Hells Royalty The Princess (18 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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"That was…that was…oh my god that was amazing.  I
could feel it flowing through me and the colors, amazing, that was so
cool.  Does all magic feel that good?" he couldn't contain his

I was laughing at him and smiling back at his happiness when
a shrill shot through my head making me stop all that I was doing and drop to
my knees.

One glance to the driveway and I saw a lone figure limping
towards us.  He was still too far from me to see clearly, especially since
it was almost dark now.  The wolves that were left uncloaked immediately
changed forms and made a line on either side of me.

Jace put his hands on my waist to keep me steady,
"Whoever it is, we are all here to face it together." He whispered in
my ear, trying to make sure that I was sure of their commitment.

The person came closer and then I could hear him speaking,
he was whispering.  It was Grayson, he was whispering to me.

"Kat, Kat get out of here!" Grayson Marx whispered
a warning to me.

Chapter 15
--Battle of Heart and Mind


"Grayson" I breathed, my heart stopped at the
sight of him.

He was bloody, beaten, and underfed.  Who knows what
Affinia had done to him; she had tortured him that was apparent.  He had
always told me she liked pain and suffering and I'm sure that she used all her
techniques on him.

I made a quick perimeter check and found no one else had
joined him.

"Everyone stay here and stay alert.  Don't attack
anyone just yet." I didn't look to make sure they agreed I just took off
as fast as I could toward Gray.

I caught him in my arms and he collapsed in them.  I
glanced around us, still no sign of Aaron, but I'm sure he would be coming

"Gray I'm here.  Hold on, okay just relax. 
What did she do to you?" I ground out at the sight of him.  He looked

"You need to leave, Aaron will be here soon!  He
sent me here with Affinia, she saw you and then went back to let him know that
it was indeed you." He coughed and blood splattered his hand.

"You're not healing, you need to feed."  I
had my back to the wolves and Jace so they couldn't see what I was about to do.

I used my thumb nail and opened a line in my wrist, then put
it to his mouth.
He was reluctant to drink; he kept turning his
head away from me.

"Would you quit being so stubborn, you have got to
feed.  You know I can heal you and faster than any human.  Besides
there are no humans here for you to feed from, so you don't really have much of
a choice."  I was getting angry with him now.

Finally so much blood was coming out of my wrist and began
to fill his mouth, so he was forced to either drink or waste it.  I
clamped my teeth shut to keep the moan inside of me.  Grayson feeding from
me was very sensual and it did very good things to my body that I really needed
to deny.

I was amazed at how much better he looked after just a
minute of feeding.  He sat up now and moved out of my arms, that made me
feel cold and lonely, but I quickly squashed the feeling.

"Kat, I'm serious, you have to leave.  That Aaron
demon will be coming here soon.  He knows where you are now." He
looked at me helplessly.

"It will all be fine Gray; I can handle Aaron, its
Damien coming tomorrow night that worries me."  I smiled at him, not
expecting him pale like he did.

"But you don't have full powers yet, you haven't turned
21 yet?"  He looked exasperated at the thought of what I just said.

"Aw Gray, you remembered my birthday, I'm
flattered."  I touched his knee, joking with him made this feel more

He grabbed my wrist then and gave me a look that sobered my
joking mood.

"Kat, stop this.  I know what you do when you're
scared and besides you know I wouldn't forget your birthday.  What are you
planning?"  He looked deep in my eyes searching for my plan, but I
wouldn't let him in because he would simply try and stop me.

"Come on, let’s go see the others and calm their
suspicions before they go insane." I stood and waited for him to get up
and follow me.

He shook his head in disbelief and rose to stand in front of
me.  Looking into my eyes once more and determining I would not relent he
gave up and said, "Fine lead the way."

I nodded and walked back to the house.  I was at war
with myself, I really wanted to talk to him and tell him about my plan, but I
knew I couldn't.  He would have to believe what I was doing when the time
came, that I was betraying my first true friend.

