa threw her arms around Bryant’s neck and hugged him so tight she wondered if he was able to breathe. “Oh God, yes! I love you so much.” And then switching her focus to Mitch, she launched herself at him, hugging him with equal fervor. “I love you more than I ever thought I could love anyone. Marrying you will be the best thing that has ever happened to me. I want you to both know that I’ll always love you and only you. I will never stray from our vows. They will be sacred and written deeply into my heart and soul.”

Bryant thought his heart would burst at her sweet response, and just for an instant he stilled, wondering when he had gone from Dom to sap, but he quickly tossed the question aside when he remembered the positive changes he’d seen in Alex Lamont when Katarina has come in to his life. Framing her delicate face in his large hands, he looked deeply into the pools of green that were her eyes before saying, “Love, we want to be married as quickly as possible and as of this moment, no more birth control measures, understand?”

Fat tears ran down Rissa’s cheeks, and she just nodded, and when he raised his eyebrow at her, she flushed and answered, “Yes, Master, I understand.”

Mitch turned her so he could see her expression. “Baby, you do want to have our children, don’t you? You know we won’t force you, but it is something we both want very much.”

Rissa quickly reached for his hands. “Oh, Mitch I want that with all my heart. These are tears of joy, nothing else.” Just as she was about to speak again, Mitch’s phone rang, the
theme song was a dead giveaway that the Sheriff Dylan Matthews was the caller.

Mitch answered immediately with a brusque, “Talk to me.”

* * * *

Maks quickly packed his bags and loaded them into his car. He had decided to take a chance on the icy mountain roads, and the hair on the back of his neck had been standing up as he’d made his way up the carpeted stairs. He’d learned years ago to trust his instincts. He’d left more than enough cash on the bed to cover his bill and also a thank-you note for his landlady. There was no reason to give her cause to call the local police and set them on his tail for a couple hundred dollars. She’d been kind to him and let him stay longer than he’d originally requested the room, since there were no motels locally. He’d told her his business had been taking longer than expected, and that had been true enough.

With one last peek out the front window, he noticed a car sitting across the street with men sitting inside. He’d seen it when he’d first arrived back at his room, and now he was grateful he parked his car around the corner and had loaded his bags by using the back walkway. The clouds covering the moon and stars made the night inky black, and Maks was thankful for that additional advantage. He quickly made his way down the back stairs as soon as the other guests had settled in for the night and slipped in to the backyard and made his way silently to his car.

As he started out of town, he tried to call Petrov but the phone was answered by another voice, knowing instantly that his boss was in custody, Maks immediately gave his phone a toss out the window. There was no reason to give them a phone number and signal to track. He now knew he was on his own until he could get another phone and contact the emergency number he’d been given. The illustrious Senator Ives wasn’t going to be pleased, but that was just too fucking bad. The ass hat could help Maks or suffer the consequences. Maks had only met the little weasel twice and had gotten the same impression from him during both meetings.

Senator Dan Ives was an opportunistic bastard who only cared about himself and money. The man had never batted an eye about the source of the money he was
by providing law enforcement and military intelligence to human traffickers. But weasel or not, his contacts would be valuable now.

* * * *

Rissa could feel the tension coming off Mitch much like one felt heat coming off a sidewalk in July, but his tone of voice varied little. “So you caught one, but the one that was staying at Berta’s is in the wind? Well, he can’t have gotten far, so I assume you aren’t giving up? The other one talking yet? Well, keep us posted, please. And, Dylan, thanks for calling. I know you are frustrated, but even the best officers make mistakes. Try to remember we were all rookies once.” He gave a small chuckle before hanging up and updating Rissa and Bryant on the situation. After they’d discussed it and they’d each vented their chagrin over the fact that Nikolai Petrov was claiming Diplomatic Immunity, the conversation returned to marriage.

Bryant pulled her over so that she was sitting on his lap; Mitch immediately moved to sit close-by, lifting her feet and settling them on his lap. Bryant’s hand moved in slow circles over her lower back for several quiet minutes until he finally spoke. “Love, we would like to get married immediately, but if you have your heart set on a large wedding…well, then that is what you should have.” Sighing softly, his smile was tentative, almost shy. Rissa was surprised to see that in the ever-confident, in-charge Bryant Davis.

Looking between the two men she loved more than life itself, Rissa chose her words carefully. “I know that it is supposed to be every little girl’s dream—that big wedding complete with a dozen attendants, an expensive dress, enough flowers to fill a greenhouse, and a cake sporting multiple levels and a waterfall. But that was never what I aspired to.” She took a deep breath and continued. “All I ever wanted was a man who loved me as much as I loved him and wasn’t ashamed of being seen with me in public.”

Mitch’s and Bryant’s jaws both dropped. Nothing she could have said would have surprised them more. Could she really be that clueless as to her appeal? Mitch leaned toward her. “Baby, I want to get a clarification here, because it sounded to me like you don’t feel worthy, and I’m not really liking that so much.” Bryant’s low growl was his only outward sign of his deeply seated disapproval.

