Hells Royalty The Princess (16 page)

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Authors: Jessica Wennberg

BOOK: Hells Royalty The Princess
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The wolves were depending on me and so was Jace.  He
had complete faith that I could win this war; I on the other hand didn't have
so much faith in that.

"We must form a plan again; the previous one will not
work.  I will leave 4 of my sentries to keep watch, they will let us know
if anything changes.  Joseph, Nick, Braxton, and Michael take the four
corners and stay super vigilant."  The Chief nodded to four giants
and they nodded back before heading in different directions.

I decided the living room would make a better war room so
that's where I headed.  Jace followed me and sat down next to me on the

I ran through different tactics and plans but nothing seemed
to work, because I had no clue what I was facing.

I was certain this was all because of Damien and he was
someone I was not ready to face.  Why did I have to let these people in my
life?  I could be gone right now.

"So these demons cannot be fought in this form? 
How do we fight them then?"  A young looking boy asked from by the

The Chief stood then, "We can fight them in their true
form.  It will just take more of us to take out one.  We will
probably need 3 or 4 to overtake just one low level.  But when they
finally do show their true forms we will be able to attack them." The
Chief sounded so strong about this.  I was glad that he showed so much
faith in his pack.

"Ms. Katilyn, how many do you suppose you can
take?" Phelan asked me, he had a slight tone of doubt in his voice.

I thought about what demons were out there, their abilities,
and then thought about my own abilities.  Time for me to brag I guess.

"Before my powers get to weak I will be able to take
out all 6 mid-level demons and at least 7 of the low levels, but I would get
extremely low on powers.  Those 13 would drain me, but I could recharge
faster if I wasn't completely on empty." I told them simply because it was
really nothing.

I could hear murmurs all around the room, some were in awe
and others sounded like a lot of insecurities in my statement.  I didn't
really care what they thought about my abilities and if I was actually capable
of doing what I said I could.  I knew my limits and what I was capable of

The Chief looked at me long and hard, I guess trying to
determine if what I was saying was the truth.  I guess he decided he liked
what he saw because he smiled and nodded his head at me.

Jace touched my arm then, I turned to look at him, but he
wasn't focused on me, he was stuck in a vision.

I placed my hand over his and just waited for him to come out
of it.  Everyone else also waited with complete silence.

About 10 minutes had passed when he moved his hand
underneath mine.

"Katilyn, he's coming.  Damien will be here
tomorrow night, you have to leave." He said in a tight voice, which was
then overrun with shouts from the wolves.

There were shouts of shock, disbelief, and lots of angry
ones about my leaving.  Great why did he have to say that out loud?

The Chief yelled out for them to settle down and instantly
you could hear a pin drop.

"Let him speak before you go and jump to conclusions
about what is going on." He told them in his deep, commanding tone.

"Jace think long and hard about your vision. 
Repeat it to me just how it happened." I was talking to him like you would
talk to a wild animal.

"Damien, Lilim, and some other demon, I think they
called him Abbadon.  They all showed up together, and it was tomorrow
night.  They ambushed us; there was no fighting chance against them. 
You didn't have full powers and you didn't fare so well against him.  It
was horrible, he said that he decided that you would be too difficult to try
and forces to live his way so he decided that he should just kill you
instead.  He simply snapped his fingers and you fell over dead." Jace
looked at me as white as rice.  I could tell that he was now terrified of
this world he had been thrown into.

I placed my hand on his cheek and looked into his eyes, I
was proud of myself for successfully holding back my tears.

"Jace, it'll be okay.  We will come up with
something; don't forget we have a lot of minds here.  And besides I
believe that the future can always be changed, no matter what." I kissed
his cheek and then stood.

I looked to the Chief, he was saddened at this new vision,
so was I.  I had never thought he would kill me, take me hostage and
torture me yes, but kill me.

"I'm not leaving, I am not going anywhere.  I just
need some space to sort out this new vision.  You know it kind of hits
hard when you've just been told how you will die and when it will actually take
place." I smiled at him, giving him my best smile.  I could only hope
that he still believed that I knew what I was doing.

