Healing Gabe (Last Hangman MC Book 3) (3 page)

BOOK: Healing Gabe (Last Hangman MC Book 3)
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Just as she’s slipping her hands under my shirt, she is ripped off of me, I look up to see Jared smirking at me with a gun aimed at my chest.

“Goodbye, Gabe.” He laughs darkly and pulls the trigger, not missing his target.

I wake up with a start, covered in sweat, my chest aches, my heart pounding, the bed a mess.
It was just a fucking nightmare.

I’ve spent these past couple of months at Ayd’s parents’ cabin by the lake in Grand Isle.

I needed some time away from everything. I couldn’t cope with what happened to Aleck and Line, I’m still struggling with it but I’m getting better. Having to deal with one of the Kings again took its toll on me.

I’ve suffered from nightmares almost every night for the past eleven years and they aren’t getting any better. If anything, they are getting worse. They are so vivid, I can almost feel her soft skin under my fingertips, her breath on my skin as we made love, my heart being ripped into shreds as she was taken from me. Her eyes will haunt me forever. There’s always something off with my recollection of those eyes. They aren’t the right color, they are deep blue, almost purple and yet they harbour the same distress, pain and fear.

One day I’ll find out the truth about my parents death, why they came after me when I did nothing wrong besides rough Jared up and why Annie had to pay for my stupidity.

One day.

One day, I’ll avenge Annie and my parents. It won’t end well for them, maybe not for me either. But if I die doing it, I’ll see those I’ve lost again, it won’t be in vain.




February 13th 2015

It’s been twelve years since I last set foot in New Orleans and I still can’t believe I’ve returned to where it all started.

After Annie’s death I couldn’t cope staying around, so I left. It’s not like I had anything worth sticking around for, I was on my own. My entire family had gone. More importantly, the only family I loved was gone.

Unfortunately for me, things haven’t been easy. I’ve been constantly moving from state to state, even sometimes traveling out of the country. I did anything and everything I could do to escape
. I took off and they didn’t like it and so, for the past twelve years, they’ve been making sure I live in fear. It worked, I was absolutely terrified. Scared to live, scared to die, scared to get close to anyone, terrified they would be ripped away from me, like Annie was.

I’ve been living in fear for too long and I’m done. I’m done with their bullshit and living on their terms. I’m done being the scared little girl who can’t do anything because she’s too afraid that
are going to show up out of nowhere and kill me.

Why have I come back to where it all started? This is the only place that feels remotely like home and those bastards aren’t taking it away from me. I haven’t had a home for so long that I forgot what it feels like. I don’t know exactly what I’m looking for here but when I see it, I’ll know.

It’s been a couple of months since I last saw one of
. I don’t know if it means they’ve given up, or if they are just busy with something else. Maybe they are trying to lull me into a false sense of security and will strike again when I least expect it. Unfortunately my next move will feel like the ultimate betrayal to
if they get wind of it.

Annie and I grew up in the MC lifestyle, thanks to our father being a member. While it was great growing up in those surroundings, the consequences weren’t so great. Our parents were killed at the hands of Uncle Trent, who wanted to use us as leverage in a deal. But it didn’t go according to plan as Annie and I never went along with his idea.

When we came to live in Kenner, it was okay for a while but I barely made any friends as people around town knew how bad the Kings’ reputation was. Everyone was scared away by either one of the guys keeping an eye on me, or their reputation of shooting any guy that would get too close to me. Of course, I always added fuel to the fire when I could and made sure to piss off Trent at every opportunity. That was my payback for what he was doing to us.

He wanted his club to be the most powerful club in all of Louisiana. He nearly succeeded, but his plans backfired and he wasn’t able to merge the Kings with the Bastards from Hell. His failure caused the club to turn on him and that’s when things really turned to shit. He is one of the four men responsible for my Annie’s death, well both the Bastards and the Kings played a part, but Trent was the one who gave the order. I couldn’t cope knowing what had happened to her, the grief was driving me insane, until one day I did the unthinkable.

It’s been a week since Annie was killed.

A week of pure agony knowing I’ll never see her again, never hear her laugh or see her smile again. The look of fear and horror on her face will haunt me forever. The only thing that could ease the pain would be getting revenge on Trent by inflicting the same pain on him.

Jared has been insisting to see me all week, claiming that he could help me cope and get better, that we could make it work and that nothing would happen to me, that I would be safe from suffering the same fate. I finally accepted and contacted Trent to set up a meeting. He thought I was just going to agree to whatever he wanted, that he had me now that Annie was gone, but he didn’t know what I had planned for him.

