His Last Name (14 page)

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Authors: Daaimah S. Poole

BOOK: His Last Name
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“Whatever, Jabril.”
never realized how much I missed my mom until I got her back. She, Raven, and I had been having girls' time going to the movies, bowling, and we took Raven to her first concert in the park. Slowly, it was becoming more normal. I loved having her and my aunt home to cook and clean. Ms. Valerie has been letting me get Raven more. I even got her during the school week. Since I had help now from Aunt Rhonda and Mom, it made everything so easy.
“Mom-mom Trisha, don't be sad. I'll be back,” Raven said as we walked toward the door.
“Okay. Little Raven, when you come back over, you have to show your mom-mom more phone stuff. I might forget.”
“No, Mom-mom Trisha, you have to remember everything I already showed you. Practice makes perfect.” We both laughed at Raven's young wisdom. My daughter was so smart for her age, and I knew that—unlike me—she was going to college and would grow up to be something big, like a lawyer or something.
Once we were in the car, I told Raven to put on her seat belt.
“Mom, my friends live with their mom. And their moms go to work like you, but they come home every day. Why don't you come home every day? And why don't I live with you?”
“Because I have a different type of job, Raven.”
“And, Mommy, all these years, why I never saw Mom-mom Trisha?”
“Because she lived somewhere else.”
“Oh. I have so many mom-moms, and a dad, and a pop-pop!”
“That's because you are special.” I tried to change the subject. I was starting to feel guilty about having my daughter live with her grandmom, and I would have to make a change soon.
After dropping Raven off at school, I came back home and saw Courtney on the sofa showing my mom old pictures of us.
“Hey, Shani. I'm here to pick my mom up. Don't worry, I'm not staying.”
“My boyfriend's in the car. Come meet him.” I didn't care about her boyfriend or her, but I walked outside and waved. He looked young and broke, which meant he was perfect for Courtney. I wasn't sure why Courtney didn't get the hint that I didn't fuck with her like that yet. She knew I could hold a grudge forever. When we were kids, if someone stepped on my shoe by accident, I would hate them for years. So she had to know I would never forgive her.
Once Aunt Rhonda left with Courtney, my mom began to question me about the shade that I had thrown at my cousin.
“Why are you so mean to her?”
“She went on the radio discussing my business.”
“I understand, but everyone should get a second chance. She comes in here and just about kisses your ass to be your friend.”
“Mom, please don't ask me about Courtney. I don't mess with her and that's it.” I was still getting to know my mother, and she was still getting to know me. I didn't have time to explain anything to Trisha. I had to pack and go see Deuce. Then right after seeing him I had to meet up with the producers for the show. It would be the first time the cameras from
Eye Candy Queens: The Come-up
would be following me. Before I left for a party I was hosting in Dallas, I had to go spend some time with my teddy bear, Deuce. I had grown to be very “in like” with Deuce. He was a gift-giver, and I had accepted everything except his big old belly. I tried to tell him to go to the gym, but he just might need to get some weight-loss surgery instead. I didn't know. I could see past it because it doesn't stand in the way of anything. The first time we had sex, I was frightened. I thought he was going to pull out this little dick and I was going to have to fake like I could feel it, but I was surprisingly wrong. He put it down. To my surprise, underneath that stomach, he was packing and ate pussy like a pro. Deuce and I were supposed to meet for dinner, but he said something had come up with Don Santos's overseas tour dates. He asked me to meet him at his office.
When I arrived, I spoke to Ms. Patricia at the front desk and walked into his corner office. As soon as I walked through his door, he grabbed my waist and a handful of my ass. “What's up, beautiful?” He kissed me and began to apologize.
“Sorry, I'm behind schedule. Don's manager didn't get one of the DJs his passport and visa, so I'm trying to see what I can do. It's not my job, but I want the best stage show possible.”
“It's okay because you already know you have to make this up to me.”
“I'm already ahead of you. I brought you something for your trip to Dallas.”
“You did? You know how I love gifts. What's in the boxes?”
In the corner were two big white boxes with huge red bows. I opened them to see a three-piece classic Louis Vuitton luggage set.
“Thank you, Deuce,” I said, hugging him tightly.
“You're welcome. Did you miss me?”
