Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (25 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Rissa’s head snapped up, and her eyes rounded. “Really? You have everything already? Wow. You guys are amazing!” She was blown away by everything they had done for her, she’d been on her own for so long it was just out of her realm of imagination for anyone to take care of her like this, her heart swelled with the thought that they loved her enough to do things like this for her. “Well, I can be ready immediately in that case. Well, if you could make sure Kat and Jenna can stand up with me I’ll be there with bells on. I’ll call Doc today, also.” She smiled at them both, then closed her eyes and moaned as Bryant drug his fingers through her soaked pussy lips. “Oh God, that feels so good.”

Bryant had already set it up with her friends, but he wasn’t telling her that just yet. “All right, but now, about that ‘bells on’ comment. We also want to collar you, but you need to know that when we do, it’ll be at The Club, and you will not be wearing bells—or anything else for that matter. Are you ready to be naked in front of the entire Club, pet?” Bryant sunk his fingers deep as he was talking and felt her pussy walls contract in a rolling pulse at his words. “I think someone likes that idea, Master Mitch. Hmmmm, seems our fiancée is anxious to be naked and at her Master’s command in front of our friends.” He’d kept his voice pitched low and controlled, but he was secretly thrilled with this development, of course as soon as she was pregnant, they wouldn’t share her visually anymore, those physical changes would be for their eyes only, but until then, they would enjoy some public playtime, that was for sure. Bryant stepped right up in front of Rissa and looked down into her heart-shaped face. “We’re going to love you well, pet, but right now, we’re going to fuck you.” He picked her up and said, “Wrap your legs around me and slide down on to my cock.”

As Rissa slid down, sheathing his cock inside her wet heat, she threw her head back, moaning his name, and Bryant was sure he was going to shoot off in to her right then.
Christ, man, get a fucking grip. You haven’t come that fast since you were a damned teenager.

Somewhere in the back of Rissa’s mind she registered the distinctive click of a lube bottle and then felt Mitch’s slick fingers sliding into her ass. “Oh, baby, you are so tight, I’m going to have to get you loosened up before I take you here tonight.” When she automatically tightened up, Bryant slapped her ass, and Mitch licked the shell of her ear and said, “Open up, sweetness, I’m going to make this so good for you, you’ll want us fucking that sweet hole all the time, you’ll see.”

Rissa couldn’t believe how amazing it felt to be sliding up and down on Bryant’s cock while Mitch was stretching her ass. It wasn’t long until Bryant moved to the small settee and lounged back, which allowed Rissa’s legs to drape off each side. He pulled her chest to his and he said, “Tilt your hips forward, love, present your ass to Master Mitch. When he starts to breech your ass, push out and back against him.” Rissa felt the end of Mitch’s cock press against her ass, and she tried to do exactly what Bryant had instructed, but she felt the anxiety starting to build, and when black dots started to appear in her vision and her breathing became short pants, Mitch leaned forward and bit her earlobe and growled. “Stay with me, baby, I need to do this, I want to take you this way, you can do this for me, can’t you? Show me how much you trust me.” Rissa managed to get herself pulled together, and in a moment that was braver than smart she pushed back hard against him and felt him slide most of the way inside her. Her ass felt like it had been set on fire, and Mitch’s gasp told her he was as surprised as she was. “Oh, baby, that felt amazing, but you just earned yourself one hell of a spanking. You could have done a lot of damage to that sweet ass and the tender tissues inside with that little stunt, I’m going to fuck you gently while we make sure you haven’t hurt yourself, and then I’m going to take you to the playroom and remind you who is in charge of this body.” Mitch and Bryant monitored her for the first few strokes and when it didn’t appear there was any damage to contend with, they set a quick pace, working in tandem to bring Rissa and themselves to a completion that was lightning fast and brutal in its intensity.