Rissa didn’t look away from Bryant’s penetrating gaze. “It’s not that…it’s just that all the fluff was never what I wanted. I wanted to love and to be loved. Don’t get me wrong, I’m going to have a blast as Jenna’s bridesmaid, but I don’t want to lose myself in a bunch of wedding planning. I would be much happier with a private ceremony out in a meadow and then a barbecue afterward to celebrate with our friends.” She had taken both their hands in hers as she continued. “When my mom left me with Granny…well, it was such a mixed blessing. I missed my mom so much, and the feeling of being abandoned was tough. But honestly, it was the best gift she’d ever given me, because I got a stable home for the first time in my life.”

Bryant squeezed her hand, wanting to distract her and put the joy back in eyes. “A meadow, huh? I like that idea very much, pet, but right now I’m afraid all the meadows have several feet of snow over them, but there is a small clearing at the back of the gardens at The Club that would be perfect. Would you be willing to let Mitch and I plan this for you? Because of work obligations none of us can get away for a proper honeymoon right now, but we promise to take you anywhere you want to go as soon as we can arrange it.”

“That would be perfect. And if it’s all right with you, I’d like a chance to talk to Doc and see if he would be interested in giving me away.” She hadn’t resolved all the conflicting emotions she felt regarding the crotchety old doctor, but she knew facing it would be the only way to heal. Looking between them, she was once again overwhelmed by joy, and she made no effort to stem the tears running down her face. “I’m so happy I can’t sit still.” She started wiggling her ass over Bryant’s rapidly responding cock and flashed him an innocent smile.

“Love, that sweet smile, though heart melting, is not enough to convince me you aren’t fully aware of the effect your wiggling is having on my cock.” Bryant looked up at Mitch, and the silent communication that seemed to pass between them made Rissa’s breathing hitch. “That’s right, pet, your anticipation level feeds our desire to show you new ways we can command your body. Now, stand, move to the center of the room, spread your feet shoulder width apart and place your hands on the back of your head.”

Wow, no gentle buildup, just straight to Dom in a fraction of a second. Rissa slowly moved to the center of the room and got in to position. She could feel her pussy pulsing and knew her juices would be dripping to the floor in a matter of seconds.
Nothing embarrassing about that…right, Clarissa Jean. Now focus and don’t mess this up or these two gorgeous men might decide you aren’t worth the effort.
Rissa hadn’t even seen Mitch move, so his sharp swat to her ass startled her.

“Baby, we will never decide we don’t want you. And seeing your pussy weeping for us is a major turn-on, so you just concentrate on feeling and less on worrying or you’re going to find yourself over my lap getting another ‘focus paddling.’” Mitch watched as his words caused Rissa’s breathing to hitch, and he knew her pulse rate had sped up by watching the base of her throat. “Now, how soon can you be ready to be married?”

Of all the things Rissa might have expected him to say, this question wasn’t high on the list for this particular moment.
Damn it all to hell, how am I supposed to concentrate when I’m so horny that I can’t even think straight?
“Um…the only people I want to talk to in advance are Kat and Jenna. And…umm…Doc, so…oh geez, this is really not a good time for me to be thinking…” Rissa didn’t get to finish because Mitch had scooped her up, and she was lying over his lap before she’d even had time to blink.

“Spread your legs a ways apart, baby, I’m going to help you with that little concentration problem.” When her legs were far enough apart, she knew Bryant would have a clear view of her exposed pussy from where he was leaning against the fireplace watching. She gasped at the quick, stinging swats, but by the third stroke she was so close to coming, she was teetering on the edge.

Bryant was looking at Rissa and was glad she couldn’t see him grinning like a fool. Mitch was paddling her ass, and it was quickly turning a nice, warm pink. Bryant could see her juices running out of her engorged pussy, and he could hear her soft moans. He nodded to Mitch and stepped forward and used his Dom voice to command her orgasm. “Come for us, love.”

Rissa was stunned by the strength of her orgasm, and she couldn’t believe she had come from a spanking and Bryant’s command only. She felt wave after pulsing wave of pleasure wash over her, and when it finally started to subside, she lay limply over Mitch’s lap. As usual they had given her pleasure that seemed to rock her entire world with an intensity she’d only read about in books and had never thought she’d be lucky enough to experience personally.

Chapter Twenty-Three

Bryant pulled her to her feet and moved her back to the middle of the room. “All right now, love, back into position with you.” When Rissa was back as she had been before, he leaned forward and swiped his tongue over both her nipples then blew air on them until they tightened into hard peaks. “Very pretty, pet. I can hardly wait to decorate these beautiful nipples. But even more than that, I can’t wait to see our child nursing here, knowing that you are providing for our child in a way that God intended. Getting you pregnant is going to be a priority for us and we’ll be quite focused on ‘Project Baby’ just so you know. We’ve already been reading up.” Rissa had to smile when he grinned at her. He looked so much younger when he smiled like that it never ceased to take her breath away. “Now, about that wedding, my love. How soon, because we have all the paperwork done, and we have your dress and shoes.”

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