Hells Royalty The Princess (23 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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To think that Grayson had been right about this all along,
boy was I not ever going to tell him that.  He can just stay curious as to
how I figured it out; I would not be giving him the pleasure of knowing that he
was right.

The more I came to terms with what I was saying the stronger
the connection to that side of me I felt.  I could feel my powers changing
and things that had obviously been bottled up this whole time felt like they
were being poured throughout my body.  I felt like I was on overload and I
couldn't handle that much energy in my body without needing to route some of
the energy to a different source.  My body was both on fire and being
doused in ice at the same time.  Geez, I hope that it doesn't always feel
like this, otherwise I will not be using any of the dark powers that I
have.  Just when I was feeling like I was about to explode from the
buildup of pressure it all disappeared and I felt at peace.  I didn't feel
more evil than before, yes I felt a new source of power in me, but I didn't
feel like it was a bad thing.  I think that I would be able to do this;
keep both powers in check and stay the same in my mind, even if I couldn't stay
the same magically.

I would have to try some new powers, but didn't have any
time to really test drive these new abilities and see what I was capable
of.  I would have to wing it and just do what I suspected that I should
do.  It's like she said, I was the daughter of a witch and Lucifer and I
could do anything.

I grabbed my bag and stood in the center of the room. 
I was going to have to figure out how to transport myself back to my room at my
house.  I doubted there was a spell for this kind of stuff, more like you
think it and it happens sort of power.

I thought of what my bedroom looked like.  The blue and
red quilt that covered my bed, the candles all over and the lace curtains that
hung in front of my wall of windows.  The room was catered for me, I had
created a space that was all mine and would regenerate my powers.  I
thought directly about my bed and how it felt to lie on it, the softness of the
quilt and the fluffiness of the pillows.

As I thought about all of this I started to feel different
in my body, at first it heated up and when I thought I was going to burst into
flames, I was dunked in a tub of ice.  That was the dark powers kicking it
I supposed.  As my body adjusted itself to the temperature, I realized
that I was no longer standing.  I was indeed lying down and staring up at
a ceiling.  I had to blink my eyes a few times for them to adjust, even
then it was still blurry and I had a hard time hearing anything, because there
was a loud ringing in my ears.  I sat up to find myself sitting in my bed
staring at the window wall which just so happened to have Grayson Marx sitting
right in front of it.

Well damn, the one person I was not ready to see yet.

"What the hell were you thinking?" He asked me in
a tone that said he was all kinds of pissed off at me.



Time ceases to exist when you have no clue what time of day
it is, or month, or season. When a witch loses touch with the earth she loses
her sense of belonging and I couldn't even tell you how long ago I lost mine.

I have been in this steel prison cell for I don't even know
how long, a year maybe. When my magic was finally drained and I couldn't
replenish it with the earth I lost all sense of time and reason. I had tried
desperately to use any form of magic, even my demon power's to get out of it,
but it was no use. Whoever had captured me knew how to block my abilities and
they also knew that I would not be able to use magic once I exhausted all my
energy. I was pretty sure I was in Hell, but if I was why hadn't Damien come
for me yet?

I only stayed sane in here because of my memories, they kept
me from losing what little bit of myself that I had left. I held on to the last
time I was with Grayson and my friends. They were like my family now and
without them I was lost. We had just won a battle and we were ecstatic, our
faith in one another restored at last. The wolves and Jace were cooking a
celebratory dinner while I went upstairs to clean the blood and goo off me. I
was thrilled, we had one yet another battle, we were stronger as a team now and
so far we were keeping away from Damien till he was really ready for me.
Nothing could have been better and we all knew it. I had just gotten dressed and
walked out of the bathroom to find Grayson on my bed. He smiled at me and I
smiled back.

"You know you were amazing out there, I've never seen
you more beautiful." Grayson was talking to me but looking at the floor.

"Gray really you don't..." I started but he cut me

"Kat I know I don't have to but something tells me I
had better tell you how I feel before I don't have a chance to. Katilyn Wesson,
I love you. I have since the day that I met you. I know I was a stubborn ass
and didn't give us a chance, but I want to now. I love you and I don't ever
want to know what it's like living without you again."

But before I could answer him a black mist swirled around me
and suffocated me, the next thing I know I woke up in this cell. I am living
each day with that memory and the hope that I will see him again so I can tell
him that I love him too and that I want nothing more than to give us a chance.


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