His Dark Embrace (18 page)

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Authors: Amanda Ashley

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: His Dark Embrace
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A choked cry issued from Desmarais’ lips as the demon’s teeth sank into his flesh.
Thorne was moving, too. With all the speed at his command, he grabbed a handful of the demon’s hair and hurled her against the wall. She hit it with a loud thud and a snarl and then simply disappeared.
Thorne stepped away from the bed. In all his 432 years as a vampire, he had never seen another supernatural creature disappear like that.
Desmarais sat up, one hand massaging his throat. “What the hell? Why’d you save ... ?”
“If anyone’s going to destroy you, I want it to be me.”
Desmarais stood. With a visible effort of will, he gathered his dignity around him. “This doesn’t change anything between us.”
“I didn’t think it would,” Thorne replied. “But if you’re still determined to take my head, you might want to be a little more circumspect in your choice of prey in the future.”
Desmarais glared at him.
With a wave of his hand, Thorne left the room.
The sound of Desmarais grinding his teeth in anger followed him out the door.
“A demon?” Skylynn exclaimed after inviting Kaiden into the house. “You saw a demon?” Good Lord, first vampires and now demons. Suddenly chilled, she sat on the sofa and drew her feet underneath her. “Why didn’t you kill it?”
“I didn’t have the time or the proper incantation.” Thorne sat on the other end of the sofa, his legs stretched out in front of him. “It isn’t easy, you know. You need to use the proper words for an exorcism. Besides, she wasn’t your ordinary, run-of-the-mill succubus. I’ve never known one to drink blood.”
“A blood-drinking succubus,” Sky muttered. “What next? Flying monkeys? Giant ants? Aliens from outer space? Werewolves?” She was babbling, but she couldn’t seem to stop, couldn’t wrap her mind around the possibility that there might be worse things than vampires lurking in the dark.
Suddenly chilled, she rubbed her hands up and down her arms, then took a deep breath. “What are you going to do about Desmarais?”
“Wait and see what his next move will be, I guess.”
“I can’t believe you saved his life,” she muttered, and then clapped her hand over her mouth as she realized how bloodthirsty that sounded. She had never wished anyone ill before. She believed it was a sin to take a human life. There were exceptions, of course, like self-defense or to protect one’s home and family but, by and large, murder was morally wrong. Where did that leave Thorne? How many lives had he taken in his long existence? And why did she have to think about that now?
“I’m supposed to be the bloodthirsty one in our twosome,” Thorne remarked dryly.
“I can’t believe I said that. I’ve never wished anyone was dead before.”
“You’re probably right. I should have destroyed him.” He rubbed a hand over his jaw. “He’s made no secret of the fact that he intends to kill me.”
“I can’t really blame him. I killed his wife years ago. He’s never forgiven me for that.”
“His wife?” She couldn’t disguise the horror in her voice. “Why did you do that?”
“I did what I had to do to survive.”
“But ... a woman. How could you?”
“Marie Desmarais was a vampire hunter and a damn good one. It was her life or mine.”
“He had a wife? I thought he was a monk.”
“Apparently her death hit him hard. For a time, he sought refuge in a monastery rumored to welcome retired hunters. I’m not sure if any of the other slayers who reside there are avowed monks or not. As for Desmarais, whether he’s priest or vampire, he’ll always be a slayer at heart. Nothing will change that.”
“Let me get this straight. Desmarais was a hunter, then a monk, and now he’s a vampire?”
“Yeah. And no matter what hat he’s wearing, he wants me dead.”
Skylynn shook her head, more amazed than ever that Kaiden had saved the man’s life.
“Are there other vampires living in Vista Verde?”
Thorne’s brow went up in silent mockery at her use of the word
And then he shook his head. “No, I’m the only one who maintains a permanent residence in the town at the moment.” There were vampires in surrounding cities, but he thought Sky would rest easier without that knowledge.
Sky closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Not long ago, she had been blissfully unaware that there were unearthly creatures in the world. Her life, though plagued by sorrow, had been rather mundane. Now, in a matter of weeks, all that had changed.
She had learned that Kaiden was a vampire, and before she had fully come to terms with that inconceivable reality, he had informed her that not only were there vampires, but demons, as well. What other monsters lurked out there in the shadows?
Thorne didn’t have to read her mind to know what she was thinking. It was clearly written on her face—the shock, the disbelief. Life was easier when you didn’t know that the scary creatures of myth and legend were real. No doubt she was wishing she could turn the clock back to a time when she believed monsters were make-believe.
As one of those monsters, there were times when Thorne wished he, too, could return to that state of blissful ignorance.
Chapter 22
Thorne draped his arm across the back of the sofa, his gaze on Skylynn’s face. She was staring at the fireplace, her expression troubled. Life was easier when you didn’t know the monsters were real. He resisted the urge to read her mind. If she was going to tell him good-bye, he didn’t want to know about it any sooner than he had to. The thought of losing her, of never seeing her smile or hearing her laugh, never touching her again, was beyond bearing.
He had endured a lot of misery in the last four hundred years. Even though his parents had disowned him, he had mourned their passing. Love them or hate them, they had given him life. As a vampire, he had never let himself fall in love, but he had watched many men and women he had grown fond of leave this world. It wasn’t easy, watching people you cared about wither and die, and after a while he had refused to care too deeply.
He had kept to himself, doing what he had to do to survive, occasionally mingling with others of his kind. For decades, he had lived a self-imposed solitary existence. Until he moved back to Vista Verde and became acquainted with Paddy and his grandchildren. He had watched Sam and Skylynn grow up and taken pride in their accomplishments.
