Heart of Stone (15 page)

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Authors: Noree Kahika

BOOK: Heart of Stone
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His eyes turn back to me. With a smirk he
says, “But there will be other nights and other dresses. We both
have work tomorrow so sleep now baby.” With that he rolls us both
on our sides lifting the covers over us. Aidan pulls me firmly back
against his front, his arm curls around my waist, his palm cupping
my breast and his thigh hooks over mine effectively holding my body
down in the bed in a possessive hold.

Aidan apparently likes to cuddle when he

And I like it.

No I fucking LOVE it!

“Night Aidan,” I sigh in contentment.

“Night baby. Sweet dreams.”

The heat of his body cajoling mine into
slumber as I drift off - his lips gently skim my neck just below my

Chapter Fifteen.


Stirring from sleep I feel the loss of warmth
- Aidan’s body warmth. Glancing at the clock beside my bed – the
time is five-twelve in the morning. Way to early to be awake, the
sun isn’t even up.

“Aidan?” I groan sleepily.

“Shh baby. Go back to sleep,” he whispers
bending over the bed towards me and places a soft kiss on my head.
My eyes are blurry from sleep but I note that Aidan is fully

“Where are you going?” I mumble.

“I have to go home, have a shower and go to
work. I have an early morning meeting today,” he says brushing my
hair back from my face.

“Oh, okay.”

“I’ll call you later. Okay?” His says placing
a kiss on my nose.


Snuggling deeper under the covers I close my
eyes and fall back asleep after hearing Aidan quietly closing the
front door behind him.


Standing in the kitchen spooning yoghurt and
blueberries into my mouth I watch Mia walk in drying her hair with
a towel. She glances up at me then with eyebrows raised she asks,
“I gather by that smile on your face Gabby you and Aidan made

“Yeah.” My smile turns into a ridiculously
huge mushy grin.

“He was really freaking pissed when he
arrived last night. I’m glad you guys sorted it out.”

“Yeah you were right M, I should have spoken
to him before leaving. Apparently he and Sophia dated briefly in
college but according to Aidan, he and Sophia are nothing more than
old friends. He said he’s not in love with her and she’s dating a
good friend of his.”

“So that fucking bitch Katrina tried to drive
a wedge between you two with lies.” Spits Mia.

“It looks that way but the thing is I think
she believed what she was saying last night. Katrina is so hung up
on her boss she can’t stand the thought of another woman getting
close to him. Aidan said he often goes to events with Sophia but
just as friends and maybe Katrina has misinterpreted their
relationship. I don’t know,” I say on a shrug of my shoulders.

“Do you believe him when he says they’re just
good friends?” Mia bluntly asks.

“Yeah M, I do.” Hesitantly I quietly add,
“I’m falling in love with Mia.”

“Oh Gabby, honey, it’s not half obvious. It’s
written all over your face every time you’re with him or anytime
someone mentions his name. And babe he has the same look on his
face too.”

“You think?” My pulse quickens at the thought
that Aidan might feel the same way about me too.

“Yeah I do,” she answers on a smile. “Okay
enough of this sloppy mushy stuff. It’s way too early for this crap
on a Monday morning. Make me a coffee please G? I’ll go get ready
and we can leave in twenty.” Mia walks towards her bedroom wrapping
her golden blonde locks in a towel.


“Good afternoon Morris Advertising. Events
Department, Gabriella Stevens speaking.”

“Hi,” murmurs Aidan in that silken sexy voice
of his.

“Hey,” I breathe in reply, butterflies
instantly swirling in my stomach. I glance at the clock – it’s one
fifteen. Jeremiah has been called away to an impromptu meeting over
thirty minutes ago and still hasn’t returned. I’m waiting for him
to get back so I can go out and grab some much needed food for

“How has your day been?” Asks Aidan.

“Good thank you and how has your day been Mr.

“Long and extremely busy,” he sighs. “Do you
have plans for tonight?”

“Nope, only a hot bath followed by some
really bad reality television and chocolate Tim Tams.”

“Hmm I like the hot bath idea,” Aidan drawls
suggestively, “How about I pick you up after work and take you to
my place. I’ll personally supervise all personal hygiene activities
for the evening.”

