Healing (General's Daughter Book 5) (13 page)

BOOK: Healing (General's Daughter Book 5)
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“Right here. Why are you two so nervous?” she asked, flitting around them.

Rich stretched out, capturing her arm. “You are to stay close, you hear me? No playing around when it’s like this.”

“You’re not my boss,” Sam answered back. The band sent images of a whirlpool. He was getting pissed.

“No, but I am. Lt. Quimby, you are under orders now. Consider this the field. One more point against you and you know what will happen when we get to work. Got it, girl?”

“Bite me, Michael. We are off duty and you can’t order me— OW!” she yelped, turning suddenly. Ton had come behind her, biting her foot. He flashed images of being in a net held by the other land walker and the large orca-male. He pushed sharply against her, shoving her to the bottom and holding her on the floor.

“Stop it, you’re hurting me!” she yelled, pushing his snout away. He released her, shoving her close to the two boys.

“I guess Ton let you know what he thinks of your defiance, little sister. Thanks, boy.” Michael said.

Rich nodded. “It sure does. That’s nothing compared to the talk you and I are going to have later about respecting your elders.”

“Or the one about obeying the orders of your superior officer,” Michael added.

Thoroughly annoyed, Sam attempted to swim off and was brought back by the whale. She was fuming as she struggled to escape his mouth. He let go when Rich took her arm.

“It looks like you have another protector out here. Let’s get to base. You are in so much trouble, little girl. SO much trouble,” Rich said in a low rumble. Sam shuddered. She did not like the sound of this.





Ton scooped them atop his back and, without asking, swam quickly to the tanks where he dumped them. The huge animal remained, swimming restlessly in his tank.

“What the hell is with you today?” Sam snapped at him. He spit water in her face, and then swam around again.

“No, what’s with you, Sam? What do you think you were doing out there?” Michael asked, rinsing off the wetsuit under the fresh shower.

“I wanted to swim. He’s never done that before!” She stomped her foot, glaring at the whale. He wasn’t communicating to her other than the image of an iceberg, and swam in circles in the tank. “And why won’t he leave? He hates the tank.”

“Maybe he wants to see you get your tail flukes bitten,” Rich said, arms crossed as he stared at her. Sam glared back, uncomfortable with the expression on his face, and dove back into the tank. She was immediately snatched up by Ton, who dropped her back on the ramp.

“Well, that answers one question. He’s not letting you go back out there,” Michael said, looking down at her dripping wet scowling face. “Get up here and hose off.”

“I don’t want to,” she grumbled.

Rich rolled his eyes and grabbed her arm, hauling her onto the deck. He flopped her over his knee and landed ten fast and heavy swats over her wetsuit, ignoring her demands to let go. “I have had enough of this attitude today. You will obey your brother and stop talking back. Got it?” he growled, pulling her up to see the tears in her eyes.

She stamped her foot, trying to pull away. “Leave me alone.”

“You are behaving like a spoiled child, Samantha. One more word and that suit comes down for a taste of my belt. I don’t care if Mike’s here or not. Understand me?” Rich whispered fiercely in her ear. She broke her stare from him and nodded.

Rich pointed to the door. “Go get changed into dry clothes. We will discuss our business later.”

“Sam? You are to go into my office when you’re dressed. Don’t push me either,” Michael added, walking towards Rich as she stomped away.

“What’s gotten into her?” Rich asked, peeling off the wetsuit and standing in his bathing trunks, his large muscles shivering with the cold. Michael joined him, hanging the suits to dry over the rail.

“I don’t know. This happens a lot. Mainly when she’s feeling either over confident or insecure. With her, who knows? Let’s go scare her a bit. Then go run to the store and grab us something to eat,” Michael said.

Sam gulped, seeing both stride in, arm muscles pumped and swollen from their swim. They seemed larger than life, same height, same build, and the same determined, serious look on their handsome faces. One bronze, the other gold. She mentally slapped herself on the forehead.
What the hell was I thinking? Oh yeah, I wasn’t. Shit.

