His Ever After (Love Square) (27 page)

BOOK: His Ever After (Love Square)
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When my alarm goes off, and I have no new leads to go on, I curse and run my hands through my hair. This fucking sucks. And that fear that is sitting deep in the pit of my gut is only getting worse. I shut down my computer and grab my coat before heading home to Kara. I need to shake my mood before I get there. Tonight is going to be all about her.




I open the door and see that the lights are turned off in the living room and there is candlelight glowing from the dining room. I round the corner and stop dead in my tracks. My mouth hangs open and drool might even be dripping from my chin. The lights are dimmed and there are lit candles on the table. And there is a big, juicy steak sitting on a plate with a loaded, baked potato and a bottle of Sam Adams.

That isn’t what has me drooling though. It’s Kara sitting naked next to the steak, wearing only mile high stilettos. My cock is instantly hard as I scan her body. She could be the Viagra for any man alive over the age of ten. No blue pill required.

“I thought we could try something new,” she says with a mischievous grin on her face. “I’m instituting what I like to call Naked Dinner Time. I want you to sit here while I feed you.” She motions to a chair that is pulled away from the table. Her one foot is resting on the seat, opening her up and giving me a little peek at her pretty, pink pussy.

“You aren’t going to eat?” I ask, as I slowly make my way over to the table. She shakes her head and watches as I unbutton my shirt and throw it to the side. Next I take off my belt and undo my jeans, letting them fall to the floor before stepping out of them. When I reach for my boxers, she licks her lips and my cock twitches. She is so fucking hot sitting there naked, with the candlelight dancing on her creamy skin. I move closer, so I’m standing in front her of her. My fingers are itching to feel her.

“I already ate. This is for you, Jacob. Think of this as a thank you for caring enough to protect me –” I start to speak over her, but she reaches up and puts her fingers over my lips. “And as a thank you for respecting me and showing me that I can trust you.”

Her hands push on my shoulders, lowering me into the chair. I grip her hips and pull her to the edge of the table, spreading her legs wider. I lean in and kiss her softly beneath the small patch of curls there. Then I lap at her folds and take a taste of her. I groan in the back of my throat and start licking in earnest.

Kara pulls my hair and makes me stop what I’m doing. I look up at her with confusion. She’s panting and her eyes are glazed over. “I told you that this is for you. Not me. Let me take care of you.”

“Watching you get off is taking care of me. You taste better than any fucking steak,” I reply, attempting to go back to eating her out, but her hands pull harder.

“I said no. Either you behave or Naked Dinner Time comes to an end,” she threatens. Her face is showing that she means business, so I sit back in my chair and allow her to take control. I’d be a fool to ruin Naked Dinner Time.

Kara picks up the fork and knife and cuts a piece of steak before placing it to my lips. I open my mouth and groan as the flavors explode on my tongue. My hand travels up and down the leg she has rested on the arm of the chair while I eat. Kara continues feeding me, until the meal is mostly done. Each time she moves, I watch her breasts sway and her stomach muscles tighten. This might be the first time I’ve sat through an entire meal with a stiffy.

I reach out and swipe my finger through a glob of sour cream and smear it over her nipple. She gasps and looks from her chest to my face. I see hunger and lust reflected back at me in her dark and hooded eyes. I lean forward in my chair and lick the sour cream from her chest. Taking my time, sucking her nipple deep into my mouth, loving the noises she makes and the way her body is writhing.

When I release her tit with a pop, she smiles wickedly and swipes her finger through the remaining glob of sour cream on the plate. She then sinks to her knees and gently runs her finger up my cock from root to tip. Her tongue follows her finger, licking up the sour cream. My eyes want to close with the sensations, but I force them to stay open and watch as she continues to lick me like a popsicle, while her hand gently massages my balls. Kara and I have only slept together twice, and both times she never performed on me orally. I’m not going to miss a second of this.

When she lowers her mouth over me and takes my length deep into her throat, my hands fist in her hair. Holy shit, that’s fucking amazing! The little gag she makes when I’m buried deep in her throat is fucking erotic. It is way better than knowing she can deep throat like a champ. It means she isn’t used to doing this, but that she wants to please me.

