Her Wild Bear (11 page)

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Authors: Heather West

BOOK: Her Wild Bear
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Chapter 17


Tawny shivered violently, her mind reeling with horrified thoughts as the evening crickets serenaded the battalion’s march back into Woods Creek. The only other sounds were the muffled moans of injured men and the occasional breeze in the treetops. The air was warm and humid that night, but still sh
shake the evil chill she felt in the air, even while wearing Kyle’s coat. As they strode down along the rough and narrow road Kyle took her hand cautiously, leading her into a small stone church building near the edge of town. She felt his touch, his warmth, and yet she had to fight the urge to pull away.


“You’ll be safe here tonight,” Gary reassured Tawny as she followed the others into the large meeting room. “It’s too late tonight to go anywhere else.”


“I should call my parents,” Tawny said. She cringed as her voice echoed weakly from the walls. “I imagine they’re worried sick about me.”


“Your parents will be fine until morning,” Gary spoke in calm tones as he placed a soothing hand on her shoulder. She winced and shrank back involuntarily.


The air was thick and smothering. Tawny gazed around at the dark walls, the cold hearth, and the shadowy bar against the far wall. She turned to see Kyle’s concerned face as his eyes studied her. She tried desperately to offer a smile, but found herself struggling against confused tears.


“How are the others?” she asked him, her voice hoarse.


Kyle’s expression eased as she spoke. “They’re all okay. No one else was hurt; we’ve just all been searching to find you. And now… here you are.”


Tawny felt a cold sensation shrivel her insides as she looked around the dingy room once more. “Yes,” she agreed. “I’m here now.”


Thomas strode up to them, his shoulders hunched in feigned remorse. “I’m so sorry you had to endure all of this,” he apologized. “We have a place for both of you to stay where neither man nor beast can accost you. You can sleep soundly tonight.”


“What was he?” Tawny asked, her face scrunching with despair. “What kind of a creature was he?”


Thomas gave a long, deep sigh. He turned dramatically, then sat in a large chair near the fireplace. “That, my dear, was what they call a ‘berserker’. They’re a race... or rather, species... that dates back to the early Middle Ages. After the recent attacks I began researching this beast, and what I’ve found is quite chilling.


“It seems they broke off from the human race, I’m guessing as part of a deal with the devil, and each of them now possesses the power to become a bear at will.”


“How is that even possible?” Tawny prodded. She toppled into a stuffed chair, exhausted, while Kyle sat beside her.


“It must be through some evil means,” Thomas said, his tone low and foreboding. “At one time they would use this great ability to attack entire cities and lay waste to the inhabitants. They are vicious and cruel, and have no respect for human life.”


“But Matt seemed so caring,” Tawny sobbed. “He never hurt me, I swear!”


“He would have,” Gary interrupted. “He was only using you for his carnal needs. Once he had satisfied those, his hunger would have taken over.”


“You’re saying he would have eaten me?” Tawny yelped.


“Probably not,” Thomas huffed, giving Gary a warning glare. “It seems they don’t actually eat people — usually. But he was bound to turn violent with you. These creatures are known to despise people.”


“We were just telling Kyle last night about an attack on some kids who were camping nearby,” Gary explained. “Every one of them was torn into pieces.”


“We don’t mean to seem melodramatic,” Thomas added with a shrug. “But you were in a great deal of danger. We had no choice but to rescue you.”


Tawny stared at the floor in dismay. The memories of his touch and his love engulfed her. But now the precious moments were tainted with the image of him standing there as a ferocious bear, his huge jowls glistening with the drool that dripped from his deadly fangs. She looked over to see Gary busying himself with starting a fire in the hearth.


“Why didn’t we kill him when we had the chance?” Kyle blurted out. “He was helpless, and we just let him go.”


Tawny’s skin felt cold. She rubbed at her arms and rocked softly back and forth in the chair.


“That’s actually what I wanted to talk with you two about,” Thomas said quietly. He leaned back into his recliner, a comfortable expression coming over him. “We need your help now. I’m sure it’s not too much to ask, considering we just saved your life.”


“My help?” Tawny stared at him in bewilderment. “What do you need my help for?”


The first flames of the fire began to warm the room, tossing eerie shadows around the walls.


“This bear of yours was by himself,” Thomas noted, “but these berserkers don’t usually live alone, and I’m fairly certain this one doesn’t. Did he mention a clan of some sort when you were with him?”


Tawny swallowed, then nodded.


“I thought so,” Thomas gloated. “We need to find them and eradicate the entire bunch.”


“No,” Tawny gasped. She stood up and faced him defiantly. “You can’t do that. I’m safe now, and there’s no need for more violence.”


“I quite disagree,” Thomas laughed, his voice reverberating through the room. “I think there’s a need for much more violence. There is a great deal of vengeance to be had.”


Tawny’s face contorted in distaste and she sat down on the edge of her chair. “I don’t know where his family is anyway. And if I did, I wouldn’t tell you. I’m done with all of this. I’m going home in the morning, and I don’t want to ever hear about any of this again.”


Kyle awkwardly started to put an arm around her shoulders, but she pulled away from him and he backed off.