My core muscles clench deliciously at the
thought of having a bath with Aidan.

“Sounds like a plan Mr. Stone. I’ll bring the
Tim Tams.”

“Tim Tams?” He asks with amusement in his

“Otherwise known as heaven wrapped in a
chocolate biscuit. I’ll show you how to do a Tim Tam Slammer. It’s
an Australian delicacy.”

“Oh there will be slamming alright but it’ll
be me slamming your body Gabriella,” he purrs seductively, “over an
over and for a good portion of the evening.”

I can’t help but laugh in response to his
statement at the same time my sex clenches deliciously in
anticipation at the thought of Aidan ‘slamming me’ for a good
portion of the night.

Through the phone I hear muffled voices in
the background. “I have to go baby my one-thirty is here.”

“Okay bye Aidan.”

“See you at six baby,” he says then hangs


Absently I tap the pen I hold between my
fingers on the desktop daydreaming of warm long baths and licking
droplets of water from Aidan’s perfect body.


“Yeah?” I answer vaguely.

“Gabby darling,” Jeremiah calls snapping his
fingers in front of my face to get my attention.

Jerking my head I look up at Jeremiah. “Oh
sorry Jeremiah I was lost in thought.”

“No shit sunshine. You were miles away.”

On closer examination I notice Jeremiah is
looking a bit flushed. “Is everything okay?”

“Well that depends on how you look at things.
I have bad news and good news,” Jeremiah sighs perching on top of
the corner of my desk. I raise my eyebrows in silent question.

“I’m going to do this like a band aid, fast –
ripping it off” he replies. “I’ve just come from a meeting with Mr.
Morris and some old stuff shirt from the Stone Corporation – Mr.
Ward or something. Anyway bottom line sunshine they have made the
events department here at Morris Advertising including both our
positions redundant.”

“Ohmigod,” I whisper back in shock.

“That’s Gabby darling is an understatement,”
Jeremiah says shaking his head. “Basically they said the Stone
Corporation already has an existing small events department that
currently handles a number of in-house events while they out-source
their more larger projects. But by expanding their existing events
department it will prove more cost effective for them to look after
the majority of the corporations’ events. Managements’ plan is to
discontinue all out-sourcing and consolidate the majority of
Stone’s subsidiaries events divisions into one department at

I open my mouth then close it then open it
again only to close it once more. Speech escapes me as a sinking
feeling takes root in the pit of my stomach. I really love this
job. I’ve finally found a job that feels right, challenging and I’m
good at. Well, learning to be good at.

“Sunshine you look like a stunned guppy
fish,” laughs Jeremiah.

“Jeremiah how can you be laughing. Our jobs…
I can’t believe this,” my voice is panicked.

“Ah but here’s the good news Gabby,” Jeremiah
says smirking, “they have offered me the position of Senior
Director of Events and you sunshine are to be my Assistant
Director. The department currently has three people working there
and they want us to lead the team. This is huge Gabby – it means
not just small cocktails receptions or product launches like we do
here at Morris but business conferences, gala dinners, hotel
openings, media events – the list is endless and diverse. And we
sunshine get to head this department up.” Excitement sparkles in
Jeremiah’s eyes as a breaming smile curves his handsome face.

“Ohmigod,” I gasp in shock. “But… but,” I
splutter, “I’m new to this. I’ve only been in this job for a few
weeks. I don’t have the experience for management yet. I mean you I
completely understand – you did an amazing job at the benefit and
well everything you do is perfect but - ”

“Gabby darling you’ll be great,” interrupts
Jeremiah. “You may have only been here a few weeks but you’re a
born organizer. You have a degree in communications and your flair,
style and attention to detail is almost as fabulous as mine.
Sunshine you have handled everything I’ve thrown at you so far with
professional ease. You are more than ready to take this kind of
position on,” Jeremiah says earnestly.

That is one of the nicest things anybody has
ever said to me. God I love Jeremiah but I can’t help the negative
thoughts that begin to invade my mind.