She waited silently as Michael entered his office and dressed in front of her. He was peeved, she could tell that much. He was tying his bootlaces when he finally spoke to her. “Do you want to tell me what got into you this morning, kiddo?” he asked looking at her briefly.

She glanced at the clock; it was only 0515, too much time to fill with procrastinating excuses. “I don’t know. The devil got hold of me again. I’m sorry.”

“You even pissed off Ton. I didn’t think that could happen.” He lifted his other boot to lace it tightly.

“I didn’t either. He didn’t want me in the water today. We probably have another storm front coming in or something.”

“Did you know this when we went down?”

“No. He tried to push me inland when he found me in the beds,” she admitted.

Michael leaned forwards, both feet flat on the floor, forearms on his thighs, fingers entwined, to look at her. She stared at her deck shoes. “I see. And you didn’t say anything to us because…”

“I wanted to swim.”

“You wanted to swim. Sam, it’s not always about what you want or don’t want. Other people are involved. If there is a storm coming, Rich and I could have gotten seriously hurt. Wasn’t that the reason you went off on me during the last mission?”


“Yeah. Look at me,” he ordered gently. Slowly, she looked up, meeting his bright blue eyes. He looked sad. “I’m going to have to punish you for this. You know that. It’s under my authority. This is the deal we made.”

“I’m sorry, Michael,” Sam whispered.

He pulled the long mahogany ruler out of his desk. “Yes, well, so am I. Why did you act like that in front of Rich? I feel for you. He’s not happy with your behavior. Close the blinds. I don’t want to take the chance that someone comes in early.”

Silently, Sam stood to obey. “Where’s Rich?”

“He went to get us some chow. He took the lab’s truck,” Michael said patiently, slapping the ruler against the palm of his hand. He shook his head. “I shouldn’t have to do this. Come here.”

“Please don’t, Mike. I promise I won’t do that again. I swear I won’t,” she begged, watching him sit in a straight-backed chair.

He held his hand out for her. “After this, you’ll think twice. You know what to do. Over my lap. Don’t make me fight you.”

“Mike, please!” She started to cry. He merely held his hand out without a word. Trembling, she took it and allowed him to position her across his knee, swallowing as he unbuttoned her trousers and yanked them down to her thighs. Her panties followed and she felt a surge of fear. His tension was clear through his movements. He was angrier than he had let on.

Without another word, he draped his right leg over her thighs to hold her steady, wrapping his left arm around her tiny waist. The assault began. She was screaming and begging within the first three strokes, unable to escape the heavy slaps that covered her bottom in a furious downpour. Before she could catch her breath, she felt the ruler land harshly across her sit spots and upper thighs. She had no idea how many times he applied it, but he was definitely intent on getting his point across. Sobbing painfully, she lost the ability to struggle and cried pathetically into the material covering his left calf.

He stopped, staring at the damage done. He was furious. He was always taught to never make decisions or take action when angry. He swallowed, realizing he was just shy of really hurting her. There were deep red welts and dark bruises from the ruler on top of the marks left by his fingers. No skin breakage, thank goodness, but he realized he would have to be careful if she ever pushed him to this again. He hoped she wouldn’t. He gently pulled her panties up, rubbing her back as she continued to cry. Slowly, he sat her up, fixing her trousers before pulling her against his broad chest.

“Don’t ever make me do that again. Please,” he begged her, wiping her face. “I got close to going overboard because I was so angry with you. I don’t want that to happen. I love you too much to hurt you like this.”

“It’s my fault. I pushed you. I’m sorry.” She sniffed, burying her face in his neck.

He kissed her, arms wrapped gently around her. “You’re confined to the lab for the next week. No runs, no testing outside. The only swimming you will do is in the tank, and that’s to scrub the algae off the sides. You also have extra duty; only half an hour for chow.”

“Yes, Michael.”

“Did you learn your lesson?”

“Yes, Michael. I’m sorry.”

“Okay. Now get to work. I want you to design a way to start mapping the integration with the three of us.”

“Yes, Michael.”

“You’re dismissed,” he said softly, pushing her towards her office where she slowly sat down at her desk. He shook his head, watching her, then tossed the ruler back into his drawer. He hated the thing as much as she did, but Scott was right, it was very effective.