If he lost Skylynn now, after sharing his life with her, after making love to her, he wasn’t sure he would be strong enough to survive the loss.
“Sky Blue, talk to me.”
With a sigh, she turned to face him. “I don’t know what to say. It all sounds so far-fetched. I’m not sure how to feel or what to think.”
“That’s understandable,” he said, careful to keep his voice impassive. “Nobody likes to think there are flesh-and-blood monsters in the world.”
She stared at him, and then frowned. “You’re not a monster, Kaiden.”
“No? I’ve done some pretty monstrous things in my day.”
“So, that’s how you think of yourself?”
“Not when I’m with you.” Gaining his feet, he moved toward the hearth. He stood with his back toward her, one hand braced against the mantel. “If you knew some of the things I’ve done ...”
“It doesn’t matter,” she said quickly, and then, when he didn’t answer right away, she added, “It’s all in the past. Isn’t it?”
He nodded, but didn’t turn to face her.
“I know what I’ve done. I know what I’m capable of. When I started reverting, after Paddy’s potion wore off ... you don’t know how hard it was to control the urge to kill. You don’t know”—his voice fell to a whisper—“how badly I wanted to drink from you and never stop.” He shook his head. “I’ve been kidding myself, thinking I can control what I am and keep you safe.”
“I’m not afraid. I know you won’t hurt me.”
“I wish I could be as sure.” Earlier, he had considered what it would be like to live without her now that he’d come to know her so well. Now that he loved her. And loving her, he realized that every moment she spent with him put her life in danger.
“What are you trying to say?” Her voice broke on the last word because it sounded like he was working on good-bye. How could that be? After all they had been through, after the wonderful night they had spent in each other’s arms, surely he wasn’t planning to leave?
“I just want what’s best for you, Sky Blue, and I’m not sure it’s me.”
“You promised!” she cried, hating the note of desperation in her voice. “Look at me! You promised you wouldn’t leave me.”
He turned. Gazing down at her, he said, “Not exactly. I promised I wouldn’t leave without telling you good-bye.”
“Is that what you’re doing?” She blinked back her tears. “Is it?”
“Dammit, Sky ...” He scrubbed his hands over his face. How could he leave her when he wanted her so damn bad? When he loved her more than his own life?
How could he stay when he knew leaving was the best thing he could do for her?
How could he leave when she was looking at him like that, as if her heart was breaking?
“Ah, Sky. What the hell am I going to do with you?”
“Anything you want.”
He was across the floor in an instant, bending down, drawing her into his arms. This would have all been so much easier, so much safer for her, if he hadn’t run out of McNamara’s potion.
Skylynn pressed herself against him. It felt so good to be in his arms. He made her feel safe, secure. No matter what he said, she knew in her heart that he would never hurt her. It wouldn’t be easy, having a relationship with a vampire, but then, no relationship was easy. There were always differences that had to be ironed out, compromises that had to be made.
“Differences?” Thorne muttered. “Compromises? Sky, I’m a vampire, and you’re prey. We can’t negotiate the differences between us. I can’t conform my existence to yours. Any compromises that have to be made will have to be made by you. You realize that, don’t you?”
She nodded.
“Can you live with that? We’ll never be a normal couple. I can support you, but if we stay together, I think you should find a job. If you don’t want to work nine to five, then you should volunteer at a school or a hospital, someplace where you’ll be with other people. You need to get out and make friends. I don’t want you to spend your days sitting at home, waiting for me to rise.”
He put his forefinger under her chin, tilting her head up so he could see her face more clearly. “What are you thinking?”
“Don’t you know?”
“Actually, I do. That’s another thing you’ll have to live with. You won’t be able to have any secrets from me. I’ll always know what you’re thinking.”
“Even if I ask you not to read my mind?”
“It’s hard not to.” He caressed her cheek. “Sometimes it isn’t even necessary. What you’re thinking, feeling ...” He shrugged. “I can usually read it in your eyes. Like now.” His gaze moved over her face. “I hope you won’t regret your decision,” he said, and swept her into his arms.
“I can walk, you know,” Skylynn murmured.
“I know, but I like holding you. Have you got a problem with that?”
“No.” With a sigh, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder.
He carried her swiftly up the stairs, then paused on the landing. There were four doors. Three were closed.
Sky pointed at the open doorway.
Thorne carried her inside, then sat on the edge of the bed, cradling her to his chest. “If staying with me ever gets to be more than you can handle, if you ever regret your decision, I want you to promise to tell me.”
“I won’t ...”
His hand stilled her words. “Promise me, Skylynn.”
“Won’t you just read it in my mind?”
“I’m going to try not to do that anymore. Promise me, Sky.”
“All right, I promise. But it will never happen.”
“I love you, Sky Blue,” he said quietly. “I just hope you won’t hate me if things don’t work out.”
“I won’t. I do have one question, though?”
“What’s that?”
“Are you through trying to talk me out of this? Because I’m dying to make love to you.”
“Dying?” he repeated with a wry grin. “That’s a poor choice of words, don’t you think?”
“Kaiden, stop talking and kiss me.”
“Sky ...”
“Do you love me?”
“You know I do.”
“How much?”
“How much do you need?”
She laughed softly as she slid her hands under his shirt. “How much do you have?”
“I’d be happy to show you,” he said, and cupping her face in his hands, he kissed her as he slowly fell back on the bed, carrying her with him.
She liked being on top. Straddling his hips, she ran her hands over him, exploring the hard planes of his chest, the width of his shoulders, the corded muscles in his arms.
She ran her fingertips over his lips, then covered his mouth with her own.
Holding her gaze with his, he murmured, “It’s my turn now,” as he rolled over, carrying her with him, so that she lay beneath him.
He made love to her all through the night, every kiss, every caress, an unspoken declaration of his love for her.
And even as he made love to her, a little voice in the back of his mind warned him that he was putting her life in jeopardy.

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