Hells Royalty The Princess (22 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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He just grinned at me like I was a kid and I was telling him
a fantasy story.

"Alright, I will go along with the fact that she
probably has more followers than I thought of, so yeah she might be able to
kill off the werewolves.  As for Jace" he said with disgust, "He
might not know he's in danger, but you can just send him a message and let him
know that he is.  But as for you, you will not be leaving here.  You
won't accept your dark powers so you have no choice but to stay
here."  He sat down on the bed and smiled his smug smile.

Oh, I was really starting to hate this guy again.  How
did I ever think he was a way to help me?  He is so arrogant and cocky and
for Pete’s sake I asked a dark creature to help me.  I must have idiot on
my forehead.  How the hell am I going to get out of here?

"Ok, so I see you are trying to figure out a way to get
out of here.  I need to go and see what I am going to do about Affinia and
her obvious betrayal.  But as for you, just stay here and get comfortable,
you're going to be here awhile." He hopped off the bed and left the room.

With him gone, that left me standing there fuming mad and
nothing to take it out on.

Chapter 18
--Accepting the truth


For at least an hour I tried all of the magic spells that I
could come up and even made up some of my own, but nothing helped me transport
out of here.  I'm sure if Hermione was real she would have already gotten
us out of here, shame I can't be like her.

"AHH.  What the hell was I thinking?  It's
almost lunch time and I have to find a way out of here so I can get back to my
friends."  I collapsed on the bed in exasperation.

I closed my eyes, listening to my inner self, trying to
connect to something that would help me figure out how to get out of
here.  My mother had told me to only embrace my witch powers, and that's
all that I had ever done.  I had always blocked the dark side of my powers
and only used the witch side of my heritage.  Then Grayson had told me
that I was denying myself of my true powers by blocking my dark powers. 
He told me that I would never reach my full potential, even when I gained my
full powers unless I accepted that I was not just a witch, but a hybrid demon

"You are more than a witch Katilyn.  You are the
daughter of a witch and Lucifer is you father.  You can overcome anything
if you just accept that" Grayson had told me after I had spilled my
feelings to him.  I didn't really want to accept anything he had to say to
me at that point so once again I just really ignored what he had said.

But right now I was starting to wonder that if what he said
was really true.  Would he bring me out of the darkness once again? 
I stood up and walked outside, despite the fact that it was all magicked, I
still felt a connection to the earth and the power that she generates for me.

I searched myself for the switch that would help me figure
out the dark powers inside of me.  Nothing seemed to click inside of me,
other than the fact that I was well detached from that side of me.

"Argh, how the hell am I supposed to do this?  How
do I use something that I have never wanted to even think about?" I said
out loud to the air.

"Just drop your block and realize you can have darkness
alongside the goodness" an old voice said from behind a tree.

I whipped around looking for the sound of the voice. 
"Who's there?"  I asked a little scared that someone was in the
room with me when no one was supposed to be able to do that.

"It is me, Greta, the witch that you marked.  I
want to help you." She stepped out now and I could see how the black had
warped her figure.

"Why do you want to help me?  You were trying to
capture me for Aaron." I kept my hands instinctively up for defense.

"True, but I never really did anything to hurt you and
I honestly didn't want to entrap you in here, in the Underworld, where you
don't belong.  But you must understand I had no choice in the
matter.  At first master Aaron was different, but the time he has spent
down here has warped him, along with Affinia and her influence on him has
changed the manner in which he does things now.  She is going to betray
him and challenge the way in which he is going about the situation with
you.  But you already know that, don't you?" she smiled her old smile
at me.

"Yes, I do actually.  When I was trying the
ability to astral project I overheard her talking to her minions and she was
sending them to kill the wolves and take Gray and Jace hostage.  And she
wants to steal me and hand me over to Damien herself in return for freedom of
the vampires.  Why is she working with Aaron then, if she plans on doing
all of this?" I asked her confused somewhat.

"He has been looking for you for so long, and Affinia
was able to help him in ways others could not" she raised her eyebrows at
me, hoping that I would get the message.

"Eww, don't care about his sex life.  What else
could she give him that would help him out?" I asked her as I shook my
whole body getting that visual out of my head.

"It wasn't just sex my dear, she shared her power and
along with that some of her own emotions about certain things.  While he
was able to keep most of his own feelings about it, sometimes hers overwhelmed
him and he made the wrong decision.  She persuaded him that he should
choose to use some darker methods to achieve the goals that he seeks. 
That is what has changed him and convinced him to force me to use black magic
to find you. But we both know that wasn't needed, we know that I could have
easily used the earths magic to locate you.  She knew that she could warp
him if he forced me to do black magic.  He does have a soul, whether you
think he does or not, and she warped it, which in turn warped his emotions and
how he reacts to those emotions.  He didn't realize that forcing me to do
the black magic would warp my soul and his along with it, and soon we will both
have a heavy price to pay." She walked closer to me and sat on the
bench.  She looked exhausted from all of the black magic, it was using up
her life force and for a witch that was a death sentence.

"But why would you even do it then, you knew the
consequences of black magic and you did it anyway?  If you didn't have an
agenda of your own, why would you risk your own soul and life for someone like
him?" I dropped some of my defenses and sat down beside her.

"Because the vampire lady has my daughter and if I
don't do her bidding then she will turn her.  I couldn't let that happen
so I have been doing whatever they ask of me.  I have altered some of my
spells here and there so that they would not turn out just right and I would
just blame it on bad information or the personal item wasn't really
yours.  I also made sure that I did nothing beneficial for mother earth
for a while so that she would not want to come and aid me in any way. 
This way I can no longer depend on her and they cannot ask me to ask favors of
her.  I discovered that was the best route to take, because I did what you
did and I projected myself to overhear some conversations so I would know
beforehand what they were planning and I could prevent many things from
happening that way.  If I couldn't depend on earth to perform certain
tasks for me then I wouldn't have to put myself or my daughter’s life in
jeopardy sometimes.  I tried every avenue that was available to me to keep
from actually causing you any real harm.  Now I am here to help protect my
daughter and you at the same time." Greta smiled and took my hand.