I asked him to meet me in their old warehouse, it was empty so no one would disturb us. Everything should go according to plan. I arrive at the warehouse long before Trent is due and greet Cabe, Marcus — Cabe’s father who always had a vendetta against Trent — Gabe and Phillip—Anthony’s father.

“Thanks for coming.” I look at all of them, my heart breaking when I see the look of hatred on Gabe’s face. I wasn’t expecting him to hug me or anything. I know he loved Annie and seeing me brings bad memories but I’m not the one responsible for her death.

“You’re welcome, Princess. Are you sure you want to do this?” Cabe asks me, looking at me intensely.

“Yes, I need him gone for good and it looks like I’m not the only one.” I look over at Gabe who nods once.

“Alright, let’s get into position, he should be here soon.” They all hide behind the door out of sight.

We only have to wait for a few minutes before Trent arrives. Thankfully, he came on his own as I asked. I doubt he suspects that I would go behind his back and betray him. “I see you finally came to your senses, Viv. About time! I was losing my patience. Wouldn’t want what happened to Annie to happen to you, now would we?” He chuckles darkly.

“Shut up, you motherfucking asshole!” I yell at him as Cabe and Gabe pounce on him.

“What the fuck? You fucking slut!” Trent growls as Cabe and Gabe drag him to the chair in the middle of the room and tie him up. Marcus and Phillip circle him, while I stand directly in front of him.

“Looks like I outsmarted you.” I chuckle darkly. “You really thought that after what you did to Annie I would fucking give you what you wanted? You must be out of your fucking mind. I never have and never ever will do what you want me to do! Your thirst for power cost Annie her life but it ends tonight. Tonight I’m going to watch you die a slow and painful death and I’m going to enjoy every single second of it, you motherfucker!” I spit at him.

“You wouldn’t dare! It’ll just make all of this even worse if I’m gone!” He looks scared. Good. I want to see the fucker suffer as much as I have.

“I don’t think so. See, we are good at erasing tracks. We can make it look like you took off and stole all the money from the club. How do you think that would go down? Maybe we have already. You never know.” Cabe chuckles. “You really thought that we wouldn’t have Viv’s back? She grew up with us. She will always be one of ours. No matter how fucked up her so called family is. We protect our own. I hope you’re ready for what we have in store for you.” Cabe smiles darkly, I’ve never seen him like this. I’ve known Cabe since I was born, but this man standing here in front of me, I don’t recognize.

They don’t bother gagging Trent as we are in the middle of nowhere and I watch the four men torture the shit out of Trent for hours, never once looking away. I keep my eyes locked on his, wanting, needing to see his pain and suffering. He’s begging, pleading with me with his eyes to end his suffering, but I’m not ready for that. I remember holding my sister’s dead body in my arms, crying for hours over Annie, over my parents, over the life that we could have had. But the man sitting in front of me robbed us of that and for that, he will pay. I feel empty, numb, broken. My heart can’t be pieced back together, not now, not ever.

“This is for you, Annie.” I whisper to myself as I take out the gun I had hiding in the back of my pants and aim it at a barely conscious Trent. “You don’t have any power over me, you fucking asshole.” Cabe, Marcus, Gabe and Philip move away and I don’t hesitate as I pull the trigger. In the split second it takes for the bullet to hit its target. I see a myriad of emotions fleet across Trent’s face.

He clearly didn’t want to go like this which is exactly what he deserves. I don’t regret this and I never will. It won’t bring Annie back, fix mine and Gabe’s broken hearts, fix all the hurt it’s caused, but it’s a start. The Kings might still come after me but by the time they find out what happened, I’ll be long gone.

To this day, I still don’t regret it.

I’ve been living in a nightmare for so long that I don’t know the difference between my imagination and reality anymore. I dream about Annie so often that I sometimes think she’s still here with me. I wonder what life would like if she were still here. Would we still be stuck with the Kings or would we be free from all that bullshit? I can’t dwell on thoughts like that, if I do, I’ll drive myself crazy. Some days I want everything to end so I can be with her again, but I have to fight for her, for our parents, for myself. That’s what she would have wanted.




February 14

I finally came back to town from the cabin late last night. Leaving for a few months was absolutely necessary and I’m glad my brothers understood my need to leave for a while. The downside of having so much time on your own is that it’s just you and your thoughts, and that can get ugly really fast.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t partake in any club activities and it was driving me insane. Sure, I was checking in every other day with Ant over the phone, but it’s not the same.

Things have been quiet so far. The Kings have made a move though. They want a meeting to sort shit out, like that’s ever going to happen without a few people losing their lives. They really must think we are stupid. We need to outsmart them and find their weaknesses before they find ours. I don’t know how things are going to go down, but I do know that things will get bloody. I just hope we come off better.

