Heart of Ash (14 page)

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Authors: Sabrina York

Tags: #Tryst Island, #Erotic Romance, #contemporary romance, #Sabrina York

BOOK: Heart of Ash
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“Um. Okay.” Sounded good.

She winked. “It works with homeless kittens too. Anyway, what do you say about this… We hold a weekend party on the island. We have the donors come down on Friday for a swanky soiree, you know, to soften them up. And then bring in the kids on Saturday for a beach luau. We’ll have games and activities so they can all get to know each other.” She tapped her lips. “Maybe fireworks? And then on Sunday we’ll hit them with the call to mentor, and hit them hard. I know it’s a tight clock, but I’d like to have the event before school starts. That would give us a little less than a month. Two weeks at the soonest.” Her eyes shone. “What do you think, Ash?”

What did he think?

She was perfect.

Absolutely perfect.

And he was going to win her.

No. Matter. What.


Excitement danced through Emily as she reviewed the details of the event. She loved this kind of project. Especially one with such potential impact.

But there was more to it than that. It was this. Spending time with Ash. Working with him on a project that meant something.

Already, in this short period of time, she’d learned so much about him. About what made him tick.

She had been attracted to him on a physical level the instant she’d set eyes on him. Now, she saw through to his soul. The Ash behind the mask he presented to the world.

She could see the ten-year-old boy, lost and confused when the foundation of his life had crumbled. She could see the wounded man, deeply in love and cut to the core by his bride’s betrayal.

She could understand why he vowed to keep his distance from pain, why he swore never to be hurt like that again.

She, after all, had sworn the same thing. And it had ruled her life for far too long.

She would not allow it to rule her anymore.

Yes, she could see the depth of Ash Bristol’s soul. And she liked it.

She liked him.

She wanted…more.

As incomprehensible as it was, after everything that had happened between them, she wanted more. She was willing, ready, to try again.

Emily glanced at her friends, pretending not to ogle them. Then she smiled at Ash. “I think we’re done here.”

His face fell. “Already?”

“Yep. There’s lots more to do, but I think we have the bones down.”

“Already?” Was it her imagination, or did he not want to end their tête-à-tête?

She put a palm on her stomach. “I’m hungry. How about you?”

He perked up at that. “Yeah.”

“What do you say we get out of here and go somewhere…more private?”

He really perked up at that. “Is this a…date?”

“Maybe.” Her lips twitched.

He beamed at her. And then he sobered and cleared his throat. “I should probably warn you, Holt’s not going to like us dating. Lane either.” Then, after a moment of reflection, “And probably Drew.”

“True.” Emily nibbled her inner cheek. “So it’s probably best if we don’t take them on any of our dates.”

“Agreed.” Humor laced his tone. “But how do we lose them?”

“Easy. We shake hands, and then you gather your things and leave.”


“I’ll pretend I’m going to the restroom and sneak out the back door. We can meet in the parking lot. You did bring your car?”

He nodded.

“Perfect. We can escape and go have dinner somewhere.”

“Where would you like to go?”

She shrugged. “Anywhere.” Anywhere with him.

His eyes lit. “I know just the place. There’s…something special I’d like to show you.”

“Okay.” She thrust out her hand. He took it. And though the handshake was utterly decorous, it gave Emily an unholy thrill.

Because she and Ash were going on a secret date.


Chapter Thirteen


He took her out for teriyaki, which was not what she’d been expecting.

When he’d said,
I want to show you something special
, she’d thought, at the very least, it would involve linen tablecloths. But she was a fan of teriyaki, and this was some of the best she’d ever had. And they were together.

And Holt wasn’t hovering.

All in all, it was pretty awesome.

When they were full, they pushed their plates and chopsticks to the side and Ash leaned forward. “Emily, can we talk?”

She nibbled her lip. “We are talking.” They’d been talking all evening. Just not about anything real.

“You know what I mean.”

“Oookay.” Her belly flipped, making her wish she hadn’t eaten that second egg roll.

 “What are we going to do about this thing?”

Emily blinked. “This thing?”

“This thing between us?”

Oh. That thing.

She fiddled with the paper from her straw. Rolled it into a ball. “I dunno.”

