Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (26 page)

BOOK: Gale, Avery - Rissa's Recovery [The Shadowdance Club 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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“Baby, remember, no speaking without permission, because each time you do, your punishment time will be extended.” Mitch couldn’t hear a thing from her because her mind was awash with passion, and he wasn’t getting anything but complete whitewash from her. He rubbed his hands down the sides of her face trying to get her to calm down. They had decided to bring her up and then deny her completion three times before replacing the devices with their own cocks and then giving her the pleasure her body would be craving with a need so blind she wouldn’t even know Bryant had breached her and that pinch of pain would morph into pleasure before her mind had time to process the feeling.

Rissa merely nodded and bit her bottom lip as the butterfly started up first, followed by the vibrator and butt plug, but this time it only took a few seconds before they shut off again, and she had to reach deep within herself to remain quiet, and she was pleased that she’d been able to keep from screaming out in frustration. She concentrated on breathing deeply to focus her mind, not knowing how much longer they’d make her wait was making her crazy.

Mitch watched Rissa struggle to stay calm. Her ability to bring herself back to center was amazing. Mitch knew Bryant was as impatient to sink balls deep in her ass as he was to sink into her hot pussy; and with a quick nod they acknowledged the change in their plans and quickly removed the devices and worked their cocks inside Rissa’s sweet body and set a fast pace that had one of them deep inside her all the time. As Mitch surged in, Bryant withdrew so that only the head of his cock was inside her ass; then as Bryant pushed in deep, Mitch pulled back. They continued until they heard all the soft moans they had come to recognize as signs Rissa was close to coming, just as she passed the point of no return, Bryant leaned forward and whispered, “Come for us, love, share your passion and pleasure with us—let us hear how much you love being fucked by your Masters.”

Rissa only heard “Come for us” before she let go and started falling over the edge in to a deep pool of pleasure. She heard screams in the distance, and it was several seconds before it registered in her frazzled mind that the sounds had come from her. She didn’t know how long she’d been lost in the pleasure, but by the time she’d come back down, she had been removed from their glorious device and placed on the bed between with both Bryant and Mitch who were lying beside her, each trying to catch their breath also. Just as Rissa was getting ready to sit up, she felt the bed shift, and Mitch scooped her up as if she didn’t weigh anything at all and carried her down the hall and back to the master suite’s large hot tub. As he stepped down into the hot water, Bryant started the jets, and the three of them sat for long moments enjoying the afterglow of the earth-shattering orgasms they’d all shared. Leaning her head back against the edge and letting her eyelids slowly drift closed, Rissa sighed softly. “No, baby, you can’t fall asleep in here…you’ll drown.” Mitch’s words were softened by his smile as he lifted her on to his lap. “God, you are so fucking beautiful, I can barely believe you are going to be our wife.”

Bryant moved forward and grasped her feet in his large hands and gently massaged her arches and she knew then she was lost. Her Granny had always rubbed her feet to relax her and help her sleep; and as Bryant’s hands worked up her calves and then back down to her feet again, she fell fast asleep.

Chapter Twenty-Four

New Year’s Eve

Rissa woke up and realized by the bright sunlight shining in to the bedroom, she’d overslept again and for the life of her she couldn’t work up the energy to care. She’d always been an early riser, so there was a part of her that thought she should be embarrassed, but a greater part of her was afraid to move. She was fairly certain she knew why she was being flattened by nausea, but she hadn’t taken a test yet to confirm her suspicions. She also knew that it wasn’t a secret she’d be able to keep very long from either of her husbands.
God that sounds so amazing…I didn’t think I’d ever find a man who would want to marry me, let alone two of the sexiest men who ever lived!

While she lay back trying to keep her stomach from rolling completely over, she thought about how beautiful Colt and Jenna’s Christmas Eve wedding had been. The entire celebration had been held in the gardens of The Club, and there must have been ten thousand lights that created a winter wonderland that was unlike anything Rissa had ever seen. She and Jenna had teased Catherine Lamont that it was probably visible from the International Space Station, and Hurricane Catherine had promptly pulled out her cell phone and called a senator who had called NASA and requested they check and take photos. Rissa had laughed until she’d cried, and then been scolded by the makeup artist when her face had to be “redone” before the photographer arrived.