“Oh, but you will help us,” Thomas grinned. The fire was roaring beside him, his eyes lost in wicked shadows as the light danced across his face. “We need to eradicate this menace; we have no other choice. And we need you to give us a hand, my dear.”


He looked around the room at the other men, all eagerly watching him. “Actually,” he corrected himself, “I think just a finger will do.”


Laughter rippled through the room.


Tawny offered her middle finger. “Will this one work?”


“Perfectly,” Thomas grinned. “Rodney? Would you and Charles there do the honors for me?”


Tawny gasped as the two brawny men grasped her by the arms. Kyle started to get up, but another gruff man stepped in front of him, shoved him back into his chair, and stood over him.


Tawny squirmed and struggled against her assailants, but they dragged her across the room and slapped one of her hands down onto the rough wood of the bar. She screamed in fear the entire way, but they only smiled.


Thomas calmly stood and made his way over to the other side of the bar. He bent down and pulled a large blade from under the counter.


“No!” Tawny screeched. “I’ll help you, I swear to God I will! I’ll do whatever you want. Please don’t hurt me.” She began to sob as she begged, her body shaking violently as she felt fear and weakness pouring through her. She yanked frantically at her hand, but Charles and Rodney held it firmly in place, their rugged hands clasping down hard on her wrist and forearm.


Thomas separated out her index finger from the others, wedging the tip of the knife between the index and middle fingers.


“Oh God!” Tawny cried, her voice trembling in horror. “Please don’t do this, I’m begging you! Please!”


She could hear Kyle screaming at them from across the room, and the dread in his voice only added to her panic. “I’ll do anything you want — I can give you money!” she pleaded. “Dear God! I’ll have sex with you! I’ll…” She hesitated for only a second, “I’ll suck your dick — whatever you want! Anything! Please!” She writhed in vain desperation, the blood draining from her face as she stared at the gleaming knife, poised and waiting.


“Wait,” Gary moved in across the bar and laid a hand over Thomas’s. The huge man stared down at him with an impatient glare.


“Is the finger thing really necessary?” Gary persisted. “Isn’t having her here enough motivation?”


“I don’t know,” Thomas shrugged. “But I don’t want to have to go out to see this beast more than once. It’s a long trip.”


“You’re just going to take one of the horses anyway,” Gary rolled his eyes. “Don’t be a pussy about it. If he doesn’t tell you on your first trip out, then you can take one of her fingers with you on the next trip. I don’t want to be stuck with cleaning up a bloody mess on the bar if I don’t have to.”


“Fine,” Thomas muttered, pulling the knife away.


Charles and Rodney released Tawny and she dropped to the hard floor, clutching her bruised arm to her chest.


“But if he doesn’t cooperate, I’m taking her whole dammed hand,” Thomas growled.


“Fine,” Gary said with a shrug. “That sounds fair.”


“What?” Tawny gasped, the feeling returning to her legs now.


Thomas stepped around the bar and stared down at her, his eyes cold and bitter. “And,” he muttered hoarsely, “don’t think I wasn’t listening to your other offers, young lady.”


An icy terror filled her chest. She pushed herself up and onto her feet, her body shaking, watching him as he took a step closer. His brow furrowed and she could see the frustration festering behind his dark eyes.


Tawny didn’t see his fist coming until she felt it strike her jaw. Thomas’s punch knocked her down onto her back; the room swirled around her.


“Get her back up,” Thomas demanded, and she felt strong arms pull her from the floor.


“No, please,” Tawny gasped, trying to put her hands up to protect herself. She cringed, her mouth throbbing, but a second punch never came. She opened her eyes and saw Thomas staring at her, watching the blood dribbling off her chin and down her front.


“Your shirt is leather,” Thomas said.


Tawny nodded fearfully.


“Is it his?” he demanded.


Tawny looked sharply away, trying to hide her terrified grimace. “Yes,” she finally admitted.


He looked down over the shirt. “That’s enough,” he finally said. “There’s plenty of her blood on the shirt now. Get it off of her and put it into a duffle bag for me.”


“What? No!” Tawny objected as she watched him trudge out the door. “Why?”


Tawny struggled desperately, but felt the dreadful humiliation of helplessness as the two men held her arms firmly behind her back. A third man stepped up and pulled out his bowie knife, slicing the shirt open from the bottom hem to the neckline.


“Stop!” she pleaded. She fought to break free, closing her eyes in horror as she felt her shirt fall open wide, all too aware of the sharp knife tip near her throat.


The warm air kissed her bare skin and they yanked the shirt down off her arms, one at a time. She fell, her upper body exposed to the entire room of men, and wrapped her arms around her breasts in an attempt to hide them. She felt their sneering glares and mocking grins, her stomach twisting into knots of despair inside of her. She closed her eyes, wanting it all to not be true, but she could hear them snickering and scoffing.


The men again grabbed her by the arms and she yelped as they pulled her to her feet. She tried to hold her hands over her large breasts, but was unable to keep them covered as they pulled her out of the room.


The men dragged her through a narrow dark wooden door in the entryway and down along steep stone steps. There were no windows in the basement, only naked bulbs glowing dimly on long black cords. They shoved her into a little room and locked a barred door behind her. Through the bars, she saw them pulling Kyle past, and could hear him being locked up in a room next to hers.

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