Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2) (5 page)

BOOK: Happily Ever Now (Boundless Love Book 2)
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Sahara smiled.

‘So, you’re off to lunch with future in-law.’



‘Yep, but I’ll be okay.’

‘Don’t sweat it, I’m sure it will be okay.’

‘She seemed okay. But I think I’ll really get to know her today.’

‘The fact he wants you to meet her means a lot.’

She nodded.

‘Okay, I better get some work done before I leave. My mother should be here before twelve, she’ll give you a hand.’

‘That’s great. Your mother is an amazing woman, she really is.’

‘Yes, I don’t know how I would’ve coped these past few years without her.’ Sahara was truly grateful for her mother, she had been the rock she’d leaned on for a very long time.

‘And now you have that wonderful man to be by your side too.’

‘Yes I do.’ She beamed. ‘I’m still trying to get used to his lifestyle. Do you know he has a chef and a personal trainer?’

‘Wow that must be a great life.’

‘Wouldn’t you feel uncomfortable?’

‘Not at all. I’m all with going with life processes. The world unfolds as it should without our interference. I guess somehow you’ve drawn this man into your life, now you’ve just got to let everything unfold as it should.’

‘I get that, and I’m really trying to be positive about it, but I feel as though he’s taking away my independence.’

‘You know that’s not possible. The only thing that’s trapping you is your thoughts.’

Sahara laughed, she knew that no matter what she said, Alice would always steer her in the direction of positivity.

‘Okay, I’ll try.’

‘That’s all you can do. Just do what feels comfortable for you.’

Sahara nodded as she worked. The morning drifted by too quickly for her liking. Her mother arrived and soon the driver was outside the florist.

‘Okay, I shall see you later.’

‘Are you coming back?’ asked Alice.

‘I’m not sure, with Eugene, anything could happen.’

‘Have a good time honey, and don’t worry about us, we have everything under control.’

She nodded and left. Forty minutes later she was shown to the table that had been reserved for them. A few minutes later, Eugene arrived.

‘Sorry I’m a little late.’ He kissed her.

‘Not at all, I’ve just arrived myself.’ She sipped on a glass of diet coke.

‘Logan is on the way, I’ve just spoken to her.’

‘Great.’ She smiled nervously.

‘Are you okay?’

‘Just a little nervous, I’m not sure what to expect.’

‘Don’t be, she’s a great person, it’s the one reason I wanted her to meet you.’

Sahara nodded. Eugene lifted his hand to get the attention of the waiter, and ordered a diet coke too.

‘Have you looked at the menu?’ he asked.

‘Not yet, it is quite a nice place.’

‘Yes it is. I asked Casey to make sure we didn’t end up in a posh place.’

‘I see, you think I would’ve made a fuss about it?’

‘I think so.’

She smiled.

‘Don’t worry about me, I’m over it.’

‘You sure?’

‘Yep. Alice gave me some great insight. I’m fine.’


‘I don’t know if Lawrence told you about our morning chat.’

‘No, I didn’t really get a chance to speak to him.’

‘Well, I asked if he could cater for our wedding.’

‘Yes, that’s great!’

‘I’d like a small wedding, if that’s okay with you. Close friends and family.’

‘Whatever you want honey, I’m on board.’

‘I was thinking if we make it a definite for the second of November. Do you think that’s too soon?’

‘Urm…well I guess its okay.’

‘I just felt that there was no point having a long drawn out process of making a fuss about one day. All that matters is us.’

‘I agree, but I thought it was every woman’s dream to have a big white wedding.’

‘I’m not every woman.’ She giggled.

‘I’m beginning to realist that.’ He chuckled.

‘I want it to be laid back and casual. No fancy pants stuff.’


‘So you don’t need to go and get a suit tailored. A white shirt and trousers will do.’

‘Whatever you want.’

‘You’re not just agreeing with me are you?’

‘I’m happy that you’re happy. It doesn’t worry me in the slightest.’

‘Great then, I’ll round up my friends and get sorted.’

Just then Logan walked through the restaurant over towards them. She looked as though she were in mourning, dressed in a black dress, black heels and extremely large black sunglasses.

‘Hello Sahara.’ She bent down to give Sahara a kiss on the cheek.

‘Hi, Logan, it’s nice to see you again.’

‘Eugene.’ She walked over to where he was sat and pecked him on the cheek too. ‘I’m so sorry I’m late, I woke up a little late.’

He nodded knowing very well why. He stood up and pulled out a seat for her and she sat down. She pulled off her glasses and squinted as she took in the light.

‘Is everything alright, settling well?’ asked Eugene.

‘Everything’s perfect as always, but I will be going back tomorrow.’

‘I thought you’d stay at least until the weekend.’

‘I can’t love, I’ve got to get back to work. I’m not able to spend luxurious time without it. Unlike you, my dear.’ She giggled. ‘And I must get back to my hubby, Chris needs me.’ After that she called for the waiter and ordered a rum.

‘Isn’t it a bit early in the day for the strong stuff?’ he asked a little worried.

‘It’s never too early, don’t worry, I’ll only have one.’ She laughed. ‘Lets not focus on me, this lunch is about you two.’ She widened her ruby lips at Sahara. ‘Have you set the date?’

‘Yes we have,’ offered Eugene. ‘The second of November.’

‘Oh gosh, you are in a hurry. I’m not even sure what my calendar looks like on that day.’

‘Whatever it is, you’ll have to cancel,’ said Eugene.

‘What’s the rush?’

‘Life’s too short to be faffing about. I just want to get it over and done with. Why wait?’

‘Why wait indeed.’ Her drink arrived on cue. She lifted it and took a sip.