"I understand it's a lot to take in.  Go, take
your time.  We will be here waiting for you when you are ready to
talk." He stood and pulled me into a tight hug, it felt like something a
father would do.  At that I really had to reign in my emotions.

Here was this man, being sad at what was predicted for me,
and that prediction was my own father killing me.  It did a number on my

I could only nod and that's what I did.  I pulled away
and headed up the stairs.  I did my best to look forward and avoid the
pity and sympathy stares.  I made it to my room and shut the door.  I
immediately placed a sound barrier spell on the room, I did not want the wolves
hearing me crying or screaming because of my terror at my new destiny.

I paced the room a nervous wreck.  Two days that's all
I had till my whole life came to a sudden halt.  How could I be so
unprepared for this?  This is what I have been preparing for my whole
life.  Damien was coming for me in two days’ time!

What was I going to do?  How could I get past Damien
and survive this?  Why Aaron couldn’t have found me first?  At least
with him I wouldn't have to worry about being dead.

I screamed out, frustrated at where my life was at
now.  All the running I had been doing for all these years and it comes
down to still being caught before I have my full powers.

"This is bullshit!  I need better help!" I
stomped over to my locker and got out all my candles.

I poured a large salt circle, big enough for two people, on
the floor and then placed myself and my candles in it.  With a wave of my
hand the candles were lit and the room lights were off.

I sat down and centered myself, what I was about to do was
insane and reckless and I needed all the strength I could muster to get it

I had to reach out to the one person I did not want to
see.  I focused my mind on his eyes and his face.  I thought only of
having him there in the circle with me.  I needed him there by my side,
regardless of our current relationship.

I felt my body getting hot from the power of the spell and
then I felt the shift in the air as his body formed beside me.

He was struggling, fighting me so I wouldn't bring him here.

"Stop resisting me" I called out to him and then
focused harder on those eyes.

When I finally felt the air settle around me I opened my
eyes.  Looking up I saw the same ice blue eyes staring back at me that I
had pictured in my mind.

"I'm here" he stated and smiled at me with his
arrogant smile.  Aaron and his cocky attitude were standing right before
me, in my bedroom.

Chapter 14
--What have I stepped into?


He smiled at me and it did weird things to my insides,
things that I did not agree with.

"Sweet Katilyn, you called me remember?  There’s
nothing I wouldn't do for you?  So why did you call me here?" he said
simply, but his voice was full of awe.

"Yes, I did call you, but why did you fight it at
first?"  I asked him confused at his reaction.

"Well I didn't know it was you.  I don't know any
witches that have the power to call me like that and I never expected you to
call me.  Although I can say I am rather pleased about this turn of
events." He smiled coyly.

"Of course you don't know any witches who could do that.
I'm different and I need your help."  I told him as a matter of fact.

He just stood there for a moment, I guess debating my
question, and then he stepped closer.

"What do you need help with?  What is so big that
you, the one who despises me would actually ask me for help?" he looked
skeptically at me then.

I looked around the room then and thought about what I was
doing?  Aaron followed my eyes, looking at my room also.

"I've put a sound spell on my room; no one can hear
anything that goes on in here.  Can you promise me that you will not
reveal my plan to anyone on your side and I mean no one?  No vampires, no
demons, no witches?" I looked at him with hope instead of the fear I had
been harboring.  If this was going to work I would have to almost trust him,

"Do you have an Athame?" he asked me, I nodded

"Then let me make a blood oath to you." He was so
sure of himself.

I handed it to him and he sliced the palm of his right hand
and handed it back to me.  I then did the same thing to my right palm. 
I put the athame down and we placed our palms together, locking our fingers.

"I, Aaron Arnost, swear that what Katilyn Wesson is
about to tell me I will take to my grave.  I shall in no way reveal her
plan to anyone at any time.  If I do she has the right to take my life
without consequence." He looked right in my eyes not wavering in his words
or promise.

