Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Major Medical Breakthroughs in the Twentieth Century (56 page)

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Authors: Morton A. Meyers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Reference, #Technology & Engineering, #Biomedical

BOOK: Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Major Medical Breakthroughs in the Twentieth Century
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Campanario, Juan Miguel, 369
camphor, 249–250
breast, 139
cervical, 178
colon, 148–150, 342–343
fear of, 169
genetic basis for, 154–164
heavy metals for treatment of, 135–137
leukemia, 127–130, 134, 162
melanoma, 163
metaphors for, 181
metastasization of, xi–xii
mustard gas and, 122–126
prostate, 138–139
statistics on, 177–179
stomach, 111–112
tumors, 140–147, 152–156, 160–161
alkaloids for, 131–134
cancer-accelerating genes, 154–158, 182
cancer research
conflict over, 170–171
industrialization of, 169–180
serendipity in, 180, 181–183
stem cell research and, 165–168
targeted approach to, 170–178
Cannon, Walter B., 7, 356
cardiac catheterization, 195–203, 350–351
cardiovascular disease
angina pectoris, 192, 218
atherosclerosis, 225–233
coronary artery disease, 200–203
cardiovascular surgery, 208–214
Carliner, Paul, 2
Carrel, Alexis, 209, 352
Catharanthus roseus
, 134
catheterization, cardiac, 195–203, 350–351
causation, false attributions of, 13–14
Celebrex, 150
cell membranes, 17
Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), LSD and, 293–296
Cerletti, Ugo, 250–251
cervical cancer, 178
Chain, Ernst, 70–74, 76, 79, 80, 81, 333
role of, in scientific discoveries, 4–6, 21–22
vs. serendipity, 7
See also
Chauveau, Auguste, 195
chemical affinities, 40
chemical properties, 38
chemical warfare, 117–126, 338–339
chemistry, birth of, 38
chemotherapy, 42, 50, 77
combination, 130
ill effects of, 179–180
for leukemia, 129–130, 134
nitrogen mustard, 122–126
chloramphenicol, 87–88
chlorpromazine (CPZ), 267–269
cholera, 35
cholesterol research, 225–233
choriocarcinoma, 129–130
chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), 162
Churchill, Winston, 19, 57, 126
CIA, LSD and, 293–296
Cialis, 223–224
Circle Limit IV
(Escher), 10
circulatory system, early views on, 187–188
cisplatin, 136–137
clinically targeted research, 170–180, 302–303
Close, Chuck, 8–9
clots, blood, 234–238
coal gas, 38–39
coal tar, 38–39
coal-tar dyes, 41–42, 48–55, 327
Cocoanut Grove nightclub, 77
Coghill, Robert, 75
cognitive illusions, 8–13
Cohen, Sidney, 292
Cohen, Stanley, 304
Collip, James, 131
colon cancer, 148–150, 342–343
colonoscopy, 149
coma, induced, 247–249
combination drug therapy, 130
combinatorial chemistry, 312, 368
commercial products, developed through serendipity, 39
compound 606, 43–46
Coningham, Arthur, 117
Controlled Substances Act (1970), 295
Cooke, Robert, 141
“corner-of-the-film diagnosis,” xii
coronary angioplasty, 205–207
coronary arteries
bypass surgery, 203
visualization of, 199–203
coumarin, 236–237
counterstaining technique, 36–37
Cournand, André, 198
COX-1, 150
COX-2, 150
Craven, Lawrence, 237
creative people, characteristics of, 17
creative thought
analogies and, 17–19
anomalies and, 18–19
pathways of, 14–19
creativity, role of, in scientific discoveries, 6–7
Crile, George, Jr., 169
crowdsourcing, 316
Curie, Marie, 1
cyanamide, 364
cyclosporin, 90
Dacron grafts, 212–213
Dale, Henry, 68, 244
D'Amato, Robert, 152
Darwin, Charles, 19, 300
