Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Major Medical Breakthroughs in the Twentieth Century (57 page)

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Authors: Morton A. Meyers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Reference, #Technology & Engineering, #Biomedical

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Gram's stain, 331
Grant, Cary, 292–293
grant application process
peer review and, 303–307
targeted research and, 301–303
Grigg, C. L., 262
Groopman, Jerome, 179–180
groupthink, 301–302
Gruentzig, Andreas, 206–207
H2 blockers, 101
Hald, Jens, 284–286
Haldane, J. B. S., 238
hallucinogens, 287–299
Halsted, William Stewart, 32
Hampton, Caroline, 32
Hardin, Garrett, 305
Hare, Ronald, 63
Harvey, William, 18, 187–188
Hata, Sahachiro, 44–45
HAV (hepatitis A virus) vaccines, 336
HDL (high-density lipoprotein), 226
electrical current in, 188–189
recording of, 188–192
heart attacks, 192–194
heart disease
See also
cardiovascular disease
heart research
on blood thinners, 234–238
on cardiac catheterization, 195–203
on cholesterol, 225–233
on coronary angioplasty, 205–207
early work on, 187–194
nitric oxide and, 215–219
on vascular surgery, 208–214
Heatley, Norman, 70–75, 79
Heberden, William, 192
Heffter, Arthur, 364
, 102–113
Heller, John, 173
Helms, Richard, 295
heparin, 235
hepatitis, 92–98
hepatitis A, 94, 97–98, 336
hepatitis B, 94–98, 336
hepatitis C, 336
hepatitis D, 336–337
Herbert, Frank, 13
Herrick, James, 192–193
Hill, W. E., 10
HIV, 180
Hodgkin, Alan, 22, 325
Hodgkin, Dorothy, 333
Hodgkin's disease, 125, 335
Hoffmann, Erich, 43–44
Hofmann, Albert, 287–292, 294, 296, 298
Hofstadter, Douglas R., 18
Hooke, Robert, 366
Howell, William, 234–235
H. pylori
, 102–113
Huant, Ernest, 361
Huggins, Charles, 138–139
human genome, 182
Humphrey, J. H., 23
Hunt, Mary, 75
Huxley, Aldous, 297, 365
hypoglycemic coma, 247–249
ice-pick lobotomy, 256–258
IG Farben, 49–50, 53, 54, 328–329
Ignarro, Louis, 218, 219
illusions, cognitive, 8–13
imagination, as pathway to creative thought, 14–15
imipramine, 241, 245, 278, 305
immunology, 39–40, 59–60
immunosuppressants, 90
impotence, 220–224
inductive reasoning, 6
industrial scientific laboratories, 39
infectious jaundice, 94
InnoCentive, 316
innovation, reasons for decline in, 300–315
insight, 19–21
insulin coma, 247–249
interferon, 180
intuition, as pathway to creative thought, 14–15
iproniazid, 275–277
Iressa, 163
isoniazid (INH), 90
Jacobsen, Erik, 284–286
Jacobson, Julius H., II, 204
Jamison, Kay Redfield, 264–265
Janelia Farm Research Campus, 315–316
Jensen, Carl, 339
Johnston, C. D., 131
Jones, Doris, 85
Jones, Stormie, 231–232
Kandinsky, Wassily, 7–8
Kantorovich, Aharon, 5
Kekulé, Friedrich, 38
Kelsey, Frances O., 152
Kendall, Edward, 3–4
Kennedy, Edward M., 347
Kennedy, Foster, 248
Kennedy, Joseph P., 257
Kennedy, Rose Marie (Rosemary), 257
Kettering, Charles, 171–172
(Close), 8–9
Kline, Nathan, 18, 274–277
Koch, Robert, 34–37, 39, 86–87, 108, 137
Koestler, Arthur, 17
Kölliker, Albert von, 188
Krugman, Saul, 96–98
Kuhn, Roland, 277–278, 305
Kuhn, Thomas, 4, 18, 113
Laborit, Henri, 266–267
Laetrile, 143–144
Lakhani, Karim, 316
Langer, Robert, 142–143
Langerhans, Paul, 175, 347
Laqueur, Ernst, 220
Lasker, Albert, 171
Lasker, Mary, 171
Lauterbur, Paul, 306
laxatives, 48–49
LDL (low-density lipoprotein), 226–233