“How much?” He walked behind me, kissed my shoulder. I pulled off my jeans and took down my thong. He then bit my neck and breasts and played with my pussy. He stopped right before I was ready to cum and locked the door. When he came back to his desk I licked his bald head and sucked on his chest. I cupped and massaged his balls until his dick was fully hard. I grabbed my breasts and played with them and spread my legs wide open and waited in anticipation for his dick to enter. He reached into his duffel bag and fumbled for a condom. He slid the condom on and penetrated my walls until he couldn't take anymore. He came in a loud convulsion. He was out of breath, but I was fulfilled. I slid off the table and fixed my clothes. He tried to gather his thoughts.
“See? I told you I missed you.”
“Ah, Shanice. Girl, what am I going to do with you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“I'm talking about I don't like you leaving me. Don't give my pussy away or be in anyone's face. I'm not joking.” He grabbed my face and gave me a sloppy kiss again.
“I'm not. When you met me, I didn't, did I?”
“No, but I know these dudes try you every night.”
“Deuce, I know. I got it.”
“Honestly, I'm tired of all your hosting and traveling.”
“It's my job, Deuce.”
“I know. I'm not going to stand in your way of getting money, but we are going to have to make some adjustments. I need you here with me, not flying all around the country.”
“Deuce, I'm going and coming right back. You know we're filming for the show.”
“I know, I'm proud of you. Have a safe trip and look inside of your suitcase when you get home.”
“Okay.” I kissed his face and reassured him that when I returned, he would get some love and attention.
“And I got you that luggage because I'm going to Dubai in a few weeks, and you are going with me.”
“I love how you never ask me. You just tell where I'm going.”
“You do like being told what to do. That's my job. But I'll ask you anyway: Shanice, will you accompany me to Dubai? Also, I want you to be my main chick, then you won't have to do all that traveling . . .”
“Main chick. I better be your only chick.” I laughed. “I'll give you an answer to both when I return. I promise. As soon as I get back from Dallas.”
“No, I need my baby here with me tonight. Your flight doesn't leave until the afternoon. Stay with me.”
“Okay, Deuce.” I wanted to say yes, but I didn't want to rush into a relationship with him. We had only known each other for a couple of months and I wasn't sure he was the one. Yes, he was buying me gifts, but so did every guy with money. I still wanted to keep my options open.
made it home just in time to pack. Courtney was sitting in the living room with Aunt Rhonda and my mom. I came and gave everyone a hug—except for Courtney.
“Where you going now?” Aunt Rhonda asked.
“To Dallas. I have to pack.”
Courtney volunteered to help me and followed me up the steps. I threw my new luggage on the bed. I only needed one bag. I was only staying for one night. I looked on my phone, and it was ninety degrees there. I packed nothing but a dress and a pair of shorts and t-shirt for the airport.
“You stay with nice shit. This suitcase cost like four thousand by itself. What do you want me to pack?” She opened the suitcase and a stack of hundreds fell out.
“Shani, did you know that was in there?”
“Yeah, uhm, thanks.” I really wanted to tell her to just get out of my way. “You know what? You can grab my flat irons.”
She came back in with my hair products and flat irons. Then she went right back to being nosy Courtney.
“So who gave you all that money? You still mess with that guy Jabril?” Her saying Jabril's name stirred something in me. I hadn't been thinking about him lately, and I wanted to keep it that way.
“No. I been stop dealing with him. Stop asking me shit. And why should I tell you anything anyway? What, do want to run and tell my business again?”
“Shani, I'm not like that anymore. I got your back. I'm sorry. I'm real sorry. How long are you going to hold on to the past? We're family, and you have to let it go.”
“I'll think about it.” I have to admit, having family around actually felt good. I thought that maybe I could forgive Courtney.
I texted my teddy bear from the airport. I had plenty of time to text because my flight was delayed due to a thunderstorm. By the time I made it to Dallas, there wasn't enough time to go to the hotel. I had to change into my sexy dress and do my makeup in the airport bathroom. It was muggy, and all my curls had dropped. Then I got a message that the camera crew was stuck in New York and they wouldn't be filming tonight. At that point, I didn't care about the party anymore. I was going to get to the club, say hey, pick up my check, and leave.