When they’d all finally settled down, Mitch took her hand, bringing it to his mouth and brushing his lips over her knuckles. “Let’s go, baby, I want to make sure you never forget that we are in charge in the bedroom, and endangering yourself will be dealt with quickly and severely. Your safety is the only thing that ranks over your happiness, and the sooner you learn this lesson, the happier you’ll be…and the easier you’ll find sitting down.” They led her to down the hall to the playroom but stopped outside the door.

Bryant stepped up in front of her blocking her view as Mitch went on inside. Bryant pulled her chin up so that she met his gaze. “Love, there are rules you must observe in this room. First of all, you will not speak unless given express permission to do so or asked a direct question. Second, you will never wear any clothing in this room. Since you are already naked, it isn’t an issue, but remember this rule in the future. Third, The Club’s safe words are your safe words in this room. And finally, no matter what ever happens in this room, never, ever doubt that we love you and will never do anything to truly harm you physically or emotionally. We’ll push your limits and help you explore that bit of pain that morphs into pleasure, but we’ll always cherish you and protect you with everything we have.” That said he stepped to the side and ushered her inside.

The playroom they’d built in the condo wasn’t as elaborate as the one at the cabin, but it was still filled with equipment that Rissa was anxious to try; some of the pieces she recognized, but some pieces were new to her. She tried to concentrate on studying the equipment rather than what they were planning for her. She really didn’t think it could be all that serious of a punishment, since all she’d done was push back because she was anxious to get him inside her ass but from the way he was setting up things, she was starting to get nervous.

Mitch finally turned and faced Rissa. “Come here, baby, I want to get this done. I hate punishing you, but this is really a significant problem because it involves your safety. We’ve told you every chance we’ve had that your safety is the one and only thing that trumps your happiness, and I think we’d all agree that is as it should be. Now I want you to remember this is a punishment so the goal is not your pleasure, but this is to serve as a reminder of how much we value your body and consider it our property, so we’ll insist that you care for it properly.” The entire time he’d been talking, he’d been leading her over to a strange-looking hammock-looking device that was standing upright, but it had some larger holes in the mesh that were obviously meant to line up with her breasts, and it split in two just above her pubic bone. It was obvious to Rissa they had something new in mind for her punishment today.

As they began securing her to the odd contraption, Rissa noted that there was another piece that would fit against her back, but it was open in some very key areas. Rissa opened her mouth to ask a question, but at Bryant’s raised eyebrow, quickly closed her mouth and kept quiet. It quickly became obvious this device was made to be tilted at an endless number of angles, and she was sure they intended to utilize as many as possible before releasing her.

“Now, pet, you are about to find out why having a Master that is an engineer and another that is an electronics genius is going to make your life very, very interesting.” His soft chuckle helped ease some of Rissa’s anxiety. “We have noticed that you are a very visual person, so we are going to take away your ability to see and anticipate what we’re going to do.” He spoke in a level voice, but the words alone were enough to kick up Rissa’s pulse and breathing even before he wrapped the silk scarf around her eyes and secured it behind her head. As they hoisted her up, she found herself lost in the sensation of weightlessness, and it occurred to her that it felt like she was floating; her weight was so evenly distributed it was like she was on a cloud rather than tethered to some kind of fancy sexual torture device designed by her Masters just for her. She couldn’t help the smile that spread over her lips. “Well, that’s interesting. Would you care to share what that Mona Lisa smile was about, my love?”

“Oh, um, well…I was just thinking about how comfortable this is and how great it is that I have Masters that can design such great sexual torture devices…and just for me, too!” Rissa could sense that they had both frozen in place, and suddenly she was worried that she’d overstepped her bounds or worse yet that they really hadn’t designed this for her. “Oh damn, I’m sorry…maybe I shouldn’t have said all that. Maybe you really didn’t make it for me after all…” Suddenly Rissa was filled with apprehension and feeling a lot less confident.