Leary, Timothy, 293, 297
Ledes, Richard, 358
Lee, Tsung-Dao, 13–14
Leeuwenhoek, Antony van, 29–31, 326–327
Lehmann, Heinz E., 268
Lesch, John, 56
leukemia, 127–130, 134, 162
Levi, Primo, 328
Levine, Arnold, 160–161
Levine, Samuel, 193–194
Levitra, 223
Lewis, Thomas, 191–192, 349
Librium, 241, 281–283
lifestyle drugs, 310
Link, Karl Paul, 235–236
Lipitor, 232
Lister, Joseph, 32, 332
lithium, 260–265, 359–360
lobotomies, 252–259, 358
Loewi, Otto, 242–244
logic, 14, 21–23
logical fallacies, 13–14
Loomer, Harry, 276
lovastatin, 232, 335, 355
Lowell, Robert, 264
LSD, 241, 245, 287–299
Ludwig, Bernard, 271
Luria, Salvador, 7
Burkitt's, 180, 344
nitrogen mustard and, 122–126
lysergic acid.
lysozyme, 62–63, 70–71, 80
Macfarlane, Gwyn, 67
“magic bullets” concept, 42, 47
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 306
malaria, 40–41, 48
malaria treatment, 246–247
manic-depressive illness, lithium for, 260–265
MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors, 274–277, 362
Marey, Étienne, 195
Marks, John, 295
Marquardt, Martha, 45
Marshall, Barry, 103–113, 306–307
Massengill and Company, 58
Matisse, Henri, 16
Matossian, Mary, 297
May and Baker, 56–57
McCormick, Frank, 163
McCulloch, Ernest, 165–168
McLean, Jay, 234–235
Medawar, Peter, 21, 23–25
medical research
changing climate for, 300–303
false impressions of, 1–2
government role in, 173–175, 300–303
lack of innovation in current, 300–315
reality of, 2–4
targeted, 170–180, 302–303
See also
scientific discoveries
Meduna, Ladislaus von, 249–250, 304
melanoma, 163
Mendeleev, Dmitri, 38
mental illness
current research on, 298–299
early treatments for, 246–251
lobotomies for, 252–259
See also
psychotropic drugs
meprobamate, 245, 270–272
mescaline, 290, 298, 364
metaphors, for disease, 181
Metchnikoff, Ilya, 40, 59
methotrexate, 129–130
methylene blue, 36, 41
“me-too” drugs, 309–310, 317, 368
Metrazol, 249–250
Mevacor (lovastatin), 232, 335, 355
Meyer-Thurow, Georg, 39
culturing of, 35–37
discovery of, 29–31
electron, 105
invention of, 29–31
microvascular surgery, 204
Miller, Mrs. Ogden, 75–76
Millman, Irving, 96
Miltown (meprobamate), 241, 245, 270–272
Mitchell, S. Weir, 359
MKULTRA, 294–295
molds, 64–69, 71, 332
See also
Moniz, António Egas
Egas Moniz, António
Monod, Jacques, 323–324
mood-altering drugs
psychotropic drugs
Moore, Francis, 175, 181
Morson, Basil, 343
motion sickness cure, 2
Moyer, Andrew J., 75
Mückter, Heinrich, 151
Müller, Heinrich, 188
multiple myeloma, 152–153
Murad, Ferid, 218, 219
mustard gas, 119–126, 338–339
Mustargen, 124–125
myocardial infarctions, 192–194
My Wife and My Mother-in-Law
(Hill), 10–11
Nabokov, Vladimir, 15
Nardil, 277
National Cancer Act (1971), 173–175
National Cancer Institute (NCI), 171, 172–173, 175–177
National Institutes of Health (NIH), 171, 172, 230, 301–304
National Research Act (1974), 97
Nazis, 55
Ne'eman, Yuval, 5
Neosalvarsan, 46
Nestler, Eric, 280
neurotransmitters, 242–245
Nexium, 309–310
nicotinamide, 361
Nijinsky, Vaslav, 248
nitric oxide (NO), 215–219, 353–354
nitrogen mustard, 122–126, 338–339
nitroglycerin, 192, 218, 353
Nitti, Frédéric, 53–54
Nixon, Richard, 173
Nobel, Alfred, 353
Nobel Prize
acceptance lectures, role of chance acknowledged in, 22, 23, 79, 98, 219
Nazis and, 55
Agre, Peter;
Baltimore, David; Becquerel, Henri; Behring,

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