Club Standard was halfway empty and it was 12:30. I already knew I was going to dip out by one. For some reason, I wasn't feeling the scene. I never thought that clubbing would get old, but after a while, it does.
The promoter, Kyle, tried to apologize for the low turnout. He had no idea how happy I was. I was even thinking about seeing if I could get on an earlier flight.
“No problem.”
“Yeah, but give it another half hour or so and it will get good. I'm going to need you to announce this birthday. This NBA player that just signed with the Hornets.”
“The Charlotte Hornets?”
That is the team Jabril plays for
, I thought. “Did they have a game tonight?”
“Yeah, it's the end of the Elite League, and this is their after party. So when they get here, the club will fill up.”
I wondered if Jabril was coming tonight. I excused myself and went to the bathroom. In that moment, I understood the expression “if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready.” I looked a mess and if Jabril was going to be in this club, he couldn't see me like this. I applied lipstick, retouched my foundation, and fixed my hair as best I could.
I drank four shots of Pineapple Cîroc and then waited. Just like Kyle said, the club became packed as I saw the team walk in one by one. The first guy wasn't Jabril, and neither was the second guy . . . or the fifth . . . or sixth . . . or seventh. I was hype for nothing. I got another shot. Then, in the back behind security, I saw my baby. I don't know what held me back. I wanted to run up to him, kiss him, and wrap my legs around him. It was the first time I saw him in living color in almost two years.
My excitement quickly turned into anger. Why had he avoided me? Why hadn't he ever checked on me? Didn't I mean something to him? I needed my questions answered, and I needed to know now.
I didn't care that we were in a crowded club with loud music blasting. I was going to finally have that one-on-one conversation with him. I deserved that, and he owed me. If he said to leave him alone and not to contact him again, I would do that. But I knew that he wouldn't. I knew he had to care about me. He could have treated me like all the others, but he didn't.
I approached the area he was seated in. I stood in front of him and said, “Jabril.” He glanced at me, trying to make out who had called him in the dark club. It took him a few minutes to process who I was. He stood up and gave me a friendly hug.
“What are you doing here?”
“I'm in town. I'm hosting this party tonight.”
“Cool. Good seeing you,” he said, and then walked away to a VIP area where the rest of his team was posted up.
I couldn't think anymore. It had to be fate. Out of all the clubs, in all the cities, on all the nights, and they asked me to host this one. I was going to say something else to him when Kyle pulled me to the stage and asked me to announce that the team was in the building. I stepped onto the stage, said something fast, and dropped the microphone. I left the stage and walked to the area where Jabril was.
“Can I talk to you, Jabril?”
He pulled out his phone and said, “Give me your number.”
“No, I want to talk to you right now!”
He looked around at the guys he was with. “This isn't really a good time.” I wasn't taking no for an answer. He followed me to an area in the back of the club. It wasn't exactly the place I wanted to have a heart-to-heart, but it would have to do.
“Why haven't you called me? I called and texted you so many times.”
“I don't know. I been changed my number,” he said, looking around to see who was tuned in to our discussion.
I looked directly in his eyes, and I couldn't tell if he still loved me or not. I didn't have anything to lose. I had to tell him how I really felt.
“Jabril, I never stopped thinking about you. You've been on my mind. I need you. Seeing you tonight is a confirmation that my feelings haven't changed. I miss you. I love you, and no one has ever made me feel the way you did. Do you miss me? Do you love me?”
“I did, but, you know, I'm happily married now . . .”
“Yeah. I know, but we were still good friends. We had some good times, right? I just want to be there for you.”
“Shanice, I was feeling you back then, but after everything that went down, I changed. I can't go back down that path. I can't afford it. And I don't need any drama in my life.”
“What does that mean? I took that case for you. I never brought you drama.”
“It means I am doing everything the right way now. I only have a drink every now and then. Not really smoking. Since I've been married, I don't cheat. So I doubt that I can be that type of friend to you again.”
“I understand. Well, maybe I can just call you from time to time.”
“We can do that, but I can't give you anything else.” He inserted his new area code and number in my phone and I felt victorious. I didn't get to take him back to my hotel room, but I had his number and that was a start.

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