Using my hands, I lift her head up and down my cock at the pace I want. The entire time she applies just the right amount of suction. “That’s it, baby. Fuck, your mouth feels so damn good,” I whisper words of encouragement to her, letting her know just what I like.

Her big, blue eyes look up into mine and I just about come in her mouth right then and there. God, I love this woman.

When her teeth graze the underside of my cock, I pull back and clench my muscles. I can’t believe I almost exploded with no warning. I haven’t had that problem since I was a teenager.

I stand us both up and use my upper body to force her to lie back onto the table. I kiss her reverently, trying to show her without words that I love her. My hand slips between us and starts to rub her clit. I can feel her wetness and it makes me want to roar with satisfaction that she is this turned on by giving me head.

My mouth journeys down her neck and back to her perfect tits. “Are you on the pill?” I ask in between licks and kisses.

“Ye… Yes,” she stutters when I bite her nipple and insert two fingers into her at the same time.

“I don’t want anything between us. I want to come inside you,” I murmur against her soft skin.

“I don’t know. You’ve been with a lot of women, Jacob.” Her words make my stomach twist painfully. I know what she’s saying is true, I just wish my past wasn’t able to come between us.

“Look at me,” I say keeping my fingers inside her, while my other hand forces her face up to meet mine. “I’ve always been careful. There are only two other people I have ever not worn a condom with, and I’ve been tested since them. I’ve been waiting to say something because I know you aren’t ready to hear it, but… this is it for me. You are it for me. I’m in this for the long haul. I want you to be mine, Kara.”

Tears swim in her eyes as she looks at me. I wait for her to make up her mind on whether or not she can trust me with this piece of herself. I really hope she can.

My heart soars when she reaches down and guides my dick to her opening, before wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling me into a passionate kiss. I slowly push inside her and savor the feeling of skin on skin. Once I’m fully seated in her, I look into her eyes and feel like I’ve finally come home. The feeling is momentous and floods my body. It is as if we are coming together as one. This beautiful woman lying beneath me owns my soul completely. I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason. If I hadn’t gone through all the shit this last year, I never would have found Kara. If I wasn’t forced to get my life on track, I never would have been worthy of her or able to give myself to her fully. I’d still be caught up in the ghosts of my past.

My forehead rests on hers. I desperately want to tell her that I love her, but the words are stuck in my throat. I pull back and rock forward again, slowly loving her with every inch of my body. We both pant and watch each other intently as we move together in perfect sync. I grab her hips and adjust her angle, so I can sink in deeper, knowing that each time I do, I’m grinding against her clit. She gasps, and she wraps her arms tighter around me as her orgasm starts. Her eyes roll into the back of her head, and I hold her tightly through it before I finally let go myself. I close my eyes and drop my weight to her once I’ve released myself completely inside her.

“Kara, I lo–”

She cuts me off by putting her hand over my mouth.

“Please don’t ruin what just happened with words,” she begs. Her eyes are pleading with me. I’m utterly clueless as to why she doesn’t want me to say it. Maybe I should have gone with my initial instinct that it was too soon.

“Okay,” I agree and then help her up from the table. “I think we should both go take a shower and then curl up in bed to watch television.”

“Sounds good. I’ll just blow out the candles and pick up the dishes. Go get the water ready,” she says quickly. I frown at the tone of her voice. It sounds like she is trying to distance herself from me.

“Just don’t take too long,” I reply before heading to the bathroom.

I walk into the bathroom and when I look at the jacuzzi tub, I decide I’d rather take a bath with Kara than a shower. I start the water running and search under the sink for the bubble bath that Emma had brought for the girls once upon a time. I find the bottle and sniff it, smelling the scent of strawberries. Well, that’s way better than being stuck with something like cotton candy. I pour a liberal amount in the water as it flows from the tap.

Once the water starts to bubble and foam, I sit on the edge of the tub and wait for Kara. Women confuse the piss out of me. One minute we’re riding a mutual high and the bond we forged is strong and thriving. The next minute she’s telling me to shut up and trying to get away from me. I wonder if she was overwhelmed by the strength of her feelings. If I hadn’t had time to work through mine with my shrink, I might have reacted the same way. Dr. Spears helped me over the last couple of months to come to terms with the fact that I love Kara.