He took her hand, quieting her restlessness. When she looked up, he snagged her gaze. The heat of his intent burned her. “Please tell me there’s a chance for us. A real chance.”

Heavens, he was attractive. Even with his muscles tight, his expression stark, his cheeks flushed. Everything about him radiated sincerity.

She couldn’t help but be impressed. He didn’t strike her as a man who begged often. If ever.

She wanted to give him another chance. She really did. But—

“I’ll be honest, Ash. I’m afraid.”

He winced. “Of me?”

A little nod. “Of getting hurt again.”

“I won’t hurt you. Ever again. I swear.” When she didn’t respond, he blew out a harsh breath. “Okay. I understand—”

She silenced him with a finger to his lips. He froze at her touch. Closed his eyes and sighed.

“I don’t think you do, Ash. I like you. I do. More than I should, I suppose. More than my friends think I should…”

He grimaced.

“I should just walk away…but I can’t. I feel like there’s something…something here.”

“With us?”

“Yes. With us.”

His tension broke; a smile wreathed his face, making him more handsome than ever. ”Thank God.”

“But Ash, you do realize it’s going to take time for me to—”

“Yes. I realize that. I’m prepared to wait. For as long as it takes.”

She frowned. “It could take a while.”

“I understand. Though…if you’ve decided on my punishment, that might speed things up.”

Emily blinked. “Your what?”

“Remember? We agreed. You should punish me for being an ass. You should think of something.”

“I should?”

“It would make me feel better.”

“Even the playing field?”

“Something like that.” He sat back. “Is it selfish of me to want to clear the slate?”

She shook her head. Tried not to grin. “Maybe I should just use you.”


“You know. Use your body.”

He gaped at her.

“Maybe I should use you and toss you aside…”

His throat worked. “I-I couldn’t blame you if you did.”

Silly boy.

Little did he know, she was only teasing. She couldn’t toss him aside if her life depended on it. “Let’s just take it one day at a time. Okay?”

He nodded. “Okay.”

It seemed as though that was enough for him. For now. He sat back in his chair and exhaled what might have been a breath of relief.

“Was there something you wanted to show me?”

“Oh. Yeah.” His features lit up. He tossed some bills on the table and grabbed her hand, towing her after him out the door and down the street to a small building a block from the restaurant.

“What is it?” she asked as he pulled out a key and unlocked the door.

“My shop.”

“Your…shop?” But when he opened the door and ushered her in with a flourish, she understood. The smell of solder and baby powder was unmistakable to someone familiar with glass art. “Oh my goodness.” She glanced around. It was a small space, brightly lit once he flicked on the fluorescent overheads and, heavens, the workshop was a treasure trove.

She flitted from one bench to another, oohing and aahing like a child at Christmas, checking out his array of tools and molds and soldering irons, the stands of uncut glass, in a myriad of colors. “This is incredible.”

“These are my kilns,” he said, showing her several, lined up against the wall, different sizes ranging from the largest they made to a small one perfect for bead and jewelry making. “Would you like to see my most recent projects?”

She nodded. “Please.”

He headed for a shelf on the far side of the room and pulled a towel off a long, elegant glass platter.

Emily stilled. For there, playing out in the ethereal lines of glass, was a scene burned into her memory. It was the island, their island, in a sapphire swirling sea with the backdrop of a glorious sunset, burnt umber streaked with yellow and red. “Oh—” Her voice caught. “Ash. It’s beautiful. How…how did you do this?”

“It was easy. I started with a photograph of the island, and then cut out the forms. The island, the water and the sky. I fit them together and fused them on a base. Then I slumped the platter on the tray form.”

She stared at him. He made it sound so simple. Having done fused art, she knew it hadn’t been. Just cutting the glass so there were no gaps would have taken her hours. The fusing phase could take a full day in the kiln depending on the temperature. And annealing was an art in itself. “I love it. It’s our island, isn’t it?”

He nodded.

“What’s this speck?” She peered at an odd black spot on the ripple glass of the water.

He cleared his throat. “That’s a couple on a Jet Ski.”

