God Against the Gods (41 page)

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Authors: Jonathan Kirsch

Tags: #History

BOOK: God Against the Gods
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See the Bibliography for notes on biblical sources and usage.


As the terms are used today, the “Catholic Church” refers to Roman Catholicism, and “Orthodoxy” generally refers to the various churches that constitute Eastern Orthodoxy, including the Greek Orthodox Church, the Russian Orthodox Church, the Armenian Orthodox Church and so on. As used in conventional scholarship on the history of the early Christian church, the “catholic” and “orthodox” church was the established church that set itself against various “heretics” and “schismatics,” including the Donatists.


Bishop Eusebius of Nicomedia is to be distinguished from the church historian Bishop Eusebius of Caesarea, both of whom were Arians, and a third Eusebius, who served Constantine as chief imperial eunuch.

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