I park my bike next to Ant’s, taking off my helmet I hear Line and Ayd squeal as they see me walk towards them at the compound. I can’t help but chuckle. These two are already crazy when they are on their own, but put them together and you are in fucking trouble! I don’t know how Ant and Aleck manage them when they’re together. I’m happy for my brothers though, they have found the women of their dreams and have settled down with their families.

Line and Ayd run towards me and jump on me. “Easy, Ladies.” I chuckle and hug them close to me.

“We missed you!” they say in unison.

“I missed you two madwomen too.” I kiss their heads.

“How have you been?” Ayd looks up at me concerned.

“I’m better thanks, Sweetheart.” I smile and kiss her head again.

“Lips off of my woman, Gabe!” Ant bellows.

“She started it by jumping on me!” I shrug and walk with them still wrapped around me.
Yeah, I missed this.

“Why don’t you guys ever own up to the fact that you love us and can’t keep yourselves off of us.” Line chimes in poking my chest.

“Aleck wouldn’t beat your ass for it. However, with me, it’s a different story. He wouldn’t hesitate to kick my ass to the curb for having my lips or hands on you for a second too long.”

“Amen to that, Brother.” Aleck chuckles from behind me and man hugs me. “How are you?”

“I’m good, you?” I hug him back.

“Good as new.” He smiles.

“That’s good to hear.”

“You don’t say.” I chuckle and man hug Ant.

“Good to see you again, Brother.”

“Good to see you, too. I never thought I’d miss you guys this much.” I chuckle and sit down at the picnic table outside the compound. “So, what’s new?” I smile looking at my friends.

“We’re going to be parents…again.” They all say at the same time.

What in the actual fuck?
“What the fuck?” I chuckle looking at them confused.

“I’m pregnant again.” Ayden beams rubbing her tummy.

“Congrats, Little One.” I smile and hug her. “Congrats, Brother.”

“Thanks,” they say at the same time.

“What about you two?” I look between Line and Aleck.

“Well, I’m pregnant. Still early though. Actually, we should have our babies within a month of each other.” They are both beaming and it warms my heart. They all really deserve happiness.

“That’s awesome. I’m happy for you all.” I smile and hug Line.

“Thanks, now it’s your turn to find your woman.” Line snickers hugging me back.

“Not going there, Line.” I glare at her but don’t have the heart to stay mad at her when I see the puppy dog eyes she’s giving me.

“I bet you anything that the next woman who steps foot into this compound will be yours, as long as you don’t push her away like this one did.” She points at Aleck. “Name your price.” She smirks, very confident.

“Hey! I had good reasons!” Aleck pouts, making Ant and I burst out laughing.

“I know but shut up, I’m trying to make a deal here. Geez, you don’t know shit!” She actually glares at him and holds her hand out to me. “So, what is it going to be,
?” she says clearly mocking us.
God, I love her.

“You’re funny, Blondie. Wrong, but funny.”

“I’m right, you just wait and see. So…” She shakes her hand in front of me.

“Alright, if you insist. If you are right, you’ll get my 1964 Ford Thunderbird. If you’re wrong, I want your Mitsubishi Celeste. I’ve had my eyes on it since you got it a couple of weeks ago. That baby is a real hidden gem.” I smirk and shake her hand. She glares at me for mentioning her second baby.

“Deal. Get ready to lose your baby.” She winks at me and resumes her position on Aleck’s lap.

“Awfully confident there, Love.” Aleck tries not to chuckle.

“I know what I’m doing.” She shrugs. “He’s never going to get his hands on Callie.”

“You named her Callie?” I raise my eyebrow at her.

“Yes, you got problem with that?” She raises her eyebrow at me and I can’t help but laugh.

“Not at all, I’m just going to change that to a manlier name when she’s mine.”

“Not even in your wildest dreams. What did you name my future baby anyway?”

“Not gonna happen, but she’s named Annissa.”

“Lovely name, I might even keep it when she’s mine.”

“I like you, Blondie.” I smile and lean on the patio railing.

“I know.” She grins innocently.

We keep chatting for a while, keeping any club stuff out of the conversation, all just enjoying each other’s company, when Line cuts me off. “Oh, there goes your future wife.”

We all laugh and turn to look at who’s walking over and I freeze. This can’t be happening. This is a fucking nightmare and I’m going to wake up now.

“Are you okay, Gabe?” Line appears next to me and rubs my arm.

“Fuck no, I’m not!” I almost yell at her.

“Easy, Brother,” Aleck says wrapping his arms around Line.

Ayden squeals and runs towards
What the fuck?

“They were best friends when we were kids. Never thought she would ever come back here that’s why I never mentioned her,” Ant says sounding defeated.