The wolves had changed back and were sitting on the porch
steps, just waiting and watching.  Everyone seemed to steer clear of the
back yard, so there were a lot of people on my porch.  I could only hope
that the demon mists were not showing what was happening here to the

I addressed the Chief first, since Jace had already seen
Grayson in his vision; he knew what he looked like.

"Chief Sandalio this is Grayson Marx, the vampire. 
Grayson Marx this is Chief Sandalio, the alpha of the wolves."  I
made a hand motion to each one, introducing them.

The Chief stepped forward and held his hand out to shake
Grayson’s, who took it gingerly.

"It's good to finally meet you Mr. Marx.  My tribe’s
seer has spoken of you and so has Ms. Katilyns prophet.  I'm pleased to
have you by my side in this war." He smiled as Grayson finally gave him a
whole hearted shake.

"Well I can’t say I've heard about you, but since you
are helping Kat, I am glad that you are on our side and I'll be proud to fight
beside you." Grayson commented back.

They seemed to have an understanding and for that I was I
was grateful, now to get Grayson and Jace on the same page.  That was
going to be a harder thing to accomplish.

"Grayson this is Jace Matthews, the prophet I told you
about."  I had to be careful with these two; I wasn't certain how
they were going to react to one another, especially after the conversation in
Grayson’s mind.

"Ah, so you are the prophet that almost killed the only
hybrid witch on planet earth.  Well for your sake you had better be glad
that she is damn near invincible, otherwise I believe that I would have to kill
you right about now." Grayson growled out at Jace, now I had to step in.

"Grayson Marx, you watch your tone.  He did save
my life after that incident.  If he hadn't seen it in a vision I would
have died."  I really don't know why I was butting in; I just didn't
feel like he had to berate Jace like that right now.

Jace only shrugged his shoulders and brushed it off. 
"Don't worry about it Katilyn, he's just pissed off at himself.  He's
mad at himself because he wasn't there to protect you." Jace said with
acid in his voice and crossed his arms over his chest.

"How dare you!" Grayson yelled at him, and that in
turn made the wolves stand up behind Jace.

"You know nothing about me and why I wasn't here for
her.  You're a prophet of the future; you can’t see the past and what it’s
done." Grayson seethed with anger.

I had to stop this, men and their damn egos.  I stepped
between them and held my arms out separating them.

"STOP it!" I said a little louder than my normal
talking tone, but I was not yelling at these idiots.  They both stopped
their bickering with each other and looked at me.

"We are all on the same side here.  We have bigger
issues than bruised egos.  We have to prepare for Aaron to come, I'm sure
he is already working a plan out since Affinia has reported back to him. 
Quit acting like you're in a pissing contest and get over yourselves
already."  I dropped my arms then, disgusted at them both and headed

I heard footsteps following me in the house, but I didn't
stop until I made it to the living room.  I kept my back to the room while
I listened to people file in and sit down.  I listened to the breathing of
the wolves, it was just a little faster than a humans.  Then I heard Jace,
he was taking long, slow breaths, calming himself down.  Then there was
Grayson whose breaths come out about every two minutes.  Just listening to
the slow intake of his breath and the very slow beat of his heart, only three
times in a minute, calmed me down, despite he was one of the reasons I was
pissed off.  After not hearing it for so long and having it just this
short amount of time, it was like water to a dying man.  I would miss it
once I left with Aaron.

"We're all here Ms. Katilyn." The Chief addressed
me letting me know that I could speak my piece now.

I took another moment to compose myself and my thoughts;
actually I just wanted to delay this talk.  I really needed Aaron to show
up, like right now and get me out of here.  It was hard being around all
these people, looking for my leadership, and me knowing that I was going to
betray them.  Then add Gray to the mix and my mind and heart were battling
one another and that was resulting in my emotions being whacked out.  At
this rate I would have some seriously haywire magic once he did show up to
confront me and it would be useless for me to even think about fighting.