Eugene felt a little annoyed, even though he loved her, he wasn’t very keen about her drinking habits.  It was a good job she hadn’t done anything embarrassing at the party.

‘It’s going to be a small gathering. So we don’t need a lot of preparation,’ said Sahara.

‘Sounds fantastic!’ She took another sip.

‘Shall we order?’ asked Eugene.

‘Yes, lets.’

They took time to look over the menu. Sahara still wasn’t sure how she felt about Logan. There was the drinking that she’d started to notice. She wondered if it was a regular thing. Then there was the sort of detachment that came from the woman, or had Sahara made that up. She wondered if Logan liked her or if she was just there to please Eugene.

‘I’ll have chicken liver parfait to start, and double breast chicken that comes with the salad,’ said Logan.

Eugene looked at Sahara and waited for her to place her order.

‘I won’t go for a starter, I had a big breakfast this morning, thanks to Lawrence. I will have the pan-fried sea bass.’

The waiter nodded.

‘Hmmm, that does sound lovely with the new potatoes.’ Logan kept her gaze on the menu.

‘I’ll have the Thai BBQ chicken lollipops to start and three bone west country lamb rack. Could I also get another diet coke…Any more drinks ladies?’

‘I’m okay thanks,’ said Sahara.

‘Young man, could I have another one of these.’

Eugene wanted to protest, but thought better of it. There was no point causing a scene. Instead he tried to get the women talking. They talked about Eugene’s childhood, at times they teased each other. Sahara began to loosen up a little, the more Logan loosened up. The more Logan downed the drink the giddier she became.

‘This food is divine,’ said Logan.

The couple agreed. It was an interesting lunch, one which Eugene really wanted the two important women in his life to get along.

‘I’m looking forward to being your sister-in-law. Never mind the cousin thing, Eugene and I are like siblings’

‘We certainly are.’

‘It’s going to be fine.’ She smiled between mouthfuls.

‘Eugene told me about your victorious fight against cancer. Twice!’

Sahara looked at Eugene and he shrugged. He hoped it didn’t bother her.

‘Yes I did, and I couldn’t be happier. And Eugene made it a lot easier to cope.’

‘I can’t imagine going through it twice, I’d be devastated.’

‘Well, that’s over now, and I guess we don’t get to choose what befalls us. Sometimes it just happens to us.’

‘Yes I guess. I’m just really glad, Eugene has found someone. I used to worry about him.’ Logan looked up at him. ‘You are the first woman he’s actually introduced me to. You are really special.’

‘Well, I feel special.’ She had no idea what else to say. It really wasn’t going as well as she would’ve liked.

The conversation felt staged at times, but Sahara soon shrugged it off and accepted it for what it was. After the meal, only Eugene had a dessert and finally it was time for them to leave.

‘I’d like to show you something,’ he said to Sahara.

‘I was planning to get back to work.’

‘Your mum said it would be okay,’ he said.

She felt a little annoyed that he’d done that, but quickly let it go. She was learning the art of allowing, some things. Because she knew some things weren’t worth the fight.

‘Where are we going?’ she asked as all three of them got into the jaguar.

‘Home, I want to show you the house that is soon to be yours.’

She nodded.

There was conversation between Logan and Eugene, but Sahara looked out into the street as the car drove. Thoughts tumbled around her mind. There was still that stubborn streak in her, the one that told her she wanted to keep her independence. There was the thought of the five million pounds that belonged to her. She had no desire to use it, but Eugene wouldn’t take it back. She tried to focus on Alice’s words and to also be grateful that she was alive and well.

Finally the car stopped outside the huge mansion. It was built on a plot of land, the next neighbouring houses miles away.

‘It feels isolated,’ she said as he helped her out.

‘But it isn’t. Don’t you see the beautiful surroundings around you?’

She took time to admire the greenery, and the beautiful flowers around her. That alone centred her.

‘It’s beautiful.’ She smiled.

‘Isn’t it just, it’s a pity I’m leaving so soon,’ said Logan.

Eugene took Sahara by the hand and drew her towards the front door.

‘A few days a week, that’s all,’ he said.

‘Don’t mind me, I’ll be up in one of the guest rooms if anyone needs me.’

‘Thanks for coming, Logan, we’ll speak before you leave.’

‘Yes.’ She hurried upstairs as if there was something terribly important waiting for her. ‘We shall.’ She disappeared.

‘This is an amazing place.’ Sahara looked at her surroundings. ‘Are you sure I’m not going to get lost?’

‘I can get walkie-talkies.’ He teased.

‘I mean…how many bedrooms are there in this place?’ She looked above her.

‘Do you really want to know?’

‘Yes I do.’


‘Wow! Why does one man who lives alone want so much space?’

‘Ahh, but I’m not alone now.’

‘True, but still, its madness.’

‘Is it? I beg to differ.’

‘Why did you buy it?’

‘For it’s beauty and other reasons, financial.’

‘I see.’ She started towards the living space.

Sahara felt like a tiny black dot in the middle of a plain white page. The living room was done in mahogany wood flooring. There was a grand piano, the exact same colour as the floor. To the left of the piano was a glass cupboard that housed endless bottles of wine.

‘Is it wise to have Logan where there is so much booze?’ she asked as she looked at the wine collection.

‘You noticed it too?’

‘The drinking? Hard to miss.’

‘I know, she refuses to admit it’s a problem, and there isn’t anything I can do to make her see it. It will have to come from her.’

‘I know, but why put the temptation?’

‘Whether it’s here or not, she’ll always manage to get her hands on it.’

‘True I guess…Do you play?’ She ran her hand over the piano.

‘A little.’

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