The wedding had been the social event of the decade in their small community, and no one had been excluded. Trace Bartell had even brought a date, a gorgeous young woman with long chestnut hair. Rissa thought her name was Tori, but she hadn’t really gotten a chance to visit with her. She really needed to be a better neighbor, but she’d been so busy trying not to toss her cookies in front of anyone, she hadn’t been going anywhere but work.

Tonight was New Year’s Eve, and Rissa had been looking forward to the party being held at The Club. She’d been fretting about what to wear for weeks. She and Mitch had been married in a quiet civil ceremony in town, but the wedding that counted had been the one held earlier in December where she’d been “joined” to both Mitch and Bryant. The dress they had bought her was the most beautiful thing she’d ever worn, and she’d been touched beyond words that they’d thought of everything down to silk thigh-high stockings and Jimmy Choos.

Even though they were married, she was looking forward to her Collaring at The Club at the stroke of midnight during the New Year’s Eve celebration tonight. Now all she had to do was get up and get dressed and find something to eat before she was sick or passed out again. She’d eaten enough soda crackers that she’d wished she’d bought stock in the company because she was sure it had gone up sharply. Even the checkers at the local grocery were starting to look at her skeptically—yeah her time for coming clean with them was coming up real fast. But she really wanted to get her collar, and she just knew they’d shut down the ceremony if they knew she was pregnant. The Doms at The Club were all super possessive of the changes that pregnancy brought about, or so she’d heard that from many of the members.

Oh yeah, her husbands would also have a crap fit if they knew she’d fainted twice in the last couple of days. She was hoping to tell them after the ceremony tonight, and since she hadn’t actually taken a test yet, she reasoned she didn’t need to say anything just yet. Okay, so she’d admit it was a lame excuse, but it was all she had, so she was going with it.

* * * *

Mitch was in the Crow’s Nest as the security command center was affectionately known at the ShadowDance Club, sitting next to Bryant as they watched Rissa move around in her spa putting the finishing touches on her makeup. There wasn’t any reason for her to adjust her clothing because she was naked in preparation for tonight’s ceremony. “You know, she is even more beautiful now that she’s carrying our child? Look at the subtle changes that sweet baby is already making in his or her mama. I wonder how long she thinks she can get away with not telling us.” Bryant chuckled as he thought about how they’d known for a couple weeks that she was pregnant and trying to conceal her nausea from them. They’d let her go as long as they were going to though. They’d heard earlier from Kat that Rissa had asked about fainting and had finally admitted to fainting a couple of times recently.

“She’s going to be disappointed when we pull the rug out from under her Collaring ceremony you know? I know I’m going to hate the look on her face, but I’d hate having every man in the room looking at my pregnant wife more. And yeah, I know they won’t know, but we’ll know, and I just can’t deal with that.” They were waiting on his relief to show up and then they were heading down to the spa to have a little chat with their sweet but sneaky wife. Mitch knew the news they’d gotten earlier from Dylan Marshall about the release of both men who had tried to kill Rissa was going to hit her hard, and they wanted to keep that under their hat as long as possible. “Well, she’ll still get her collar but without the public play session we’d planned.” They’d already told Alex and Zach that their plans had changed, and both men had understood since they’d been in a nearly identical position some months ago. “Did you find the dress you want her to wear tonight? I don’t want her wearing panties, but those big beautiful nipples need to be hidden from view. It’s amazing how quickly those changed isn’t it? I can’t wait to read the rest of the books the Lamonts gave us, and I noticed Kat seemed thrilled to get them out of her husbands’ hands.” He laughed when he thought about how relieved Katarina Lamont had seemed at the thought of getting rid the books Alex and Zach quoted each time they wanted to restrict her activities.

