Happy Accidents: Serendipity in Major Medical Breakthroughs in the Twentieth Century (58 page)

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Authors: Morton A. Meyers

Tags: #Health & Fitness, #Reference, #Technology & Engineering, #Biomedical

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Emil von; Bishop, J.
Michael; Blumberg, Baruch;
Bovet, Daniel; Brown,
Michael; Carrel, Alexis;
Chain, Ernst; Churchill,
Winston; Cohen, Stanley;
Cournand, André; Curie,
Marie; Dale, Henry;
Domagk, Gerhard; Egas
Moniz, António; Ehrlich,
Paul; Einstein, Albert;
Einthoven, Willem; Elion,
Gertrude; Enders, John;
Feynman, Richard; Fibiger,
Johannes; Fleming,
Alexander; Florey, Howard;
Forssman, Werner;
Furchgott, Robert;
Goldstein, Joseph;
Hodgkin, Alan; Hodgkin,
Dorothy; Huggins, Charles;
Ignarro, Louis; Kendall,
Edward; Koch, Robert;
Lauterbur, Paul; Lee,
Tsung-Dao; Loewi, Otto;
Luria, Salvador; Marshall,
Barry; Medawar, Peter;
Metchnikoff, Ilya; Monod,
Jacques; Murad, Ferid;
Ossietzky, Carl von; Planck,
Max; Rabi, Isidor; Ramón
y Cajal, Santiago; Richards,
Dickinson; Richet, Charles;
Röntgen, Wilhelm; Rous,
Peyton; Rutherford, Ernest;
Szent-Györgyi, Albert;
Temin, Howard; Vane,
John; Varmus, Harold;
Wagner-Jauregg, Julius;
Waksman, Selman; Warren,
J. Robin; Yalow, Rosalyn;
Yang, Chen Ying
Noble, Clark, 131–132
Noble, Robert, 132–134, 305–306
nonobjective painting, 7–8
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), 149–150
noradrenaline, 244, 245, 275, 356
norepinephrine, 275
nuclear precession, 21
oncogenes, 157–158, 182
organ transplants, immunosuppressants and, 90
orthodoxy, 305
Ossietzky, Carl von, 55
p53 gene, 160–161
PABA, 329–330
Papanicolaou, George, 178
Pap smear, 178
Park, Robert, 12
PAS (paraaminosalicylic acid), 330
Pasteur, Louis, 7, 31–33
Patterson, James T., 169
Paxil, 279, 309
peer review, 303–307, 318, 366–367
penicillin, 332–334
Fleming's role in discovery of, 60–69
uncovering usefulness of, 70–77
World War II and, 75–77
penicillium, 66–69, 71, 75, 332
Penicillium chrysogenum
, 75
Penicillium notatum
, 66–69, 71
peptic ulcers.
periodic table, 38
periwinkle, 131–134
Perkin, William Henry, 48–49
perspective, distortion and, 8–13
Petri, Richard Julius, 35–36
Petri dish, 35–36
pharmaceutical industry, 42
in Germany, 49–50
lack of innovation and, 307–313
marketing by, 308–310, 368
penicillin and, 76–77
regulation of, 317–318
pharmacogenomics, 312, 368
Phenergan (promethazine), 267
phenolphthalein, 48–49
Planck, Max, 5–6
platelets, 165
Plath, Sylvia, 251
platinum, 135–137
polio vaccine, 159–160
polymorphism, 92
polymyxins, 335
post facto
logic, 21–23
post hoc, ergo propter hoc
, 13–14
postoperative infections, 32
precious metals, 135–137
Prilosec (omeprazole), 310
probenecid, 78
Prontosil, 51–55
Propecia, 311–312
prostaglandins, 238
prostate cancer, 138–139
protozoa, discovery of, 30
Prozac, 278–280, 309
psychiatric treatments
early, 246–251
lobotomies, 252–259
See also
psychotropic drugs
psychoactive drugs, 18, 287–299
psychopharmacology, 241–245
psychosomatic medicine, 100–101
psychosurgery, 252–259
psychotomimetic, 292
psychotropic drugs, 18, 241–245
antidepressants, 273–280
disulfiram, 284–286
Librium, 241, 281–283
lithium, 260–265, 359–360
LSD, 241, 245, 287–299
Miltown, 241, 245, 270–272
Thorazine, 241, 245, 258, 266–269, 291, 305
Valium, 241, 245, 281–283, 291, 363
quartz string, 190–191
questions, asking, 14–15
quinine, 48
Rabi, Isidor, 14
rabies, 33
radioactivity, discovery of, xii
radioimmunoassay (RIA), 19–20
radiology, xii
RAF, 163
Ramón y Cajal, Santiago, 242
randomness, 24
rare diseases, lack of research on, 310–311
rational drug design, 312, 368
rational thought, 6
reason, as pathway to creative thought, 14
red blood cells, 165
characteristics of, 6–7
education of, 313–315
research grants, 301–307, 318
reserpine, 18, 274–275
retrospective falsification, 23
retroviruses, 155–158
reverse transcriptase, 156
Revlimid, 153
rheumatoid arthritis, 137
Rhines, Chester, 83
Rhoads, Cornelius P., 123, 125, 172, 346–347
Richards, Dickinson, 198
Richet, Charles, 22
RNA, viral, 155–156
Rockefeller Foundation, 301
Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, 301
Rogaine, 311
Rogerson, Gerard, 152
Romazicon (flumazenil), 364
Röntgen, Wilhelm, xii, 22
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 121
Roosevelt, Franklin D., Jr., 54, 58
Root-Bernstein, Robert, 6
Rosenberg, Barnet, 135–137
Rothlin, Ernst, 290
Rothstein, Aser, 17, 22, 24
Rous, Peyton, 154–156
Rutherford, Ernest, 18
sagacity, 6
Sagan, Carl, 369
Sakel, Manfred, 247–249, 259
Salem witches, 297
Salk, Jonas, 159
Salvarsan, 45–47
Sanderson, John Burdon, 332
Sarafem (Prozac), 279, 309
Sargant, William, 255
Saunders, John, 276
Saxe, John Godfrey, 11–12
Schatz, Albert, 84–90
Schaudinn, Fritz, 43
schizophrenia, 242
electroshock therapy for, 250–251
insulin shock treatment for, 247–249
Metrazol for, 249–250
Thorazine for, 266–269
Schou, Mogens, 263
normal vs. revolutionary, 4–6
similarities between the arts and, 15–17
scientific discoveries, 12–13
creativity and, 6–7
credit for, 276
portrayal of, by scientific establishment, 2
reality of, 2–4
reasons for decline in, 300–315
reporting of, 21–24
role of chance in, 4–6, 21–22
through serendipity, xii–xiv, 2–4, 6–7, 20, 24–25
unexpected nature of, 170–171
scientific education, 313–315, 317
scientific journals, 318–319
scientific method, 345–346
scientific mind, 6–7
scientific research
changing climate for, 300–303
targeted, 170–180, 302–303
Scott, Sir Walter, 16
sedatives, 241, 281–283
Seldinger, Sven-Ivar, 199
selective angiocardiography, 198–199
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), 278–280
self-experimentation, 109
Semmelweis, Ignaz, 32
sepsis, 32
Serendip, 6
cultivating, 300–303, 315–320
role of, in scientific discoveries, xii–xiv, 2–4, 6–7, 20, 24–25

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