My mind kept telling me to not love Grayson or even feel for
him, that he did not and would not feel that way about me.  But my heart,
it ached and felt like it would break into a million pieces because of how I
felt for him.  I had loved him with all that I had, I had bared my heart
and soul to him and he simply stomped on it.  My love for him was like
that Adele song, he held my heart in the palm of his hand and he played it to
the beat, and now I spend my life hiding my heart away.  I hate and love
when music fits my life.  It’s like someone else feels my exact pain and
I'm glad, but also sad that someone else has to feel that also.

"Kat, are you okay?" Grayson asked quietly. 
There was nothing to be done; I had to lock my heart away, forever this time.

When I turned to face them, I was fully composed and even
Grayson wouldn't be able to crack me.

"I'm fine, just a lot to take in.  I don't know
how much we can prepare for Aaron and his crew so it’s more of be ready for
anything tactic.  Since he isn't really trying to see my downfall I can’t
guarantee that all the cloaked wolves will be cloaked to him." 
Matter of fact, I know they would not be.  Since he is actually helping me
they would be perfectly visible to him.

"I do know that no one should attack first.  If
it's a battle with me he wants, then fine he will have it.  Do not step in
no matter what happens.  Chief Sandalio, I need you to understand that he
simply challenges me; I do not want any of your pack hurt trying to save the
day.  I am the one he seeks; I will be the one to deal with him. 
Also, I don't want anyone saying we cheated and struck first, I hate
that."  I looked to him and he nodded his head in agreement.

I looked to Jace then, "Same plan as before.  You
are to keep your ass on the porch, do not step off, not even a toe.  Just
a tidbit past that ward and any dark creature will be able to snatch you up and
use you against me.  And I cannot, nor will I risk your life in this
battle.  You are too important to me; I need you to stay alive. 
Don't give me that petulant child look!   You must stay safe, swear
to me or I will put a sleeping spell on you."  I was getting testy

"Fine, I'll stay on the porch and not get in your
way." He replied like a moping ten year old would.

I looked to Grayson then, boy he was not going to like what
I was going to say, but like I give a shit.

"Grayson, the same goes for you" I told him

"The hell I will, I can fight!" he growled back.

"Yeah, well I don't care.  You will stay on the
porch or in the house with Jace.  There has been a vision that uses him
and you to bait me into going with Aaron.  I don't need that
happening.  If I can protect the both…" but my speech was cut short
by me grabbing my head and falling to my knees.

Grayson was by me in a flash, "What's wrong?" he asked

"Alarm in my head, they're here and by the alarm, he
brought quite a few friends with him." I had to squeeze my eyes shut; the
sound was so loud and long.  It took me a moment to silence it and then to
also clear my head.

I shook my head as I stood back up, my feet were unsteady
and Gray helped stabilize me.  The look he gave me shook me again, but I
held the walls closed around my heart.  I straightened myself and walked
past him to the front door.

Outside was a sight to behold.  Aaron stood front and
center of his small army.  Affinia was behind him to his right and
Jackman, the dirty rat bastard demon was on his left.  Behind them were at
least 50 dark creatures.

Aaron had vampires, trolls, goblins, witches, and even some
faeries along with his demons.  The demons were all low to mid-level, so I
wasn't too concerned.  I just hoped my team would follow my command.

Jace and Grayson stood on either side of me then the Chief
stood on the right beside Grayson, with his pack falling in behind him.

"So your lover finally gave you away.  I have to
say I'm a bit surprised that you didn't flee with him again." Aaron
announced so cockily and boldly.

I just stared at him, I knew we had to make this real
looking, but that was a low blow, even for him.

"If you recall, I fled alone the last time you got
close.  In fact I've been alone for the last three years.  And
besides I don't have a lover, so far no one has been brave enough to try
me." I said back just as cocky.

I thought about what I had said and I knew that would hit
Gray, but so be it.  He had to believe that I was over him and that I was
alone and strong.

"Well I guess it's a good thing then, because I would
have to kill the pathetic one if he had.  You are betrothed to me, you
have belonged to me for twenty years and I believe that I should finally claim
what is mine." He gave me a half-cocked grin that I so badly wanted to
knock right off his gorgeous face.  The demon bastard was pushing this a
little too much.

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