“Yes, everything is in the closet in her spa.” Mitch was relieved when they were finally making their way down the stairs and moving in to the dimly lit corridor leading to Rissa’s small spa. As soon as they opened the door, they saw Rissa lying curled up on the massage table fast asleep, and the sight of her looking so innocent and peaceful stopped them both in their tracks. “God she is so fucking beautiful.” Mitch’s voice was filled with reverence.

Bryant stepped forward and leaned over to brush her hair from her face. “I hope our child has her amazing hair. It’s the color of an autumn sunset, and the curls are the softest thing I have ever felt. I love running my hands through the silky length of her hair. You know I read in one of the books Kat gave us that her hair will grow faster and get really full as her pregnancy progresses?” He leaned forward and brushed a soft kiss over her lips. “Wake up, love. That’s it, open those gorgeous emerald eyes for us.”

Rissa’s eyes fluttered open, and she sat up quickly, embarrassed to have been caught napping yet again. Seemed like they were forever walking in just as she closed her eyes.
Oh yeah, Rissa…way to keep a secret.
As she sat up, she felt the familiar rolling of her stomach and took off running to the small staff bathroom in the back. When she finally felt good enough to stand up to the sink and brush her teeth, she noticed both Mitch and Bryant standing in the small room. Mitch had a damp cloth that he used to wipe her face and Bryant had a cup of ice chips. Rissa looked at them and just started to cry, big, gulping sobs that racked her already exhausted body. “I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m crying. But you are both so sweet to bring those to me…I just…well, I’m not used to anyone taking care of me since Granny died.”

Mitch thought his heart would break in to a million pieces. “Well, baby, I think it’s high time you had some TLC then, don’t you?” After he’d let her use the cool cloth, he handed her one of the plush robes she used for her clients.

Bryant stepped forward and handed her the cup. “Here, love, this will help your throat to feel better.” As she put a few pieces on her on her tongue, they led her to the sofa in the spa’s waiting room and sat her on his lap. Mitch reached for her feet, pulling them into his lap in what was now a familiar ritual for them. “Now, sweet wife, do you have anything you’d like to tell us?”

Rissa wasn’t sure, but she thought she’d seen just a flicker of a grin before it was gone.
Damn and double damn, they know, I just know it…hmmm should I chance it?
She actually considered trying to lie to them so she could get her collar, but when she looked up at Mitch’s raised eyebrow, she knew she was busted. “Well, I’m guessing you might have figured it out on your own…and I haven’t done a test yet, but I think your dream of becoming fathers may become a reality.” There she’d done it. She’d told them, even though she hadn’t looked up from her lap, so she wasn’t sure how they’d taken the news. “I wanted to wait until after the ceremony tonight…I’ve been looking forward to it for so long…and I just thought if I could hold on for a little longer…I know I should have told you, but…well, I didn’t think you’d go through with the ceremony…and dang it, I wanted my collar.” Big, fat tears rolled down her flushed cheeks, and when she finally looked up, she was relieved to see nothing but love and joy reflected in their expressions.

Mitch cupped the side of her face tenderly and spoke directly to her heart. “Baby, you have just made us the happiest men in the world. We’ll be with you every step of the way, and you know you don’t have to continue working if it’s too much since I’d say it’s obvious you aren’t feeling that great.”

Bryant turned her so she was facing him and said, “We are thrilled with your news and can’t wait to see the changes our child will bring about in your body, but, love, we are not willing to share the changes we’ve already noticed with other members of The Club.” When she opened her mouth to express her surprise that they had already known, Bryant silenced her with a finger over her lush lips. “Yes, we already knew, love, you cannot keep anything about this body a secret from us for very long.” Chuckling, he hugged her tightly to his chest, loving the way she felt in his arms, and when he released her, Mitch had laid the jeweler’s case between them. Since Mitch was older, he had gotten to marry her in the civil ceremony so it would be Bryant who put her collar on after they made their pledges to her.

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