“Baby, I can hear you, and it was certainly built for you and only you. We were just taken back by your insight and obvious appreciation for what we spent hundreds of hours perfecting.” Mitch was smoothing her hair back, his soft touch soothing her insecurities while igniting a fire deep inside her that had her juices racing out to coat her pussy, and she was sure they had a great view. “And yes, the view is awesome, and seeing how wet you are for us it going to make this punishment even more effective.”

Rissa felt him fastening something she was fairly certain was a butterfly vibrator to her clit. She was quickly swallowed up in the sensation and desire as he slid something inside her vagina, and she felt him secure it so at least she wouldn’t have to try to hold it in place by herself. “Now, baby, there is something you need to know about all these wonderful little gadgets we’re fitting you with. They are all what I like to call reactive. That means they sense when you are just another breath or two from climax, and they adjust accordingly.” Mitch smiled when he saw realization flash across her face, even with her eyes covered, it was obvious she’d figured out this punishment was going to be about delayed completion rather than pain. She’d be getting a bit of pain, too, because they’d discovered she needed it to ensure her orgasms were everything they could be.

“Now, my pet, it’s my turn to add to your introduction to our technological-driven punishment.” Rissa felt him turn her over and raise her in the middle so that her ass was high in the air, and when he pulled her legs fully apart, she knew he had a bird’s eye view of her ass.
Oh God, could this be any more embarrassing? Geez, even my OB/GYN doesn’t see this much!
“You know what, love, I don’t even need Mitch to tell me you are embarrassed at what I’m seeing. I want you to know that we’ll know your body better than anyone, even you, in very short order. And no one, and I want to make sure we are clear on this…
no one
touches you without us being present. Since we know you do your own spa treatments that won’t be an issue, but rest assured we’ll be attending each and every appointment you have with physicians for a couple of reasons. First of all, this body belongs to us, so we’ll be very interested in your health and second, it is above all else, our duty and privilege to protect you and that includes making sure no one ever uses their position of power to take advantage of you. Do you understand these things? Because it is important that you understand we’ll expect you to be completely honest with us about any upcoming appointments or any incidents where someone has made you feel uncomfortable.” Bryant’s voice was almost hypnotizing. She was listening but not really absorbing the information, and somewhere in the back of her mind she knew that she’d likely regret not paying closer attention, but his hands were massaging lube in and around her puckered asshole, and she was drowning in the sensations bombarding her system. “Love, you didn’t answer my question.”

Bryant’s tone and stinging slap to the fleshy part of her right ass cheek brought her back to the moment. “Yes, I understand, Sir, but to be honest I’m kind of drowning in everything right now, so I’m hoping there isn’t going to be a quiz later or anything.” Rissa was sure she heard Mitch give a snort of laughter before he tried to disguise it with a cough, and it was several seconds before Bryant spoke so she suspected he was trying to not give away his amusement also.

Mitch had known Rissa was struggling to stay focused, but her humorous admission had caught him off guard, and he’d really had to work to not laugh out loud. Hell, the look on Bryant’s face alone was worth the price of admission to this play session. And even though they were calling it punishment, it was going to be nothing but pure pleasure for their sweet little sub. Both he and Bryant had always enjoyed the Ds lifestyle, and they would continue to play, but it would always take second place to her happiness. They were in total agreement that building their relationship and making sure Rissa never again experienced the loneliness and most recently the paralyzing fear that had been the hallmarks of her life prior to this moment. Despite what she’d said, she didn’t believe it yet, but she would soon, they were here to stay.

Bryant finally brought his amusement under control and spoke evenly to Rissa. “Oh, my love, the rest of your life is going to be the quiz, but rest assured we’ll be happy to remind you each time you forget.” As if to emphasize that point he slid a plug deep inside her ass just as he finished speaking.

No sooner had Bryant pushed the plug deep inside her ass and then all three devices seemed to come to life inside her. Each one pulsed at different and varying speeds, and within seconds she was panting with shallow breaths, and she knew she was mere seconds away from coming when all the sudden everything stopped. “
…No! Oh God! Please!” Rissa barely recognized her own voice it was so desperate sounding.

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