She bent down for a better look. Astoundingly, it was. Tiny, as though he’d painted it with a thread, but without a doubt, the form of tiny couple jetting across the water for an island tryst.

“I couldn’t stop thinking of you.”

“It’s lovely, Ash. Just lovely.”

“I made this one too.” He removed the cover on another platter, featuring the image of an exquisite eagle in flight. “And this one…” A tiny cabin perched on a cliff over crashing waves. “And this one…” A silhouette. Two people a breath away from a kiss.

The lines were exquisite. Haunting. Devastating.

Only those who created art understood. It wasn’t just a pretty piece of glass lying there. It was a chunk of his soul. Need and pain etched in every line.

She set her palm to his cheek. “I love them.”

“I made them for you.”

Her heart fluttered. He’d spent so much time on these exquisite pieces. And all the while, thinking of her. It was a thrilling thought. Heady. Humbling. There was no doubt in her mind, he meant every word he said. “You are-you are very talented, Ash.”

“Thank you.” He kissed her palm, but didn’t move closer, though he could have, if he’d wanted to. Right now, she would have allowed him almost anything.

She tried not to be annoyed that he didn’t take advantage of her vulnerability. To hide her feelings, she pretended to study his workshop. “Do you come here often?”

He took her cue and stepped away. “I, ah, not as often as I’d like. I’d like to have a studio at home.” He chuckled. “But I can’t get zoned for the kilns. So I come here, sometimes for days at a time, and work. When I get hungry, I eat teriyaki.”

“And when you get tired?”

“There’s a bed in the ba—”

He broke off, as though he’d just realized what he’d said. Or just
there was a bed in the back. With a suddenness that stunned her, the energy around them shifted.

The muscles in his face went tight. Something ticked in his cheek.  The moment hung for an endless eternity. Tension throbbed between them.

Was that all it took? She wondered with a self-directed snort. The mention of a bed in the vicinity?


Because, as one, they moved. Toward each other. In a rush.

They met in the middle of the room, chest to chest, groin to groin. He wrapped his strong arms around her and she curled around him. He didn’t kiss her. They kissed each other. A wild scalding, heart-pounding manic exchange that left her light-headed and elated.

There was no apathy in the kiss. No politeness. No civility. It was savage. Savage need. Savage hunger. Savage delight.

His lips raked hers. His tongue thrust in. He consumed her. She responded in kind, unable, unwilling, to draw back.

This. This. This was what she wanted. What she needed. What she craved.

His essence, his taste, his scent, infused her, maddened her, aroused her.

“Ash,” she whispered. “Ash.”

“Emily.” He nested in the crook of her neck, sucking, ravaging, enervating, every nerve.

His hand stroked down her arm, up her ribs and—she sucked in a breath, and yes—he cupped her breast. Thumbed a nipple. Sensation rained through her, scored her, scorched her. She gave a feral cry. His hold tightened, his intensity flared. “God, Emily.”

The material of her skirt danced over her thighs as he bunched it up. She knew she should stop him. But she couldn’t stop him. Her body ached, hungered, sang.

When he scraped her tender center, she seized. Excitement lanced her. He pressed against that swollen, aching nub, making wide circles, and then smaller ones, narrowing in, centering all her attention on that one smoldering spot.

She gasped as pleasure lanced her, and then gasped again when he slipped beneath the band of her panties and touched her.

“Oh, Em,” he growled.

She knew she was wet. Drenched. Weeping for him.

He delved deeper between her folds. She spread her legs a bit to allow him entrance. Because, God, she wanted this. Needed this. And, oh…

He eased in. Two thick, long fingers.

Shudders wracked her. Agony and joy and hunger assailed her. A sound, like a hiss, escaped through her teeth.

He explored, ruthless, determined, seeking and finding that spot that made her clench, rail, fist his hair and howl. He covered her mouth, muffling her wail, drinking it in, driving her higher and higher. His tongue mimicked his thrusts below.

Changing his angle, he drove deep, massaging her inside, and obliterating her senses with a wicked scrape of his thumb over her thrumming clit.

She seized. Exploded. Came.

Rapture stole her breath. Ecstasy, perfect and absolute. She dissolved. Dissolved into the pleasure like a sugar castle in the rain.

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