"I, Katilyn Wesson, accept the promise of Aaron Arnost
and will hold him to the terms of his promise."  I felt our hands
warm up and our blood mix together to seal our oath.

We dropped our hands and looked at one another for a moment
and I could finally see the love that he had for me in his eyes.  I
couldn't deny that he truly loved me; I just think that his love was based in
other areas.

"Now what is going on Katilyn?  What has you
seeking out me for help?" He stepped closer to me then, I could feel the
heat between us and it caused me to take a breath.  That breath brought in
his cool, ocean water smell, which had a hint of crisp linen scent to it also,
and that smell made me somewhat lightheaded.

"Damien" was the one word that I said and I could
see everything fall in place by the fear that crossed his face.

"He's found you then?  I'm guessing he hasn't made
an appearance yet or you wouldn't be here" he said looking up and down my
body.  He had a sad tone to his voice laced with worry.

"No according to my prophet, he will be here tomorrow
night.  He's already sent banshees, goblins, and vampires to wear my magic
down.  In fact I have a lot of low and mid-level demon forms floating in
my back yard as we speak.  They are between planes right now so there is
absolutely nothing I can do about them."  I told him exasperated at
my situation.

He rubbed his hands up and down my arms; I was surprised at
his move and my lack of movement.  It actually felt okay, wasn't like
Grayson good, but it was starting to feel comfortable, like I didn't have to be
so afraid.  What the hell am I thinking????

"You have a prophet?  I'm impressed, how did you
find him?" he asked, genuinely curious.

"He actually found me, crashed into in a car
wreck.  I wasn't looking for a prophet; you know I like to work
alone.  In fact I rather prefer it and right now it is bothering me that I
have let so many people get close to this situation.  He was meant to find
me and to help me with these battles and the war actually."  I told
him without giving too much information about Jace.

"Ok, that's different.  Well he has already
helped; he's told you when Damien will be here to collect you so that is
something pretty amazing.  Alright you said you have a plan, let's hear
it." He said sitting down on the bed.

I took a breath and started my plan.

"Without help Damien is going to kill me.  He has
decided that I am too much trouble and he won’t be able to break me in the
Underworld to do his bidding.  I don't want to die like that Aaron! 
I want to make a deal with you; will you be willing to deal with me?" I
asked him, hoping the part about me dying and not wanting to would help convince
him to deal with me, and hopefully on my terms.

He was trying to think about what I had said and how he
could manipulate the deal we would be making.  He's a demon, that's what
demons do they trick and manipulate any and all situations.

"Let’s hear the deal and your plan then.  Go ahead
and impress me with your inventiveness." He said simply not giving
anything away with the sound of his voice.

"The deal is you will come for me tonight with Affinia
and Grayson.  We will have our "words"" I air quoted the
words part.  "But in the end I will agree to go with you under two
conditions.  One you leave my friends alone and safe, no one will come to
any harm and two you will call your bitch Affinia off Grayson.  She is to
leave him the hell alone.  Do you understand me?" I didn't explain
the rest of my plan, something’s I would tell him after he agreed and I went
with him and something’s were simply not going to be told to anyone.

"You will come with me, no tricks?  You will agree
to be my bride?" he raised an eyebrow at me as if in disbelief.

"I just said I would go with you, what more else is to
be said.  You can help keep me safe till I can come in my full
powers.  Once I do we can make a plan to take down Damien, he can’t be
killed, simply imprisoned.  He cannot be killed, if he is all dark
creatures will die and that includes me and you.  I can’t promise to be
your bride, I will not marry someone I do not love or even like.  You
don't even really know me; you only know what our parents wanted from us. 
I can’t love you Aaron, at least not any time soon.  Things have not been
on the right track between us, but if you can help me we will work on making a
friendship.  That is the best that I can promise."  Ok I admit
that some of that was probably never going to happen and we would never be
married.  I didn't really even want to be his friend, but I would settle
for an ally right now.

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