Biting my top lip I contemplate the
situation. Jeremiah, I can understand his promotion, he was born
for this role. But I’m new to this position and I’ve never heard of
anyone getting a promotion to an assistant director after two weeks
in a job. This has to be Aidan’s influence. The more I think about
it, the angrier I become. Just because he’s dating me doesn’t mean
he has to show favoritism. What are people going to think? How will
anyone in the company take me seriously? What happens if we break
up? Will I be fired?

Ohmigod the thought of breaking up with
Aidan is painful. I shake my head to dispel that particular
heartbreaking thought

But seriously – what is Aidan thinking
promoting me to a senior position like this!

Maybe he hasn’t done it, perhaps this is a
decision made by someone else in the company. I mean Aidan is the
CEO; he wouldn’t concern himself with a small department like
events. He’s too busy with mergers and acquisitions surely.


“Earth to Gabby,” calls Jeremiah snapping his
fingers in my face again.

“Would you stop that,” I scowl swatting his
hand away from my face.

“I will if you stop spacing out on me. For
fuck’s sake Gabriella you think you’d be more excited. This is
fantastic news,” retorts Jeremiah. “And this is a directive from
the big man himself.”

“What? You mean Aidan’s orchestrated

“Ah yeah!” Jeremiah says sardonically.

Hmm well that answers my question as to
whether Aidan was initiator of my sudden promotion.


“I’m sorry Jeremiah,” I say on a small smile.
“This is good news and congratulations babe, nobody deserves this
more than you.” I get up and place a quick kiss on Jeremiah’s
cheek. He is really skillful and proficient in his role. It’s
incredible to watch him effortlessly organize several projects and
events at one time with such grace and expertise. To take on the
role of Senior Director for Events at the Stone Corporation will be
a huge and rewarding challenge for him.

“That’s more like it sunshine,” smiles
Jeremiah, “and one last thing – we start the new positions and
relocate offices first thing next Monday.”

“Relocate offices?”

“Yes our new office will be on level ten at
Stone Tower. HQ sunshine all the way.” Jeremiah’s excitement is


“Now go to lunch sunshine, you must be
starving by now and I have a few gloating calls to make,” Jeremiah
orders on a wave of his hand while walking over to his desk.


Fifteen minutes later I find myself stepping
out on the fifty-first floor of Stone Tower – Aidan’s office floor.
My hunger temporarily forgotten as annoyance and irritation governs
my emotions. Less than two weeks of dating him and he’s promoting
me – what kind of judicious business decision is that? How on earth
can I expect respect from my work peers if the man I’m seeing also
happens to be my new boss? Well indirectly anyway.


“Good afternoon Miss Stevens,” greets Claire,
Aidan’s receptionist. My mouth gapes open. Wasn’t she Ms. Grumpy
last time I was here delivering documents to Katrina. A courteous
professional smile adorns her face.

“Oh um hi… Claire,” I reply composing myself
somewhat awkwardly. “I know this is unannounced but would Aidan… I
mean Mr. Stone be free to see me for five minutes?”

“Of course Miss Stevens, I’ll just see if he
is available,” she says in an efficient friendly tone picking up
the phone.

I take a moment to glance around the imposing
foyer of the Stone Corporation. Nervously I smooth down the fabric
of my black knee length pencil skirt. I’m wearing a soft silk baby
pink shirt with ruffled cap sleeves and pink three-inch pumps. My
long auburn hair is pulled back in a ponytail and I quickly tuck
back the stray tendrils of hair that have escaped. Perhaps this
wasn’t one of my better ideas I muse, my anger slowly dissipating.
In hindsight coming here to confront Aidan about my sudden
promotion after only two weeks in the position was a pretty stupid
idea. He’s probably too busy to even see me. It could have waited
until tonight. And what’s with Miss Grumpy’s change of attitude –
last time I was here she was down right rude to me. I wonder if
Aidan has said something to her.


“Miss Stevens,” calls Claire. I turn around
to face her. “Mr. Stone is free now and asked for you to go on in
please,” she says warmly.

“Thank you Claire and please call me Gabby,”
I smile politely back at her.

“Gabby,” she says on a nod.


The sound of my heels clicking on the sleek
polished marbled floors is only eclipsed by the booming sound of my
heartbeat drumming in my ears. I reach out and knock twice before
turning the brass handle of Aidan’s office door and opening it.

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