Gregory Curtis (31 page)

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Authors: Disarmed: The Story of the Venus De Milo

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A mystical crisis

Joseph Reinach and anti-Semitism: Birnbaum.

travels to Athens and the Aegean: Reinach 1996.

A tiara for 200,000 francs

walking with Furtwängler: Reinach 1996.

story of the tiara: Pasquier 1994.

Reinach’s refusal to defend himself: Metzger, 39.

A goddess in a limekiln

“I repeat today”: Reinach 1930, 251. The narrative of the debate between Reinach and Fürtwangler is drawn from Reinach 1930, 250–356.

“the style of the Venus” and following quotes: ibid., 259.


“have preserved … the masterpieces”: Furtwängler 1964, viii.

attacks on Furtwängler’s reconstruction of Lemnian Athena: Hartswick, Palagia.

“still a center of eager controversy”: Furtwängler 1964, 367.

“When the statue”: ibid., 368.

“disappearance of the inscription”: ibid., 369.

“Not even the most ignorant”: ibid., 375.

“Therefore he too”: ibid., 368.

“not altogether happy”: ibid., 384.

“at least a man”: ibid., 401.

“lines of the composition”: ibid., 386.

An inscription reappears

“if the Venus is contemporary”
: Reinach 1930, 288.

“question of the date”: ibid., 290.

“as if she wanted”: ibid., 312.

The patience of a saint

“I admit”: Reinach 1930, 337.

“previously content”: ibid., 338.

“What a shame”: ibid., 340.

Lilacs and tulips

Furtwängler’s later work: Briggs and Calder.

Furtwängler’s death: Church.

Glozel affair: Renfrew, Pottier.

“looked like a dying eagle”: Samuels, 397.

“saw him lying on a sofa”: Pougy, 242.

“life itself is a burden”: Reinach 1980, 301. 162 “that rather chill giantess”: Grigson, 156.

VI. A Goddess with Golden Hair

Much of the discussion of Greek sculpture in this chapter draws on Bruneau.


nature of Greek gods: Thornton 1997, 2000.

“Nature is primal power”: Paglia, 57.

sexuality and women in Greece: Blundell; Thornton 1997, 2000.

The nude goddess

history of statues of Aphrodite: Brinkerhoff; Havelock 1981 and 1995.

“Woman, thus fashioned, is reduced”: Salomon, 204.

“I question”: Havelock 1985, 37.

Roman taste

Romans and their conservative taste: Brinkerhoff.

Contrary to the general opinion

“Beginning in 1893”: Charbonneaux 1951, 8.

A poet and sculptor from Antioch

role of the gymnasium: Walbank.

Venus in gymnasiums: Corso.

Thespiae inscription mentioning Alexandros: ibid.

“the alignment”: Clarac 1821.

VII. The Last Chapter

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“matronly”: Smith, 81.

“mild merits hardly justify”: Robertson, 554.

“placed beside the original”: Smith, 81.

“Authors writing on nude classical sculptures”: Brown, 18.

“planes of her body”: Clark, 138.


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