Darwin, Horace, 191
Declomycin, 88
deductive reasoning, 6
Delay, Jean, 267
Deniker, Pierre, 267, 305
depression, 242, 273–280, 360–361
diagnostic imaging, xii diphtheria, 39
direct-to-consumer (DTC) marketing, 308
disulfiram, 284–286
Diuril, 330
Dixon, Laurinda S., 365
DNA, 125, 155, 162,182
dogmatism, 305
Dole, Robert, 213
Domagk, Gerhard, 50–55, 329
dopamine, 18, 167, 244–245, 268–269, 275, 277, 298
Dotter, Charles, 205–206
Dougherty, Thomas, 123–124
Dramamine, 2
Dread Disease, The
(Patterson), 169
drug development process, 312–313
drug receptors, 41–42
drug safety tests, 58
drug therapy
combination, 130
targeted, 162–164
Druker, Brian, 310
Dublin, Louis, 227
Dubos, René, 84
dye production, 38–39, 48–55
Edelman, Gerald, 14–15
education, changes needed in, 313–315, 317
Effler, Donald, 203
Egas Moniz, António, 252, 254–255, 257, 358
Ehrlich, Paul, 1, 15, 304, 328
counterstaining technique by, 36–37
diphtheria work by, 39
drug receptor research by, 41–42
immunological research by, 39–40
malaria work by, 40–41
syphilis cure by, 42–47
Einstein, Albert, 14, 213–214
Einthoven, Willem, 189–194, 349
Eisenhower, Dwight, 300
Elavil, 291
electrocardiograms (ECGs), 191–192, 193–194
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), 250–251
electrometers, 188–189
electron microscopes, 105
elements, chemical properties of, 38
Elion, Gertrude, 340
Enders, John, 175
Endicott, Kenneth, 173
endostatin, 146
endothelial cells, 215–219
ENL (erythema nodosum leprosum), 343
Epstein-Barr virus, 344
Equanil, 271
erectile dysfunction (ED), 220–224
ergotism, 296–297
erythromycin, 88
Escher, M. C., 9–10
estrogen therapy, for prostate cancer, 138–139
ethical standards, 97
Ex-Lax, 48–49
fallacies, logical, 13–14
Farber, Sidney, 127–130, 171, 172, 174, 330
Farmer, Frances, 257
Favoloro, René, 203
Feldman, Burton, 89
Ferrara, Napoleone, 144
fever therapy, 246–247
Feynman, Richard, 20–21, 23, 303
fiberoptic endoscopy, 112
Fibiger, Johannes, 13
Fildes, Luke, 69
Fleming, Alexander, 22, 59, 60–69, 71, 78–81, 331
Fleming Myth, 78–79
Florey, Howard, 4, 70–75, 78–81
flumazenil, 364
fluoroscopy, 196
folic acid, 127–130, 330
Folkman, Judah, 140–147, 307
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), 58, 152, 308
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (1938), 58
Forman, David, 112
Forssmann, Werner, 195–198
Fracastoro, Girolamo, 43
Francis, Thomas, Jr., 159
Fraser, Thomas, 327
Freeman, Walter, 255–257
Freud, Sigmund, 357
Friedman, Steven, 212
Furchgott, Robert, 22, 215–219, 353–354
GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), 363
Gage, Phineas, 253–254
Galen, 187
Galileo, 326
Galvani, Luigi, 348–349
galvanometer, 190–191, 194
Gardasil, 178
Garrod, A. B., 262
gas gangrene, 61
gastric cancer, 111–112
Gay, Leslie, 2
Gelmo, Paul, 53
gene chips, 162
cancer-accelerating, 154–158, 182
cancer-inhibiting, 159–164, 182
pharmaceutical industry in, 49–50
textile industry in, 49
germ theory, 29–34
See also
Gestalt psychology, 8–9
Giardiello, Francis M., 149–150
Gilman, Alfred, 123, 125, 339
Gleevec, 162, 310
Gofman, John, 226
gold salts, 137
Goldstein, Joseph, 227–233, 311, 355
Goodman, Louis S., 123, 339
Gornik, Heather, 177
Gottlieb, Sidney, 293–295
gout, 78
government role, in medical
research, 173–175, 300–303
See also
grant application process
Gram, Christian, 331
gram-negative bacteria, 67, 85, 331
gram-positive bacteria, 67, 86, 331, 333–334

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