"How are you going to help me?  I need to get out
of here and go help my friends, but I will not let you help me if it means
putting your daughters' life at risk.  I will not have the blood of an
innocent on my hands." I squeezed her hand and told her firmly.

She smiled back at me, her face wrinkled even more, making
her look like she was at least 90 years old, when in reality she was probably
only about 45.  Black magic ages you, it takes your energy, and it leaves
with you nothing in the end.  Her hair was already white with age and I
doubted that she would actually be able to do many more spells if she kept
using the black magic.  I needed to help her and her daughter; they were
being tortured all because of me.  They were using blackmail and black
magic to find me and I would not let anyone else forfeit their life because of

"Thank you for that, but I will not be putting Dawn's
life at stake by helping you.  No one will ever be able to tell that I
helped you, unless you decide to tell them.  I am just going to lead you
in the right direction so you will know how to tap into the powers that you
need to help yourself.  So honestly I really am not helping you, I am only
giving possible directions on something that might help you.  Besides you
are the only hybrid demon witch in existence, you are the daughter of Lucifer,
you are bound to figure it out eventually, what does it matter if it is sooner
rather than later?" She winked at me and laughed, her laugh hadn't been
altered from the black magic.  Her laugh was that of a witch who was or
had been at one with earth and who had loved it with all her might.  It
made me smile and I decided that I would help her not only get out of this
slavery to Aaron, but I would help her find her connection with the mother
earth again.  A witch is lost without that connection and I couldn't stand
to see her lost especially because of me.

"Ok, so what do I have to do Ms. Greta?  How do I
tap into my dark powers and keep myself the person that I am?"  I
asked her, scared of her answer.

"Oh dear you can't do that.  Once you tap into
your dark powers you will never be the same, but you will be the person that you
are meant to be.  That doesn't have to be a bad thing, it just means that
you must realize that everyone has some sort of bad in them; it’s what they do
with it that really matters.  You can take the bad part of you and use it
to help others and win your fight against evil and that will make all the
difference in the world.  You just have to remember that you control the
powers, they do not control you.  It's really simple to tap into the
powers; you must admit and accept that you are Lucifer’s daughter and that you
do have dark powers inside of you.  You can’t use them until you come to
terms with that fact." She told me bluntly, but not harshly.

I chewed on the inside of my cheek while I thought about
this.  I have never accepted or really admitted to myself that I was his
daughter.  Yes I have said it to others, but I have never accepted it or
come to terms with it.  I can see how that can affect my ability to use
those dark powers, it sounds like when my emotions are out of whack so is my magic. 
Makes sense that not accepting the truth would not allow me to use the
powers.  I was going to have to figure out how to connect both pieces of
myself and still stay whole.

"Once you accept the truth, then and only then will you
actually be able to use your powers from him.  It will be as easy as using
your witch magic, you will simply just use the dark side to perform certain
tasks that you otherwise couldn't have done before.  Expect it to feel
cold, despite being powers from hell, something about the dark side makes it
cold and expect yourself to feel different when you use it.  There won’t
be a problem with it; you just have to remember that you control the power and
that it does not control you.  You are the daughter of Lucifer and a witch
who was very powerful, there is no doubt in mine or anyone else’s mind that you
will be tremendously powerful, it’s what you do with that power that
matters.  Stay connected to the earth just as you always have been and you
will be just fine." Greta stood and motioned for me to join her.  I
stood and took her hand following her over to the tree.

"Greta, I am sorry about your daughter and I will lift
the curse that I put on you." I told her and stepped back to do the
spell.  She grabbed my hand quickly and stopped me.

"No, do not remove it.  As long as that curse
stays on me I am not able to do any harmful magic to you.  They will still
keep me around to perform simple spells for them and that is fine as long as it
keeps my daughter safe.  I beg of you to do me this favor." She was
desperate and the crack in her voice told me she was struggling with her

"Ok, I won't I will leave it on there for now.  I
will promise you that when the time comes that I can help to free you and your
daughter, it will be my number one priority and I will stop at nothing to help
free the both of you from the clutches of Aaron and Affinia." I promised
her and then made an oath to myself that I would do all in my power to help

She only smiled and wiped the tears from her cheeks, "I
should go now before anyone really notices that I am not in my room.  Take
care sweet Katilyn and remember to hold on to the good and you will be just
fine."  She touched my cheek and then she was gone into thin air.

I took a breath and realized that it was shaky with choking
tears.  I was crying and upset.  This woman was being tortured and
her daughter was being threatened and it was all so Affinia and Aaron could
have their way.  Well I was done with people being hurt because of me, no
more casualties of war.  It was time to take back myself and become the
person I was meant to be.

I sat down on the ground and slowly chanted to myself,
telling myself to accept the truth become one with the person that I really am.

"I am a witch; I am the daughter of Jacklyn and
Lucifer.  I have demon blood in my veins, but I am not evil.  I am
good and decent and I seek to only help others.  I am the daughter of the
king of Hell and I do not do his bidding, I do my own.  I will accept the
dark powers that I was born with but I will not succumb to them, I will own the
powers they will not own me.  I can accept the powers without taking away
my humanity and losing all that I am.  I will be a better person, a
stronger hunter, and a more powerful witch than anyone has ever seen without
losing sight of the good that I am needed for." I kept repeating to myself
over and over again till I finally started accepting what I was saying and
coming to terms with whom I really am.

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