“I didn’t know she was this close to
? You’ve known
all along and you never thought it would be a good fucking idea to mention it?” I get in his face.

“Easy, Gabe. I never thought she would ever come back. Last time I saw her was twenty years ago.”

“And you never thought that telling me that you knew her
would be a good idea?”

“Why? To hurt you a bit more again by mentioning her? I didn’t see the fucking point. I wanted to help you get better, not make you feel worse by bringing up the past.”

“Calm down you two. I don’t know what’s going on, or who she is but damn she must be pretty special for you two to fight like that,” Line says trying to separate us.

“Yes, pretty special indeed.” I glare at Ant.

“Guys, this is Vivian. She used to live here twenty years ago and she just got back in town. Viv, this is Charline, Aleck, Gabe and you remember Anthony.” Ayd beams introducing her to us.

“Of course I do.” She smiles shyly and hugs Ant. I can’t keep the scowl from my face. I’m pissed, I’m hurt, I’m heartbroken, I’m confused, but worst of all, she’s fucking hot and I get hard!
This is a fucking nightmare!


“Vivian.” We glare at each other.

“You two know each other?” Ayd asks confused.

“Oh, we know each other alright.” I smirk darkly.

“Oooookay?” Ayd looks between Viv, Ant and I.

“It’s a long story, Little One. One not worth mentioning,” I say coldly.

“Right…”Ayd sighs and sits back down with Line.

Everybody seems really uneasy at Vivian’s arrival, especially Vivian. She’s even more beautiful than I remember. Long pastel lavender hair, deep purple-ish eyes, soft pouty lips, legs that go on for miles, amazingly defined curves that make my dick hard.
I’m fucked.

“What are you doing here?” I ask Vivian.

“I’m back in town now. I was born and raised here. I thought it’d be good to touch base and come see some old friends.” She shrugs.

“Big. Fucking. Mistake.”

“Oh really? And why is that?” She crosses her arms over her chest, staring me down.

“You know damn well why. You shouldn’t have come
.” I yell at her.

“Well, I’m
, like it or not and I’m not going anywhere. So suck it up, big boy.” She winks at me and the girls giggle.

“Vivian one. Gabe zero.” I glare at Ayd. “Like it or not, she’s right. You don’t get to say if she can hang out with us or not, so you’re going to have to suck it up,
big boy
.” She grins innocently.

“You have no idea what you’re talking about, what this will mean to the club. I’m just trying to save everyone heartache.”

“Everyone or just yourself, Gabe?” Viv asks looking at me, not buying my bullshit.

“Don’t come complaining. I’ve warned you.” I shrug and she rolls her eyes.

“We should all get together for a BBQ or something. We so need to catch up!” Ayd says, ecstatic to see her friend again.

“Good idea.” Viv smiles.
That smile
. I sigh.

“We should do that next weekend or something. The four of us,” she points at Aleck, Line, Ant and herself “are going away this weekend for Valentine’s Day, but next weekend for sure. I wish I had known you’d be back today, I wouldn’t have made plans!” Ayd pouts.

“Don’t worry, Doll. You should enjoy your V-Day. Sounds like a good idea. I’m glad I caught you before you left.” I’m still wondering why she’s back in town. She can’t just be back for pleasure. This place should only bring bad memories for her.

“Me too. Any plans for tonight.” Ayd giggles and waggles her eyebrows at Viv.

“I just got back last night. No man in my life. So I’ll probably spend it watching TV and ordering pizza.” Viv shrugs.

“Awww, we’ll find you a good man. Right, Gabe.” Line snickers again. She’s very lucky I love her or I’d have already yelled at her.

Fuck it all to hell.
“I’ll spend it with you.”

“What?” Everybody near yells looking at me.

“I said, I’ll spend Valentine’s Day with her.”

“Why?” She looks at me confused.

“A beautiful woman like you shouldn’t spend tonight alone.” I smirk at her.
Yes, it’ll definitely be interesting to see how long it takes to make her run away before the Kings know she’s in town.

“You’ve got to be kidding me. Two minutes ago you were ready to send me back to where I came from, and now you want to spend the evening with me?”


“Why?” She glares at me. She’s getting pissed.

“It’s been almost twelve years, Viv. We need to catch up. Besides, I’ll spend it with you whether you like it or not.” She’s uneasy, I’d kill to know what she’s thinking about right now.

“Right…” She sighs and looks at Ayden.

“Just go with it. He’s all bark and no bite. You’ll be fine.” I can’t help but chuckle.

“I’ll show you all bark and no bite.” I smirk at Viv.

“Bring it.” She glares at me.

Tonight is going to be interesting…


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