Rich came in shortly with coffee, scones and a fruit bowl. He tilted his head in Sam’s direction. “How is she?”

“I’m surprised she’s sitting, albeit very uncomfortably. She’ll carry some bruises for a couple of days. I didn’t hold back this time.”

“She’ll be okay. She needed that from you. Did she say anything?”

“Just that Ton didn’t want her in the water. Did it look like another storm’s coming?”

“It’s pitch black out there. I got inside before it started to pour again. I think we should call the crew and have them stay in.”

“Go ahead and do that. I don’t want them out in this weather. I’ll call home. The folks may not have left yet.”

The lab was quiet with just the three of them, the sound of the storm, and the humming of the equipment. An occasional snort from Ton’s tank told them that the whale was wisely waiting out the storm in safer waters. Sam stayed in her office, trying to focus on her assignment and ignore the searing pain to the back of her legs and bottom.

Rich frowned, noticing the food he had brought her remained untouched. He tapped on her doorframe, looking inside. “You haven’t eaten anything,” he said as he sat down in front of her.

“I’m not very hungry,” came the sullen answer.

“Sammi, look at me. I love you. You can’t do this. If you don’t start taking better care of yourself, I’m going to have to take measures that you won’t enjoy. Trust me, I will make sure you are taken care of.”

She stared at him, confused. His voice was serious, the tone unwavering. “Like what?” she asked timidly.

Rich patted her hand. “You know me better by now. Don’t challenge me. You will not like what I would have to do, so don’t even think of going there. I will not hesitate. Now eat.”

Silently, the girl obeyed, avoiding his eyes as she continued to work. Rich was counting on the sinister tone in his threat that made her not want to know what he would do. Yes, he had ways of helping her but would need her cooperation. He couldn’t exactly force feed her, but he was worried. He decided to talk with her father about a supplement or something; as small as she was, she needed every ounce.

“Rich? I’m getting the feeling we’re gonna be on lock down in a few hours. I’m going to go get some more stuff to last us awhile just in case. Keep an eye on the lab, please, and man the phones as well. If we lose contact, use the transmitters.”

“Will do. Be careful.”

“I will. I’ll be back soon.”

“Where’s Mike going?” Sam asked, seeing him leave.

“It looks like we might be doing some camping out. Do we have lanterns and stuff in case we lose power?”

“Yes, we’ve got a fully stocked field room, including rations. MREs are nasty. We have plenty of fresh water and Top Ramen.”

“Let’s set up a field stove and cots. This is going to be fun. I have never camped inside.”

“Will Mike be okay out there?” Sam looked worried, hearing the thunder.

“The store is five minutes away. He’ll be fine. I guess Ton knew what he was talking about, huh?”

“I should have listened. I’m sorry, Rich.”

“We’ll talk about that later. Let’s get things ready.”

Michael arrived thirty minutes later with arms filled with some fruit, bread, cheese and, most importantly, Cheetos. He smiled, handing his sister the bag. “Got these for you. How’s the set up?”

“Got everything ready. It sounds terrible out there.”

“Hurricane warning. Sam, we might get called out. I don’t know what good we can do.”

“You can’t do anything. Only I can. That’s how it is,” she remarked as both boys adamantly shook their heads.

“As commander, it’s up to me to decide if my crew is at risk. If I do, and I say no, then that is the final word.”


“The final word,” he repeated sternly.

Sam faced the floor. “Yes sir, Commander.”

“That’s better. Let’s check the hatches, make sure everything’s buckled down. Sam, we need to close the tunnel.”

“I’ll see if Ton wants to stay or go. I have enough fish for him for one day, that’s it.”

“Go take care of that. Rich, contact HQ and update base orders.”

“Yes, sir.”

Michael got on the phone and called home.

Scott answered. “Hey, kid. How’s it going over there?”

“Hurricane watch, getting ready to go into warning. It’s black. How’s it at home?”

“Got the fire going, hot chocolate, and plenty of batteries to watch movies. I’m in my PJs.”

BOOK: Healing (General's Daughter Book 5)
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