I shake my head. I acted far worse than she just did when I realized I cared about her, but thought I wasn’t good for her. Resolved to give her some time to come to terms with how our relationship is changing, I reach over and turn off the faucet.

“Kara, you coming?” I call out.

“Be right there!” She shouts back from the hallway.

I watch in silence as she struts her naked self into the bathroom. She looks like a goddess with her long, flowing curls and the satisfied look on her face.

“Sorry, I wanted to start the dishwasher. Oh! A bath? Good call,” she says with her eyes alight. I take her hand and lower her into the tub. She scoots forward and makes room for me to settle behind her. When my butt hits the tub, I pull her back against my chest and take both her hands in my hands. She wraps her legs around mine and there is a barely an inch of our bodies that isn’t touching.

“Do you want to talk about what’s going on with work? You’ve been putting in long hours and I know you’re getting frustrated,” Kara says, wrapping our arms around her middle.

I sigh not wanting to think about work. I know where she’s coming from though. It’s hard to keep all this fucked up shit to yourself. It is a good sign for our future that she’s intuitive enough to know when I need to unload. It takes a special person to be a cop’s wife.

“We’re trying to catch a serial killer. His M.O. is raping, beating and then strangling the women. Problem is, he’s a clean freak and sterilizes the scene before he leaves. We have nothing to go on. I am frustrated and every time we get word that there is a new victim, I feel like a failure. I feel like if we moved faster, then their lives could have been saved. I know it’s irrational to think that way, but I can’t help it.” I wrap my arms tighter around her.

“You’ll catch him. I know you will. I have faith in you and so does your Captain. He wouldn’t have kept you on the case if he didn’t. This guy will screw up and when he does, you’ll be all over it. Try not to beat yourself up too much. You’re doing the best that you can given the limited information you have to go on.”

“Thank you,” I murmur and kiss her hair. “Being here with you, just like this, is all I need to feel better.”

“We need to talk about Cory,” she whispers and squeezes my hands.

“Do we have to?” I ask lightly, trying not to let on how badly I want to kill the fucker for scaring her.

“I got a phone call at work today.” The second she says that my whole body tenses.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” I ask, my voice straining. I’m really trying to not let on how much this is bothering me.

“I didn’t want to ruin our night. He called to tell me that he hasn’t forgotten me. He said he still thinks about my, well… you know,” she whispers the last part quietly, not wanting to say the words out loud.

” I explode. “I need to call Mack and get a trace on the number that he called from,” I say trying to stand up, but Kara keeps a tight hold on me.

“There’s nothing you can do now. You can call Mack when we’re done. Let’s change the subject. I want you to relax.” Kara leans back, and I force my body to relax again.

I start kissing her shoulder and up her neck, before nipping her earlobe. “I know the best way to feel sated and relaxed,” I whisper in her ear and elicit a shiver from her.

Now that I’ve had her again, I feel compelled to have more of her. I could make love to her all day, every day and it probably still wouldn’t be enough.

Kara tilts her head giving me better access. I suck on her neck, leaving a little mark there. She turns around in my arms, running her hands down my chest to my anxiously awaiting cock. Her hand wraps around me and pumps slowly while we kiss. Kara lifts up and straddles me while I help guide her down my shaft. And just like that thoughts of Cory and serial killers are wiped from my brain while I make sweet love to my girl.

And when we’re spent and our skin is pruned by the water, we dry each other off and collapse in bed, whispering sweet nothings to each other before making love again. My last thought before passing out from exhaustion, is that I could do this every day for the rest of my life.


Chapter Nineteen





“Miss Andrews, can I talk to you for a minute?” Jerome asks quietly. He’s standing in the doorway to my office with his hands in his pockets, looking sad and forlorn. At sixteen, Jerome has transformed from a wannabe thug to an ‘A’ student with college dreams. It’s hard to believe it has only been two short years since we first met him.

BOOK: His Ever After (Love Square)
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